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validifying (see verifying)
VALUE attribute : Form Element Names and Values
value property
for Button element : Button.value
for Checkbox element : Checkbox.value
for Element object : Element.value
for FileUpload element
FileUpload bug
Security Hobbles in Navigator 3.0
for form elements : Form Element Names and Values
for Hidden element : Hidden.value
for Option element : Option.value
for Password element
Security Hobbles in Navigator 3.0
for Radio element : Radio.value
for Reset element : Reset.value
for Submit element : Submit.value
for Text element : Text.value
for Text, Textarea elements : Mutable string values
for Textarea element : Textarea.value
value. comparing by : Equality (==)
The valueOf() Method
Conversions to Numbers
Conversions to and from Objects
Java Field Values versus Method Ret...
var (keyword) : Variable Declaration
var statement : var
for browser information : Still More Features
counters : while
Variable Declaration
as function properties : Function arguments and variables ar...
how they are looked up : with
instance variables : Classes in JavaScript
lifetime of : Window and Variable Lifetime
Variable Declaration
multiple scripts and : The <SCRIPT> Tag
scope of : Variable Scope
static : Classes in JavaScript
static, simulating : Function properties simulate static...
as window properties : The JavaScript Name Space
VBScript language
Case Sensitivity in Internet Explorer
form input
Interact with Document Content
Form Verification Example
function arguments : The arguments[] Array
plug-in support : The MimeType Object
Determining Browser Version Information
Flavors and Versions of JavaScript
Compatibility with JavaScript 1.0 B...
JavaScript, compatibility and : Compatibility with JavaScript 1.0 B...
video (see animation; images; LiveVideo plug-in)
Visual Basic (see VBScript language)
VLINK attribute : Document Properties
vlinkColor property
Document Properties
void operator
Core Language Changes
The void Operator
JavaScript in URLs
VPSACE attribute : Image.vspace
VRML, plug-in for : Live3D
vspace property
Other Image Properties

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Quick, Easy and CHEAP! RCL-1 RS232 Level Converter in a DB9 backshell
Ashley Roll has put together a really nice little unit here. Leave off the MAX232 and keep these handy for the few times you need true RS232!

























