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  JavaScript Guide index


! operator 112
# (hash mark in URL) 275
% operator 109
& operator 110
&& operator 112
*/ comment 149, 154
-- operator 109
++ operator 109
/* comment 149, 154
// comment 29, 149, 154
^ operator 110
| operator 110
|| operator 112
~ operator 110


A HTML tag 66, 179, 305
abort event 336
about: (URL syntax) 316, 317
abs method 175
absolute value 175
See tainting
acos method 176
ACTION attribute 176, 252
action property 176
alert method 41, 51, 177
alinkColor property 178
anchor method 179
Anchor object 179
See also anchors
Anchor object 179
creating 179
defining 179
linking to 66
anchors array 180
anchors property
See anchors array
animation 288
appCodeName property 183
Applet object 184
controlling with LiveConnect 73
example of 74, 75
flashing text example 75
Hello World example 74, 80
including in a web page 184
referencing 73
applets array 185
appName property 187
appVersion property 187
arc cosine 176
arc sine 193
arc tangent 194
AREA HTML tag 305
Area object 189, 305
See Link object
arguments array 120, 189
arithmetic operators
decrement 109
increment 109
modulus 108
unary negation 109
Array object 190
creating 128
overview 127
See also the individual arrays
Array object 190
associative 118
creating from strings 419
defined 128
dense 192
increasing length of 191
indexing 55, 129, 192
initial length of 191
joining 298
length of, determining 301
list of predefined 54
null elements 106
populating 128
predefined 54
referring to elements 55, 129, 192
reversing 390
sorting 416
transposing 390
undefined elements 106
ASCII, string value 239, 453
asin method 193
assignment operators 107
defined 105
atan method 194
atan2 method 194


Back button 195
back method 195
background color 196
bgColor property 196
BIG HTML tag 196
big method 196
bitwise operators
logical 110
overview 110
shift 111
BLINK HTML tag 197
blink method 197
blur event 337
blur method 51, 198
BOLD HTML tag 199
bold method 199
Boolean literals 102
Boolean object 200
overview 130
border property 201
break statement 145, 154
about: (URL syntax) 317
code name of 183
hiding scripts from 29
name of 187
navigator object 332
user agent 455
version of 187
Button object 202
See also buttons
Button object 202
clicking programmatically 211
defining 202
reset 387
submit 44, 428


caching graphics 289
call method (LiveConnect) 167
caller property 204
case sensitivity 27, 101, 117
ceil method 205
CGI programs
and image maps 85
and server JavaScript 24
submitting forms to 44
validating form input for 42
change event 339
charAt method 206
Checkbox object 206
See also checkboxes
Checkbox object 206
checking programmatically 210
clicking programmatically 211
default selection state 222
defining 206
selection state 210
checked property 210
clearTimeout method 134, 211
click event 339
click method 211
client JavaScript 23
close method 51
document object 212
window object 58, 213
closed property 214
background 196
font 249
foreground 243
hexadecimal values 487
link 178, 312, 462
list of 487
string literals 487
string literals for 487-492
text 243
commas, in cookies 87
comment statement 149, 154
comments 29, 154
types of 149
comparison operators 108
complete property 215
compute function 41
conditional expressions 106
conditional statements 141-142
confirm method 41, 51, 216
constructor property 217
specifying default object 148, 162
with statement and 148, 162
continue statement 145, 155
conventions 153
cookie property 218
cookies 218
defined 86
example of use 89
implementation of 493-497
with JavaScript 88
limitations for 87
cos method 219
cosine 219
current property 220


