MainInfoSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; Main Code ;******************************************************************************** ENDM MainCodeSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; Main Code ;******************************************************************************** ledRX = ra.0 ledTX = ra.1 ledCON = ra.2 ledERR = ra.3 Startup mov m, #TRIS mov ra, #%0000 ;init Port A mov !ra, #%0000 ;Port A (LEDs) - Outputs mov rb, #%00001100 ;init rb - UartTx (bit 2) and UartCTS (bit 3) = idle high mov !rb, #%01110011 ;Direction mov m, #PLP mov !rb, #%11001111 ;Enable pullup on unused pins (bits 4 and 5) mov m, #WKED mov !rb, #%11111110 ;IrRx (bit 6) = falling edge, UartRx (bit0) = rising edge clr rc ;Init output to 0 mov m, #TRIS mov !rc, #%10101011 ;Port C (IO Port) direction - set for jumper use mov m, #PLP mov !rc, #%01010100 ;Port C (IO Port) pullup - enabled on input pins clr fsr ;reset all ram banks :loop setb fsr.4 clr ind ijnz fsr,:loop call @IsrInit call @a2flReset call @a2plReset call @a2lapReset call @a2lmpReset call @a2appReset Asynchronous ;Note: flags are global snb IrdaRxAvail ;Irda byte received ? call @a2flRxAvail snb IrdaTxEmpty ;Irda TxEmpty flag set ? call @a2flTxEmpty snb UartRxAvail ;Uart byte received ? call @a2appRxAvail snb TimerOverflow ;Timer Overflow flag set ? call @a2lapTimer jmp Asynchronous ;******************************************************************************** ENDM IsrInfoSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; Interrupt Service Routine ;******************************************************************************** ; Updated 19 November 1999 - Nick Kelsey ; * Fixed fault in IrdaTxData and UartTxData where the stop bit was one ; interrupt cycle too long. ; Updated 6 December 1999 - Nick Kelsey ; * Added RTS/CTS defines for debug UART. ;******************************************************************************** ENDM IsrDataSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; Interrupt Service Routine ;******************************************************************************** org $10 IsrBank = $10 IsrTime50MHz = -108 ;50Mhz * 2.17us = 108.5 IsrTime = IsrTime50MHz ;Constant = MHz * 2.17us ;**** Isr **** IsrMReg ds 1 IsrIntFlags ds 1 ;**** IsrStatus **** (Global varible providing an interface to the Isr) TimerOverflow = IsrStatus.0 IrdaTxStart = IsrStatus.1 IrdaTxEmpty = IsrStatus.2 ;1 = finished sending byte IrdaRxAvail = IsrStatus.3 ;1 = received byte available to be read UartTxStart = IsrStatus.4 UartTxEmpty = IsrStatus.5 UartRxAvail = IsrStatus.6 ;1 = received byte available to be read DebugSend = UartTxStart ;**** Irda & Uart Status **** IrdaUartStatus ds 1 IrdaRxPulse = IrdaUartStatus.0 IrdaRxMode = IrdaUartStatus.1 ;1 = currently receiving a byte, 0 = idle IrdaTxMode = IrdaUartStatus.2 ;1 = currently transmitting a byte, 0 = idle UartRxMode = IrdaUartStatus.3 ;1 = currently receiving a byte, 0 = idle UartTxMode = IrdaUartStatus.4 ;1 = currently transmitting a byte, 0 = idle ;**** Irda **** IrdaTxPin = rb.7 ;Output - Idle Low IrdaRxPin = rb.6 ;Input - Idle High IrdaRxInt = 6 ;Interrupt = bit 6 Irda9600 = 48 ;+0.47% Irda19200 = 24 ;+0.47% Irda38400 = 12 ;+0.47% Irda57600 = 8 ;+0.47% Irda115200 = 4 ;+0.47% IrdaSpeed ds 1 IrdaData ds 1 IrdaRxBits ds 1 IrdaBitCount ds 1 IrdaDivide ds 1 ;**** Uart **** UartTxPin = rb.2 ;Output - Idle High UartRxPin = rb.0 ;Input - Idle High UartRtsPin = rb.1 ;Output UartCtsPin = rb.3 ;Input Uart9600 = 48 ;+0.47% Uart19200 = 24 ;+0.47% Uart38400 = 12 ;+0.47% Uart57600 = 8 ;+0.47% Uart115200 = 4 ;+0.47% UartSpeed = Uart115200 UartTxData = DebugData ;Global Variable UartTxBits ds 1 UartTxBitCount ds 1 UartTxDivide ds 1 UartRxData ds 1 UartRxBits ds 1 UartRxBitCount ds 1 UartRxDivide ds 1 org $30 TimerBank = $30 ;Shared with Framing layer Random ds 1 ;Increments every timer interrupt (108 