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Scenix Lib IO Dev Modem V_23_ORIGINATE_1_37.SRC

; ******************************************************************************
; Copyright © [05/15/1999] Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for
; the use of this [product, application, software, any of these products].
; Scenix Semiconductor conveys no license, implicitly or otherwise, under
; any intellectual property rights.
; Information contained in this publication regarding (e.g.: application,
; implementation) and the like is intended through suggestion only and may
; be superseded by updates. Scenix Semiconductor makes no representation
; or warranties with respect to the accuracy or use of these information,
; or infringement of patents arising from such use or otherwise.
; Filename:	v_23_originate_1_37.src
; Author:	Chris Fogelklou
;		Applications Engineer
;		Scenix Semiconductor Inc.
; Revision:	1.37
; Part:		SX28AC datecode 9929AA/ SX52BD datecode AB9919AA
; Freq:		50Mhz
; Compiled Using: SX-Key v.1.07 and SASM V. 1.43
; Date:		May 23, 1999.
; Revised	November 30, 1999
; Program Description:
;		This program performs V.23 origination on the Scenix/IDC 
;		modem boards V.1.2.  These specifications are followed:
;	User Interface
;		- Software UART will provide the modem’s interface.
;			- 1200 baud
;			- No Parity
;			- 8 Data Bits
;			- 1 Stop Bit
;			- Hardware Flow Control (CTS, RTS)
;			- Compact AT command set
;			- 64-byte command buffer
;			- Dial: “ATDTxxxxxxxxx…”
;			- Switch from data mode to command mode: “+++”
;				To escape, wait at least 3 seconds from the last transmitted 
;				character, and type +++ with less than 1 second between each 
;				character.  The modem will return to command mode if another
;				character is not received in 3 seconds.
;			- Switch from command mode to data mode: “ATO”
;			- Hang up: “ATH”
;			- Initialize: “ATZ”
;			- Automatic Hybrid Adjustment: “ATY”
;	Signal Generation/Detection Software
;		- DTMF Generation for Dialing
;			- Tones generated: 697Hz, 770Hz, 852Hz, 941Hz, 1209Hz, 1336Hz, 1477Hz,1633Hz
;			- On time = 100ms
;			- Off time = 100ms
;			- Off-hook delay time before dialing = 4 s
;			- D/A conversion provided by filtered PDM output
;			- Data transmission and modulation
;		- FSK transmission data rate at 75bps
;			- Hardware flow control, 16-byte buffer, and 75bps asynchronous transmitter for
;			  data rate conversion from 1200bps to 75bps
;			- Logic ‘1’ (mark) modulated by 390 Hz
;			- Logic ‘0’ (space) modulated by 450 Hz
;			- Transmission power = -15dB
;			- D/A conversion provided by filtered PDM output
;			- Data reception and demodulation
;		- FSK reception data rate at 1200bps
;			- Logic ‘1’ (mark) demodulated from 1300Hz carrier
;			- Logic ‘0’ (space) demodulated from 2100Hz carrier
;			- Carrier detection
;			- Timed-Zero-Cross algorithm
;		- D/A conversion
;			- Pulse Position Modulation with maximum output frequency of 307kHz
;	Hardware Specifications
;		- Filtering
;			- Low pass filter on PDM output (fc = 1633Hz)
;			- High pass filter on FSK input (fc = 1300Hz)
;		- Hybrid (removes tx signal from rx signal)
;			- Four settings provided for automatic hybrid adjustment for various line
;			  impedance’s
;			- Hybrid adjusted by outputting signal onto line and measuring fed-back signal
;			  with a low-resolution sigma-delta A/D converter
;			- FSK input sensitivity = -30dB
;			- Auto-Hybrid removed in V.1.37
;		- UART
;			- RS-232 interface provided through MAX232 or similar IC
;			- Interface provided through RXD, TXD, RTS, and CTS lines
;	Testing Specifications
;			- Initial tests using function generator and off-the-shelf V.23 modems
;			- Second round of testing performed with IDC’s modem test equipment
;			- Tests performed:
;			- Input Sensitivity
;			- DTMF output level
;			- FSK output level
;			- Error rate
;			- FCC part 68 and FCC part 15 qualified
;			- CTR-21 ready
;			- All test results will be documented
; Program Instructions;
;		To use this program, the modem board must be connected to a serial port at
;		these settings:
;			1200 bps
;			No parity
;			8 Data Bits
;			1 stop bit
;			Hardware flow control ON!!! (CTS/RTS)
;		These AT commands can be used:
;			ATDT - Used to dial into a remote modem
;			ATH - Used to hang up a call
;			ATZ - Used to initialize the modem settings
;			ATO - Switches back to data mode from command mode
;			+++ - Switches from data mode to command mode.
;			?   - Re-prints the help screen to the terminal.
; Revision History:
;		1.10 Took semi-working V.23 code and cleaned it up.  Kept it working, but made
;		few improvements to the operation.
;		1.15 Finally got FSK receive to work error free!!! Whooopeee!!!
;		1.17 Added documentation.
;		1.20 Added carrier detection to the software
;		1.30 Added automatic hybrid adjustment to the software.
;		1.32 Automatic hybrid adjustment tweaked until working.  Component values for A/D:
;		     C = 470pF, R1 = 22k, R2 = 10k
;		1.35 Added guard times around the “+++” coming in.  
;		1.37 Removed Auto-Hybrid Adjust.  Made sure assembly worked in SASM.
;		     Removed CARRYX directive and modified source code accordingly.
;       Program memory: TBD
;       Data memory:	TBD
;       I/O Count:	TBD
; Target SX
; Uncomment one of the following lines to choose the SX18AC, SX20AC, SX28AC, SX48BD/ES,
; SX48BD, SX52BD/ES or SX52BD. For SX48BD/ES and SX52BD/ES, uncomment both defines,
; SX48_52 and SX48_52_ES.

; Assembler Used
; Uncomment the following line if using the Parallax SX-Key assembler. SASM assembler
; enabled by default.
	; Assembler directives:
	;	high speed external osc, turbo mode, 8-level stack, and extended option reg.
	;	SX18/20/28 - 4 pages of program memory and 8 banks of RAM enabled by default.
	;	SX48/52 - 8 pages of program memory and 16 banks of RAM enabled by default.

