please dont rip this site

the MassMind
...content heavy,
light sales...
NOTICE: This store is closing

The MassMind store sells things that promote MAKING, DOING, and most of all, LEARNING. We target items that we can sell at a profit for less than you buy or build them at home. For example, PCB's respond well to economy of scale: A large run of PCB's results in a per unit cost that is much lower than a single prototype. We can kit parts, purchased in quantities, for less than a single units parts can be purchased. We don't try to compete with Asia; they will always beat us on labor costs since we are an American company. But there is one thing they will NEVER sell: Education, knowledge, and how to Do It Yourself. DIY benefits you not only because you can get a finished product for less, but also in a sense of pride at having built it yourself, and a better future for having LEARNED how it works!

Content Heavy, light sales For every product listed in our store there are hundreds of pages of documentation, examples, explanations, and general technical information linked from each product or available in the Techref section. We started as a technical wiki, and expanded into products only to support that site.

We hope you purchase and enjoy our products, but really, deep down inside, we hope you LEARN.

Here are a few quick examples:

file: /Techref/member/massmind/index.htm, 5KB, , updated: 2020/12/15 10:41, local time: 2024/8/31 19:11,

 ©2024 These pages are served without commercial sponsorship. (No popup ads, etc...).Bandwidth abuse increases hosting cost forcing sponsorship or shutdown. This server aggressively defends against automated copying for any reason including offline viewing, duplication, etc... Please respect this requirement and DO NOT RIP THIS SITE. Questions?
Please DO link to this page! Digg it! / MAKE!

<A HREF=""> the MassMind store homepage</A>

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