;************************************************************************************* ;Program that communicates with a keypad and displays only * to mask the number. * ;This display indicates the mode that it is in. The six digit code is input and a * ;calculation is done to determine if the code is correct. * ;*********02/12/2003*****************15H15**********************************BJB******* ;************************************************************************************* ; Setup * ;************************************************************************************* LIST P=16F84A ;Processor type ERRORLEVEL -302 ;Suppress warning of bank 1 operands INCLUDE "P16F84A.INC" ; MYREG EQU 0X20 ; OUTPUT EQU 0X21 ;This reg for data reading to out pin MYREG1 EQU 0X22 ; MYREG2 EQU 0X23 ; COUNTER EQU 0X24 ; DIGITS EQU 0X25 ; FLASH1 EQU 0X28 ; DELAY2 EQU 0X29 ; DELAY3 EQU 0X2A ; COUNTER1 EQU 0X2B ; NUMBER1 EQU 0X2C ; NUMBER2 EQU 0X2D ; NUMBER3 EQU 0X2E ; NUMBER4 EQU 0X2F ; NUMBER5 EQU 0X30 ; NUMBER6 EQU 0X31 ; CODEDATA EQU 0X32 ; CLRF CODEDATA ; CLRF NUMBER1 ; CLRF NUMBER2 ; CLRF NUMBER3 ; CLRF NUMBER4 ; CLRF NUMBER5 ; CLRF NUMBER6 ; CLRF COUNTER ; CLRF OUTPUT ; CLRF MYREG ; CLRF MYREG1 ; CLRF MYREG2 ; CLRF DIGITS ; CLRF FLASH1 ; CLRF COUNTER1 ; BSF STATUS,5 ;Select bank 1 MOVLW 0X00 ;All outputs MOVWF TRISA ;Ditto MOVLW 0X0F ;Lower nibble is inputs MOVWF TRISB ;Ditto BCF STATUS,5 ;Back to bank 0 BCF PORTB,7 ;R/S Set to zero- command mode CLRF PORTA ;Ensure all outputs are at zero GOTO START ; ;************************************************************************************* ; Pinout use * ;************************************************************************************* ;PORTA , 0 is column 1 ;PORTA , 1 is column 2 ;PORTA , 2 is column 3 ;PORTB , 0 is scanning row 1 ;PORTB , 1 is scanning row 2 ;PORTB , 2 is scanning row 3 ;PORTB , 3 is scanning row 4 ;PORTB , 4 is clock output ;PORTB , 5 is serial output pin ;PORTB , 6 is enable ;PORTB , 7 is R/S pin ;************************************************************************************* ; Subroutines * ;************************************************************************************* ENABLE BSF PORTB,6 ;Set ENABLE pin high CALL DELAY ;Minimum setup time for the LCD BCF PORTB,6 ;Falling edge needed to trigger LCD CALL DELAY ;Kill some time RETURN ; DELAY MOVLW 0xFF ;Load 255 into W-register MOVWF MYREG ;Move this data into MYREG LOOP DECFSZ MYREG,1 ;Decrement MYREG, ans into MYREG GOTO LOOP ;Loop program till MYREG = 0 RETURN ; LONGDELAY MOVLW 0XFF ; MOVWF DELAY2 ; LOOP2 DECFSZ DELAY2,1 ; GOTO LDELAY ; RETURN ; LDELAY MOVLW 0XFF ; MOVWF DELAY3 ; LOOP3 DECFSZ DELAY3,1 ; GOTO LOOP3 ; GOTO LOOP2 ; DELAY1 MOVLW 0x60 ;Load 96 into W-register MOVWF MYREG2 ;Move this data into MYREG LOOP1 DECFSZ MYREG2,1 ;Decrement MYREG, ans into MYREG GOTO LOOP1 ;Loop program till MYREG = 0 RETURN CLOCK BCF PORTB,4 ;Ensure that *Clock starts at 0 BSF PORTB,4 ;Clock value HIGH CALL DELAY ;Kill some time BCF PORTB,4 ;Falling edge *Clock CALL DELAY ;Kill some time RETURN ; SERIAL MOVWF OUTPUT ;Moved data from W to OUTPUT reg SERIAL1 BCF PORTB,5 ;Ensure that SERIAL pin starts @ 0 MOVLW 0x04 ;There are 4 bits to a nibble MOVWF MYREG1 ;Nibble control for escape TEST BTFSC OUTPUT,7 ;Test data bit 7 BSF PORTB,5 ;SET SERIAL pin to 1 CALL CLOCK ;Clock the data to shift register BCF PORTB,5 ;Reset SERIAL pin for next test RLF OUTPUT,1 ;Rotate the OUTPUT register left DECFSZ MYREG1,1 ;Decrement MYREG1, ans into MYREG1 GOTO TEST ;Do next bit of the word till all done CALL ENABLE ;Enable the LCD to read the data RETURN ;Escape after the word is output EX1 MOVF CODEDATA,0 ;Move data to w_reg MOVWF NUMBER1 ;Move to number1 reg RETURN ; EX2 MOVF CODEDATA,0 ;Move data to w_reg MOVWF NUMBER2 ;Move to number2 reg RETURN ; EX3 MOVF CODEDATA,0 ;Move data to w_reg MOVWF NUMBER3 ;Move to number3 reg RETURN ; EX4 MOVF CODEDATA,0 ;Move data to w_reg MOVWF NUMBER4 ;Move to number4 reg RETURN ; EX5 MOVF CODEDATA,0 ;Move data to w_reg MOVWF NUMBER5 ;Move to number5 reg RETURN ; EX6 MOVF CODEDATA,0 ;Move data to w_reg MOVWF NUMBER6 ;Move to number6 