LmpInfoSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER ;******************************************************************************** ; ; lap2lmpConnectIndication() call ; lap2lmpDisconnectIndication() ; ; lap2lmpRxData(w=Data) ;Incomming data bytes ; lap2lmpRxValid() call ;Data bytes passed since RxFrame message are valid ; lap2lmpRxError() call ;Data bytes passed since RxFrame message are invalid ; ; lap2lmpTxFrame(ret z=None) call ; lap2lmpTxData(ret w=Data ret z=Last) call ;Payload layer can accept a data byte (for an I frame) if there is one available. if there is data available then lmp returns data byte and sets z to false ; lap2lmpTxValid() call ;Lap layer is indicating that all data passed since last TxStart message was acknowledged ; lap2lmpTxError() call ;Lap layer is indicating that all data passed since last TxStart message will need to be sent again ; ;******************************************************************************** ENDM LmpDataSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER ;******************************************************************************** org $90 lmpBank = $90 ;16 bytes lmpPosition ds 1 ;Position of multi byte stages lmpData ds 1 ;Temporary Data storage lmpAppLSAP ds 1 ;LSAP number of remote CommApp (or 0 if not connected) lmpAppStatus ds 1 lmpRxState ds 1 ;Current Rx state lmpRxDLSAP ds 1 ;Received DLSAP lmpRxSLSAP ds 1 ;Received SLSAP lmpRxInfo ds 4 lmpRxLMPCmdOpcode = lmpRxInfo + 0 ;LMP Command frames : holds opcode lmpRxIASErrOpcode = lmpRxInfo + 0 ;IAS frame : holds service request lmpRxIASErrRetCode = lmpRxInfo + 1 ;IAS frame : holds return code for service request lmpRxSendStringL = lmpRxInfo + 2 ;SendStringH = _lmpTxStringSegment lmpRxPostTest = lmpRxInfo + 3 lmpTxState ds 1 ;Current Tx state lmpTxDLSAP ds 1 ;Transmit DLSAP = Received SLSAP lmpTxSLSAP ds 1 ;Transmit SLSAP = Received DLSAP lmpTxInfo ds 2 lmpTxIASErrOpcode = lmpTxInfo + 0 ;IAS frame : holds service request lmpTxIASErrRetCode = lmpTxInfo + 1 ;IAS frame : holds return code for service request lmpTxStringH = lmpTxInfo + 0 lmpTxStringL = lmpTxInfo + 1 lmpConnectCmdOpcode = $01 lmpConnectRspOpcode = $81 lmpDisconnectOpcode = $02 lmpAccessCmdOpcode = $03 lmpAccessRspOpcode = $83 lmpLSAPServer = 0 lmpLSAPComm = 5 ;Random number between 1 and 6F lmpAppRxFlag = lmpAppStatus.0 ;Indicates that app layer has been passed unacknoldged data lmpAppTxFlag = lmpAppStatus.1 ;Indicates that app layer is passing data or has passed data that has not yet been acknoldged lmpRxDataMode = %00000000 ;More data is required lmpRxVerifyMode = %10000000 ;Waiting for frame to complete lmpRxSLSAPState = 1 + lmpRxDataMode ;Second byte = Source LSAP lmpRxLMPCmdOpcodeState = 2 + lmpRxDataMode ;LMP Command : Opcode lmpRxIASCmdState = 3 + lmpRxDataMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxIASClassLengthState = 4 + lmpRxDataMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxIASClassTestState = 5 + lmpRxDataMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxIASDeviceAttribState = 6 + lmpRxDataMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxIASCommAttribState = 7 + lmpRxDataMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxIASAttribTestState = 8 + lmpRxDataMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxCommDataState = 9 + lmpRxDataMode ;Comm Data lmpRxBadLSAPState = 1 + lmpRxVerifyMode ;Error state : Invalid Dest LSAP lmpRxLMPCmdVerifyState = 2 + lmpRxVerifyMode ;LMP Command : Verify lmpRxIASAttribVerifyState = 3 + lmpRxVerifyMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxIASErrorState = 4 + lmpRxVerifyMode ;IAS Data : lmpTxStringState = 1 ;Send a string lmpTxIASErrorState = 2 ;Reply stating that the IAS service is an un-supported option or error lmpTxCommDataState = 3 ;Sending Comm Data ;******************************************************************************** ENDM LmpCodeSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER ;******************************************************************************** ;********** a2lmpReset ********** a2lmpReset bank lmpBank clr lmpRxState clr lmpTxState clr lmpAppLSAP retp ;********** lap2lmpConnectIndication ********** lap2lmpConnectIndication = a2lmpReset ;********** lap2lmpDisconnectIndication ********** lap2lmpDisconnectIndication = a2lmpReset ;********** lap2lmpRxData ********** lap2lmpRxData bank lmpBank mov lmpData, w ;Store data snb lmpRxState.7 ;Interested in data ? (lmpRxDataMode) retp mov w, lmpRxState ;Jump based on state jmp PC+w jmp lmpRxDLSAPByte ; 0 = lmpIdleState jmp lmpRxSLSAPByte ; 1 = lmpRxSLSAPState jmp lmpRxCmdOpcodeByte ; 2 = lmpRxLMPCmdOpcodeState jmp lmpRxIASCmd ; 3 = lmpRxIASCmdState jmp lmpRxIASClassLength ; 4 = lmpRxIASClassLengthState jmp lmpRxIASStringTest ; 5 = lmpRxIASClassTestState jmp lmpRxIASDeviceAttrib ; 6 = lmpRxIASDeviceAttribState jmp lmpRxIASCommAttrib ; 7 = lmpRxIASCommAttribState jmp lmpRxIASStringTest ; 8 = lmpRxIASAttribTestState jmp lmpRxCommData ; 9 = lmpRxCommDataState ;********** lap2lmpRxValid ********** lap2lmpRxValid debugl IFrameDataRx, '^' bank lmpBank snb lmpAppRxFlag ;CommData ? jmp lmpRxValidCommData ;Yes => process sb lmpRxState.7 ;Interested in valid ? (lmpRxVerifyMode) retp mov w, lmpRxState ;Jump based on state and w, #%01111111 ;Remove Mode bit clr lmpRxState ;Clear RxState back to idle jmp PC+w retp ; 0 = lmpIdleState (invalid) jmp lmpRxBadLSAP ; 1 = lmpRxBadLSAPState jmp lmpRxValidLMPCommand ; 2 = lmpRxLMPCmdVerifyState jmp lmpRxValidIASAttribVerify ; 3 = lmpRxIASAttribVerifyState jmp lmpRxValidIASError ; 4 = lmpRxIASErrorState ;********** lap2lmpRxInvalid ********** lap2lmpRxError debugl IFrameDataRx, '!' setb ledERR ;Turn ERR led on bank lmpBank clr lmpRxState ;Return to idle state sb lmpAppRxFlag ;CommDataMode ? retp ;No => return clrb lmpAppRxFlag ;Clear flag jmp @lmp2appRxCommError ;Yes => Inform app layer of valid (app layer will issue ret instruction) ;********** lap2lmpTxData ********** lap2lmpTxFrame bank lmpBank clr lmpPosition test lmpTxState ;Idle state ? jnz :Send :Idle test lmpAppLSAP ;LMP Connection open to comm layer ? snz ;Zero indicates no connection retp ;No => indicate no data and return call @lmp2appTxCommStart ;Yes => find out if data to send snz ;Data to send retp ;No => indicate no data and return bank lmpBank mov lmpTxState, #lmpTxCommDataState ;Prepare to transmit frame mov lmpTxDLSAP, lmpAppLSAP ;Ensure correct DLSAP mov lmpTxSLSAP, #lmpLSAPComm ;Ensure correct SLSAP mov lmpPosition, #lapMaxFrameSize-2 ;Protect frame size (LAP frame size less DLSAP and SLSAP bytes) :Send mov w, lmpTxDLSAP ;Desired DLSAP bank plBank mov plIDataDLSAP, w ;Store for transmission bank lmpBank mov w, lmpTxSLSAP ;Desired SLSAP bank plBank mov plIDataSLSAP, w ;Store for transmission clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp ;********** lap2lmpTxData ********** lap2lmpTxData ;Lap layer can accept a data byte (for an I frame) if there is one available. if there is data available then lmp returns data byte and sets z to false bank lmpBank mov w, lmpTxState ;Jump based on state jmp PC+w ;Jump based on state retp ; 0 = Idle state (cannot receive TxData in idle state) jmp lmpTxString ; 1 = lmpTxStringState jmp lmpTxIASError ; 2 = lmpTxIASErrorState jmp lmpTxCommData ; 3 = lmpTxCommDataState ;********** lap2lmpTxValid ********** lap2lmpTxValid ;Lap layer is indicating that all data passed since last TxStart message was acknowledged debugl IFrameDataTx, '^' bank lmpBank clr lmpTxState ;Return to idle state sb lmpAppTxFlag ;Transmitting app data ? retp ;No => return clrb lmpAppTxFlag jmp @lmp2appTxCommValid ;Yes => Inform app layer of valid (app layer will issue ret instruction) ;********** lap2lmpTxError ********** lap2lmpTxError ;Lap layer is indicating that all data passed since last TxStart message will need to be sent again debugl IFrameDataTx, '!' setb ledERR ;Turn ERR led on bank lmpBank sb lmpAppTxFlag ;Transmitting app data ? retp ;No => return (stay in this state for retransmission) clrb lmpAppTxFlag jmp @lmp2appTxCommError ;Yes => Inform app layer of error (app layer will issue ret instruction) ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER - Rx ;******************************************************************************** lmpRx2TxSetup mov lmpTxDLSAP, lmpRxSLSAP ;DLSAP = received SLSAP mov lmpTxSLSAP, lmpRxDLSAP ;SLSAP = received DLSAP retp ;******************************************************************************** ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxDLSAPState ********** lmpRxDLSAPByte mov lmpRxDLSAP, lmpData ;Store data inc lmpRxState ;Next state = lmpRxSLSAPState retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxSLSAPState ********** lmpRxSLSAPByte mov lmpRxSLSAP, lmpData ;Store data clrb lmpRxSLSAP.7 ;Ensure MSB is clear snb lmpRxDLSAP.7 ;Is this a LMP-Command frame (DLSAP bit 7 set) ? jmp :Cmd ;Yes => process command csne lmpRxDLSAP, #lmpLSAPComm ;DLSAP addressing Comm ? jmp :Comm ;Yes => accept mov w, lmpRxBadLSAPState ;If not server then Bad LSAP test lmpRxDLSAP ;0 = IAS Server snz ;Addressing IAS Server ? mov w, #lmpRxIASCmdState ;Yes => IAS Server state mov lmpRxState, w ;Apply state retp :Cmd mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxLMPCmdOpcodeState ;No => change to RxCmdOpcodeState clrb lmpRxDLSAP.7 ;Ensure MSB is clear retp :Comm mov w, #lmpRxCommDataState ;Comm data test lmpAppLSAP ;Connected ? snz mov w, lmpRxBadLSAPState ;No => error mov lmpRxState, w ;Apply state retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxCmdOpcodeState ********** lmpRxCmdOpcodeByte mov lmpRxLMPCmdOpcode, lmpData ;Store data in opcode variable mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxLMPCmdVerifyState ;Wait for Valid message retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxIASCmdState ********** lmpRxIASCmd mov w, lmpData ;IAS Service request and w, #%10111111 ;Mask out ack bit mov lmpRxIASErrOpcode, w ;Store Service Request in case of error xor w, #$84 ;Is the service request GetValueByClass ? jnz :Err ;No => must reply with service unsupported inc lmpRxState ;Yes => wait for class name length retp :Err mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASErrorState ;Will reply with Unsupported mov lmpRxIASErrRetCode, #$FF ;Reply = $FF = unsupported service retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxIASClassLengthState ********** lmpRxIASClassLength ;Data = lnegth of class name inc lmpRxState ;Next state = lmpRxIASClassTestState mov lmpRxIASErrRetCode, #$01 ;If error then Reply = $01 = no such class csne lmpData, #$06 ;Is the class name length 6 indicating that we