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Dos Command Strings String.doc

STRINGS.COM  (Version 2.5)        Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Douglas Boling
              First Published in PC Magazine December 22, 1992 (Utilities)


        The original STRINGS.COM removed the restrictions imposed by the DOS
batch file language to give your batch files more versatility. This upgraded
TSR version enhances a number of the original functions and implements more
than 35 new ones.

Version 2.3 fixes three bugs in Strings 2.2.  

  1. A read problem where Strings failed when reading a line at some
offsets within a file.

  2. Share flags have been added when accessing files.  This should
allow STRINGS to access read only files on a network.

  3. A bug with the code that claims a command from COMMAND.COM.  This
bug prevented another program from also using the installed command
hook while STRINGS was installed.
Revision History:

       Version 2.0     New version with many more commands.

       Version 2.1     Fixed READ bug
                       Fixed Parse bug
                       Added check for 386Max mem arenas
                       Changed env search default

       Version 2.2     Fixed 2FCheck bug
                       Fixed ASK bug
                       Fixed FILENAME bug
                       Fixed Install check

       Version 2.3     Added sharing flags to file operations
                       Added check for internal cmd hook 
                       Fixed read across boundry bug

       Version 2.4     Fixed print time at 12 noon bug.
                       Added xlate from graphics = to char = on cmdline

       Version 2.5     Mod file open code to handle CD-ROMs


Batch Files Get Even Better With Our STRINGS 2.0


    The new version contains not only the batch file commands of the
original utility, but 6 enhanced functions and 35 new ones as well.
In all, as shown in Figure 1 (below) STRINGS now adds about 70 commands
to the batch file language. (Some of these commands can be used from
the DOS prompt as well.) Where the original STRINGS let you add a series
of numbers, read a line from a file, or ask a user a question,
STRINGS 2.0 includes additional functions that allow batch files to
query the date and time, get the current country and codepage, and even
read and write to memory locations.

     Perhaps the outstanding new feature of STRINGS 2.0 is that under
DOS 3.3 or later it can now act as an extension to the DOS command
processor, COMMAND.COM.  This required rewriting the program so it could
become a TSR.

     Once memory resident, since COMMAND.COM no longer has to search,
load, and run the program, STRINGS's commands execute with the same speed
as do such internal COMMAND.COM functions as COPY, RENAME, and DELETE.

     The new program itself bears the same name, STRINGS.COM, as its
predecessor.  That allows you to upgrade instantly simply by copying the
new program over the old. To avoid confusion, I will refer to the original
version of the utility as STRINGS1. If you have never used STRINGS1,
reading through the original article will be helpful, but I'll try to
explain enough here to make that unnecessary.

    To assemble the source you will need an assembler compatible with
Microsoft's MASM 2.0.  The commands to create STRINGS.COM are:

                             MASM STRINGS;
                             LINK STRINGS;
                             EXE2BIN STRINGS STRINGS.COM


     At first sight, the complete syntax for STRINGS.COM may seem
dauntingly complex:

     STRINGS [/?][/M][/Q][/Pc][/Bn][/I][/U] [env var =] FUNCTION [Params]

But it's a lot easier to use than it looks.  One reason is that, in
addition to this article, the on-screen help facilities are extensive.
Simply enter STRINGS at the DOS prompt and you'll get an explanation of
every item in the syntax line above. Entering STRINGS /? will give you a
complete list of all the commands denoted by FUNCTION, and

                           STRINGS /? FUNCTION

will spell out the purpose, usage, and Prams (parameters) of each
individual command.  Note that in both of these last two commands the
/? can be replaced by /HELP.

    Many STRINGS commands require no arguments; for these you just enter

                           STRINGS FUNCTION

For example, to return the last available drive letter you simply enter:

                           STRINGS LASTDRIVE

STRINGS will respond by displaying the last available drive letter on
your system.

    For commands that do take input parameters, the arguments are
 separated by commas.  For example, the command LEFT, which returns the
first n characters (including spaces) of a string, has two parameters:
the input string and the number of characters to return.  Thus,

                           STRINGS LEFT This is a string, 9

will return the left nine characters ``This is a".  Note the comma
separating the two parameters in the command line.

    The results of any STRINGS command can be assigned to an environment
variable.  Simply insert the name for the variable and an equals sign
between STRINGS and FUNCTION.  For example, by changing the previous
example to

                           STRINGS ANSWER =LEFT This is a string, 9

STRINGS will assign the string ``This is a'' to the environment variable

    As shown above, STRINGS has seven command line switches:
/M, /Pc, /Q, /Bn, /I, /U and /?.  The switch must be included on the
command line before the environment variable or, if no variable is
specified, before the command.

    By default, STRINGS stores variables in the Active environment,
which is created by the current copy of COMMAND.COM.  If the /M switch
is used, however, STRINGS stores variables in the master environment,
which is created by COMMAND.COM when DOS starts.