reg GOTO CHECK ; ;************************************************************************************* ; LCD Initialise * ;************************************************************************************* START MOVLW 0x20 ;4 bit CALL SERIAL ;Move this data to the shift register MOVLW 0x28 ;4 bit, 2 line, 7x5 matrix CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0x0C ;Disp ON, no cursor CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0x02 ;Display & curser home CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0x01 ;Clear display CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0XC0 ;Address 40 CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot ; ;************************************************************************************* ; INTRO * ;************************************************************************************* MOVLW 0X03 ;This is for three tries MOVWF COUNTER1 ;Counter for amount of attempts ZERO BSF PORTB,7 ;Character mode MOVLW 'D' ;D CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'i' ;i CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 's' ;s CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW '-' ;- CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'a' ;a CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'r' ;r CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'm' ;m CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'i' ;i CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'n' ;n CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'g' ;g CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW ' ' ; CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'C' ;C CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'o' ;o CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'd' ;d CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'e' ;e CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW '?' ;? CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode MOVLW 0X85 ;Address CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot ;************************************************************************************* ; MAIN * ;************************************************************************************* CLEARS MOVLW 0X06 ;Setup maximum digits used MOVWF DIGITS ;This is the max digit used reg TESTDATA MOVF DIGITS,0 ;Re-input number of digits left into W MOVWF DIGITS ;After movf, leave a copy again in DIGITS XORLW 0X06 ;Has a digit been input ? BTFSC STATUS,Z ;Well, has it CLRF CODEDATA ;Ensure that reg CODEDATA is empty MOVF DIGITS,0 ;Re-input number of digits left into W MOVWF DIGITS ;Re-input number of digits left into W XORLW 0X05 ;2nd digit to follow ? BTFSC STATUS,Z ;Well, is it ? CALL EX1 ;Put the numeric value into the correct ;NUMBER register MOVF DIGITS,0 ;Re-input number of digits left into W MOVWF DIGITS ;Re-input number of digits left into W XORLW 0X04 ;3rd digit to follow ? BTFSC STATUS,Z ;Well, is it ? CALL EX2 ;Put the numeric value into the correct ;NUMBER register MOVF DIGITS,0 ;Re-input number of digits left into W MOVWF DIGITS ;Re-input number of digits left into W XORLW 0X03 ;4th digit to follow ? BTFSC STATUS,Z ;Well, is it ? CALL EX3 ;Put the numeric value into the correct ;NUMBER register MOVF DIGITS,0 ;Re-input number of digits left into W MOVWF DIGITS ;Re-input number of digits left into W XORLW 0X02 ;5th digit to follow ? BTFSC STATUS,Z ;Well, is it ? CALL EX4 ;Put the numeric value into the correct ;NUMBER register MOVF DIGITS,0 ;Re-input number of digits left into W MOVWF DIGITS ;Re-input number of digits left into W XORLW 0X01 ;6th digit to follow ? BTFSC STATUS,Z ;Well, is it ? CALL EX5 ;Put the numeric value into the correct ;NUMBER register MOVF DIGITS,0 ;Re-input number of digits left into W MOVWF DIGITS ;Re-input number of digits left into W XORLW 0X00 ;All six digits in ? BTFSC STATUS,Z ;Well, is it ? GOTO EX6 ;Put the numeric value into the correct ;NUMBER register BSF PORTA,0 ;Poke column 1 high CALL DETERMINE ;Check PORTB lower nibble for change BCF PORTA,0 ;Clear column 1 BSF PORTA,1 ;Poke column 2 high CALL DETERMINE ;Check