data tainting
See tainting
data types
converting 100
and Date object 99
Java to JavaScript conversion 81
in JavaScript 26, 99
JavaScript to Java conversion 77
Date object 221
See also dates, times
creating 130
overview 130
using 130-134
See also times
converting to string 445
cookie expiration 87
Date object 221
day of month 268
day of week 269
defining 221
GMT conversion 444
milliseconds since 1970 359, 456
month 270
working with 130
year 272, 415
decrement operator 109
default objects, specifying 148, 162
defaultChecked property 222
defaultSelected property 223
defaultStatus property 86, 225
defaultValue property 226
dense arrays 192
description property 227
destroy method (LiveConnect) 172
dialog boxes
Alert 51, 177
Confirm 41, 51, 216
Prompt 51, 372
directories, conventions used 18
document object 46, 228
See also documents
anchors array 180
applets array 185
described 52
embeds array 235
example of properties 47-49
forms array 253
images array 289
links array 308
documentation conventions 18-19
See also windows
anchors array 180
anchors in 180
applets array 185
applets in 185
closing 212
color of 196, 243
current URL 454
defining 228
displaying HTML output in 228
document object 52, 228
embeds array 235
error handler for 341
forms array 253
images array 289
images in 289
last modified date 257, 300
links array 308
onUnload event handler 345, 351
opening 351
reloading 383
title 444
writing to 471, 472
domain property 232


E property 233
elements array 52, 234
elements property
See elements array
else statement
See if...else statement
embeds array 235
embeds property
See embeds array
enabledPlugin property 237
encoding property 238
ENCTYPE attribute 238, 252
end_time method (LiveAudio) 500
entities 32
error event 341
escape function 87, 88, 239
escaping characters 103
Euler's constant 233
base 10 logarithm of 319
base 2 logarithm of 319
raised to a power 242
eval function 41, 100
eval method 240
eval method (LiveConnect) 168
event handlers 336-351
See also the individual event handlers
defining 37
defining functions for 39
example of use 40-41
in Function objects 267
list of 38
quotation marks for 40
referring to windows 64
resetting 41
scripting 37-41
specifying object names in 213
summary of 475-483
syntax for 39
events, defined 37
exp method 242
conditional 106
in HTML attributes 32
overview 105
that return no value 115
types of 105


fade_from_to method (LiveAudio) 500
fade_to method (LiveAudio) 500
fgColor property 243
file: (URL syntax) 316
filename property 244
FileUpload object 244
fixed method 246
flashing text applet example 75
floating-point literals 102
floor method 247
giving 247
onBlur event handler 337
onChange event handler 339
onFocus event handler 344
removing 198
focus event 344
focus method 51, 247
fontcolor method 249
big 196
blinking 197
bold 199
color of 249
fixed 246
italic 297
size of 250
small 416
strikeout 424
subscript 427
superscript 432
fontsize method 250
for loops
continuation of 145, 155
sequence of execution 142
syntax of 155
termination of 145, 154
for statement 142-143, 155 statement 147, 156
foreground color 243
form elements
type of 451
updating 37
updating dynamically 50
FORM HTML tag 46, 66, 251
Form object 251
See also forms
described 52
elements array 52, 234
form property 257
ACTION attribute 176, 252
buttons 202
checkboxes 206
defining 251
destination URL 176
element focus 198, 247
element names 328
elements array 52, 234
ENCTYPE attribute 238, 252
FileUpload objects 244
Form object 52, 251
forms array 52, 253
Hidden object 276
METHOD attribute 252, 323
MIME encoding 238, 252
number of elements 301
onSubmit event handler 350
Password objects 362
radio buttons 378
referring to windows in submit 66
reset buttons 387
reset event handler 349
resetting values 387
selection lists 396
submit buttons 428
submitting 427, 428
TARGET attribute 251
target property 436
Text objects 436
Textarea objects 440
validating input 42
forms array 52, 253
forms property
See forms array
Forward button 258
forward method 258
FRAME HTML tag 51, 66
Frame object 259
See also frames
described 51
frames array 261
closing 58
creating 59
defined 59
defining 259
example of creation 62-63
figure of 59
Frame object 51, 259
frames array 60, 61, 261
hierarchy of 60
name of, linking to 66
navigating 62
parent 358
referring to 62, 64-66
top 446
updating 61
frames array 60, 61, 261
frames property
See frames array
FRAMESET HTML tag 59, 259
ftp: (URL syntax) 316
function keyword 33, 118
Function object 265
overview 134
specifying arguments for 266
specifying event handler with 267
as variable value 266
function statement 157
functions 175-473
See also the individual functions
arguments array 189
caller property 204
calling 33-35
defined 33
defining 33-35
defining and calling 118-120
escape 239
examples of 43
excess arguments for 120
Function object 134, 265
isNAN 296
isNan 139
number of arguments 301
parseFloat 140, 359
parseInt 140, 360
recursive 119
return values of 160
taint 434
unescape 453
untaint 453
using built in 139-140
using validation 44
as variable value 266


