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CTTY devicename

Specifies that a remote terminal will be used instead of the primary

keyboard and screen. CTTY is used to connect a terminal to a communications

port so that it can be used as a secondary terminal.


devicename Specifies AUX, COM1, COM2, COM3, or COM4

to be used as the primary console.


PC-DOS 2.0+

MS-DOS equivalent: CTTY (2.0+)





redirects input and output to the COM1 port.


Invalid device

DOS does not recognize the device name you specified. Reissue the

command, using a valid device name.


After you have switched the console to another port, you

must use the new console to switch back to the regular console by

giving the command


If the new terminal is not set at the correct baud rate and

protocol, you may have to reboot to use the regular terminal



[For related topics, press R]


BREAK Command


EXE2BIN Command

JOIN Command

KEYB Command

KEYBxx Command

PROMPT Command

SET Command

SUBST Command

- Ref PC Magazine Vol 6, No 12, Page 497

PC As we've discussed previously, do not use CTTY NUL to hide the output of

TSR (terminate-and-stay-resident) programs. Due to a quirk in tDOS, each TSR

program you load that way will permanently tie up two file handles, making

them unavailable to your other programs. Redirecting the output of a TSR to

NUL produces the same problem, though it ties up only one file handle each

time. If you have an EGA or VGA system it's much smarter to simply set every

palette color to black, as shown above.

file: /Techref/dos/command/ctty.htm, 1KB, , updated: 1999/2/20 11:24, local time: 2024/8/31 21:29,

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Quick, Easy and CHEAP! RCL-1 RS232 Level Converter in a DB9 backshell
Ashley Roll has put together a really nice little unit here. Leave off the MAX232 and keep these handy for the few times you need true RS232!

























