please dont rip this site
William, I'm sending this to the piclist too because maybe it's
interesting^H^H^H^H^H useful :-)

Here's what I do.

1. Have a postscript printer driver installed in Windows. I chose the
QMS-2220 because it is an 11x17 printer. Note: I don't actually have the
printer. For connection, choose FILE: not an LPT port.

2. From your cad program, or your word processor, whatever, print to this
new printer choosing whatever paper size you want(my choices are usually
either letter 8.5x11 or Tabloid 11x17). Up pops a file requester, name it
something and suffix it .prn

3. Open up GSview and load in this prn file.

4. Then use the print command and choose "pdfwrite" for the device and
"print to file". Choose a resolution that's big, like 300 or 600dpi. Up
pops a requester, give it a name ending in .pdf

That's all it takes to make a PDF. I have subsequently figured out that to
get the pdf to view properly in a landscape format you need to ignore what
it looks like in GSview and select or create paper that is wide("ledger"
works for 11x17 plots but you have to create custom paper for letter size
landscape. Create this paper in GSview under "Media"

OK, say you want to make a bitmap for display on a web page. Follow steps
1 through 3 above and then do this:

4. Use the print command in GSview but choose "bmp256" as the device along
with "print to file". Up pops the file requester and name it something
ending in .bmp . Note: you can also use bmpmono or bmp16 depending on
compatibility with the program you use in step 5. Choose a resolution that
makes sense for web viewing or higher if you want to do smoothing in your
graphics program later.

5. Open this .bmp in a graphics program that lets you save in GIF or JPEG
and save it how you like.

Any more questions I'm happy to try to answer.



file: /Techref/fileext/pdf/freepdf.htm, 2KB, , updated: 2002/11/1 17:54, local time: 2024/8/31 19:20,

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