Note : The TextRange object is Internet Explorer specific. See the Document Range object.
The TextRange object can be used to manipulate any of the document content. It represents one of the major additions to Dynamic HTML, especially considered against the W3C's 'Document Object Model' ( One of the more distinctive points of that specification is the ability to be able to manipulate document content through scripting, which the TextRange object more than adequately covers.
A TextRange object can be created by calling the
method from the
elements, or by using the
method on the users current selection through
the Selection
Object. The text in the resulting TextRange object can then be manipulate
in various ways.
The htmlText
property returns the contents of the referenced
TextRange object, with its HTML intact.
The text
property returns the contents of the referenced TextRange
object as plain text, regardless of any HTML formatting of the content.
For example, consider the following HTML fragment:
this is the <STRONG>contents</STRONG> of a TextRange object
The htmlText
property of the TextRange would be:
this is the <STRONG>contents</STRONG> of a TextRange object
whereas the text
property would be:
this is the contents of a TextRange object
The collapse
method sets an insertion point at either the beginning
), or end (collapse(false)
) of the
referenced TextRange object. Insertion points are useful, as then various
commands (see below) can be executed on the text
range to insert new element into the HTML. For example, select some of the
text below (the white paragraph) and then press the right mouse button. When
this happens the following script function is executed:
. . .
set selectedRange = document.selection.createRange()
selectedRange.execCommand "InsertHorizontalRule","HR1"
This creates a TextRange object from the current
Object, then forces the insertion point to the end of the resulting TextRange
object and inserts a
element with an ID
attribute/property setting of
Select some of the text, then press the right mouse button to insert a
The compareEndPoints
method can be used to compare the ends
(either starting, or finishing ends) of two TextRange objects and returns
a value of "-1", "0" or "1" depending on whether the compared TextRange object's
end point is greater than, equal to, or less than the referenced
The duplicate
method can be used to create a temporary copy
of a referenced TextRange object. For example:
set TR2 = TR1.duplicate()
would create a TextRange object TR2
that is a copy of the TextRange
object TR1
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific execCommand
method can be used to execute a number of commands over a TextRange object.
The syntax is:
Boolean = object.execCommand(command [, bool [, value]])
The possible Command Identifiers are:
Command | Description | Value |
BackColor | sets the background colour of the referenced text | #rrggbb|Colour name |
Bold | Wraps a <B> element around the referenced object |
- |
Copy | Copies the referenced object to the clipboard | - |
CreateBookmark | Wraps a <A NAME="..."> element around the referenced
object |
String - bookmark to use |
Create Link | Wraps a <A HREF="..."> element around the referenced
object |
String - URL for link |
Cut | Copies the referenced object to the clipboard, then removes it from the document | - |
Delete | Deletes the referenced object | - |
FontName | Sets the typeface for the referenced object | String - Font Name |
FontSize | Sets the font size for the referenced object | String - size |
ForeColor | Sets the foreground (i.e. text) colour for the referenced object | #rrggbb | Colour Name |
FormatBlock | Wraps a specified block-level element around the referenced object | String - block level element to use |
Indent | Indents the referenced object | - |
InsertButton | Inserts a <BUTTON> element at the current insertion
point |
String - ID value |
InsertFieldSet | Inserts a <FIELDSET> element at the current insertion
point |
String - ID value |
InsertHorizontalRule | Inserts a <HR> element at the current insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertIFrame | Inserts a <IFRAME> element at the current insertion
point |
String - SRC value |
InsertInputButton | Inserts a <INPUT TYPE="button"> element at the current
insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertInputCheckbox | Inserts a <INPUT TYPE="checkbox"> element at the current
insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertInputFileUpload | Inserts a <INPUT TYPE="FileUpload"> element at the
current insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertInputHidden | Inserts a <INPUT TYPE="hidden"> element at the current
insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertInputPassword | Inserts a <INPUT TYPE="password"> element at the current
insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertInputRadio | Inserts a <INPUT TYPE="radio"> element at the current
insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertInputReset | Inserts a <INPUT TYPE="reset"> element at the current
insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertInputSubmit | Inserts a <INPUT TYPE="submit"> element at the current
insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertInputText | Inserts a <INPUT TYPE="text"> element at the current
insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertMarquee | Inserts a <MARQUEE> element at the current insertion
point |
String - ID value |
InsertOrderedList | Inserts a <OL> element at the current insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertParagraph | Inserts a <P> element at the current insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertSelectDropdown | Inserts a <SELECT TYPE="dropdown"> element at the
current insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertSelectListbox | Inserts a <SELECT TYPE="Listbox"> element at the current
insertion point |
String - ID value |
InsertTextArea | Inserts a <TEXTAREA> element at the current insertion
point |
String - ID value |
InsertUnorderedList | Inserts a <IL> element at the current insertion point |
String - ID value |
Italic | Wraps a <I> element around the referenced object |
- |
JustifyCenter | Centers the referenced object | - |
JustifyFull | Full justifies the referenced object | - |
JustifyLeft | Left justifies the referenced object | - |
JustifyRight | Right justifies the referenced object | - |
Outdent | Outdents the referenced object | - |
OverWrite | Sets the typing mode - insert or over-write | Boolean - true=over-write, false=insert |
Paste | Places clipboard contents at the current insertion point (can only paste text copied by the copy command in script | - |
PlayImage | Starts playing any dynamic (i.e. video, animated GIF's etc) images with the referenced object | - |
Refresh | Reloads the source of the current document | - |
RemoveFormat | Removes formatting for the referenced object | - |
RemoveParaFormat | Removes any paragraph formatting for the referenced object | - |
SelectAll | Selects the whole document text | - |
StopImage | Stops playing of all dynamic images | - |
Underline | Wraps a <U> around the referenced object |
- |
Unlink | Removes a link | - |
Unselect | Empties any selections from the document | - |
Note : Different Command Identifiers are supported 4.0 for the TextRange object (or the Document Object object).
The expand
method expands a TextRange object to totally cover
any partial units. By using differing arguments, it can expand to cover
characters, words, sentences, or an entire editable text range. For example,
suppose the following is a users current text selection:
I'm only partly
would return true (i.e. bIsExpanded=true
) if the TextRange object
was successfully expanded to cover the whole of the word 'partly'. Note that
the expand
method expands the TextRange at both ends to cover
the amount specified in the method argument (this can be
, word
, sentence
The findText
method searches for text in the given TextRange
object and if it finds the text, positions the TextRange object around the
text. For example:
set TRange=document.body.createTextRange()
. . .
would search the whole document for the text "HTMLib".
The getBookmark
method can be used to create a 'bookmark' for
the referenced TextRange object, which can then be moved to later, using
the moveToBookmark
method (see below). This is useful when managing
an entire document as a TextRange object, because it allows script functions
to navigate back to certain points of the TextRange object.
The inRange
method allows a script function to determine where
a referenced TextRange object is contained within another TextRange object.
For example:
would return true (bIsIn=true
) is the TextRange TR1
was contained in the TextRange TR2
Two separate TextRange objects are deemed to be equal if they're start and
end points are the same position within the document content. The
method can be used to determine whether or not two TextRange
objects are considered equal.
would return true is the TextRange object TR1
is equal to the
TextRange object TR2
The move
method can be used to move a TextRange object by a
set number of units. Possible units are character
, sentence
or textedit
. The optional
argument count
can be used to move the TextRange a set number
of units. For example, click the button below. It'll create a TextRange (with
the button text), then move the text range 3 words, expand it by a word and
highlight the resulting TextRange object.
The script code is:
set Range=document.all("btn1").createTextRange()
Range.move "word",3
Range.expand "word"
Note : Moving the collapsed TextRange by three words positions its start point between the third and fourth words, so it's the fourth word that is selected and highlighted.
The moveEnd
method alters the size (and content) of the referenced
TextRange object by moving its end point by a set number of units (again,
these are character
, word
, sentence
and textedit
). For example, if we added:
Range.moveEnd "word",1
to the above example, it would highlight "very long" as the TextRange, instead of just "long".
Like the moveEnd
method, the moveStart
method changes
the start point of the referenced TextRange object (again in
, word
, sentence
, or
The moveToBookmark
moves the referenced TextRange object to
a bookmark, previously defined using the getBookmark
(described above).
The moveToElementText
method moves the referenced TextRange's
start and end points to encompass the text of any element contained in the
original TextRange object. For example, the button below contained some
text that contains some
emphasised text. Clicking it once will move the TextRange
(created from the whole button) to the contents of the
element, clicking it twice will move the TextRange
object to the text in the <EM>
It's clear how useful the moveToElementText
method could be
given TextRange objects that encompass an entire document. Any element in
the document could be made into a TextRange object, event though most elements
don't support direct TextRange object creation.
The moveToPoint
method can be used to create an initially empty
TextRange object whose start and end points are specified in the
and y
arguments of the method. The resulting
TextRange object can then be expanded (using the expand
(described above) or the moveEnd
and moveStart
methods to encompass a certain amount of text.