IFDEF SX_Key 				;SX-Key Directives
  IFDEF SX18_20				;SX18AC or SX20AC device directives for SX-Key
		device	SX18L,oscxt4,turbo,stackx_optionx
  IFDEF SX28				;SX28AC device directives for SX-Key		
		device	SX28L,oscxt4,turbo,stackx_optionx
		freq	50_000_000
ELSE  					;SASM Directives
  IFDEF SX18_20				;SX18AC or SX20AC device directives for SASM
		device	SX18,oschs1,turbo,stackx,optionx
  IFDEF SX28				;SX28AC device directives for SASM
		device	SX28,oschs1,turbo,stackx,optionx
		ID	'v23org13'			; Version = 1.1

		reset	reset_entry			; JUMP to reset_entry label on reset

; Macros

	; Macro: _bank
	; Sets the bank appropriately for all revisions of SX.
	; This is required since the bank instruction has only a 3-bit operand, it cannot
	; be used to access all 16 banks of the SX48/52. For this reason FSR.4 (for SX48/52BD/ES)
	; or FSR.7 (SX48/52bd production release) needs to be set appropriately, depending
	; on the bank address being accessed. This macro fixes this.
	; So, instead of using the bank instruction to switch between banks, use _bank instead.
_bank	macro	1
	bank	\1

	IFDEF SX48_52
	  IFDEF SX48_52_ES
	    IF \1 & %00010000		;SX48BD/ES and SX52BD/ES (engineering sample) bank instruction
		setb	fsr.4		;modifies FSR bits 5,6 and 7. FSR.4 needs to be set by software.
	    IF \1 & %10000000		;SX48BD and SX52BD (production release) bank instruction 
		setb	fsr.7		;modifies FSR bits 4,5 and 6. FSR.7 needs to be set by software.
		clrb	fsr.7

	; Macro: _mode
	; Sets the MODE register appropriately for all revisions of SX.
	; This is required since the MODE (or MOV M,#) instruction has only a 4-bit operand. 
	; The SX18/20/28AC use only 4 bits of the MODE register, however the SX48/52BD have 
	; the added ability of reading or writing some of the MODE registers, and therefore use
	; 5-bits of the MODE register. The  MOV M,W instruction modifies all 8-bits of the 
	; MODE register, so this instruction must be used on the SX48/52BD to make sure the MODE
	; register is written with the correct value. This macro fixes this.
	; So, instead of using the MODE or MOV M,# instructions to load the M register, use
	;  _mode instead.
_mode	macro	1
	IFDEF SX48_52
		mov	w,#\1		;loads the M register correctly for the SX48BD and SX52BD
		mov	m,w
		mov	m,#\1		;loads the M register correctly for the SX18AC, SX20AC
					;and SX28AC

	; Error generating macros

tableStart	macro 0			; Generates an error message if code that MUST be in
					; the first half of a page is moved into the second half.
	if $ & $100
		ERROR  'Must be located in the first half of a page.'

tableEnd	macro 0			; Generates an error message if code that MUST be in
					; the first half of a page is moved into the second half.
	if $ & $100
		ERROR  'Must be located in the first half of a page.'
; Data Memory address definitions
; These definitions ensure the proper address is used for banks 0 - 7 for 2K SX devices
; (SX18/20/28) and 4K SX devices (SX48/52). 

	ERROR ' This program has not been ported to SX48/52'
					; Let the programmer know that this program
					; will only work on the SX28.

global_org	=	$08
bank0_org	=	$10
bank1_org	=	$30
bank2_org	=	$50
bank3_org	=	$70
bank4_org	=	$90
bank5_org	=	$B0
bank6_org	=	$D0
bank7_org	=	$F0


; Global Register definitions
; NOTE: Global data memory starts at $0A on SX48/52 and $08 on SX18/20/28.
		org     global_org

flags	ds	1
	dtmf_gen_en	equ	flags.0	; Signifies whether or not DTMF output is enabled
	sine_gen_en	equ	flags.1	; Enables the sine generator(s) for DTMF generation and
					; FSK generation
	timer_flag	equ	flags.2	; Set every time the timers roll over.
	fsk_tx_en	equ	flags.3	; enables the fsk transmission portion of the ISR
	fsk_rx_en	equ	flags.4	; enables the fsk reception portion of the ISR
	rx_flag		equ	flags.5	; this flag is set when a byte is received via the UART
	fsk_rx_bit	equ	flags.6	; this bit indicates the current state of the FSK being
	carrier_detected equ	flags.7	; indicates the presence of a carrier
						;  received.
flags2		ds	1	
	swCarryFlag	equ	flags2.0
temp		ds	1		; Temporary register
temp2		ds	1		; Temporary register
task_switcher	ds	1		; Used in the ISR to switch between tasks.
push_index	ds	1		; Used by the 64-byte buffer to store bytes.	
pop_index	ds	1		; Used by the 64-byte buffer to retrieve bytes.
command_index	ds	1		; Used by the string parser to remember the current
						; command being checked.
; Bank 0 Variables
		org     bank0_org

sine_gen_bank		=	$
freq_acc_low		ds	1	; 16-bit accumulator which decides when to increment the sine wave
freq_acc_high		ds	1	; 
freq_count_low		ds	1	; 16-bit counter which decides which frequency for the sine wave
freq_count_high		ds	1	; freq_count = Frequency * 6.83671552
sine_index		ds	1	; Index into the sine table for sine wave 1
sine_index2		ds	1	; Index into the sine table for sine wave 2
freq_count_low2		ds	1	; 16-bit counter which sets the sine wave frequency
freq_count_high2	ds	1	; freq_count = Frequency * 6.83671552
freq_acc_high2		ds	1	; 
freq_acc_low2		ds	1	; 16-bit accumulator which decides when to increment the sine wave
curr_sine		ds	1	; The current value of the sine wave
curr_sine2		ds	1	; The current value of sine wave 2
sine2_temp		ds	1	; This register is used to do a temporary shift/add register
PDM_bank		=	$

PDM0_acc		ds	1		; PDM accumulator
PDM0_out		ds	1		; current PDM output (D/A)

; Bank 1 Variables
		org     bank1_org
timers			=	$
timer_l		ds	1		; The low byte of the 24-bit timer
timer_h		ds	1		; the middle byte of the 24-bit timer
timer_hh	ds	1		; the high byte of the 24-bit timer

serial		=       $                       ;UART bank

tx_high		ds      1                       ;hi byte to transmit
tx_low		ds      1                       ;low byte to transmit
tx_count	ds      1                       ;number of bits sent
tx_divide	ds      1                       ;xmit timing (/16) counter
rx_count	ds      1                       ;number of bits received
rx_divide	ds      1                       ;receive timing counter
rx_byte		ds      1                       ;buffer for incoming byte
rx_count2	ds      1                       ;number of bits received
rx_divide2	ds      1                       ;receive timing counter
rx_byte2	ds      1                       ;buffer for incoming byte
string		ds	1			;the address of the string to be sent
byte		ds	1			;semi-temporary serial register
plus_count	ds	1			;stores the number of consecutive '+''s received during
						; FSK i/o mode.

;	Bank 2 Variables
		org     bank2_org
fsk_transmit_bank	=	$
fsk_receive_bank	=	$
fsk_serial_bank		=	$
fsk_tx_high		ds      1                       ;hi byte to transmit
fsk_tx_low		ds      1                       ;low byte to transmit
fsk_tx_count		ds      1                       ;number of bits sent
fsk_tx_divide		ds      1                       ;xmit timing (/16) counter
fsk_tx_divide_2		ds	1

fsk_trans_count		ds	1		; This register counts the number of counts 
						; between transitions at the pin
fsk_last_trans		ds	1		
fsk_rb_past_state 	ds	1		; This register keeps track of the previous 
						; state of port RB, to watch for transitions
fsk_temp_trans		ds	1		; Temporarily stores the transition count after
						; a transition has occurred, until it can be processed.
fsk_flags		ds	1
	fsk_answering		equ	fsk_flags.0
	fsk_tx_bit		equ	fsk_flags.1
	fsk_processing_required_1 equ	fsk_flags.2