    In Windows, while each DOS box has its own Active environment, all
share the Master environment.  By using the /M switch, variables can be
read by all programs, including those in individual Windows DOS boxes.
The /M switch is also useful when you want to preserve a variable
assignment you make while shelled out from a program, for the local
environment is lost when you exit from DOS back into your application.

    Reverting to the previous example, to assign the results to the
environment variable RESULT in the Master environment, the command would

                   STRINGS /M RESULT = LEFT This is a string, 9

    The MASTERVAR command returns the string assigned to a variable in
the Master environment.  For example, the command

                          STRINGS MASTERVAR RESULT

returns the string assigned to the RESULT environment variable even if
this command is executed in a different DOS box from the one that was
used in previous examples!

     The /Pc (or Parse) switch tells STRINGS to use the c character
rather than the comma to separate multiple parameters.  This switch
allows you to work with strings that contain commas.

    The /Q (or Quiet) switch, which was added in a maintenance release
of STRINGS 1.0, prevents STRINGS from writing to the screen. This switch
is useful if the STRINGS command may produce an error message that you
don't want displayed on the screen.

    New in STRINGS 2.0 is the /Bn switch, which is used to change the number
base that STRINGS uses to interpret numbers. STRINGS defaults to base 10
arithmetic, but by using the /B switch, you can set the base to any number
from 2 to 16.  Thus, while the statement

                                         STRINGS ADD 9, 1 

returns the standard value 10, the statement

                                         STRINGS /B16 ADD 9, 1 

returns the ``number'' A, since A in hexadecimal (base 16) is 10 in decimal.
You'll want to use the /B switch working with several of the new STRINGS
commands, where it is more appropriate to use hexadecimal than decimal

    If your system is running DOS 3.3 or later, using the /I switch installs
STRINGS as a resident extension of COMMAND.COM.  (How STRINGS actually
accomplishes this will be discussed later.) Unlike most TSRs, which are
installed at startup, STRINGS works best if it is installed only when
and for as long as needed; it should be removed from memory once the
batch file has completed in order to avoid wasting valuable system
memory.  To uninstall STRINGS, you simply use the /U switch.

    Installing STRINGS as a resident extension does not alter the syntax
of any of its commands. The speed advantage is dramatic. The disadvantage,
however, is that once installed, STRINGS (like all internal COMMAND.COM
commands) cannot return an exit code to COMMAND.COM. This means that
while STRINGS is resident, you can't use the handy IF ERRORLEVEL statement
in .BAT files to test the result of STRINGS commands.

    If your batch file requires the error level codes returned by STRINGS,
two solutions are available.  The first and most obvious is simply not
to install STRINGS at the start of the batch file.  When not installed,
STRINGS 2.0 returns the same error codes as STRINGS 1.0.

    The second solution is to specify explicitly the full path to the
STRINGS.COM file.  When a complete path is specified the resident copy
of STRINGS will ignore the command, thus allowing COMMAND.COM to launch
a second copy of STRINGS as a transient program.  For example, since I
keep STRINGS in my UTIL directory, I can force COMMAND.COM to launch a
second copy of STRINGS with the command:

                              C:\UTIL\STRINGS sub 12, 15 

     The use of the



                              /? FUNCTION

switches to obtain on-line help was discussed earlier.  It should be noted
that on-line help is not available when STRINGS is installed in memory,
since the help text would take up an additional 4,500 bytes of memory.
To get help for a specific command while STRINGS is installed, simply
specify the full path to force execution of a nonresident copy of STRINGS.


     Providing a detailed explanation of the 70 functions shown in
Figure 1 (see below) is not easy, so I've divided them into 6 groups:
old commands enhanced for STRINGS 2.0, string handling, programmer's, data
and time, system memory, and STRINGS management commands.
The /? FUNCTION help screen will suffice for the functions in STRINGS1 if
you haven't got access to the original article. (A copy of the original
article (STRING1.DOC) is included in the archive STRING.ZIP).

    Six commands from STRINGS1 have been enhanced:  CHAR, VAL, ASK,
ADD, SUB, and MUL.  In STRINGS1, the CHAR command was limited to
returning the single ASCII character that corresponded to a decimal
number.  Now in STRINGS, CHAR can take up to ten parameters, so ten
numbers can be converted into ten ASCII characters.
For example, the command 

                          STRINGS CHAR 65, 66, 67 

returns the string ABC.

    The VAL command has been similarly enhanced.  An ASCII string passed
to VAL will produce the series of up to ten decimal numbers that correspond
to the characters in the string. The numbers will be separated by spaces.
For example, the command 

                         STRINGS VAL Doug

returns the string

                         68 111 117 103

When appropriate, this format can easily be converted into a series of
hex bytes by using the /B16 switch.  Note that because the capital and
small letters have different ASCII values, VAL is inherently case-sensitive.

