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by Peter L. Peres 2005 <>


H Hot heat exchanger 800-1000K, 2-3 bar 20-25kW
C Compressor, part of turbocompressor
I Intercooler, air inside, water outside
MG Starting motor and generator
R Radiator (cold heat exch.), water inside, air outside
S Sump, cold water
T Turbine, part of turbocompressor
W Water pump, <50l/min

A sun powered turbogenerator idea of about 20-25kW thermal input, using as many ready made automotive parts (possibly from the junkyard) as possible. Hoping to obtain 1-2kWe output and 30-40C warm water.

Paraboloidal offset mirror (P):

30-50 m^2 mirror made from 3mm plate glass mirrors, each plate deformed from the back (by pulling an epoxied plate) to form a concave mirror surface. The required focal distance is 10-20 meters. The array will be 5-6 meters tall (ca. 2 house levels) and 5-8 wide.

It could be built as a lean-to to an existing structure. The offset mirror has a small inclination vs. vertical up to latitude 45 deg. N or S. This and the counterweight make the top bearing light. The top bearing is adjusted manually or by servo only in the North/South directon to follow the changing height of the sun.

Cold heat exchanger (R):

Domestic air conditioner chiller box, air outside, water inside, pressure 1 atmosphere, air flow cca. 0.1 m^3/sec. Vented to atmosphere through a pressure compensation hole.

Motor Generator (MG):

High speed custom made motor generator. Must work at 100k rpm, starter power ~200W, generator 1kW or more (hoped).

Heater (H):

Solar target and heat exchanger welded and bolted from engine exhaust manifold parts. Mates with turbine inlet using original hardware.

Power Converter Unit (PCU):

Is mounted on a wheeled carriage that runs on a semicircular track in front of the mirror, following its focal point. It contains the water sump, the turbine, the solar target and the controller and battery. It is connected with an electrical cable to the base of the mirror system. The unit can be wheeled into a garage, onto a truck etc. for service. If linked with a bar to the mirror axle base, can replace the azimuth servo.

Turbine + Compressor

Automotive turbo compressor Garrett etc. mass flow ca.  12 lb/sec @100k rpm and 1:2 pressure ratio. Mechanically modified for power pickoff using a thin long shaft coupled to the compressor inlet side rotor hub.

See also:


Internal injection flash steam heat engine. +

Solar Power, Heating and Cooling +

Heat Engines



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