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David Tait's Links to Internet PIC Resources

Last changed 18th May 1999

(This is a local copy. The original was dumped by David for his own reasons on 99/05/24. Permission was given by David to make copys. Thanks David.)

Here I have collected a few links related to PIC (aka PICmicro) microcontrollers. The links have been carefully listed in a totally random order. I've tried to keep nearly everything on one graphics-free page deliberately; even though the page is quite large now it should take less time to download than the opening graphics of most commercial sites. I think all links are "absolute" so you can simply download this page once and use it locally thereafter (you might like to call back every so often to look for updates).

You can probably turn up many more PIC related links yourself with a WWW search and if you find anything interesting let me know.

Comments, suggestions and queries to ~NOSPAM~david.tait@spam@ at

Web space provided by Manchester University.

Copyright © 1996-1999 David Tait.



Steve Greenfield of Polymorph Digital Says:

I would like to add a PIC Basic to the list, one that does generate native PIC machine code.

It is called Proton+, by Crownhill Associates.

And there is an active forum at



file: /Techref/microchip/piclinks.htm, 70KB, , updated: 2013/8/1 17:43, local time: 2024/9/17 05:26,

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