getDate method 268
getDay method 131, 269
getHours method 133, 269
getMember method (LiveConnect) 168
getMinutes method 133, 270
getMonth method 270
getPeer method (LiveConnect) 172
getSeconds method 133, 271
getSlot method (LiveConnect) 168
getTime method 132, 271
getTimezoneOffset method 272
GetVolume method (LiveAudio) 500
getWindow method (LiveConnect) 172
getWindow static method (LiveConnect) 168
getYear method 272
Go menu 273, 279
go method 53, 273
gopher: (URL syntax) 316
See images


hash property 275
HEAD HTML tag 119
height property 276
Hello World applet example 74, 80
Hidden object 276
history array 279
history list 53
current URL in 220
loading URL from 273
next URL in 258, 334
previous URL in 195, 372
replacing current entry 351, 385
History menu option 273
history object 46, 279
current property 220
described 53
history array 279
next property 334
number of entries 301
previous property 372
history property
See history array
host property 281
hostname property 282
HREF attribute 85
href property 283
hspace property 285
embedding JavaScript in 27-33
generated 471, 472
and JavaScript 17
HTML layout 49-50
HTML tags
A 66, 179, 305
AREA 305
BIG 196
BOLD 199
FORM 46, 66, 251
FRAME 51, 66
FRAMESET 59, 259
HEAD 119
I 297
IMG 85, 286
INPUT 202, 206, 244, 276, 362, 378, 387, 428, 436
MAP 84, 305
PRE 36
SUB 427
SUP 432
TT 246
http: (URL syntax) 316
See links
HyperText Markup Language


I HTML tag 297
identity taint code 92
if...else statement 141, 157
image maps
client-side 84
server-side 85
Image object 286
aborting load of 336
and animation 288
Area object 305
border 201
caching 289
completion of loading 215
error handler for 341
height 276
horizontal space around 285
Image object 286
low resolution source 320
onAbort event handler 336
preloading 289
size of 288
source 421
vertical space around 463
width of 464
images array 289
images property
See images array
IMG HTML tag 85, 286
increment operator 109
index property 294
indexOf method 295
negative 333
positive 371
init method (LiveConnect) 172
INPUT HTML tag 202, 206, 244, 276, 362, 378, 387, 428, 436
integers, in JavaScript 102
isActive method (LiveConnect) 173
ISMAP attribute 85
isNaN function 296
isNan function
overview 139
IsPaused method (LiveAudio) 500
IsPlaying method (LiveAudio) 500
IsReady method (LiveAudio) 500
italics method 297


See also LiveConnect
accessing with LiveConnect 72
communication with JavaScript 69-82
compared to JavaScript 26
determining whether enabled 298
enabling and disabling 298
getting JavaScript window handle 78
to JavaScript communication 77
java package 70
java_30 file 71
javaEnabled method 298
background for using 17
case sensitivity 27
communication with Java 69-82
compared to Java 26
described 25
embedding in HTML 27-33
entities 32
external file of 30
and HTML layout 49-50
to Java communication 72
LiveWire 24-25
Navigator 23-24
reserved words 485
right-hand evaluation 32
special characters 103
specifying version 27
types of 23
URLs 83
javascript: (URL syntax) 316, 317
join method 298
JSException class 169
JSException constructor (LiveConnect) 170
JSObject class 165


