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e-Forms installation for Hilton brand hotels OnQ Users

Install the e-Forms fonts.

It may be easier to use a printout to complete this part of the installation. When you have finished continue with the next step: Configure OnQ to use the new printer.

  1. Click on Start / Settings / Printers (in Windows XP click on Start / Printers and Faxes ) and then use the right mouse button to click on the print that has "LJ4n" in its name (this may be HPLJ4n or Hilton HP LJ4n) and select the Properties item from the popup menu. You can also click once on the printer icon and then select File / Properties from the menu or double click on the printer icon and then select Printer / Properties from the document que menu.
    Start / Settings / Printers, Right click and select Printer Properties
  2. Click on the Configure tab on the far right. If the Configure tab is displayed, but you can't click on it, you will need to click on Cancel then Start / Shutdown / Close all programs... and then log on as a supervisor and start over.
    If the far right tab is "Device Settings" rather than "Configure" then you have the Microsoft version of the HP Laserjet 4 driver installed, which does NOT support e-Forms. You can try the other printer drivers in the list but you will probably need to go back and Install an updated e-Forms capable printer driver.

  3. In the Configure tab, look in the Fonts area at the Font DIMM(s) checkbox.
  4. In the Configure Font DIMMs dialog, look at the Installed DIMMs: area.

    If you see EFPlus eForms, click on it and verify that a list of form names appears in the Fonts on DIMM: area with the word (Enabled) to the right of each form.

    If you do not see EFPlus eForms in the Installed DIMMs area, click on the Add... button.


  5. In the Add Font DIMM dialog... on the Browse... button. The font files are available on the X drive at X:\drivers\efpforms\efps21d.pcm
    Pull down the Look in list and change it to the X: drive (this should show up as "Install on XXXXServer (X:)" where the XXXX is your hotel code).
    Double click on the Drivers folder and then on the efpforms folder. Highlight the efps21d.pcm file by clicking on it and press Open.
    NOTE:If you don't already have it on the X: drive, please request the efps21d.pcm from our secure web archive by pressing the "Send" Button or by clicking on Start / Programs / Internet Explorer and then going to Save the file to a floppy disk and then continue with the installation instructions below.

  6. You should see EFPlus eForms in the Installed DIMMs: area, click on it and verify that a list of form names appears in the Fonts on DIMM: area with the word (Enabled) to the right of each form.

  7. Click on Ok and then close the Printer Properties dialog by clicking on Ok again.

Next: Configure OnQ to use the new printer. Last step!

file: /Techref/app/pms/system21/cd210/fontinst.htm, 5KB, , updated: 2009/1/22 14:19, local time: 2024/9/28 23:23,

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