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Troubleshooting e-forms installation in Crystal Reports or with Windows NT Workstation

If the e-forms do not print, the following steps can isolate the problem to one of the Printer, Workstation, or Server.

  1. Server/PMS system: You can quickly test to see if the workstation and printer are ok by clicking on Start / Programs / Accessories / Wordpad. Type "HELLO" and then select that text by dragging the mouse over it. Use the Format / Font menu to select the EFPlus font for the form you want to test.  (Note: OnQ5 can be set to use either Folio21 OR Folio25. Properties that use the Registraton Keypacket will use RegKey41 and those that print registrations on plain white paper will use OldReg51. Statements will be efplus netstmt31 or detstmt32). Select File / Print. Verify that the printer selected is the one installed for eForms. After the page prints, if you see HELLO and nothing else, the workstation OR printer are a problem (the server may still be a second problem). If the form prints, then the problem is the server. In general, EFPlus is NOT able to help with server related problems although we are more than happy to help diagnose them and suggest corrective action.
    If the Workstation and Printer are ok, OnQ users might verify that the "Print pre-reg and check out forms using VB" option is NOT enabled in Start / Programs / System 21 / Database Maintenance / Hotel Defaults / Reciept Printing. See: Configure System 21 to use the new printer for more information.
    Also make sure the eForms driver is selected under File / Printer assignements in the Reports list. In OnQ2, the "Registration / Keypacket Printer" should be set to "unassigned" if registrations will be printed on plain white paper. In that case, both registrations and reciepts will print to the printer selected as the "Folio Paper Printer". Statements and Invoices will print to the White Paper Printer.
  2. Printer: If you have another printer that does print eForms correctly, the easiest way to separate problems with the printer from problems with the workstation is to swap the working printer and eForms device with the one at the workstation that is not working. If you want to test just one printer this next test will absolutly verify if the problem is in the eForms device or not. This example tests the standard folio form (ID #21); for other forms change the 21's to 25 for OnQ5 folios, 31 or 32 for statements, 41 for key packets, 51 for plain paper registrations and so on.

    You can also make a file that can be saved and copied to the printer as needed:

  3. Workstation. If some workstations are able to print any of the eforms, then at least part of the problem is most likely with the workstations that cannot or with their printers. If you have a working workstation and printer, the easiest way to separate problems with the workstation from problems with the printer is to swap the working printer with the one at the workstation that is not working.

    If none of the workstations can print e-forms, then the problem is more likely to be in the server.

    This test will absolutly verify if the problem is in the workstation.

Other little known or rare issues.

Logos print double size: The printer or driver or application is setting the maximum resolution to 300 dpi and the 600 dpi logo is then printed at twice the correct size. Reset print driver / printer to factory defaults. On a Windows printer driver, right click and select Printing Preferences then change Quick Sets to Factory Defaults. In a non-windows system, reset the printer to factory defaults. This will be different for each printer.

file: /Techref/language/pcl/efntws40t.htm, 10KB, , updated: 2009/3/30 15:22, local time: 2024/9/29 01:23,

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