;	Bank 3 Variables
		org     bank3_org
carrier_detect_bank	=	$
cd_trans_count		ds	1
cd_trans_avg_l		ds	1
cd_trans_avg_h		ds	1
cd_avg_count		ds	1
cd_rb_past_state	ds	1

; Bank 4, 5, 6, 7 (for 64-byte buffer, but can be reused.)
		org     bank4_org
buffer		=	$
		org     bank5_org
buffer2		=	$
		org     bank6_org
buffer3		=	$
		org     bank7_org
buffer4		=	$

; Equates for the FSK receive part of the modem
threshold	=	180	; How many counts to look for for a transition from high frequency to low frequency
fsk_hysterises	=	6	; The number of counts over/under the threshold to allow an actual transition
				; from high to low on RX-bit
; Baud rate defines
	; *** 150 baud 
;	baud_bit	=       7                       ;for 2400 baud
;	start_delay	=       128+64+1                ; "    "    "
;	int_period	=       163                     ; "    "    "
	; *** 600 baud 
;	baud_bit	=	5
;	start_delay	=	32+16+1
;	int_period	=	163
	; *** 1200 baud 
baud_bit	=	4
start_delay	=	16+8+1
int_period	=	163

; Equates for common data comm frequencies
f697_h		equ	$012	; DTMF Frequency
f697_l		equ	$09d

f770_h		equ	$014	; DTMF Frequency
f770_l		equ	$090

f852_h		equ	$016	; DTMF Frequency
f852_l		equ	$0c0

f941_h		equ	$019	; DTMF Frequency
f941_l		equ	$021

f1209_h		equ	$020	; DTMF Frequency
f1209_l		equ	$049

f1336_h		equ	$023	; DTMF Frequency
f1336_l		equ	$0ad

f1477_h		equ	$027	; DTMF Frequency
f1477_l		equ	$071

f1633_h		equ	$02b	; DTMF Frequency
f1633_l		equ	$09c
; Equates for FSK generation
f390_h		equ	$00a	; V.23 backchannel logic '1' (mark)
f390_l		equ	$06a

f450_h		equ	$00c	; V.23 backchannel logic '0' (space)
f450_l		equ	$004

f1300_h		equ	$022	; V.23 forward channel logic '1' (mark)
f1300_l		equ	$0b7

f2100_h		equ	$038	; V.23 forward channel logic '0' (space)
f2100_l		equ	$015

f2225_h		equ	$03b	; Bell 103 forward channel logic '1' (mark)
f2225_l		equ	$06b

f2025_h		equ	$036	; Bell 103 forward channel logic '0' (space)
f2025_l		equ	$014

f1070_h		equ	$01c	; Bell 103 backward channel logic '1' (mark)
f1070_l		equ	$093

f1270_h		equ	$021	; Bell 103 backward channel logic '0' (space)
f1270_l		equ	$0ea

	; Pin Definitions:  These are the pins on the Scenix Modem board.  Not all are
	; 			necessary.  Check the documentation at the top of this 
	;			program.
PDM_pin		equ	ra.0	; D/A output pin
rx_pin		equ	ra.1	; RS-232 reception pin
tx_pin		equ	ra.2	; RS-232 transmission pin
nothing		equ	ra.3	; N/C
RA_latch	equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port A latch init
RA_DDIR		equ	%11111010		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port A DDIR value
RA_LVL		equ	%00000000		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port A LVL value
RA_PLP		equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port A PLP value

led_pin		equ	rb.0	; LED pin
rxa_pin		equ	rb.1	; FSK receive pin
cntrl_1		equ	rb.2	; drive cntrl_1 low to disable the output of the LPF
ring		equ	rb.3	; ring detection pin
hook		equ	rb.4	; drive hook low to go off-hook
cntrl_3		equ	rb.5	; drive cntrl_3 low to disable the output of the HPF
rts		equ	rb.6	; indicates to the SX that the PC wants to transmit data
cts		equ	rb.7	; indicates to the PC that the SX is ready to receive data
RB_latch	equ	%11011011		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B latch init

RB_DDIR		equ	%01101010		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B DDIR value: HPF

RB_ST		equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B ST value
RB_LVL		equ	%00000000		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B LVL value
RB_PLP		equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B PLP value

fskRxPort	equ	rb
fskRxMask	equ	%00000010

rc_450_mask	equ	%11100101			; Hybrid set-up for 450 ohms
rc_600_mask	equ	%11010101			; Hybrid set-up for 600 ohms
rc_750_mask	equ	%10110101			; Hybrid set-up for 750 ohms
rc_900_mask	equ	%01110101			; Hybrid set-up for 900 ohms

dtmf_in_pin	equ	rc.0	; DTMF input pin
dtmf_fdbk_pin	equ	rc.1	; Negative feedback output for DTMF input
AtoD_in_pin	equ	rc.2	; A/D input pin
AtoD_fdbk_pin	equ	rc.3	; Negative feedback for A/D input
imp_450_pin	equ	rc.4	; Set to an output to set hybrid for 450ohm line impedance.  Tristate otherwise.
imp_600_pin	equ	rc.5	; Set to an output to set hybrid for 600ohm line impedance.  Tristate otherwise.
imp_750_pin	equ	rc.6	; Set to an output to set hybrid for 750ohm line impedance.  Tristate otherwise.
imp_900_pin	equ	rc.7	; Set to an output to set hybrid for 900ohm line impedance.  Tristate otherwise.
RC_latch	equ	%00001111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C latch init
RC_DDIR		equ	rc_600_mask		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C DDIR value
RC_ST		equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C ST value
RC_LVL		equ	%00000000		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C LVL value
RC_PLP		equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C PLP value
	; SX18AC/20AC/28AC Mode addresses
	; *On SX18/20/28, all registers addressed via mode are write only, with the exception of
	; CMP and WKPND which do an exchange with W.
; Exchange addresses
CMP		equ	$08		;Exchange Comparator enable/status register with W
WKPND		equ	$09		;Exchange MIWU/RB Interrupts pending with W

; Port setup (read) addresses
WKED_W		equ	$0A		;Write MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 0 = falling, 1 = rising
WKEN_W		equ	$0B		;Write MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
ST_W		equ	$0C		;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
LVL_W		equ	$0D		;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
PLP_W		equ	$0E		;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
DDIR_W		equ	$0F		;Write Port Direction
;************************ Beginning of program space ***************************
		org	$0			
; Interrupt
; With a retiw value of -163 and an oscillator frequency of 50MHz, this
; code runs every 3.26us.
		bank	PDM_bank		; Update the PDM pin
		add	PDM0_acc,PDM0_out
		setb	PDM_pin
		clrb	PDM_pin
		jmp	@ISR	; The ISR is in the second page, so go there.
; Program Starts Here on Power Up

	; First, call init to initialize the program
		call	@init

		mov	!option,#%00011111	; enable wreg and rtcc interrupt
		setb	tx_pin			; set the RS-232 tx_pin
		setb	CTS			; Don't allow PC to transmit
		mov	w,#25			; delay 250 milliseconds
		call	@delay_10n_ms

	; Send "hello" string
		mov	w,#_hello		; say 'hello'
		call	@send_string
		mov	w,#_help
		call	@send_string