    The enhanced ASK function prints a string and waits for the user to
enter a response.  Its full syntax is: 

STRINGS [dest var =] ASK [Prompt string][,Max chars][,1=* echo 2=No echo]

   After entering the Prompt string as the first parameter, you specify
the maximum number of characters the user can use to respond as the second.
The maximum can be any number between 1 and 127. Although STRINGS works
with strings up to 127 characters long, remember that DOS programs can only
accept a command line with a total length of 127 characters.  Thus,
setting an environment variable to a long length may cause DOS to overflow
the command line of a program that uses that variable.

    The third and final ASK parameter is a flag that tells STRINGS not
to echo what the user types to the screen.  This allows a .BAT file to
prompt for a password without its becoming visible on the screen.
When the third parameter is a 1, STRINGS echoes asterisks to the screen
in place of the characters being typed.  If the parameter is 2, STRINGS 
does not echo any characters to the screen. If neither flag is specified,
the user response is echoed.

    Three of the math functions--ADD, SUB, and MUL--have been revised to
allow you to add or multiply up to 10 different numbers in one STRINGS
command.  For the SUB command, up to nine numbers can be subtracted from
the first number in the series.  Thus, the command 

                                 STRINGS SUB 10, 2, 1 

returns the value 7, which is computed as 10 - 2 - 1.


        This first set of the new STRINGS commands goes to the root of the
program's functionality; its ability to manipulate strings.

    The PARSE command separates a string into different sections and
returns one of those sections.  This command makes it easy to separate
the different directory strings from the PATH environment variable, for
example.  The full syntax for PARSE is

STRINGS [dest var =] PARSE String, section number, Separator char

The three PARSE parameters are the string, the section number to return,
and the separator character to be used to differentiate among sections.
The small batch file, CHECKEX.BAT, (listed below in Figure 2) uses the
PARSE command to search the PATH to determine the execution order of the
program name you provide. This is exactly what COMMAND.COM does when it
is asked to launch a program. On my machine, the command 

                           CHECKEX brief

returned the list


This return discloses a problem:  If DOS searches the full path, B.BAT
will execute, but B.EXE never will. It seems I should rename that batch

    As shown by the STRINGS line in CHECKEX.BAT, the PARSE command here
uses the PATH environment variable as the starting string. It uses the
INDEX environment variable to run through the different directories in
sequence. And it uses the semicolon to tell where one directory ends
and the next one begins on the PATH statement.

    ADDCOMMAS is a simple command that inserts commas every three digits in
a number you supply as its argument.  If you enter

                           STRINGS ADDCOMMAS 12345678

STRINGS will return


    The REPEAT command simply creates a string that consists of the
same character repeated n times.  For example, the command

                            STRINGS REPEAT 25, A

will return a string with 25 As.  The maximum value for n is 127.

    The FILEDATE command returns the date on a file. It takes filename
as its only argument, and the date is returned in a mm-dd-yyyy format.
The FILETIME command similarly returns the time when a file was last
written, in a hh:mm:ss am/pm format.

    TRUEVER returns the true DOS version number, regardless of what is
reported by the normal VER command.  With the introduction of the SETVER
device driver in DOS 5.0, you can trick programs into believing that they
are running under a different version of DOS than they actually are.
There are times, however, when you need to know the real DOS version:
hence TRUEVER.  The number returned is the major version number times
100, plus the minor version number.  For example, in DOS 5.0 the number
returned is 500.

    Although the SETVER device driver is only available on DOS 5.0
(and later), the TRUEVER command will still work under DOS versions 2.0
though 4.0; it simply returns the same value as does the STRINGS VER

    The FILES command returns the maximum number of files that can be
open on the system at one time.  This number is usually, but not always,
the number shown in the FILES= statement in your CONFIG.SYS file.
Programs such as Windows or Jeff Prosise's UMBFILES can change the
maximum number of files, however, so FILES is a handy way to confirm
that a program will have enough file handles to run.

    The LASTDRIVE command returns the last drive letter that can be
assigned to a disk.  This is usually set with the LASTDRIVE= line in
the CONFIG.SYS file, but again, some programs can modify that value.
LASTDRIVE is useful when a batch file must perform an action on all
possible drives in the system.

    The CODEPAGE command allows batch files to determine the currently
active codepage.  The codepage number determines the character set your
system uses.  Most US systems use codepage 437, which is the standard
character set. Codepage 850, on the other hand, replaces some of the
graphic characters in the 437 codepage with characters used in European
languages. To query the active codepage, simply enter STRINGS CODEPAGE.

    The COUNTRY command returns the country information for the system.
Since DOS 2.0, parameters such as the currency symbol, thousands separator,
and the date format can be configured for different countries. The table
in Figure 3 (see below) shows what the COUNTRY command returns for
different values of the first parameter, assuming you live in the U.S.

    Entering STRINGS BIOSDATE returns a string, normally containing the
date, from address F000:FFF5h in the BIOS ROM.  The command assumes the
date will be in the first 8 bytes following the address, as it is in most
PC compatibles.  The command takes no arguments.