keywords 485


LANGUAGE attribute 27
language, specifying 27
lastIndexOf method 299
lastModified property 300
layout, HTML 49-50
left shift operator 111
length property 138, 301
link method 304
Link object 305
See also links
Area objects 307
linkColor property 312
anchors for 179
and areas 305
color of 178, 312, 462
creating 66
defining 304, 305
image maps 85
and images 305
Link object 305
links array 308
referring to windows 66
target 436
with no destination 115
links array 308
links property
See links array
lists, selection 396
Boolean 102
floating point 102
integers 102
overview 101
string 102
LiveAudio 499-504
examples 501
and LiveConnect 499-504
methods 500
LiveConnect 69-82
accessing Java directly 72
accessing JavaScript objects 78
accessing JavaScript properties 78
calling JavaScript methods 79
controlling Java applets 73
controlling Java plug-ins 76
getting a window handle 78
Hello World example 80
and LiveAudio 499-504
packages 165-173
LiveWire applications, validating form input for 42
LiveWire JavaScript
See server JavaScript
LN10 property 313
LN2 property 313
load event 345
location object 46, 314
described 53
location property 61, 454
log method 318
LOG10E property 319
LOG2E property 319
base 10 of e 319
base 2 of e 319
base of natural 233, 242
natural logarithm of 10 313
natural logarithm of 2 313
natural logarithm of a number 318
logical operators
overview 112
short-circuit evaluation 113
loop statements
for 142-143
while 144
continuation of 145, 155
for 155 147, 156
termination of 145, 154
while 161
lowercase 27, 101, 445
lowsrc property 320


mailto: (URL syntax) 316
MAP HTML tag 84, 305
Math object 321
overview 136
mathematical constants and functions 321
max method 322
MAX_VALUE property 323
MAYSCRIPT attribute 185
Alert dialog box 51, 177
Confirm dialog box 51, 216
Prompt dialog box 51, 372
status bar 86
METHOD attribute 49, 252, 323
method property 323
methods 175-473
See also the individual methods
defined 35
defining 124
referring to windows 64
summary of 475-483
MIME encoding 238
MIME types
client capability 94, 324
configured plug-in for 237
description property 227
name of 451
plug-ins supported 366
suffixes of 432
MimeType object 324
mimeTypes array 94, 325
mimeTypes property
See mimeTypes array
min method 327
MIN_VALUE property 328
modulo function 109
modulus operator 108
mouseout event 348
mouseOver event 348


NAME attribute 48
name property 328
NaN property 331
natural logarithms
base of 233
e 233
e raised to a power 242
of 10 313
of 2 313
of a number 318
See also Navigator 2.0, Navigator 3.0
about: (URL syntax) 317
code name of 183
enabling and disabling Java 298
and JavaScript 23, 24
MIME types in 325
MIME types supported 94, 324
name of 187
navigator object 332
plug-ins in 367
plug-ins installed on 365
predefined arrays 54
printing output 37
user agent 455
version of 187
Navigator 2.0
See also Navigator
Navigator 3.0
See also Navigator
changed functionality 510-512
new functionality 505-510
Navigator JavaScript
See client JavaScript
navigator object 46, 332
See also Navigator
described 54
mimeTypes array 325
plugins array 367
Netscape packages
See packages
netscape.applet package 71
netscape.javascript package 71, 77
netscape.javascript.JSException class 169
netscape.javascript.JSObject class 165
netscape.javascript.Plugin class 171
netscape.plugin package 71
netscape.sun package 71
new operator 113, 121, 158
news: (URL syntax) 316
next property 334
NS_ENABLE_TAINT environment variable 91
null keyword 106
Number object 335
overview 137
absolute value of 175
arc cosine of 176
arc sine of 193
arc tangent of 194
base of 447
cosine of 219
defining Number objects 335
exponents of 371
greater of two 322
infinite 333, 371
isNAN 296
lesser of two 327
maximum value 323
minimum value 328
natural logarithm of 318
not-a-number value 331
Number object 137, 335
obtaining integer 205, 247
parsing from strings 140, 359, 360
random 382
rounding 391
sine of 415
square root 420, 421
tangent of 435


object manipulation statements 147
new operator 146
this keyword 147
with statement 148
objects 175-473
See also the individual objects
adding properties 123, 374
creating new types 121-123, 158
deleting 126
establishing default 148, 162
focus 198, 247
hierarchy of 45
indexing properties 123
overview 117
primitive value of 461
prototypes 217
specifying names in event handlers 213
summary of 475-483
onAbort event handler 336
onBlur event handler 337
onChange event handler 42, 44, 339
onClick event handler 41, 42, 44, 89, 339
onError event handler 341
onFocus event handler 344
onLoad event handler 133, 345
onMouseOut event handler 86, 348
onMouseOver event handler 86, 348
onReset event handler 349
onSelect event handler 350
onSubmit event handler 44, 350
onUnload event handler 351
open method 51
document object 351
window object 57, 354
opener property 356
arithmetic 108-110
assignment 107
bitwise 110-112
comparison 108
defined 105
logical 112
order of 115
overview 106
special 113
string 113
Option object
See Select object
options array 399
options property
See options array
displaying 37
printing 37
output stream
closing 212
opening 351