	; Send prompt
_send_prompt	mov	w,#_prompt		; send prompt
		call	@send_string
		clrb	CTS			; Allow PC to transmit
		clr	push_index		; Clear the buffer_push pointer
		clr	pop_index		; Clear the buffer_pop pointer

	; Fill the command buffer with input characters.  Backspace will delete
	; the last value entered.  
		jnb	rx_flag,$			; Wait until we receive a byte via. RS-232
		clrb	rx_flag				; clear the flag
		bank	serial			
		mov	byte,rx_byte			; Move the received byte to 'byte' and
		call	@uppercase			; convert it to uppercase
		mov	w,#$20				; compare the byte to ' '
		xor	w,byte
		jz	_cmd_loop			; If byte == space, ignore it.
		mov	w,#$0a				; compare the byte to LF
		xor	w,byte		
		jz	_cmd_loop			; If byte == line feed, ignore it.
		mov	w,#$0d				; compare the byte to CR
		xor	w,byte
		jz	:enter				; if byte == CR, parse the string.
		mov	w,byte				; if it does not resemble the above characters, echo it.
		call	@send_byte			; send via. RS-232
		mov	w,#$08				; compare the byte to a backspace.
		xor	w,byte				
		jz	:backspace			; if it equals a backspace, delete one character in the buffer.
		call	@buffer_push			; otherwise, store it
		jmp	_cmd_loop			; and come back for more.
		call	@buffer_backspace		
		jmp	_cmd_loop

:enter							; If the user presses enter, then parse the string.

	; String parser (Checks to see if buffer = any commands)
	; -Checks contents of ascii buffer against any commands stored in ROM
	; -If a command = the contents of the ascii buffer, a routine will be called
	; -Each routine MUST perform a retw 0 on exit, or parse_string will not 
	;  know that a routine has run and it should exit back to command mode.
	; -Exits back to command mode when it detects a zero after the table look-up.
	; -Outputs 'OK' if no commands are matched.
		clr	pop_index			; Clear the index into the ascii buffer
		clr	command_index			; And the index into the commands
:loop		call	@buffer_get			; Get a vale from the buffer at ascii_index
		call	command_table			; Get a character from one of the commands
		test	wreg				; If the return value is 0, then this matched
		jz	:nothing			; the command and ran a routine.  Exit.
		bank	serial				
		xor	w,byte				; compare the command's character with the 
		jnz	:not_equal			; buffer's character.
		call	@inc_pop_index			; Increment the index into the buffer.
		jmp	:loop
		inc	command_index			; If the buffer did not equal the command,
		clr	pop_index			; start from the beginning of a new command 
		cjne	command_index,#5,:loop		; compare command_index with 5  (This number = # of commands)
:nothing	clrb	fsk_rx_en
		setb	tx_pin
		mov	w,#20
		call	@delay_10n_ms
		mov	w,#_CR
		call	@send_string
		mov	w,#_OK				; If we have checked all 5 commands, then this
		call	@send_string			; did not equal any so send an 'OK' message.
		bank	buffer
		clr	pop_index
		clr	push_index
		clr	buffer
		jmp	_send_prompt

		mov	w,command_index
		add	pc,w
tableStart	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
		jmp	command_1
		jmp	command_2
		jmp	command_3
		jmp	command_4
		jmp	command_5
tableEnd	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
command_1					; Dial command
		mov	w,pop_index
		add	PC,w
tableStart	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
		retw	'A'
		retw	'T'
		retw	'D'
		retw	'T'
tableEnd	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
command_2					; Hang up command
		mov	w,pop_index
		add	PC,w
tableStart	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
		retw	'A'
		retw	'T'
		retw	'H'
		jmp	HANG_UP
tableEnd	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.

command_3					; Initialize
		mov	w,pop_index
		add	PC,w
tableStart	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
		retw	'A'
		retw	'T'
		retw	'Z'
tableEnd	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
command_4					; Data mode
		mov	w,pop_index
		add	PC,w
tableStart	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
		retw	'A'
		retw	'T'
		retw	'O'
		jmp	FSK_IO
tableEnd	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
command_5					; Hybrid Set-up
		mov	w,pop_index
		add	PC,w
tableStart	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
		retw	'?'
		jmp	HELP
tableEnd	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
; END of String parser (Checks to see if buffer = any commands)
	; Hang Up
		call	@disable_o
		clrb	fsk_rx_en	; Disable fsk detection
		mov	w,#50
		call	@delay_100n_ms	; Pause for 5 seconds.
		setb	hook		; hang-up
		retw	0
	; Initialize
		mov	w,#10
		call	@delay_100n_ms	; Pause for 1 second
		call	@init
		clr	flags
		retw	0

	; Send Help string
HELP		mov	w,#_HELP
		call	@send_string
		retw	0
	; Dial Mode:
	; -Dials contents of ascii buffer, starting from location pointed
	;  to by ascii_index.
	; -Responds to these commands:
	; 	0-9, *, #	- Dials the specified number
	;	,		- Pause for 2 seconds
	; -Jumps to data mode after dialing.
		clrb	sine_gen_en			; Disable sine generation
		clrb	fsk_tx_en			; Disable fsk generation
		clrb	dtmf_gen_en			; Disable dtmf generation
		clrb	hook				; go off-hook
		mov	m,#$0f
		mov	w,#%01101010			; rb.5 (cntrl_3) is tristate, rb.2 (cntrl_1) is low
		mov	!rb,w			
		clrb	cntrl_1				; Enable lowest low-pass filter on output
		mov	w,#40				; delay 4 seconds before dialing
		call	@delay_100n_ms
		mov	w,#_CR				; Send a carriage return
		call	@send_string			
		mov	w,#_DIALING			; send "Dialing" to screen
		call	@send_string
		bank	serial

:dial_loop	call	@buffer_get			; Get a character from the buffer
		call	@uppercase			; convert it to uppercase
		mov	w,byte				; test byte for zero
		jmp	:originate_mode			; If byte is zero, dialing is done.
		call	@send_byte
		cje	byte,#',',:pause		; if the character = ',', pause for 2s
		call	@digit_2_index			; convert the ascii digit to an 
							; index value
		call	@load_frequencies		; load the frequency registers
		call	@dial_it			; dial the number for 60ms and return.
:inc		call	@inc_pop_index			; increment the index into the table
		jmp	:dial_loop
		mov	w,#20				; delay 2s
		call	@delay_100n_ms
		jmp	:inc

	; Set/clear proper flags for origination
		bank	fsk_transmit_bank	
		clr	fsk_tx_divide_2		; clear the transmit-divider
		clr	flags			; clear all flags.
		clrb	fsk_answering		; we are not answering.
		setb	fsk_tx_bit		; set the transmit bit to logic '1'
		setb	sine_gen_en		; enable the sine generators
		setb	fsk_tx_en		; enable the fsk transmitter
		mov	w,#50			; delay 5 seconds after dialing to wait for carrier
		call	@delay_100n_ms	
		jb	carrier_detected,FSK_IO	; if there still is no carrier, exit
		mov	w,#50			; delay 5 seconds after dialing to wait for carrier
		call	@delay_100n_ms	
		jb	carrier_detected,FSK_IO	; if there still is no carrier, exit
		mov	w,#100			; delay 10 seconds after dialing to wait for carrier
		call	@delay_100n_ms	
		jb	carrier_detected,FSK_IO
		mov	w,#150			; delay 15 seconds after dialing to wait for carrier
		call	@delay_100n_ms	
		jb	carrier_detected,FSK_IO
		clrb	fsk_rx_en
		setb	tx_pin
		mov	w,#80			; give carrier 8 more seconds to re-appear
		call	@delay_100n_ms
		jb	carrier_detected,FSK_IO_AGAIN
		mov	w,#_no_carrier
		call	@send_string

