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Hewlett Packard Graphics Language Commands

IP, Input P1 and P2

This command establishes new or default locations for the scaling points P1 and P2. P1 and P2 are used by the Scale (SC) command to establish user-unit scaling. You can also use IP in advanced techniques such as printing mirror-images, enlarging/reducing drawings, and enlarging/reducing relative character size, or changing label direction (see the previous discussion in this chapter).

IP XP1,YP1[,XP2,YP2;] or

IP [;]

Parameter Format Functional Range Default
XP1YP1[,XP2,YP2;] integer -230 to 230 - 1 (see below)

The default location of P1 is the lower-left corner of the PCL Picture Frame; the default location of P2 is the upper-right corner. (The default picture frame extends from the top margin to the bottom margin, and from the left edge to the right edge of the logical page.)

Note: If an IP command without parameters is executed after the axes are rotated with the RO command, P1 and P2 locations change to reflect the rotation. If the coordinate system orientation subsequently changes (e.g., by sending an RO command), the plotter unit position is maintained with respect to the new orientation.

The locations of P1 and P2 interact with the following commands:

Commands Affected by P1/P2 Group
IW, Input Window The Configuration/Status Group
RO, Rotate Coordinate System
SC, Scale
FT, Fill Type The Line and Fill Attributes Group
LT, Line Type
PW, Pen Width
WU, Pen Width Unit Selection
DR, Relative Direction The Character Group
LB, Label
SR, Relative Character Size

An IP command remains in effect until another IP command is executed, an IR command is executed, or the printer is initialized.

Related Commands Group
IR, Input Relative P1 and P2 The Configuration/Status Group
IW, Input Window
RO, Rotate Coordinate System
SC, Scale

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