Every TextRange object has a parentElement
property that contains
a reference to the element that totally encloses the contents of the TextRange
element. The element object reference returned represents the lowest element
object (in the document hierarchy) that totally encloses the referenced
TextRange. For example, the parentElement
reference for any
selected TextRange objects in the
method, is the <P>
The pasteHTML
method pastes the given HTML string into the contents
of the referenced TextRange, over-writing the existing TextRange contents.
The pasteHTML
method will never fail, although to ensure the
best results, you should take care to only use correct HTML in the
method. For example
elements cannot be nested, so TextRange objects created from
elements should not have any
HTML inserted into them with the
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific
method allows you to determine whether a
specific command (as defined by its command
identifier is available for the referenced object. As mentioned before,
certain commands aren't available for the respective
Document Object
or Text Range objects, so the queryCommandEnabled
method should
be used to determine whether the command is enabled for the referenced object
before attempting to use the command. The queryCommandEnabled
method takes one argument, which should be a string containing one of the
Command Identifiers.
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific
method can be used to determine whether
a specific command is in the indeterminate state or not. It accepts one argument
- a string value containing the Command
Identifier in question.
The queryCommandState
method is used to determine the state
of any command issued with the execCommand
method (see above).
It returns true if the command was successfully carried out on the referenced
object, false if the command failed.
method can be used to determine whether
the command is currently on or off. It accepts a single argument of a string
value defining the Command Identifier to be
queried and returns a boolean value of true is the command is on for the
referenced object, or false if it isn't.
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific
method can be used to determine the the string
associated with a command. It accepts the standard string argument of the
Command Identifier together with a string
value which can be either Name
or StatusText
specified whether to return the short name of the command in question, or
the status bar text which may appear with the specific command.
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific
method can be used to determine the value
argument used in the execCommand
method. See the
Command Identifiers for details of the values
used with certain commands.
The scrollIntoView
method is one of the
Dynamic HTML methods and can be used to force the current viewing window
to scroll to a referenced TextRange object. It accepts a boolean argument
(true or false) which determines whether the window should be scrolled so
that the referenced TextRange object is at the top (true) or bottom (false)
of the window. For example, the button below will select the contents of
the <BUTTON>
element in the
method and scroll it into view, so that it's at the top of the viewing
The select
method highlights the referenced TextRange object
in whatever highlighting styles are set by the users system for highlighted
text (for example, text selected in a document). Note that if you change
the position of the range with e.g. moveEnd or other methods, those changes
are NOT seen by the user until you call the .select method.
The setEndPoint
method sets the end point of one TextRange object,
based on the contents of another TextRange object. It accepts two arguments
- one specifying which end points should be matched (this can be either
, StartToStart
, EndToStart
or EndToEnd
) and a reference to the TextRange object whose end
point is being matched.
© 1995-1998, Stephen Le Hunte
In FireFox, or other Mozilla based browsers, most of that is accomplised with:
textarea.selectionStart = start; textarea.selectionEnd = end; or textarea.setSelectionRange(start, end);
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="surroundText('[b]', '[/b]', document.post_form.msg_body); return false;">
where surroundText is defined as:
function surroundText(text1, text2, textarea) { // Can a text range be created? if (typeof(textarea.caretPos) != "undefined" && textarea.createTextRange) { var caretPos = textarea.caretPos; caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text1 + caretPos.text + text2 + ' ' : text1 + caretPos.text + text2;; } // Mozilla text range wrap. else if (typeof(textarea.selectionStart) != "undefined") { var begin = textarea.value.substr(0, textarea.selectionStart); var selection = textarea.value.substr(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd - textarea.selectionStart); var end = textarea.value.substr(textarea.selectionEnd); var newCursorPos = textarea.selectionStart; var scrollPos = textarea.scrollTop; textarea.value = begin + text1 + selection + text2 + end; if (textarea.setSelectionRange) { if (selection.length == 0) textarea.setSelectionRange(newCursorPos + text1.length, newCursorPos + text1.length); else textarea.setSelectionRange(newCursorPos, newCursorPos + text1.length + selection.length + text2.length); textarea.focus(); } textarea.scrollTop = scrollPos; } // Just put them on the end, then. else { textarea.value += text1 + text2; textarea.focus(textarea.value.length - 1); } }+
See also:
file: /Techref/language/html/ib/Scripting_Reference/trange.htm, 32KB, , updated: 2019/10/7 18:43, local time: 2025/3/9 07:48, IN
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