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Bitmaped Pictures

See the <esc>*b commands

Richard H. Mock [RHMock at] says:

Using a search engine I happened upon [this web site]

I chose to ask an expert, Mr. James Newton, how to embed pictures in PCL text. Having realized no responses to my queries of other experts, I did not expect a reply from Mr. Newton. He surprised me with an answer within an hour.

FYI: I use under WINDOWS 98 DOS a UNIX lookalike editor, "gvim" (Greatly Visual editor IMproved). Don't snicker at the acronym, the UNIX full screen editor is known as "vi", short for visual. The German gentleman who wrote the early DOS versions, named his product "vim", Visual IMproved, and renamed the later versions "gvim". When I was in harness (gainfully employed), my last several years as a programmer- analyst using big iron were spent in an UNIX environment. To me, the DOS editor, as DOS when compared to UNIX, does not measure-up; hence, I searched the Internet for a better text editor and found vim. All of this is to indicate that I bypassed any possible corruption of data problem using DOS.

All of the picture files to which I have access are of the file extensions ".bmp" and ".jpeg", so once more I employed the search engines and located a file conversion facility at:

I used this facility to convert a small .bmp file to a .pcl file. By the way, I added this URL to my "Favorites".

I opened a new file and entered some basic PCL commands and a single line of text before keying the command to enter the GL/2 mode (Esc%1B). Then, I copied, using the gvim read a file command, the .pcl file into the object file. Lastly, I keyed the command to re-enter PCL (Esc%0A) and entered a few words of text before saving the file.

From DOS, I entered the command "TYPE file-name.txt > prn", the DOS command "PRINT" has been inactivated in Windows. The H-P LaserJet 5 printer responded with three sheets, each part (PCL, GL/2, /PCL) on a separate sheet. Success! All that remains, and that is much, for me to do is learn to use the "picture frame" commands.

In a few words Mr. Newton saved me many hours of further research, something that several other people were afforded an opportunity to do, and did not do.

Thank you, Mr. Newton.


file: /Techref/language/pcl/pictures.htm, 16KB, , updated: 2017/2/23 12:59, local time: 2024/9/17 20:21,

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