     The GETKEY command waits for the user to press a key then returns
the ASCII value and its scan code.  While the ASK command is limited to
returning ASCII characters, GETKEY is also able to return non-ASCII keys
such as the cursor keys and function keys. The codes are returned with
the ASCII code first, followed by a space, followed by the scan code.
It is at this point that you can use the PARSE command to operate separately
on the ASCII and scan codes returned by the keystroke.

    The next four commands--AND, OR, XOR, and NOT--extend the math commands
to logical operations.  The AND command returns the logical AND of the
parameters you supply.  Likewise, the OR and XOR commands return the
logical OR and exclusive OR of their respective parameters. Like the ADD,
SUB, and MUL commands, the AND and OR commands can take up to ten
parameters.  XOR, of course, takes only two. The NOT command returns the
one's complement of its single parameter.

    The CONVERT command, which converts a number to a different base,
became necessary once the /B switch was introduced.  This command takes
two parameters:  the number to be converted and the new number base.
As with all commands, both the number and new base parameters are
interpreted in the base specified in the /B switch.  For example, to
convert the hexadecimal (base 16) number 2FB to decimal, the command
would be

                        STRINGS /B16 CONVERT 2FB, A

Note here that the second parameter, A, is not the character A, but rather
the number 10, in hexadecimal.  Going the other way, the command

                        STRINGS CONVERT 763, 16

returns the hexadecimal number 2FB. (Because the default base for STRINGS
is base 10, the /B switch is not required in this case.)


     The next four commands return times and dates.  The DAY function
returns the current day of the week:STRINGS DAY will return Tuesday if
today is Tuesday.  As an added feature, if the DAY command is passed
a number between 1 and 7, it returns the day corresponding to that number.
STRINGS DAY 6 returns the string Friday, for example.

    The MONTH command is entirely similar to the DAY command, and again,
if passed a number between 1 and 12, it returns the month corresponding
to that number.

    The DATE command returns the current date in a mm-dd-yyyy format.
The Time command similarly returns the current time in a hh:mm:ss am/pm
format. Users requiring a different format for the time and date can
easily use the multitude of STRINGS commands to present the data in any
form they wish.


     The enhanced STRINGS contains a number of commands that deal with
system memory. MEMTOTAL returns the total conventional (DOS) memory
available to the system, and MEMFREE returns the amount of conventional
memory still available for use.  Note, however, that the MEMFREE command
will respond differently when STRINGS is installed as resident.
COMMAND.COM does not release its memory when resident commands are
executed, so if STRINGS is resident when this call is made, the amount
of free conventional memory indicated will be small or nonexistent.

    The XMSTOTAL command returns the total amount of extended memory in
the system, and XMSFREE returns the amount of free extended memory.
Normally, extended memory is managed by an extended memory (XMS) manager,
such as HIMEM.SYS.  If no XMS manager is present, STRINGS uses a BIOS
Int 15h call to determine the amount of extended memory. In this case,
as there is no memory manager present to differentiate between free and
used extended memory, both the XMSFREE and XMSTOTAL calls will return
the same number.  XMSVER returns the version of the XMS memory manager
in use; if none is present, the command returns 0.

    Expanded memory is correspondingly queried with the EMSTOTAL, EMSFREE,
and EMSVER commands. Again, if no expanded memory manager is installed,
EMSVER will return 0.

     The final memory command is UMBLARGE.  This command returns the size
of the largest free upper memory block (UMB).  UMBs are blocks of memory
that reside between the video memory at A000h and the BIOS ROM at E000h
or F000h.  This command is useful for determining whether there is room
in upper memory for TSRs.


     The next series of commands are designed for the PC programmer.
They allow batch files to actually perform functions previously reserved
for .COM and .EXE files.

     PEEK, the first of these commands, allows a batch file to read a
series of bytes from memory.  The syntax of the PEEK command is

STRINGS [dest var=] PEEK Segment, Offset [,Number of bytes] [,Word flag]

     The first two command parameters are the segment and offset of the
memory address to be read.  The optional third parameter is the number
of bytes to be read; if this parameter absent, STRINGS returns 1 byte.
The fourth and final parameter is also optional.  If it is 2, STRINGS
will return the bytes read from memory in a 2-byte, or word, format.

    To illustrate, in order to see which shift keys are pressed, you
can use the PEEK command to read the keyboard status bytes at 40:17 and
40:18 hex.  The command would be

                                 STRINGS /b16 PEEK 40, 17, 2.

     The complementary POKE command writes data directly to memory.
Again, the first parameter is the segment and the second is the offset
of the address.  The remaining parameters, up to an additional eight,
are the bytes to write to memory. Note that while these bytes are being
written, interrupts are disabled so the system doesn't read partially
written data. The following short batch file uses the PEEK, AND, and
POKE commands to turn off the keyboard NumLock.

