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REPL_INFO_0 info  Overview  Group

The REPL_INFO_0 structure specifies the action of the replicator, including the setting of import and export paths and parameters.

typedef struct _REPL_INFO_0 {
DWORD rp0_role;
LPWSTR rp0_exportpath;
LPWSTR rp0_exportlist;
LPWSTR rp0_importpath;
LPWSTR rp0_importlist;
LPWSTR rp0_logonusername;
DWORD rp0_interval;
DWORD rp0_pulse;
DWORD rp0_guardtime;
DWORD rp0_random;


Specifies either one or both of the following values.




Exports directory control information.


Imports directory control information on a Windows NT Workstation.

Specifies the root directory that holds the exportpath parameter.
Specifies the list of computers or domains to export, using semicolon delimiters. If the list is empty, the function assumes the local domain.
Specifies the root directory that holds the importpath parameter. If both the export tree and import tree are on an NTFS partition, the Windows NT Replicator service will copy the file permissions as well as the files themselves.
Specifies the list of computers or domains to import, using semicolon delimiters. If the list is empty, the function assumes the local domain.
The account which the replication service will attempt to use if the user is not logged on.
Specifies the interval in minutes (the default setting is 5), at which the exporter will contact each import server for each top-level directory. The exporter sends a sync message if it detects a change to the directory since the last message, or a pulse message if it has not.
Specifies a multiplier count (the default setting is 2) for the rp0_interval. If the exporter fails to respond to an importer after rp0_pulse times rp0_interval minutes, the importer sends a message to the exporter asking for an update. If the exporter fails again to respond after the same amount of time, the importer reports that the top level directory is not synchronized properly. If the exporter fails again to respond, the importer will no longer notify the exporter. This state is reset as soon as the importer hears from the exporter and replicates successfully.
This setting is valid only for top-level directories when the Wait Until Stabilized feature is enabled. Before sending a synchronizing message with an updated checksum, the exporter requires that the tree not change for the time in minutes (by default). The rp0_guardtime may not be more than rp0_interval divided by 2.
Specifies the maximum time (default 60, maximum 120 seconds) the import servers can wait before requesting an update. An import server generates a random number of seconds (from 0 to the value of rp0_random). After receiving an update notice from the exporter, the import server waits the generated amount of seconds before requesting the replica from the export server. This prevents the export server from being overloaded by simultaneous update requests. The default value is 60. You may want to increase this value substantially if you increase rp0_interval to 60 or more minutes.

See Also

NetReplGetInfo, NetReplSetInfo

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