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Person Sheet

Name David Lee NEWTON
Birth 12 Jun 1937, Big Rapids, MI
Death 16 Dec 2016, White Cloud, MI
Occupation Machinist, Hanchett Manufacturing in Big Rapids
Education Big Rapids High School
Father Roy NEWTON Ph.D. (1904-1974)
Mother Dorothy Vernon CRAMMOND (1905-1981)
1 Linda SCOTT
Birth 18 Jul 1941
Occupation Housewife, Legal Secretary, volunteer coordinator
Children: Linda May (1970-)
Dawn (1972-)
David (1976-)
Last Modified 11 Nov 1999 Created 15 Mar 2003 by EasyTree for Windows

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David drying the dishes about 1952. Dorothy washed and David dried. (Note the holster at David's waist; he was probably playing outside before coming in to help with the dishes.) He and Jim took turns drying, and 10 years later Glen dried. To make it more interesting, Dorothy usually gave mental exercises while doing the dishes. For example, she took turns asking the boys to name the presidents in order or do chained calculations that she made up them to do in their heads. (E.g., start with 7; multiply it by 3; subtract 8; multiply it by 2; and what's the answer.)

This picture was probably taken on the front steps of Grandma Crammond’s house in Lansing. [Glen] hadn’t been born yet, and Dave and Jim were around 9 and 11. {Dorothy on the left, Grandma Crammond right, Dave center top, and Jim front}

Roy and David Newton. Thought to have been taken Oct 1941

David Newton. Thought to have been taken Oct 1941

David and Jim taken in the summer of 1941 by height markers on the garage. You can see that Jim had reached 4 ft. tall and David was about 3’ 5-1/2” tall.

David taken in the summer of 1941, judging from his fancy coat, it might have been taken on his 4th birthday.

July 1949 Jimmy, Dorothy, Dave in the back and Perry B, Eva, Charles E in the front.

Dave is checking the base plate to the top plate on being parallel from one to the other. Checking hinge-pin--45 degree angle on the 5" sine, permanent magnet. This 5 inch permanent single-angle sine sells for approximately $450. He is working on a black granite surface plate. The surface of this plate is .00005 level.

See also:

Roy Newton's Magic Crystal Prank +

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