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In the middle of night I awoke, it was snowing and the world was

still. The stillness was such that I could not go back to sleep. Then,

I thought of my friend that left last night before the storm. I wonder

where he was and thought of the place he was always talking about.


The storm broke with a mighty roar, then got lost in the snow

that was falling thick and fast, then his car slowed and stopped as it

became stuck fast. He knew not where he was but he wasn't here

because he left from here, I knew he was not there, because he

was to call me, when he got there. I knew that he must be


He curled up in a blanket tightly for the night. Then as he

drifted off to the deepest of sleep that awaits for all of us, he must

of been dreaming of the place he always talked about, where the

warm sun shines bright, and the birds sing ever so sweetly,

and all the ladies are ever so fair. The place he called


He must of have met in his dreams a lady ever so fair, with a

smile you could see for a mile. She probably said with a twinkle

in her eye "When in my neighborhood, drop in for a spot of tea."

When asked "Where she lived" she would say with a smile


When he awoke, the warm sun was shining and a bird in a tree was

singing "Wake up, Wake up, you sleepy head". The lady ever so fair

was standing by a large sign that said "Welcome to my village of


When they found him curled up in his blanket ever so tight, frozen

and white, and he had a smile that no one could forget. They knew

not where he was from but they knew that he must be from


Rewritten December 28, 1996

An Alaskan Rogue

"Grandpa John" Welden

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