packages 165-173
java 70
and LiveConnect 70
netscape 70
netscape.applet 71
netscape.javascript 71, 77
netscape.plugin 71
netscape.sun 71
sun 70
using 71
objects for 46
updating 37
parent property 64, 358
parse method 132, 359
parseFloat function 100, 359
overview 140
parseInt function 100, 360
overview 140
Password object 362
default value 226
pathname property 364
pause method (LiveAudio) 500
PI property 136, 365
play method (LiveAudio) 500
Plugin class 171
Plugin constructor (LiveConnect) 173
Plugin object 365
See also plug-ins
controlling with LiveConnect 76
defined 366
description property 227
determining installed 94, 366
file name of 244
generating output from 235
Plugin object 365
refreshing 383
plugins array 95, 367
plugins property
See plugins array
port property 370
pow method 371
PRE HTML tag 36
previous property 372
printing generated HTML 37, 472
prompt method 51, 372
properties 175-473
See also the individual properties
adding to objects 123, 374
indexing 123
naming 49
overview 117
referring to 47
referring to windows 64
summary of 475-483
protocol property 373
prototype property 374


quotation marks
for string literals 102
using double 40
using single 40


radio buttons
clicking programmatically 211
default selection state 222
defining 378
number of buttons 301
Radio object 378
selecting programmatically 210
selection state 210
Radio object 378
See also radio buttons
number of buttons 301
random method 382
referrer property 382
reflection 49-50
refresh method 383
reload method 383
removeMember method (LiveConnect) 168
replace method 385
reserved words 485
reset buttons
See also buttons
clicking programmatically 211
defining 387
reset method 387
Reset object 387
reset event 349
reset method 387
Reset object 387
See also reset buttons
return statement 34, 160
reverse method 390
RGB color values 487
right shift operators 112
right-hand evaluation 32
round method 391


LANGUAGE attribute 27
SRC attribute 30
example of 30
hiding 29
SCRIPT tag 27
tainting 90-93, 434
untainting 453
scroll method 51, 393
search property 394
See also tainting
closing windows 213
server domain 232
select event 350
select method 395
Select object 396
See also selection lists
options array 399
selected property 407
selectedIndex property 408
selection lists
adding options 402
changing option text 400
changing selection state 400
default selection state 223
defining 396
deleting options 402
number of options 301
option index 294
option text 439
options array 399
Select object 396
selection state 407
self property 64, 409
for event handlers 39
in cookies 87
in JavaScript 30
server JavaScript 24
accessing 90-93
domain property 232
sharing properties among 232
setDate method 410
setDay method 131
setHours method 410
setMember method (LiveConnect) 168
setMinutes method 411
setMonth method 411
setSeconds method 412
setSlot method (LiveConnect) 169
setTime method 132, 412
setTimeOut method 51
setTimeout method 134, 413
setvol method (LiveAudio) 500
setYear method 415
sin method 415
sine 415
SMALL HTML tag 416
small method 416
sort method 416
See LiveAudio
space characters, in cookies 87
special operators 113
new 113
typeof 114
void 115
split method 419
sqrt method 420
SQRT1_2 property 420
SQRT2 property 421
square roots 420
of 1/2 420
of 2 421
SRC attribute 30
src property 421
start_at_beginning method (LiveAudio) 500
start_time method (LiveAudio) 500
statements 153-163
See also the individual statements
break 145
conditional 141-142
continue 145 147
loop 142-146
object manipulation 146-148
overview 141-149
syntax conventions 153
status bar
default message 225
displaying hints 86
displaying messages 52, 86
setting message 423
status property 52, 86, 423
stop method (LiveAudio) 500
stop_at_end method (LiveAudio) 500
StopAll method (LiveAudio) 500
strike method 424
string literals 102
String object 424
See also strings
overview 137
string operators 113
ASCII value of 239, 453
blinking 197
bold 199
character position within 206, 295, 299
color of 249
converting from date 445
converting to binary 360
converting to floating point 359
creating from arrays 298
defining 424
evaluating 240
fixed font 246
fontsize of 196, 250, 416
italic 297
length of 301
lowercase 445
splitting into arrays 419
strikeout 424
String object 424
subscript 427
subset of 430
superscript 432
uppercase 451
SUB HTML tag 427
sub method 427
submit buttons
See also buttons
clicking programmatically 211
defining 428
Submit object 428
submit event 350
submit method 44, 427
Submit object 428
See also submit buttons
subscripts 427
substring method 430
subwindows, updating 37
suffixes property 432
sun package 70
SUP HTML tag 432
sup method 432
superscripts 432
syntax conventions 153


