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PIC Specific RS232 IO

.sti file generator for RS232 simulation in MPLAB

Kayode Ayandokun [kayode.ayandokun at VIRGIN.NET] says:

I recently wrote two small PC programs that may be of use to anyone developing a serial application on a 16F84 or other PIC using a bit-banged serial interface.

gps_sti is a program to create the *.sti files used by the MPLAB simulator. You give it the starting point for the serial input in cycles from the start of your PIC program and the string to be sent to the PIC in the simulation and an sti file is generated. Uses RB0 for the input and assumes inverted TTL. The program is available as C source so it can easily be modified if required. A batch file is also provided to demonstrate the command line.

serialDemo is a very simple C++ program that demonstrates how to set up a PC serial port from a Win32 console app, open a text file and transmit it line by line to the PIC or whatever else is attached to the serial port. It uses the freeware SerialPort MFC class by PJ Naughter. It comes with project and resource files for MSVC++ 5.0.

Both programs are available for download from the free demo code page at (cached 20001220081855 Source in HTML)


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