                       STRINGS /b16 shift = PEEK 40, 17
                       STRINGS /b16 shift = AND %SHIFT%, DF
                       STRINGS /b16 POKE 40, 17, %SHIFT%
                       SET shift=

     You could also use the POKE command to overwrite the DOS command
interrupt vector (Interrupt 21) with zeros, the command would be

                       STRINGS /B16 POKE 0, 84, 0, 0, 0,0

Don't try this example, however, for it will surely lock up your machine!
As this last example illustrates, POKE--and other programming commands
that will be discussed shortly--can easily be misused and thereby cause
harm.  So make sure you fully understand a command before you use it.

    The IN and OUT commands give batch files the ability to read and
write to system I/O (Input/Output) ports. It is through these ports that
the system talks to disk drive controllers and to devices connected to
serial and/or parallel ports. The IN command takes only one parameter,
namely, the address of the I/O port. This address is the first of the
OUT command's two parameters, the second being the data byte to write
to that port.

    An amusing example that demonstrates the use of the IN and OUT
commands is provided by the batch files NOIZE and MARY, which are listed
below in Figure 4.  NOIZE.BAT plays a note on the PC speaker by toggling
the speaker control bits in the keyboard control I/O port (I/O address 61h).
The proper timing for the note is determined by using PC hardware timer 3.
MARY.BAT calls NOIZE.BAT to play the familiar ``Mary had a little lamb.''
My thanks to Neil Rubenking for this entertaining example.

    The INTERRUPT command is easily the most powerful--and therefore
dangerous--command in the STRINGS repertoire. The command calls an
interrupt and returns the values of the registers. The ten parameters for
this command specify the interrupt number and the values of most of the
processor registers at the time the interrupt is called.  Its syntax is
the following:


    The string returned is a series of numbers, separated by spaces,
that represent the value in each of the registers at the time the
interrupt returns.  The format for the returned string is

                  AX BX CX DX DI SI BP DS ES Flags

    The Flags register contains such flags as Carry, Zero, Sign, and
Interrupt Enable.  Just as a value is returned for each of the other
registers, a value is also returned for the Flags register.  It is the
responsibility of the batch program to examine the value returned for
the Flags register to determine the state of any flags that might be
important.  For this purpose, the AND and OR commands often prove useful.

    An example of this complex command in action will be helpful. Suppose
you want to know the address of the InDOS flag.  The newly documented
function for getting the InDOS address is Interrupt 21, AH = 34.  The
STRINGS command to enter would be 

        STRINGS /B16 INTERRUPT 21, 3400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

    The /B16 switch is used to tell STRINGS to ``talk'' in hexadecimal,
which is handy because most PC programming is done in base 16.  The 21
indicates that you want STRINGS to call Interrupt 21h, the DOS command
dispatcher.  The 3400 indicates that AX is to be loaded with 3400h when
the interrupt is called.  In fact, you only need to load AH (with 34h),
but the command has no way of loading the individual byte halves of the
registers.  Thus, you end up loading AX with 3400, which puts 34 in AH
and 00 in AL.  The remaining registers for this interrupt are not
important, and actually they don't have to be included at all. STRINGS
loads 0 in the registers not specified.

    On my machine running MS-DOS 5.0, the command above returns the

          3400 321 0 0 0 0 0 0 116 7246

The INTERRUPT command always returns a string with ten numbers, each
separated by a space.  Because the /B16 switch was used, all the values
are in hexadecimal.  The first number, 3400, is the value of the AX
register when the interrupt returns.  The important values, however,
are 321, the value of BX on the return; and 116, which is the returned
value of ES.  The MS-DOS Programmer's Reference indicates that the address
of the InDOS flag will be returned in ES:BX.

    You can now use the PEEK command to check the state of the InDOS
flag.  That command would look like this:

                       STRINGS /B16 PEEK 116 321

    Although knowing the address of the InDOS flag has little use for
batch file programming, other interrupts can come in quite handy.  The
undocumented interrupt 21 AX=5200 returns a pointer to DOS's list of
lists. This pointer is quite useful for checking out the current state
of the machine.  Shortly I'll present a batch file that uses the list of
lists to determine the current memory usage for the system.

    The final programmer's command is SCAN. This command searches memory
for a series of bytes.  The segment to search and the starting offset
are specified in the first two parameters.  The remaining parameters
(up to an additional eight) are the bytes to use in the search.
For example, to search the segment 23h for the byte series 10 20 30 40
the command would be

STRINGS /B16 SCAN 23, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40

Since SCAN searches only the segment specified, additional SCAN commands
are needed for any searches beyond the original segment.

    When used in conjunction with the improved VAL command, SCAN can
search for an ASCII string in memory. An example is shown in the following
batch code fragment, which searches the DOS kernel for the string ``NUL":


    As previously discussed, the VAL command returns the ASCII numbers
for each of the characters in the first parameter. In this case, because
the /B16 switch is used, VAL returns the numbers 4E 55 4C as a series of
hex bytes.  These bytes are assigned to the VALSTR environment variable.
The new InDOS command mentioned above starts at offset 0 and uses the
VALSTR environment variable for its remaining arguments.  On my machine,
this fragment returns the address 116 52, which is the address for the
NUL device driver name.  That address is important because the NUL device
driver is the first in the DOS device driver chain.

