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BACKUP + Backing Up Files between Drives

Backs up files from one disk to another disk in another

drive, usually from a hard disk to a floppy disk.


PC-DOS 2.0+ (revised in 3.3)

MS-DOS equivalent: BACKUP (2.0+)




[d:][path] BACKUP sd:[spath]sfilename td:[M][/A]



[d:][path] Specifies the drive letter and

path that contain the BACKUP


sd: Specifies the drive letter of

the drive that contains the

file you wish to back up


[spath]sfilename Specifies the names of the

file or files you wish to back

up (source).

td: Specifies the drive letter of

the drive that will contain

the files that you wish to

back up (target).

/S Backs up all files in all


/M Backs up only those files that

have been created or altered

since the last backup.

/A Adds files to the disk in the

designated drive without

overwriting any files that may

already be on the disk.

/D:mm-dd-yy Backs up only those files that

have been altered on or after

the date specified.

/T:hh:mm:ss Backs up files that have been

altered on or after the

specified time on the date

used in option D.

/F Formats the target disk if it

has not been formatted.

/L Creates a log file in which

the first record contains the

backup date and time, and

subsequent records contain the

disk number of each backed-up

file as well as its full path


[ld:][lpath]lfilename Specifies the log file. The

default log file is

BACKUP.LOG, which is stored in

the root directory (DOS 3.3




backs up all the files on drive C, including those in

subdirectories, to the disk in drive A.


backs up only those files that have been modified since the last


BACKUP C:pathname A:/A

appends the backed-up files from the specified directory to the

files that are on the disk in drive A without overwriting them.

BACKUP C:*.* A:D:12-15-87

backs up all the files on drive C that were created or modified

later than 12-15-87 to a disk in drive A.


formats the disk in drive A before backing up files.


backs up all files on drive C to a disk in drive B while creating

a BACKUP.LOG file in the drive C root directory.


*** Backing up files to diskette xx ***

The backup procedure is in progress.

Cannot execute FORMAT

DOS cannot find FORMAT in the current directory or path, or there

is insufficient memory to load FORMAT. Press Ctrl-C to abort the

backup. Then insert a formatted disk and reissue the BACKUP


Cannot FORMAT nonremovable drive x

You specified the /F option but the target disk is a hard disk or

network drive.

Diskette is not a backup diskette

The diskette that is being used for backup with the /A option was

not created by using the BACKUP command. Issue the BACKUP command

without the /A option, which overwrites the floppy disk, or

insert the correct disk in the drive and reissue the BACKUP

command with the /A option again.

Error opening log file

You specified the /L option, but an error such as an invalid

drive or path or a file-sharing conflict occurred. Check to see

that the drive and path you specified for the log file are valid.

The log file must not be on the target disk.

Insert backup diskette nn in drive x;

Warning! Diskette files will be erased

Strike any key when ready

Insert the next backup disk in the correct drive; then press any

key to continue backing up files.

Insert last backup diskette in drive x

You are using the /A option. Insert the last backup target disk

you used.

Invalid drive specification

Source and Target drives are the same

You cannot specify the same drive as both the source and the


*** Last file not backed up ***

The target disk was filled and there was no room for the last


Logging to file x

DOS is creating a log file as you specified.

No source drive specified

You did not specify a source drive. Issue the command again with

both source and target drives.

*** Not able to back up file ***

A file-sharing conflict exists, and files cannot be backed up.

Reissue the request with the /M option. You may have attempted to

back up a file to which you do not have access.

Target cannot be used for BACKUP

If the target is a floppy disk, remove it and insert another. If

it is not a floppy disk, restart the system and try again.

Warning! No files were found to back up

DOS could not find any files that matched the specifications of

the BACKUP command that was issued.

Warning! Files in the target drive

d:BACKUP directory will be erased

Strike any key when ready

Press Ctrl-Break if you do not want to proceed; otherwise, press

any key to proceed.


Use the RESTORE command to copy backed-up files onto the

hard disk.


Backed-up files cannot be used as normal files. If files

used in a backup fill one disk, you will be prompted to insert

another. You will need to have a supply of formatted disks on

hand. Be sure to label the disks in proper sequence so that they

can be restored in order. To restore backed-up files to the hard

disk, use the RESTORE command. Wildcards may be used with the

BACKUP command. Do not use BACKUP with the ASSIGN, APPEND, or

JOIN command. You may also back up files by using the DISKCOPY or

COPY command.

PC-DOS 3.3 contains a revised BACKUP command that stores

files more efficiently than previous versions by creating special

files that contain information about the backed-up files and

their locations, and by concatenating them into a single backup

file per disk. In version 3.3 of PC-DOS, you can also back up

files that have been altered on or after a specific time, and

format the target disk while backing up.


[For related topics, press R]


APPEND Command

ASSIGN Command

ATTRIB Command

CHKDSK Command

COPY Command


FDISK Command

FORMAT Command

JOIN Command


XCOPY Command

file: /Techref/DOS/command/backup.htm, 7KB, , updated: 1999/2/20 11:24, local time: 2024/10/6 09:26,

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