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ENHMETAHEADER info  Overview  Group

The ENHMETAHEADER structure contains enhanced-metafile data such as the dimensions of the picture stored in the enhanced metafile, the count of records in the enhanced metafile, the resolution of the device on which the picture was created, and so on.

This structure is always the first record in an enhanced metafile.

typedef struct tagENHMETAHEADER { // enmh 

    DWORD iType; 

    DWORD nSize; 

    RECTL rclBounds; 

    RECTL rclFrame; 

    DWORD dSignature; 

    DWORD nVersion; 

    DWORD nBytes; 

    DWORD nRecords; 

    WORD  nHandles; 

    WORD  sReserved; 

    DWORD nDescription; 

    DWORD offDescription; 

    DWORD nPalEntries; 

    SIZEL szlDevice; 

    SIZEL szlMillimeters;

    DWORD cbPixelFormat;

    DWORD offPixelFormat;

    DWORD bOpenGL;




Specifies the record type. This member must specify the value assigned to the EMR_HEADER constant.
Specifies the structure size, in bytes.
Specifies the dimensions, in device units, of the smallest rectangle that can be drawn around the picture stored in the metafile. This rectangle is supplied by graphics device interface (GDI). Its dimensions include the right and bottom edges.
Specifies the dimensions, in .01 millimeter units, of a rectangle that surrounds the picture stored in the metafile. This rectangle must be supplied by the application that creates the metafile. Its dimensions include the right and bottom edges.
Specifies a doubleword signature. This member must specify the value assigned to the ENHMETA_SIGNATURE constant.
Specifies the metafile version. The current version value is 0x10000.
Specifies the size of the enhanced metafile, in bytes.
Specifies the number of records in the enhanced metafile.
Specifies the number of handles in the enhanced-metafile handle table. (Index zero in this table is reserved.)
Reserved; must be zero.
Specifies the number of characters in the array that contains the description of the enhanced metafile’s contents. This member should be set to zero if the enhanced metafile does not contain a description string.
Specifies the offset from the beginning of the ENHMETAHEADER structure to the array that contains the description of the enhanced metafile’s contents. This member should be set to zero if the enhanced metafile does not contain a description string.
Specifies the number of entries in the enhanced metafile’s palette.
Specifies the resolution of the reference device, in pixels.
Specifies the resolution of the reference device, in millimeters.
Specifies the size of the last recorded pixel format in a metafile. If a pixel format is set in a reference DC at the start of recording, cbPixelFormat is set to the size of the PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR. When no pixel format is set when a metafile is recorded, this member is set to zero. If more than a single pixel format is set, the header points to the last pixel format.
Specifies the offset of pixel format used when recording a metafile. If a pixel format is set in a reference DC at the start of recording or during recording, offPixelFormat is set to the offset of the PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR in the metafile. When no pixel format is set when a metafile is recorded, this member is set to zero. If more than a single pixel format is set, the header points to the last pixel format.
Specifies whether any OpenGL records are present in a metafile. bOpenGL is a simple Boolean flag that you can use to determine whether an enhanced metafile requires OpenGL handling. When a metafile contains OpenGL records, bOpenGL is TRUE; otherwise it is FALSE.

See Also



file: /Techref/os/win/api/win32/struc/src/str06_24.htm, 5KB, , updated: 2000/4/7 12:20, local time: 2024/9/5 11:21,

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