	; Once at FSK I/O mode, the program sends/receives data.  In 
	; originate mode, the send is at 75bps and the receive is at 1200bps.
	; Because of the difference in baud rates, hardware flow control
	; is used.  CTS is disabled when the buffer is close to capacity,
	; and re-enabled when the buffer is completely empty.

		mov	w,#_DATA_MODE		; Send "connect" message
		call	@send_string
FSK_IO_AGAIN	clr	plus_count		; clear the plus count
		clr	push_index		; clear the push pointer to buffer
		clr	pop_index		; clear the pop pointer to buffer
		setb	fsk_rx_en		; enable the FSK reception part of ISR
		mov	m,#$0f
		mov	w,#%01101010		; rb.5 (cntrl_3) is tristate, rb.2 (cntrl_1) is low
		mov	!rb,w			
		clrb	cntrl_1			; Enable lowest low-pass filter on output
		clrb	cts			; clear CTS to tell PC "ready for data"
	; This is the main loop for FSK I/O.  Sends FSK bytes, and receives
	; bytes from the UART.  The FSK receive portion of FSK I/O is completely
	; handled by the ISR

		jnb	timer_flag,:no_timeout	; if (timer_flag)
		bank	serial	
		test	plus_count		;	if (plus_count)
		jz	:no_timeout
		mov	w,plus_count		;		if (plus_count==3)
		xor	w,#3			;			return;
		retw	0
		jmp	:clr_plus_count		;		else clr_plus_count();
						;	else no_timout();
						; else no_timeout();
:no_timeout	jnb	carrier_detected,no_carrier
		jb	rx_flag,:got_byte	; Received a byte of data.  Handle it. 
		bank	fsk_transmit_bank	; If no byte, check to see if we need to transmit
		test	fsk_tx_count		; Are we transmitting anything?  
		sz				;	if no, then send next byte.
		jmp	:loop2			; 	else jump here forever (ISR does all the work)
		mov	w,pop_index		; If pop_index == push_index, everything in the buffer has been sent.
		xor	w,push_index
		jmp	:not_empty_yet		
	; The buffer is empty: initialize the buffer and enable CTS.

		clr	push_index		; so clear the buffer indexes
		clr	pop_index
		clrb	cts			; and clear cts to allow more data from DCE
		jmp	:loop2
	; The buffer is not empty, keep sending stuff..
		call	@buffer_get		; if the buffer is not empty, get the next byte 
		call	@fsk_send_byte		; from the buffer and send it via. FSK
		call	@inc_pop_index		; and increment the pop index
		and	pop_index,#$0f
		jmp	:loop2
	; The we just received a byte, so put it on the buffer.

		bank	serial
		clrb	rx_flag
		mov	byte,rx_byte
		call	@buffer_push
	; Check to see if the pop index is at (push index + 5)
		and	push_index,#$0f
		mov	w,#5
		add	w,push_index
		and	w,#$0f			; keep push index < 16
		xor	w,pop_index		; if (push_index + 5 == pop_index, the buffer is almost full so indicate this)
		setb	cts			; If push index == pop index, disable CTS
		bank	serial
		mov	w,#'+'			; If the byte = '+', increment plus_count, otherwise, plus_count == 0
		xor	w,rx_byte		; If byte = '+'
		jz	:plus_received		;	plus_received();
:clr_plus_count					; Else
		clr	plus_count		; 	clr_plus_count();
		mov	w,#255			; 	
		call	@reset_timers		; 	
		jmp	:loop2			; 
:plus_received					; plus_received();
 		test	plus_count		; If !(plus_count)
		jz	:zero_plus_count	;	zero_plus_count();
:some_pluses	jb	timer_flag,:clr_plus_count; else if (timer_flag)
:inc_plus_count	inc	plus_count		;		clr_plus_count();
		mov	w,#200			;	else
		call	@reset_timers		;		inc_plus_count();
		jmp	:loop2

		sb	timer_flag		; If (timer_flag)
		jmp	:clr_plus_count		;	clr_plus_count();
		jmp	:inc_plus_count		; else	inc_plus_count

; Miscellaneous subroutines....
org	$200
; This subroutine times 'w' ticks, and returns with a '1' in w when 
; the specified time has timed out.  Each tick is 13.35296 ms.
; This subroutine uses the TEMP2 register.  Call this routine with w = 0
; to poll for a time_out.
	bank	timers
	not	w
	inc	wreg
	mov	timer_h,w
	clr	timer_l
	clrb	timer_flag
; This subroutine pushes the contents of byte onto the 64-byte ascii buffer. 
	bank	serial			; Move the byte into the buffer
	mov	temp,byte
	mov	fsr,#buffer
	add	fsr,push_index
	mov	indf,temp
					; Increment index and keep it in range
	call	@inc_push_index
	mov	fsr,#buffer	; Null terminate the buffer.
	add	fsr,push_index
	clr	indf
	bank	serial
; This subroutine deletes one value of the buffer and decrements the index 
	dec	push_index
	and	push_index,#%01101111

	mov	fsr,#buffer
	add	fsr,push_index
	clr	indf
	bank	serial
	mov	fsr,#pop_index
	jmp	inc_index
	mov	fsr,#push_index
; This subroutine increments the index into the buffer
	mov	w,indf
	and	w,#%00001111
	xor	w,#%00001111
	jnz	:not_on_verge
	inc	indf
	mov	w,#16
	add	w,indf
	and	w,#$7f
	mov	indf,w
	inc	indf
; This subroutine retrieves the buffered value at index
	mov	fsr,#buffer
	add	fsr,pop_index
	mov	w,indf
	bank	serial
	mov	byte,w
; This subroutine delays 'w'*10 milliseconds. (not exactly, but pretty close)
; This subroutine uses the TEMP register
; INPUT		w	-	w/10 milliseconds to delay for.
; OUTPUT	Returns after 10 * n milliseconds.
	mov	temp,w
	bank	timers
:loop	clrb	timer_flag	; This loop delays for 10ms
	mov	timer_h,#$0ff
	mov	timer_l,#$041
	jnb	timer_flag,$
	dec	temp		; do it w-1 times.
	jnz	:loop
	clrb	timer_flag
; This subroutine delays 'w'*100 milliseconds. (not exactly, but pretty close)
; This subroutine uses the TEMP register
; INPUT		w	-	w/100 milliseconds to delay for.
; OUTPUT	Returns after 100 * n milliseconds.
	mov	temp,w
	bank	timers
:loop	clrb	timer_flag	; This loop delays for 10ms
	mov	timer_h,#$0f8
	mov	timer_l,#$083
	jnb	timer_flag,$
	dec	temp		; do it w-1 times.
	jnz	:loop
	clrb	timer_flag
; Subroutine - Zero all ram.
; INPUTS:	None
; OUTPUTS:	All ram locations (except special function registers) are = 0
:loop	    	SB      FSR.4                   ;are we on low half of bank?
		SETB    FSR.3                   ;If so, don't touch regs 0-7
		CLR     IND                     ;clear using indirect addressing
		IJNZ    FSR,:loop	        ;repeat until done
; Subroutine - Disable the outputs
; Load DC value into PDM and disable the output switch.
		bank	PDM_bank	; input mode.
		mov	PDM0_out,#128	; put 2.5V DC on PDM output pin
		clrb	sine_gen_en
		clrb	dtmf_gen_en
		clrb	fsk_tx_en
;	Initializes the program.
		_mode	ST_W			;point MODE to write ST register
		mov     w,#RB_ST            	;Setup RB Schmitt Trigger, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!rb,w		
		mov     w,#RC_ST            	;Setup RC Schmitt Trigger, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!rc,w	