    Two additional notes about this batch fragment are in order.  First,
the lack of commas separating the parameters in the SCAN command is not
a typo.  The /P switch is used here to change the parse character to a
space.  This is convenient, since the VAL command returns its numbers
separated by spaces.

    The second important detail concerns the consistent use of the /B
switch.  While it may not seem that the /B switch would be needed for
either command, if it is used in the VAL command it must be used in the
SCAN command.  Since VAL uses a /B16 switch, it returns its numbers
in hex.  Because the result from the VAL command is used in the SCAN
command, SCAN must use the same base.  Why was the /B16 switch used in
the first place? Remember that the DOS segment returned by the INTERRUPT
command was returned in hexadecimal, which forced the use of the /B
switch since we used that number.  Just follow this simple rule:  If
parameters are shared across STRINGS commands, they should use the same
base, or you should use the CONVERT command to change the parameters
to the proper base.


     The final group of new STRINGS commands are to manage STRINGS itself.
STRINGSVER returns the version of STRINGS currently being used.  Since
this command did not exist in the first version of STRINGS, calling it
with STRINGS1 will result in an error message and a return code of 1.
If STRINGSVER returns a nonzero ERRORLEVEL code, then STRINGS 1.x is
running.  For the present version of STRINGS, the STRINGSVER command
returns the ASCII string 200 and a return code of 0.

    The INSTALLED command returns a 1 if STRINGS is currently installed
as a TSR extension to COMMAND.COM. If STRINGS is not installed, a 0 is
returned.  This command is useful for those situations in which a
STRINGS command might produce different results if the utility were
installed.  MEMFREE represents one such case, and the use of return
codes may be another.


     For the most part, the enhanced version of strings simply involved
adding procedures for the new functions. The main change to the program
itself was the rewriting of the command parsing routine to use less memory.
This was necessary so that STRINGS could be turned into a TSR. Of greatest
programming interest, however, is the hook into COMMAND.COM's internal
command dispatcher.

    In Undocumented DOS, coauthor Jim Kyle has an informative chapter on
command interpreters. It describes an undocumented ``back door'' into
COMAND.COM that allows TSRs to hook into the internal command dispatcher.
This back door was first included in DOS 3.3 so that DOS's APPEND command
could check on any subsequent APPEND commands. Fortunately for programmers,
that door has remained open in all later DOS releases.

    When you enter a command at the DOS command line, COMMAND.COM must
determine whether the command is an internal function to be executed or
an external program that must be launched. Before making its decision,
COMMAND.COM calls the Multiplex Interrupt (Int 2Fh) with AX equal to
AE00h. At the time of the call, DX is loaded with FFFFh, BX is pointing
to a buffer that contains an exact replica of the command line just typed,
and SI points to a buffer that contains the potential command in
uppercase preceeded by a length byte.

    TSRs such as STRINGS that hook into this call must compare the
command to which SI points with the command they wish to handle. For
STRINGS, that means checking to see whether SI is pointing to the ASCII
string "STRINGS".

    A TSR that wants to claim the command puts 0FFh in AL, copies the
comand line pointed to by BX into an internal buffer, and returns to
COMMAND.COM.  Otherwise the TSR must pass the Multiplex request down
the interrupt chain with all registers unmodified.

    If a TSR claims the command, COMMAND.COM calls the Multiplex
Interrupt again, this time with AX loaded with AE01h.  Having claimed it,
the TSR must now execute the command.  While most of the registers during
this call are the same as in the AE00h call, Kyle recommends that a TSR
should copy the buffer from the earlier AE00h call because not all the
registers are explicitly loaded before the AE01h call.  Once the command
has been completed, the TSR should zero the size byte in the buffer to
which SI points.  This tells COMMAND.COM that the command has been

    While STRINGS doesn't provide every possible function a batch file
might want, the inclusion of such commands as PEEK, POKE, and INTERRUPT
allow the programmer to create just about any command.  An an example of
this power is shown in BATMEM.BAT, which is listed below in Figure 5.

    BATMEM scans the DOS memory blocks and displays the blocks that are
being used as well as the ones that are free. BATMEM is similar to the
MEM command that has been included in DOS since version 4.0.  Among the

    Notice that in BATMEM, STRINGS is installed with /I at the beginning
of the batch file and removed with /U at the end. These two switches double
the execution speed.  If you don't want STRINGS installed and removed,
simply delete the /I and /U switches; the remainder of the batch file
will be unaffected.

    Programs like BATMEM give but a taste of the world STRINGS opens to
enterprising batch file writers.  To supplement STRINGS own commands, you
may wish to acquire Michael J. Mefford's excellent BATCHMAN utility in
the January 30, 1990 issue of PC Magazine. Like STRINGS, BATCHMAN is
available on PC MagNet.

