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Low Cost CAM idea

Crazy idea for a low cost, highly accurate CAM system which can be made without precision tools.

The Inspiration

Rough Sketch

Main Shaft:

Uses a long bolt, with a nut holding the head of the bolt to the base plate then a nut followed by a washer (small so it just covers the inner race) and then the bearing, then another small washer and a nut. Repeat that for the second bearing at the top... then between the two, there are large washers with a very large hole that clear the small washer and nut and those washers are drilled and screwed down to the top and bottom of the aluminum box tube. These will probably have to be 4 of the large washers, above and below each of the bearings. Perhaps the main wheel will go between two of these and be a press fit around the outside of the bearing.

Secondary Shaft

This shaft could be the same as the one above or it could use a rotary air joint in order to supply a vacuum vice in the second disk.

We have :

We need:

See also:


Cutting the first wheel
Cutting the first wheel (or trying to) with a Dremel and a Roto-Zip bit clamped to the box tube arm. Lots of chatter with course bits and lots of clogging up with fine bits. My saber saw does better, and the rotary tool can then be used to clean up the cut.

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