		_mode	LVL_W			;point MODE to write LVL register
		mov     w,#RA_LVL            	;Setup RA CMOS or TTL levels, 0 = TTL, 1 = CMOS
		mov	!ra,w		 
		mov     w,#RB_LVL            	;Setup RB CMOS or TTL levels, 0 = TTL, 1 = CMOS
		mov	!rb,w		
		mov     w,#RC_LVL            	;Setup RC CMOS or TTL levels, 0 = TTL, 1 = CMOS
		mov	!rc,w	

		_mode	PLP_W			;point MODE to write PLP register
		mov     w,#RA_PLP            	;Setup RA Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!ra,w		 
		mov     w,#RB_PLP            	;Setup RB Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!rb,w		
		mov     w,#RC_PLP            	;Setup RC Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!rc,w	

		_mode	DDIR_W			;point MODE to write DDIR register
		mov	w,#RA_DDIR		;Setup RA Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input		
		mov	!ra,w	
		mov	w,#RB_DDIR		;Setup RB Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input
		mov	!rb,w			
		mov	w,#RC_DDIR		;Setup RC Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input
		mov	!rc,w			

		mov     w,#RA_latch          	;Initialize RA data latch
		mov     ra,w		
		mov     w,#RB_latch         	;Initialize RB data latch
		mov     rb,w		
		mov     w,#RC_latch          	;Initialize RC data latch
		mov     rc,w		

		setb	hook			; go on hook.
		clrb	cts
		setb	led_pin			; turn on LED
		clr	flags			; Clear all flags
		call	zero_ram
		call	@disable_o

; Subroutine - Get byte via serial port and echo it back to the serial port
;	-received byte in rx_byte
get_byte     	jnb     rx_flag,$		;wait till byte is received
		clrb    rx_flag			;reset the receive flag
		bank	serial			;switch to serial bank
		mov     byte,rx_byte		;store byte (copy using W)
						; & fall through to echo char back
; Subroutine - Send byte via serial port
;	w 	-	The byte to be sent via RS-232
send_byte    	bank    serial

:wait        	test    tx_count                ;wait for not busy
		jnz     :wait                   ;

		not     w                       ;ready bits (inverse logic)
		mov     tx_high,w               ; store data byte
		setb    tx_low.7                ; set up start bit
		mov     tx_count,#10            ;1 start + 8 data + 1 stop bit
		RETP                            ;leave and fix page bits

; Subroutine - Send byte via serial port
;	w 	-	The byte to be sent via RS-232
fsk_send_byte  	bank    fsk_serial_bank

:wait        	test    fsk_tx_count                ;wait for not busy
		jnz     :wait                   ;

		not     w                       ;ready bits (inverse logic)
		mov     fsk_tx_high,w               ; store data byte
		setb    fsk_tx_low.7                ; set up start bit
		mov     fsk_tx_count,#10            ;1 start + 8 data + 1 stop bit
		RETP                            ;leave and fix page bits

; Subroutine - Send string pointed to by address in W register
;	w	-	The address of a null-terminated string in program
;			memory
; 	outputs the string via. RS-232
send_string	bank	serial
 		mov     string,w                ;store string address
:loop        	mov     w,string                ;read next string character
		mov     m,#3                    ; with indirect addressing
		iread                           ; using the mode register
		mov     m,#$F                   ;reset the mode register
		test    w                       ;are we at the last char?
		snz                             ;if not=0, skip ahead
		RETP                            ;yes, leave & fix page bits
		call    send_byte               ;not 0, so send character
		inc     string                  ;point to next character
		jmp     :loop                   ;loop until done

; Subroutine - Make byte uppercase
;	byte	-	The byte to be converted
;	byte	-	The uppercase byte
		csae	  byte,#'a'            	;if byte is lowercase, then skip ahead
		sub     byte,#'a'-'A'           ;change byte to uppercase
		RETP                            ;leave and fix page bits

org	$300
; String data (for RS-232 output) and tables
_hello          dw      13,10,'V.23 Originate V.1.37',13,10,0
_instructions	dw	'- ? For Help',0
_PROMPT		dw	13,10,'>',0
_OK		dw	'OK',13,10,0
_CR		dw	13,10,0
_DATA_MODE	dw	13,10,'CONNECT 1275',13,10,0
_no_carrier	dw	13,10,'NO CARRIER',0
_HELP		dw	13,10,'ATDT- Dial',13,10,'ATH - Hang Up',13,10,'ATO - Data Mode',13,10,'ATZ - Init',13,10,'+++ - Command Mode',0

