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I would like to know what's necessary to make a SX52BD demo board visible all over the Internet and not only by the local network.

I've already tried the following:

  1. . I gave a static IP to the board.
  2. . Loaded the SX device using iSX for SX52BD
  3. . Loaded the SX device with html pages (index.html).
  4. . I connected the SX device to the web server host of my LAN using a hub to do that
  5. . I went to the browser and type the following: http://<IPaddress>/index.html

Anyone have any idea what's wrong?

Author: Stephen Holland
Date: 08-10-2001 06:22

  1. . Upgrade your source code, as this will ensure you have the latest bug fixes (go to
  2. . You may need to setup the default gateway. The following code is what you need:

Insert the following snippet of code just before the main loop in the program.


; obtain and store gateway MAC addr 
; send a dummy packet to the gateway so that ARP can do its 
; work and ferret out the gateway's MAC addr 
_bank IP_BANK 
mov remoteIP3, #GATEWAY_IP_ADDR3 
mov remoteIP2, #GATEWAY_IP_ADDR2 
mov remoteIP1, #GATEWAY_IP_ADDR1 
mov remoteIP0, #GATEWAY_IP_ADDR0 
_bank UDP_BANK 
clr udpTxDataLenMSB 
clr udpTxDataLenLSB 
call @UDPStartPktOut 
call @UDPEndPktOut 

:initLoop call @NICWaitRxFrame 
call @ARPCheckIfIs 
jb arpFlags.ARP_RSP_RCVD, :gotIt 
jmp :initLoop 

:gotIt ; store the MAC addr for posterity 
bank ARP_BANK 
mov w, host1Eth0 
mov gatewayEth0, w 
bank ARP_BANK 
mov w, host1Eth1 
mov gatewayEth1, w 
bank ARP_BANK 
mov w, host1Eth2 
mov gatewayEth2, w 
bank ARP_BANK 
mov w, host1Eth3 
mov gatewayEth3, w 
bank ARP_BANK 
mov w, host1Eth4 
mov gatewayEth4, w 
bank ARP_BANK 
mov w, host1Eth5 
mov gatewayEth5, w 
; reset ARP 
clr arpFlags 
setb arpflags.ARP_BYPASS ; we want to direct pkt to gateway from hereon 

; main program init  


file: /Techref/scenix/lib/io/osi3/tcpip/defaultgateway.htm, 2KB, , updated: 2002/4/1 17:15, local time: 2024/9/17 12:54,

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