taint function 434
taintEnabled method 434
tainting 90-93
accumumlator 93
conditional statements and 93
control flow and 93
domain property 232
enabling 91
individual data elements 92
overview 90
properties tainted by default 90
taint accumulator 93
taint code 92
taint function 434
taintEnabled method 434
untaint function 453
untainting data elements 92
tan method 435
tangent 435
TARGET attribute 66, 251
target property 436
text color 243
Text object 436
default value 226
defining 436
text property 439
Textarea object 440
default value 226
defining 440
this keyword 39, 44, 122, 124, 160
described 147
for object references 125
this.form 257
time zones 272
canceling 211
setting 413
See also dates
Date object 221
defining 221
hours 269
minutes 270
numeric value 271
seconds 271
time zone offset 272
working with 130
title property 444
toGMTString method 87, 444
toLocaleString method 445
toLowerCase method 445
top property 64, 446
toString method 447
and arrays 449
and Boolean objects 449
built-in 448
and Functions 450
and Numbers 450
user-defined 448
toString method (LiveConnect) 169
toUpperCase method 451
trigonometric methods
acos 176
asin 193
atan 194
cos 219
sin 415
tan 435
TT HTML tag 246
type property 451
typeof operator 114
typographical conventions, used in this book 19


unary negation 109
unescape function 87, 88, 453
unload event 351
untaint function 453
uppercase 27, 101, 451
anchor name in 275
calling document's 382
conventions used 19
current 314, 454
domain 282
entire URL string 283
examples of common 316
form destination 176
form field input 252
history list 279
host 282
hostname:port 281
IP address 282
javascript: 83
loading from history list 273
next 258
port 370
previous 195
protocol 373
query information 394
replacing 385
syntax of 314, 316
url-path 364
user interaction
Alert dialog box 177
applets 184
area objects 305
buttons 202
checkboxes 206
Confirm dialog box 216
FileUpload objects 244
image objects 286, 305
link objects 305
Prompt dialog box 372
radio buttons 378
reset buttons 387
selection lists 396
submit buttons 428
Text objects 436
Textarea objects 440
userAgent property 455
UTC method 456


value property 456
valueOf method 461
See data types
var statement 101, 161
declaring 101, 161
initializing 161
in JavaScript 101
naming 101
scope of 101
syntax for declaring 161
view-source: (URL syntax) 316
vlinkColor property 462
void function 307, 317
void operator 115
vspace property 463


while loops
continuation of 145, 155
syntax of 161
termination of 145, 154
while statement 144, 161
width property 464
window object 46, 464
See also windows
described 51
frames array 261
history array 279
methods of 51
window property 470
See also documents
closed 214
closing 58, 213
default status message 225
defining 354, 464
displaying HTML output in 228
frames 259
frames array 261
giving focus to 67
handles for 78
name of 328
naming 58, 64
navigating among 67
number of frames 301
onLoad event handler 345
onUnload event handler 351
opening 57, 354
overview 57
referring to 64-66
reloading 383
scrolling 393
status bar 225, 423
taint accumulator 93
title 444
top 446
window object 51, 464
writing to 471, 472
with statement 136, 162
described 148
write method 52, 119, 471
example of use 35
generated HTML 471, 472
using 35-37
writeln method 36, 52, 472
See also write method

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