should test for "Device" ? jmp :Dev ;Yes => test for "Device" csne lmpData, #$0B ;Is the class name length 11 indicating that we should test for "IrDA:IrCOMM" ? jmp :Comm ;Yes => test for "IrDA:IrCOMM" mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASErrorState ;No => Will reply with IAS error retp :Dev mov lmpRxPostTest, #lmpRxIASDeviceAttribState ;If class is correct then will cahnge to DeviceAttrib state mov lmpPosition, #_lmpIASDeviceClass ;Pointer to string retp :Comm mov lmpRxPostTest, #lmpRxIASCommAttribState ;If class is correct then will cahnge to CommAttrib state mov lmpPosition, #_lmpIASCommClass ;Pointer to string retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxIASDeviceAttribState ********** lmpRxIASDeviceAttrib mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASAttribTestState ;Next will verify attrib string mov lmpRxPostTest, #lmpRxIASAttribVerifyState ;If attrib is correct then will cahnge to AttribVerify state mov lmpRxIASErrRetCode, #$02 ;If error then Reply = $02 = no such attribute csne lmpData, #$0A ;Is the class name length 10 indicating that we should test for "DeviceName" ? jmp :Name ;Yes => test for "Device" csne lmpData, #12 ;Is the class name length 12 indicating that we should test for "IrLMPSupport" ? jmp :Supp ;Yes => test for "IrLMPSupport" mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASErrorState ;No => Will reply with IAS error retp :Name mov lmpRxSendStringL, #_lmpIASDeviceName ;Pointer to string to send in reply if attrib verifies mov lmpPosition, #_lmpIASDeviceAttribName ;Pointer to string to test retp :Supp mov lmpRxSendStringL, #_lmpIASDeviceSupport ;Pointer to string to send in reply if attrib verifies mov lmpPosition, #_lmpIASDeviceAttribSupport ;Pointer to string to test retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxIASCommAttribState ********** lmpRxIASCommAttrib mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASAttribTestState ;Next will verify attrib string mov lmpRxPostTest, #lmpRxIASAttribVerifyState ;If attrib is correct then will cahnge to AttribVerify state mov lmpRxIASErrRetCode, #$02 ;If error then Reply = $02 = no such attribute csne lmpData, #$0A ;Is the class name length 10 indicating that we should test for "Parameters" ? jmp :Param ;Yes => test for "Parameters" csne lmpData, #$12 ;Is the class name length 18 indicating that we should test for "IrDA:IrLMP:LsapSel" ? jmp :Lsap ;Yes => test for "IrDA:IrLMP:LsapSel" mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASErrorState ;No => Will reply with IAS error retp :Param mov lmpRxSendStringL, #_lmpIASCommParam ;Pointer to string to send in reply if attrib verifies mov lmpPosition, #_lmpIASCommAttribParam ;Pointer to string to test retp :Lsap mov lmpRxSendStringL, #_lmpIASCommLsapSel ;Pointer to string to send in reply if attrib verifies mov lmpPosition, #_lmpIASCommAttribLsapSel ;Pointer to string to test retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxIASStringTestState ********** lmpRxIASStringTest mov m, #_lmpRxStringSegment / 256 ;String Segment (high) mov w, lmpPosition ;Pointer to string (low) inc lmpPosition ;Increment offset for next byte iread ;Get data byte (in w) xor w, lmpData ;Is the received data byte correct ? jnz :Err ;No => error mov w, m ;Yes => continue. Move high part of data to w test w ;Is this the last byte ? (m is not 0) snz retp ;No => stay in this state mov lmpRxState, lmpRxPostTest ;Yes => Change to next state retp :Err mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASErrorState ;Will