    The ability to perform low-level actions, coupled with the convenient
features of STRINGS's high-level commands, provide a wealth of new
opportunities for the once-lowly batch file. Try STRINGS, and your batch
files will never be the same.

                       STRINGS COMMANDS

             FUNCTION AND SYNTAX                 RETURNS

New          2FCHECK n or Alias              Returns status of programs hooked
                                             to the Multiplex Interrupt.

Enhanced     ADD n1, n2[,n3][,n4][,n5]       The sum of the parameters.

New          ADDCOMMAS n                     n parsed with commas every 3

New          AND n1, n2[,n3][,n4][,n5]       The logical AND of the
             [,n6][,n7][,n8][,n9][n10]       parameters.

Enhanced     ASK [Prompt string]
             [, Max chars][,1=No echo]       A response from a user.

New          BIOSDATE                        The date for the ROM BIOS.

Enhanced     CHAR c[c][c][c][c]
             [c][c][c][c][c][c]              ASCII number of character.

New          CODEPAGE                        The activecode page.
                                             Requires DOS 3.3 or later.

New          CONVERT n, New Base             A number with the specified

New          COUNTRY                         The country code for the

New          DATE                            The current date in mm-dd-yyyy

New          DAY [Index (1=Sunday, 2=Mon]    The name of the day of the

             DIV n, n                        The quotient of two numbers.

New          EMSFREE                         The amount of free expanded

New          EMSTOTAL                        The amount of expanded memory.

New          EMSVER                          The version of the expanded
                                             memory driver.

             ENVFREE                         Bytes free in the environment.

             ENVSIZE                         The size of the environment.

New          FILEDATE Filename               The date of a file.

             FILEDIR Filename                The directory of a filename.

             FILEDRIVE Filename              The drive of a filename.

             FILEEXT Filename                The file extension.

             FILENAME Filename               The filename.

New          FILES                           The total number of files that
                                             can be open.

             FILESIZE Filename               The size of a file.

New          FILETIME Filename               The time of a file.

             FIND String, Findstring	     The position of Findstring in

             FINDC String, Findstring        The position of Findstring
                                             in String. Case sensitive.

New          GETKEY                          The scan code and ASCII value of
                                             next key pressed.

New          HELP [Strings Command]	     The help text for the specified
                                             STRINGS command.

New          IN Port number                  A byte from an I/O port.

New          INSTALLED                       A non-zero number if Strings
                                             installed as TSR.

New          INTERRUPT Int n, AX, BX, CX,
	     DX, DI, SI, BP, DS, ES	     The registers from an interrupt.

             INWIN		             1 if Windows running.

New          LASTDRIVE                       The letter of the last possible

             LEFT String, n                  The left n characters.

             LENGTH String                   The String length.

             LINESIZE Filename               The number of lines.

             LOWER String                    The string in all lowercase.

             MASTERENV                       The address of the master

	     MASTERVAR Variable Name	     A variable from the Master

New          MEMFREE                         The largest block of free
                                             conventional memory.

New          MEMTOTAL                        The amount of conventional

             MID String, Start c, Length     The middle n characters.

New          MONTH [Index (1=January)]       The name of the month

Enh          MUL n1, n2[,n3][,n4][,n5]
             [,n6][,n7][,m8][,n9][,n10]      The product of the parameters.

New          NOT n                           The logical NOT of n.

New          OR n1, n2[,n3][,n4][,n5]
             [,n6][,n7][,n8][,n9][,n10]      The logical OR of the parameters.

New          OUT Port n, Output byte         Writes a byte to an I/O port.

New          PARSE String, Token n,
             Token separator char            The nth token from a string.

New          PEEK Segment, Offset
             [, n bytes [,Word flag]]        A series of bytes from memory.

New          POKE Segment, Offset,
             [,b5][,b6][,b7][,b8]            Writes up to 8 bytes to memory.

             READ Filename, line number      A line from a file.

New          REPEAT n of chars, c            A string of n characters c.

             RIGHT String, n	             The right n characters.

New          SCAN Segment, Starting
             Offset, b1 [,b2]                The offset of a series of
                                             bytes in memory.

Enh          SUB n1, n2[,n3][,n4][,n5]
             [,n6][,n7][,n8][,n9][,n10]      The difference of two numbers.

New          TIME                            The current time.

             TRUENAME Filename               The complete filename.

New          TRUEVER                         The true DOS verison.
                                             Requires DOS 5.0 or later.

New          UMBLARGE                        The largest block of free
                                             upper memory.

             UPPER String                    The string in all uppercase.

Enh          VAL n1, n2[,n3][,n4][,n5]
             [,n6][,n7][,n8][,n9][,n10]      ASCII characters for a number.

             VER                             The DOS version number.

             WRITE Filename, String	     Appends a string to the end
                                             of a file.

New          XMSFREE                         The amount of free extended

New          XMSTOTAL                        The amount of extended memory.