org	$400	; FSK subroutines and the Interrupt Service Routine.
;	This subroutine sends out an answer tone of 2100Hz for 3 seconds.
		bank	sine_gen_bank		; send out the answer tone for 3 seconds
		clr	curr_sine
		mov	freq_count_high2,#f2100_h 
		mov	freq_count_low2,#f2100_l
		setb	sine_gen_en		; enable the FSK transmitter
		mov	w,#30
		call	@delay_100n_ms		
		bank	carrier_detect_bank
		inc	cd_trans_count
		jnz	:no_rollover
		dec	cd_trans_count
		jmp	:sample
		mov	w,rb
		xor	w,cd_rb_past_state
		and	w,#%00000010
		xor	cd_rb_past_state,w
		sb	cd_rb_past_state.1
		mov	w,cd_trans_count
		add	cd_trans_avg_l,w
		inc	cd_trans_avg_h
		clr	cd_trans_count
		inc	cd_avg_count
		setb	carrier_detected
		mov	w,#-8
		add	w,cd_trans_avg_h
		clrb	carrier_detected
		mov	w,#-16
		add	w,cd_trans_avg_h
		clrb	carrier_detected
		clr	cd_trans_avg_h
		clr	cd_trans_avg_l
fsk_receive_main	; This code is speed critical and runs in every
			; ISR.  It increments the FSK transition couters
			; and checks for a transition.  If a transition 
			; has occured, it sets a flag, and saves the 
			; transition count for later processing by the
			; fsk_receive_processing1 subroutine.
		bank	fsk_receive_bank
		sb	fsk_rx_en
		inc	fsk_trans_count
		dec	fsk_trans_count
		mov	w,fsk_rb_past_state
		xor	w,rb
		and	w,#%00000010
		xor	fsk_rb_past_state,w
		setb	fsk_processing_required_1
		mov	fsk_temp_trans,fsk_trans_count
		clr	fsk_trans_count
fsk_receive_main_2	; This code removes some of the jitter away from
			; the low frequency detection algorithm by
			; continuously checking the transition count
			; to see if it has now reached a point where it
			; is safe to say that there is no high frequency
			; present.
		bank	fsk_receive_bank
		sb	fsk_rx_en
		mov	w,#-(threshold+fsk_hysterises)
		add	w,fsk_trans_count
;		setb	fsk_rx_bit
;		setb	test_pin
		setb	tx_pin
		add	w,fsk_last_trans
;		setb	test_pin
;		setb	fsk_rx_bit
		setb	tx_pin
fsk_receive_processing1	; This subroutine runs only when a transition has
			; occurred.  It adds the last transition count
			; to the current one and checks this against the
			; high/low frequency threshold.  If the transition
			; count is below the threshold, the fsk_rx_bit
			; flag is cleared.
	bank	fsk_receive_bank
	sb	fsk_processing_required_1
	retp					; Exit if disabled
	clrb	fsk_processing_required_1	
	mov	w,#-25				; compare the transition count with 5
	add	w,fsk_temp_trans		
	jnc	:glitch				; If the transition count is less than 5, handle the glitch.
	mov	w,#-(threshold-fsk_hysterises)	; compare the transition count with
	add	w,fsk_temp_trans		; the threshold (-hysterises)
	mov	w,#$ff
	add	w,fsk_last_trans		
;	clrb	test_pin
;	clrb	fsk_rx_bit
	clrb	tx_pin				; Clear the TX_PIN if the transition count is less than the threshold
	mov	fsk_last_trans,fsk_temp_trans	; save the last transition count.
	mov	w,fsk_last_trans		; of the last transition
	add	w,fsk_temp_trans
	mov	w,#$ff
	mov	fsk_last_trans,w	
; This portion of the ISR allows 1 of 16 separate tasks to run in each
; interrupt.
		inc	task_switcher
		mov	w,task_switcher
		and	w,#$0f
		jmp	pc+w
tableStart	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
		;*** TASKS ***
		jmp	fsk_receive_main_2	;0
		jmp	transmit		;1
		jmp	receive			;2
		jmp	fsk_transmit_uart 	;3
		jmp	fsk_receive_main_2	;4
		jmp	transmit_fsk		;5
		jmp	do_timers		;6
		jmp	fsk_receive_processing1	;7
		jmp	fsk_receive_main_2	;8
		jmp	carrier_detect		;9
		retp				;10
		retp				;11
		jmp	fsk_receive_main_2	;12
		retp				;13
		retp				;14
		retp				;15
		jmp	fsk_receive_main_2	;16
		retp				; (just in case)	
tableEnd	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
; This is an asynchronous RS-232 transmitter
;	tx_divide.baud_bit  -	Transmitter only executes when this bit is = 1
;	tx_high		    -	Part of the data to be transmitted
;	tx_low		    -	Some more of the data to be transmitted
;	tx_count	    -	Counter which counts the number of bits transmitted.
;	tx_pin		    -	Sets/Clears this pin to accomplish the transmission.
		bank	fsk_serial_bank
		sb	fsk_answering
		inc	fsk_tx_divide_2
		and	fsk_tx_divide_2,#$0f	    ; Divide the 1200bps UART by 16 to
						    ; achieve 75bps
		clrb    fsk_tx_divide.baud_bit      ;clear xmit timing count flag
		inc     fsk_tx_divide               ;only execute the transmit routine
		STZ                             ;set zero flag for test
		SNB     fsk_tx_divide.baud_bit      ; every 2^baud_bit interrupt
		test    fsk_tx_count                ;are we sending?
		retp			        ;if not, go to :receive
		clc                             ;yes, ready stop bit
		rr      fsk_tx_high                 ; and shift to next bit
		rr      fsk_tx_low                  ;
		dec     fsk_tx_count                ;decrement bit counter
		movb    fsk_tx_bit,/fsk_tx_low.6        ;output next bit
; This is an asynchronous RS-232 transmitter
;	tx_divide.baud_bit  -	Transmitter only executes when this bit is = 1
;	tx_high		    -	Part of the data to be transmitted
;	tx_low		    -	Some more of the data to be transmitted
;	tx_count	    -	Counter which counts the number of bits transmitted.
;	tx_pin		    -	Sets/Clears this pin to accomplish the transmission.
		bank	serial
		clrb    tx_divide.baud_bit      ;clear xmit timing count flag
		inc     tx_divide               ;only execute the transmit routine
		STZ                             ;set zero flag for test
		SNB     tx_divide.baud_bit      ; every 2^baud_bit interrupt
		test    tx_count                ;are we sending?
		retp			        ;if not, go to :receive
		clc                             ;yes, ready stop bit
		rr      tx_high                 ; and shift to next bit
		rr      tx_low                  ;
		dec     tx_count                ;decrement bit counter
		movb    tx_pin,/tx_low.6        ;output next bit
; This is an asynchronous receiver for RS-232 reception
;	rx_pin		   -	Pin which RS-232 is received on.
;	rx_byte		   -	The byte received
;	rx_flag		   -	Set when a byte is received.
		bank	serial
		movb    c,rx_pin                ;get current rx bit
		test    rx_count                ;currently receiving byte?
		jnz     :rxbit                  ;if so, jump ahead
		mov     w,#9                    ;in case start, ready 9 bits
		sc                              ;skip ahead if not start bit
		mov     rx_count,w              ;it is, so renew bit count
		mov     rx_divide,#start_delay  ;ready 1.5 bit periods
:rxbit		djnz    rx_divide,:rxdone       ;middle of next bit?
		setb    rx_divide.baud_bit      ;yes, ready 1 bit period
		dec     rx_count                ;last bit?
		sz                              ;if not
		rr      rx_byte                 ;  then save bit
		snz                             ;if so
		setb    rx_flag                 ;  then set flag
; The 24-bit timer increments every 52.16us when called by task_manager.
		bank	timers			; Update the timers
		inc	timer_l
		inc	timer_h
		setb	timer_flag
		inc	timer_hh
		dec	timer_hh
		setb	led_pin
		sb	timer_h.2
		clrb	led_pin
		bank	fsk_transmit_bank
		sb	fsk_tx_en
		jb	fsk_answering,transmit_answer_tones
		jnb	fsk_tx_bit,:low_bit
		bank	sine_gen_bank
		mov	freq_count_high2,#f390_h
		mov	freq_count_low2,#f390_l
		bank	sine_gen_bank
		mov	freq_count_high2,#f450_h
		mov	freq_count_low2,#f450_l
		jnb	fsk_tx_bit,:low_bit
		bank	sine_gen_bank
		mov	freq_count_high2,#f1300_h
		mov	freq_count_low2,#f1300_l
		bank	sine_gen_bank
		mov	freq_count_high2,#f2100_h
		mov	freq_count_low2,#f2100_l
; Interrupt
; With a retiw value of -163 and an oscillator frequency of 50MHz, this
; code runs every 3.26us.
		jnb	dtmf_gen_en,:dtmf_disabled
		call	@sine_generator1
		call	@DTMF_twist
		jmp	:task_switcher
		jnb	sine_gen_en,:task_switcher  ; Output the frequencies set by the freq_count registers
		call	@sine_generator2
		call	@SINE_out		; Output each discrete value of the sine table
		call	fsk_receive_main
		call	task_manager
; This is the end of the interrupt service routine.  Now load -163 into w and
; perform a retiw to interrupt 163 cycles from the start of this one.  
; (3.26us@50MHz)
		mov	w,#-163		;1	; interrupt 163 cycles after this interrupt
		retiw			;3	; return from the interrupt
; End of the Interrupt Service Routine