PORTB lower nibble for change BCF PORTA,1 ;Clear column 2 BSF PORTA,2 ;Poke column 3 high CALL DETERMINE ;Check PORTB lower nibble for change BCF PORTA,2 ;Clear column 3 GOTO TESTDATA ;Loop, check everything again ;************************************************************************************* ; CALCULATION * ;************************************************************************************* CHECK MOVF NUMBER1,0 ;Put numeric input 1 into W register XORLW 0X05 ;Is the first saved value 5? BTFSS STATUS,Z ;Well, is it ? GOTO LOCKED ;No? start from scratch MOVF NUMBER2,0 ;Put numeric input 2 into W register XORLW 0X09 ;Is the second saved value 9? BTFSS STATUS,Z ;Well, is it ? GOTO LOCKED ;No? start from scratch MOVF NUMBER3,0 ;Put numeric input 3 into W register XORLW 0X07 ;Is the third saved value 7? BTFSS STATUS,Z ;Well, is it ? GOTO LOCKED ;No? start from scratch MOVF NUMBER4,0 ;Put numeric input 4 into W register XORLW 0X05 ;Is the fourth saved value 5? BTFSS STATUS,Z ;Well, is it ? GOTO LOCKED ;No? start from scratch MOVF NUMBER5,0 ;Put numeric input 5 into W register XORLW 0X03 ;Is the fifth saved value 3? BTFSS STATUS,Z ;Well, is it ? GOTO LOCKED ;No? start from scratch MOVF NUMBER6,0 ;Put numeric input 6 into W register XORLW 0X01 ;Is the sixth saved value 1? BTFSS STATUS,Z ;Well, is it ? GOTO LOCKED ;No? start from scratch GOTO TWO ;Good the code is correct ;************************************************************************************* ; DETERMINATION * ;************************************************************************************* DETERMINE BTFSC PORTB,0 ;Check first row GOTO DEBOUNCE ;Run debounce subroutine BTFSC PORTB,1 ;Check second row GOTO DEBOUNCE1 ;Run debounce routine BTFSC PORTB,2 ;Check third row GOTO DEBOUNCE2 ;Run debounce routine BTFSC PORTB,3 ;Check fouth row GOTO DEBOUNCE3 ;Run debounce routine RETURN ; DEBOUNCE MOVLW 0X04 ;The amount of samples MOVWF COUNTER ;The sample register TESTING CALL DELAY1 ;Kill some time BTFSS PORTB,0 ;Re-check this bit GOTO START ;False trigger, escape to start DECFSZ COUNTER,1 ;Re-sample 4 times GOTO TESTING ;Ditto TEST1 BTFSC PORTB,0 ;Wait for release GOTO TEST1 ;Ditto BSF PORTB,7 ;R/S set to 1 for character display BTFSC PORTA,0 ;Was it the first column? GOTO i1 ;This is the character (without i ) BTFSC PORTA,1 ;Was it the second column? GOTO i2 ;This is the character (without i ) BTFSC PORTA,2 ;Was it the third column? GOTO i3 ;This is the character (without i ) GOTO START ; i1 MOVLW '*' ;* CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X01 ;Numeric value 1 MOVWF CODEDATA ;Save data for manipulation DECF DIGITS,1 ;Reduce digits register BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode GOTO TESTDATA ;Redo the keypad scanning i2 MOVLW '*' ;* CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X02 ;Numeric value 2 MOVWF CODEDATA ;Save data for manipulation DECF DIGITS,1 ;Reduce digits register BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode GOTO TESTDATA ;Redo the keypad scanning i3 MOVLW '*' ;* CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X03 ;Numeric value 3 MOVWF CODEDATA ;Save data for manipulation DECF DIGITS,1 ;Reduce digits register BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode GOTO TESTDATA ;Redo the keypad scanning DEBOUNCE1 MOVLW 0X04 ;The amount of samples MOVWF COUNTER ;The sample register TESTING1 CALL DELAY1 ;Kill some time BTFSS PORTB,1 ;Re-check this bit GOTO START ;False trigger, escape to start DECFSZ COUNTER,1 ;Re-sample 4 times GOTO TESTING1 ;Ditto TEST2 BTFSC PORTB,1 ;Wait for release GOTO TEST2 ;Ditto BSF PORTB,7 ;R/S set to 1 for character display BTFSC PORTA,0 ;Was it the first column? GOTO i4 ;This is the character (without i ) BTFSC PORTA,1 ;Was it the second column? GOTO i5 ;This is the character (without i ) BTFSC PORTA,2 ;Was it the third column? GOTO i6 ;This is the character (without i ) GOTO START ; i4 MOVLW '*' ;* CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X04 ;Numeric value 4 MOVWF CODEDATA ;Save data for manipulation DECF DIGITS,1 ;Reduce digits register BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode GOTO TESTDATA ;Redo the keypad scanning i5 MOVLW '*' ;* CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X05 ;Numeric value 5 MOVWF CODEDATA ;Save data for manipulation DECF DIGITS,1 ;Reduce digits register BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode GOTO TESTDATA ;Redo the keypad scanning i6 MOVLW '*' ;* CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X06 ;Numeric value 6 MOVWF CODEDATA ;Save data for manipulation DECF DIGITS,1 ;Reduce digits register BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode GOTO TESTDATA ;Redo the keypad scanning DEBOUNCE2 MOVLW 0X04 ;The amount of samples MOVWF COUNTER ;The sample register TESTING2 CALL DELAY1 ;Kill some time BTFSS PORTB,2 ;Re-check this bit GOTO START ;False trigger, escape to start DECFSZ COUNTER,1 ;Re-sample 4 times GOTO TESTING2 ;Ditto TEST3 BTFSC PORTB,2 ;Wait for release GOTO TEST3 ;Ditto BSF PORTB,7 ;R/S set to 1 for character display BTFSC PORTA,0 ;Was it the first column? GOTO i7 ;This is the character (without i ) BTFSC PORTA,1 ;Was it the second column? GOTO i8 ;This is the character (without i ) BTFSC PORTA,2 ;Was it the third column? GOTO i9 ;This is the character (without i ) GOTO START ; i7 MOVLW '*' ;* CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X07 ;Numeric value 7 MOVWF CODEDATA ;Save data for manipulation DECF DIGITS,1 ;Reduce digits register BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode GOTO TESTDATA ;Redo the keypad scanning i8 MOVLW '*' ;* CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X08 ;Numeric value 8 MOVWF CODEDATA ;Save data for manipulation DECF DIGITS,1 ;Reduce digits register BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode GOTO TESTDATA ;Redo the keypad scanning i9 MOVLW '*' ;* CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X09 ;Numeric value 9 MOVWF CODEDATA ;Save data for manipulation DECF DIGITS,1 ;Reduce digits register BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode GOTO TESTDATA ;Redo the keypad scanning DEBOUNCE3 MOVLW 0X04 ;The amount of samples MOVWF COUNTER ;The sample register TESTING3 CALL DELAY1 ;Kill some time BTFSS PORTB,3 ;Re-check this bit GOTO START ;False trigger, escape to start DECFSZ COUNTER,1 ;Re-sample 4 times GOTO TESTING3 ;Ditto TEST4 BTFSC PORTB,3 ;Wait for release GOTO TEST4 ;Ditto BSF PORTB,7 ;R/S set to 1 for character display BTFSC PORTA,0 ;Was it the first column? GOTO ix ;This is the character (without i ) BTFSC PORTA,1 ;Was it the second column? GOTO i0 ;This is the character (without i ) BTFSC PORTA,2 ;Was it the third column? GOTO i# ;This is the character (without i ) GOTO START ;Wasn't triggered,check again ix MOVLW '*' ;* CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X2A ;ASCII symbol * MOVWF CODEDATA ;Save data for manipulation DECF DIGITS,1 ;Reduce digits register BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode GOTO TESTDATA ;Redo the keypad scanning i0 MOVLW '*' ;* CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X00 ;Numeric value 0 MOVWF CODEDATA ;Save data for manipulation DECF DIGITS,1 ;Reduce digits register BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode GOTO TESTDATA ;Redo the keypad scanning i# MOVLW '*' ;* CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X23 ;ASCII symbol # MOVWF CODEDATA ;Save data for manipulation DECF DIGITS,1 ;Reduce digits register BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode GOTO TESTDATA ;Redo the keypad scanning ;************************************************************************************* ; OUTCOMES * ;************************************************************************************* LOCKED BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode BSF PORTA,4 ;Red LED on MOVLW 0X01 ;Clear display CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X06 ;Increment display shift off CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X86 ;Address 6 CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot BSF PORTB,7 ;Character mode MOVLW 'W' ;W CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'R' ;R CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'O' ;O CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'N' ;N CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'G' ;G CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode MOVLW 0XC6 ;Address 45 CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot BSF PORTB,7 ;Character mode MOVLW 'C' ;C CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'O' ;O CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'D' ;D CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'E' ;E CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode MOVLW 0X0A ;Flash 10 times MOVWF FLASH1 ;Flashing counter FLASH MOVLW 0X08 ;Display off CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot CALL LONGDELAY ;Kill a long time MOVLW 0X0C ;Display on CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot CALL LONGDELAY ;Kill a long time DECFSZ FLASH1,1 ;Reduce amount of flashes by 1 GOTO FLASH ;Make the display flash on and off BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode MOVLW 0X01 ;Clear display CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0XC0 ;Address 40 CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot BCF PORTA,4 ;Red LED off DECFSZ COUNTER1,1 ;Count if max attempt reached GOTO ZERO ;Re-ask for the code ONE BSF PORTA,4 ;Red LED on BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode MOVLW 0X01 ;Clear display CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X85 ;Address 05 CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot BSF PORTB,7 ;Character mode MOVLW 'L' ;L CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'O' ;O CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'C' ;C CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'K' ;K CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'E' ;E CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'D' ;D CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode MOVLW 0XC0 ;Address 40 CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot BSF PORTB,7 ;Character mode MOVLW 'U' ;U CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 's' ;s CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'e' ;e CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW ' ' ; CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'M' ;M CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'a' ;a CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 's' ;s CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 't' ;t CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'e' ;e CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'r' ;r CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW ' ' ; CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'C' ;C CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'o' ;o CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'd' ;d CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'e' ;e CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot GOTO $ ; TWO BCF PORTB,7 ;Command mode MOVLW 0X01 ;Clear display CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 0X82 ;Address 02 CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot BSF PORTA,3 ;Green LED on BSF PORTB,7 ;Character mode MOVLW 'D' ;D CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'e' ;e CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW '-' ;- CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'A' ;a CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'c' ;c CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 't' ;t CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'i' ;i CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'v' ;v CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'a' ;a CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 't' ;t CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'e' ;e CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot MOVLW 'd' ;d CALL SERIAL ;This will output 4 bits only CALL SERIAL1 ;cause the low 4 are already high rot ;************************************************************************************* GOTO $ ; END
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