reply with Error code retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxCommDataState ********** lmpRxCommData setb lmpAppRxFlag ;remember passing data mov w, lmpData ;Data to pass jmp @lmp2appRxCommData ;Pass data to app layer ;******************************************************************************** ;********** lap2lmpRxValid - RxBadLSAPState ********** lmpRxBadLSAP ;Should disconnect connection !!! jmp @lmp2lapDisconnectRequest ;********** lap2lmpRxValid - RxLMPCmdVerifyState ********** lmpRxValidLMPCommand csne lmpRxLMPCmdOpcode, #lmpConnectCmdOpcode ;Is this a request to open a connection ? jmp :Conn ;Yes => accept csne lmpRxLMPCmdOpcode, #lmpDisconnectOpcode ;Is this a request to clsoe a connection ? jmp :Disc ;Yes => close retp ;No => Unknown or unsupported command => ignore :Conn mov lmpTxStringH, #_lmpLMPConnRsp / 256 ;Pointer to string mov lmpTxStringL, #_lmpLMPConnRsp ;Pointer to string mov lmpTxState, #lmpTxStringState ;Prepare to transmit parameters setb lmpRxSLSAP.7 ;Indicate command (this will be the DLSAP byte when transmitted) cse lmpRxDLSAP, #lmpLSAPComm ;DLSAP addressing Comm ? jmp lmpRx2TxSetup ;No => nothing more to do other than to prepare to send reply mov lmpAppLSAP, lmpRxSLSAP ;Yes => Store Source LSAP in AppLSAP (ie remember the remote Comm App LSAP) clrb lmpAppLSAP.7 ;Set to information frame jmp lmpRx2TxSetup ;prepare to send reply :Disc csne lmpRxDLSAP, #lmpLSAPComm ;DLSAP addressing Comm ? clr lmpAppLSAP ;Yes => clear connection retp ;********** lap2lmpRxValid - RxIASAttribVerifyState ********** lmpRxValidIASAttribVerify mov lmpTxStringH, #_lmpTxStringSegment / 256 ;Pointer to string mov lmpTxStringL, lmpRxSendStringL ;Pointer to string mov lmpTxState, #lmpTxStringState ;Prepare to transmit parameters jmp lmpRx2TxSetup ;Prepare to transmit frame ;********** lap2lmpRxValid - RxIASErrorState ********** lmpRxValidIASError mov lmpTxState, #lmpTxIASErrorState ;Prepare to transmit error return code mov lmpTxIASErrOpcode, lmpRxIASErrOpcode mov lmpTxIASErrRetCode, lmpRxIASErrRetCode jmp lmpRx2TxSetup ;Prepare to transmit frame ;********** lap2lmpRxValid - RxCommDataState ********** lmpRxValidCommData clr lmpRxState ;Clear RxState back to idle clrb lmpAppRxFlag jmp @lmp2appRxCommValid ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER - Tx ;******************************************************************************** ;********** lap2lmpTxData - TxStringState ********** lmpTxString mov m, lmpTxStringH ;Pointer to string (high) mov w, lmpTxStringL ;Pointer to string (low) add w, lmpPosition ;Add offset inc lmpPosition ;Increment offset for next byte iread mov Temp, w ;Store data mov w, m ;Move high part of data to w test w ;Is this the last byte ? jnz :Last ;Yes mov w, Temp ;Data to pass clz ;Indicate more data to follow Data retp ;Return data to framing layer :Last mov w, Temp ;Data to pass stz ;Indicate last byte retp ;Return data to framing layer ;********** lap2lmpTxData - TxIASErrorState ********** lmpTxIASError test lmpPosition jnz :ErrCod :Opcode mov w, lmpTxIASErrOpcode ;Opcode that was received inc lmpPosition ;Next will send RetCode clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp :ErrCod mov w, lmpTxIASErrRetCode ;RetCode stz ;Indicate last byte retp ;********** lap2lmpTxData - TxCommDataState ********** lmpTxCommData setb lmpAppTxFlag ;remember receiving data call @lmp2appTxCommData ;Get next data byte bank lmpBank snz ;Skip if not last byte retp ;Z = 0 indicating last byte dec lmpPosition ;Byte counter retp ;Returns Z = true