org	$600			; These subroutines are on page 3.
; DTMF transmit functions/subroutines
DTMF_TABLE	; DTMF tone constants
; This routine returns with the constant used for each of the frequency
; detectors.
; INPUT:	w	-	Index into the table (0-15 value)
; OUTPUT:	w	-	Constant at that index
		jmp	PC+w
tableStart	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
		retw	f697_l
		retw	f697_h			
		retw	f770_l
		retw	f770_h
		retw	f852_l
		retw	f852_h	
		retw	f941_l
		retw	f941_h
		retw	f1209_l
		retw	f1209_h
		retw	f1336_l
		retw	f1336_h
		retw	f1477_l
		retw	f1477_h
		retw	f1633_l
		retw	f1633_h
tableEnd	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
ASCII_TABLE	; Ascii value at index (0-15)
; INPUT:	w	-	Index into the table (0-15 value)
; OUTPUT:	w	-	Constant at that index
		jmp	PC+w
tableStart	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
		retw	'1'
		retw	'2'			
		retw	'3'
		retw	'A'
		retw	'4'
		retw	'5'	
		retw	'6'
		retw	'B'
		retw	'7'
		retw	'8'
		retw	'9'
		retw	'C'
		retw	'*'
		retw	'0'
		retw	'#'
		retw	'D'
tableEnd	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
; This subroutine converts a digit from 0-9 or a '*' or a '#' to a table 
; lookup index which can be used by the load_frequencies subroutine.  To use
; this routine, pass it a value in the 'byte' register.  No invalid digits
; are used. (A, B, C, or D)
; This subroutine converts a digit from 0-9 or a '*' or a '#' to a table 
; lookup index which can be used by the load_frequencies subroutine.  To use
; this routine, pass it a value in the 'byte' register.  No invalid digits
; are used. (A, B, C, or D)
		bank	serial
		clr	temp
		mov	w,temp
		xor	w,byte
		jz	:done
		inc	temp
		jb	temp.4,:done
		jmp	:loop

:done		mov	w,temp
; This subroutine loads the frequencies using a table lookup approach.
; The index into the table is passed in the byte register.  The DTMF table
; must be in the range of $400 to $500.
		mov	temp,w
		bank	sine_gen_bank

		mov	w,>>temp
		and	w,#%00000110
		mov	freq_count_low,w

		mov	w,>>temp
		and	w,#%00000110
		inc	wreg
		mov	freq_count_high,w

		rl	temp
		setb	temp.3
		mov	w,temp
		and	w,#%00001110
		mov	temp,w
		mov	freq_count_low2,w

		mov	w,temp
		inc	wreg
		mov	freq_count_high2,w
dial_it		; This subroutine puts out whatever frequencies were loaded
		; for 100ms, and then stops outputting the frequencies.
		bank	sine_gen_bank
		clr	sine_index
		clr	sine_index2
		mov	w,#1
		call	@delay_100n_ms		; delay 100ms
		setb	dtmf_gen_en
		mov	w,#1
		call	@delay_100n_ms		; delay 100ms
		clrb	dtmf_gen_en
		call	@disable_o		; now disable the outputs
:end_dial_it	retp
sine_generator1 					;(Part of interrupt service routine)
; This routine generates a sine wave with values from the sine table
; at the end of this program.  Frequency is specified by the counter.  To set
; the frequency, put this value into the 16-bit freq_count register:
; freq_count = FREQUENCY * 6.83671552 (@50MHz)
		bank	sine_gen_bank
		clrb	swCarryFlag
		add	freq_acc_low,freq_count_low
		setb	swCarryFlag
		add	freq_acc_high,freq_count_high
		snb	swCarryFlag
		inc	freq_acc_high
		jmp	:change			; if zero, this definetely caused a rollover.

		jmp	:no_change
:change		inc	sine_index
		mov	w,sine_index
		and	w,#$1f
		call	sine_table
		mov	curr_sine,w		;1	


sine_generator2						;(Part of interrupt service routine)
; This routine generates a sine wave with values from the sine table
; at the end of this program.  Frequency is specified by the counter.  To set
; the frequency, put this value into the 16-bit freq_count register:
; freq_count = FREQUENCY * 6.83671552 (@50MHz)
		bank	sine_gen_bank
		clrb	swCarryFlag
		add	freq_acc_low2,freq_count_low2
		setb	swCarryFlag
		add	freq_acc_high2,freq_count_high2
		snb	swCarryFlag
		inc	freq_acc_high2
		jmp	:change			; if zero, this definetely caused a rollover.

		jmp	:no_change
:change		inc	sine_index2
		mov	w,sine_index2
		and	w,#$1f
		call	sine_table
		mov	curr_sine2,w
; This subroutine moves the FSK output to the PDM register
		bank	sine_gen_bank
		mov	w,#127
		add	w,curr_sine2
		mov	PDM0_out,w
; This subroutine adds twist to the high frequency of the DTMF output.
		bank	sine_gen_bank
		mov	PDM0_out,curr_sine2			; mov sin2 into PDM0
		rr	wreg
		rr	wreg
		and	w,#$3f
		snb	wreg.5
		or	w,#$C0
		add	PDM0_out,w				; (1.25)(sin2) = sin2 + (0.25)(sin2)
		add	PDM0_out,curr_sine			; add the value of SIN into the PDM output
		add	PDM0_out,#128			; for result = PDM0 = 1.25*sin2 + 1*sin
		retp					; return with page bits intact
; The values in this table can be changed to increase/decrease the amplitude of
; the output sine wave.
; This sine table gives an output level of approximately -15dB into a 600 ohm
; impedance
	jmp	pc+w
tableStart	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.
	retw	0
	retw	4
	retw	8
	retw	11
	retw	14
	retw	16
	retw	18
	retw	19
	retw	20
	retw	19
	retw	18
	retw	16
	retw	14
	retw	11
	retw	8
	retw	4
	retw	0
	retw	-4
	retw	-8
	retw	-11
	retw	-14
	retw	-16
	retw	-18
	retw	-19
	retw	-20
	retw	-19
	retw	-18
	retw	-16
	retw	-14
	retw	-11
	retw	-8
	retw	-4
tableEnd	; Will cause a compiler error if not located in the lower half of a page.			; Will cause a compiler error if not locat
;        Copyright © 1998 Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights
;        reserved.
;        Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for
;        the use of this [product, application, software, any of these products].
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;        Information contained in this publication regarding (e.g.: application,
;        implementation) and the like is intended through suggestion only and may
;        be superseded by updates. Scenix Semiconductor makes no representation
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;        Scenix Semiconductor products are not authorized for use in life support
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;        obtained from Scenix Semiconductor.

file: /Techref/scenix/lib/io/dev/modem/v_23_originate_1_37.src, 68KB, , updated: 2001/10/27 13:18, local time: 2024/10/6 01:19,

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