New          XMSVER                          The version of the extended
                                             memory driver.

New          XOR n, n                        The exclusive OR of two numbers.

Figure 1:
All commands shown above begin with STRINGS [dest var =].  In the listing, n
designates a number, c a character, and b a byte.


rem CHECKEX.BAT - Scans the path for a program name.
@echo off
SET index=1
if exist echo
if exist %1.exe echo %1.exe
if exist %1.bat echo %1.bat
   STRINGS pdir = PARSE %path%, %index%,;
   IF . == .%pdir% GOTO exit
   if exist %pdir%\ echo %pdir%\
   if exist %pdir%\%1.exe echo %pdir%\%1.exe
   if exist %pdir%\%1.bat echo %pdir%\%1.bat
   STRINGS index = ADD %index%, 1
GOTO loop
SET index=
SET pdir=

Figure 2: CHECKEX.BAT shows the execution priority order for a program
name that might be present on a path in .COM, .EXE, and .BAT forms.

                      COUNTRY CODES


First Parameter Value   Returns                  Comments
No parameter            Country Code             Active country code
0                       Date Format              0 = mm-dd-yyyy
1                       Currency Symbol          $ for the US
2                       Thousands Separator      , for the US
3                       Decimal Separator        . for the US
4                       Date Separator           - for the US
5                       Time Separator           : for the US
6                       Currency Format          0 for the US
7                       Currency Places          2 for the US
8                       Time Format              0 = 12-hour format
9                       Data Separator           , for the US

Figure 3: These are the different values returned when 1 is supplied as
the parameter for the COUNTRY command.


REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM NOIZE.BAT - by Neil Rubenking
REM Enter a frequency as its command line parameter and it
REM starts a note of that frequency.  Enter NO parameter and it
REM shuts the speaker up.
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
IF '%1'=='' GOTO Stop
STRINGS inv=DIV 1193180,%1
STRINGS inv=CONVERT %inv%,16
STRINGS inv=RIGHT 0000%inv%,4
STRINGS /b16 OUT 43,B6
STRINGS /b16 OUT 42,%lo%
STRINGS /b16 OUT 42,%hi%
STRINGS /b16 OUT 61,%AL%
STRINGS /b16 OUT 61,%AL%
SET al=
SET inv=
SET hi=
SET lo=

REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM MARY.BAT - by Neil Rubenking
REM Plays a familar tune
REM ------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 4: NOIZE.BAT and MARY.BAT combine to play "Mary Had a Little Lamb."


@echo off
rem -------------------------------------------------------------
rem A batch file that returns a memory scan
rem Copyright 1992 Douglas Boling
rem -------------------------------------------------------------
rem First, get the pointer to the list of lists
strings /i /b16 iret = interrupt 21, 5200
strings /b16 lloff = parse %iret%, 2
strings /b16 llseg = parse %iret%, 9
set iret=

rem First memory block kept at ListOfList - 2
strings /b16 lloff = sub %lloff%, 2
strings /b16 memseg = peek %llseg%, %lloff%, 2, 2

echo  Block Owner Size Program
echo  --------------------------------

strings /b16 totalmem = add %memseg%, 1
set freemem=0
   rem Parse the memory arena header
   strings /b16 memtype = peek %memseg%, 0, 1
   strings /b16 memowner = peek %memseg%, 1, 2, 2
   strings /b16 memsize = peek %memseg%, 3, 2, 2

   strings /b16 memtemp = peek %memseg%, 8, 8
   strings /b16 /p  memtemp = char %memtemp%

   strings /b16 memseg = add %memseg%, 1
   rem If block not PSP, don't print block name
   set memname=
   set diff=-1

   strings /b16 /q diff = sub %memseg%, %memowner%
   if .%diff% == .0 goto skip1
   goto skip2
      set memname=%memtemp%

   if NOT %memowner% == 0000 goto skip3
      set memowner=FREE
      strings /b16 freemem = add %freemem%, %memsize%
   rem OK, print the results
   echo  %memseg% %memowner% %memsize% %memname%

   strings /b16 memseg = add %memseg%, %memsize%
   strings /b16 totalmem = add %memsize%, %totalmem%
   strings /b16 totalmem = add %totalmem%, 1

if %memtype% == 4D goto loop


strings /b16 memsize = mul %memsize%, 10
strings /b16 memsize = convert %memsize%, A
strings memsize = addcommas %memsize%

strings /b16 totalmem = mul %totalmem%, 10
strings /b16 totalmem = convert %totalmem%, A
strings /u totalmem = addcommas %totalmem%

echo  %totalmem% bytes total conventional memory
echo  %memsize% largest program executable size
rem Done, clean up all vars
set llseg=
set lloff=
set memseg=
set memowner=
set memsize=
set memtype=
set memname=
set memtemp=
set freemem=
set totalmem=
set diff=

Figure 5: BATMEM.BAT produces a list of the DOS memory segments.

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