if counter = 0 ie when counter reaches 0 last flag will be set ;******************************************************************************** ENDM LmpRxStringSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER - Strings ;WARNING - Strings must not go over a 256 boundry !!! ;******************************************************************************** _lmpRxStringSegment ;Rx strings must all be in the same segement !!! _lmpIASDeviceClass dw 'Device'+$F00 ;Classname = "Device" ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASDeviceAttribName dw 'DeviceName'+$F00 ;Device Attribute: "DeviceName" ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASDeviceAttribSupport dw 'IrLMPSupport'+$F00 ;Device Attribute: "IrLMPSupporte" ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASCommClass dw 'IrDA:IrCOMM'+$F00 ;Classname = "IrDA:IrCOMM" ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASCommAttribParam dw 'Parameters'+$F00 ;IrCOMM Attribute: "Parameters" ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASCommAttribLsapSel dw 'IrDA:IrLMP:LsapSel'+$F00 ;IrCOMM Attribute: "LsapSel" ($F00 indicates end) ;******************************************************************************** ENDM LmpTxStringSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER - String ;WARNING - Strings must not go over a 256 boundry !!! ;******************************************************************************** _lmpTxStringSegment ;Tx strings must all be in the same segement !!! _lmpLMPConnRsp dw lmpConnectRspOpcode, $00+$F00 _lmpIASDeviceName dw $84, $00 ;$84 = Reply to GetValueByClass, $00 = success _lmpIASDeviceName1 dw $00, $01 ;List length = 1 item _lmpIASDeviceName2 dw $00, $00 ;Object identifier = 0 _lmpIASDeviceName3 dw $03, $00 ;Data is of type "User string", ASCII _lmpIASDeviceName4 dw 28 ;length of text = 28 octets _lmpIASDeviceNameText dw 'SX IrDA IrComm Demonstration'+$F00 ;String to be displayed _lmpIASDeviceSupport dw $84, $00 ;$84 = Reply to GetValueByClass, $00 = success _lmpIASDeviceSupport1 dw $00, $01 ;List length = 1 item _lmpIASDeviceSupport2 dw $00, $00 ;Object identifier = 0 _lmpIASDeviceSupport3 dw $02 ;Data is of type "Octet Sequence" _lmpIASDeviceSupport4 dw $00, $03 ;Data is 3 bytes in length _lmpIASDeviceSupport5 dw $01 ;Data : IrLMP Version = 1 (refer LMP p 84) _lmpIASDeviceSupport6 dw $00 ;Data : IAS Support = no additional features (refer LMP p 84) _lmpIASDeviceSupport7 dw $00+$F00 ;Data : MUX Support = no additional features (refer LMP p 85) ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASCommParam dw $84, $00 ;$84 = Reply to GetValueByClass, $00 = success _lmpIASCommParam1 dw $00, $01 ;List length = 1 item _lmpIASCommParam2 dw $00, $00 ;Object identifier = 0 _lmpIASCommParam3 dw $02 ;Data is of type "Octet Sequence" _lmpIASCommParam4 dw $00, $06 ;Data is 6 bytes in length _lmpIASCommParam5 dw $00, 1, %00000001 ;Data : Service types = 3 wire raw _lmpIASCommParam6 dw $01, 1, %00000011+$F00 ;Data : Port type = serial or parallel ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASCommLsapSel dw $84, $00 ;$84 = Reply to GetValueByClass, $00 = success _lmpIASCommLsapSel1 dw $00, $01 ;List length = 1 item _lmpIASCommLsapSel2 dw $00, $00 ;Object identifier = 0 _lmpIASCommLsapSel3 dw $01 ;Data is of type "Integer" _lmpIASCommLsapSel4 dw $00, $00, $00, lmpLSAPComm+$F00 ;LsapSel = 5 ($F00 indicates end) ;******************************************************************************** ENDM
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