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PICList Project

Ralph Stickleys' Serial Register Monitor

This DOS program (written in Borland C 3.1) for the PC and the asm code added to your PIC project makes use of any available hardware RS-232 port to poll and display all on-chip register variables. The PC software parses the MPLINK map file so that the variables are displayed using thier names rather than just the register number.

More people who are starting out with PICs or other uCs should be aware of how usefull something like this can be when debugging a project. It is small enough to be left in (if the serial port is not required for the project) and used on site. I could envision mailing the customer with a particularly hard to trouble shoot (happens on-site only type) problem an old 1200 baud external modem set for auto-answer with a DB25 to header cable adapter and having them connect it to the device in place and to a spare phone line and then dialing in and remotly watching the device run.

Download the file, use winzip or any other zip extractor to place the files in a directory on your machine. Add the Ev_comms.asm code to your project, connect the PIC serial port (via a TTL to RS232 converter) to a serial port on your PC and run the pic_hex.exe program.

Magdas Emilian Catalin Says:

Good Day! I'm trying to download the zip file but it gives me an error. I'm really interested in a program to monitor all registers in a Pic16F84. Could anyone please help me with this? Thank you!

James Newton replies: I've fixed the link, thanks for letting me know.+


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