cycles @ 50MHz) Timer1 ds 1 ;Resetable, Increments every timer interrupt (108 cycles @ 50MHz) Timer2 ds 1 ;Resetable, Increments every Timer1 overflow (27648 cycles @ 50MHz) Timer3 ds 1 ;Resetable, Increments every Timer2 overflow (7077888 cycles @ 50MHz) ;******************************************************************************** ENDM IsrCodeSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; Interrupt Service Routine ;******************************************************************************** GlobalIsr ;Interrupt = Timer bank TimerBank inc Random ;1 Random increment (Note: The main code is synchronous with RTCC and so RTCC is not a random number) inc Timer1 ;1 Timer: increment snz ;1/2 Timer: overflow ? inc Timer2 ;1 Timer: Yes => increment snz ;1/2 Timer: overflow ? inc Timer3 ;1 Timer: Yes => increment snz ;1/2 Timer: overflow ? setb TimerOverflow ;1 Timer: Yes => set flag (Timer = 7 cycles) bank IsrBank ;1 mov IsrMReg, m ;2 Backup M register mov m, #WKPND ;1 Set mode to examine port b interrupt flags mov w, #0 ;1 Clear W mov !rb, w ;1 Swap contents of W and WKPEN_B (interrupt flags are cleared) mov IsrIntFlags, w ;1 Store cause of interrupt IrdaIsr ; Irda -> IrdaRet: Idle = 6 cycles, Tx = 9/19/23 cycles, Rx = 12/21/27 cycles, RxStart = 18 cycles snb IrdaTxMode ;1/2 Irda Tx ? jmp IrdaTxDataIsr ;3 Yes => IrdaTxDataIsr snb IrdaTxStart ;1/2 Irda Tx ? jmp IrdaTxStartIsr ;3 Yes => IrdaTxStartIsr snb IrdaRxMode ;1/2 Irda Rx ? jmp IrdaRxDataIsr ;3 Yes => IrdaRxDataIsr snb IsrIntFlags.IrdaRxInt ;1/2 Falling edge of Rx pin indicating start bit ? jmp IrdaRxStartIsr ;3 Yes => IrdaRxStartIsr IrdaRet ; Irda -> IrdaRet: Idle = 6 cycles, Tx = 9/19/23 cycles, Rx = 12/21/27 cycles, RxStart = 18 cycles UartTxIsr snb UartTxMode ;1/2 Transmitting ? jmp UartTxDataIsr ;3 Yes => UartTxDataIsr snb UartTxStart ;1/2 Start transmit ? jmp UartTxStartIsr ;3 Yes => UartTxStartIsr UartTxRet UartRxIsr snb UartRxMode ;1/2 Receiving ? jmp UartRxDataIsr ;3 Yes => UartRxDataIsr sb UartRxPin ;1/2 Start bit ? (start bit = 0) jmp UartRxStartIsr ;3 Yes => UartRxStartIsr UartRxRet mov m, IsrMReg ;2 Restore M register mov w, #IsrTime ;1 Interrupt in 108 @ 50Mhz cycles retiw ;3 Total Isr Time = x cycles IrdaTxDataIsr ; Time = 5/13/16/20 cycles clrb IrdaTxPin ;1 return to idle decsz IrdaDivide ;1/2 jmp IrdaRet ;3 Isr Time = +5 cycles from IrdaTxIsr decsz IrdaBitCount ;1/2 Sent all bits? jmp :Bit ;3 No => output next bit :End snb IrdaTxStart ;1/2 Yes => complete, Another byte to transmit? jmp IrdaTxStartIsr ;3 Yes => IrdaTxStartIsr clrb IrdaTxMode ;1 Finished setb IrdaTxEmpty ;1 Flag to indicate that the transmission is complete clrb ledTX ;1 Turn off TX LED (indication LED not actual IR emitter) jmp IrdaRet ;3 Isr Time = +19 cycles from IrdaTxIsr :Bit sb IrdaData.0 ;1/2 Output next bit setb IrdaTxPin ;1 Output next bit stc ;1 Stop bit (idle = 1) rr IrdaData ;1 mov IrdaDivide, IrdaSpeed ;2 Apply baud rate jmp IrdaRet ;3 Isr Time = +16 cycles from IrdaTxIsr IrdaTxStartIsr clrb IrdaTxStart ;1 Clear start mode setb ledTX ;1 Turn on TX LED (indication LED not actual IR emitter) setb IrdaTxPin ;1 Output start pulse (note position of this instruction is such that it matches the setb of the TxDataIsr) mov IrdaDivide, IrdaSpeed ;2 Apply baud rate mov IrdaBitCount, #10 ;2 Bit count = 8 data + 1 stop + 1 for stop bit to complete setb IrdaTxMode ;1 Enter Tx mode jmp IrdaRet ;3 Isr Time = +n cycles IrdaRxDataIsr ; Time = 4/13/19 cycles snb IsrIntFlags.IrdaRxInt ;1/2 Was a pulse received ? setb IrdaRxPulse ;1 Yes => Flag pulse decsz IrdaDivide ;1/2 jmp IrdaRet ;3 Isr Time = +4 cycles from IrdaRxIsr clc ;1 Determine bit sb IrdaRxPulse ;1/2 Determine bit stc ;1 Determine bit rr IrdaRxBits ;1 Record bit clrb IrdaRxPulse ;1 Reset pulse flag mov IrdaDivide, IrdaSpeed ;2 Apply baud rate decsz IrdaBitCount ;1/2 jmp IrdaRet ;3 Isr Time = +13 cycles from IrdaRxIsr mov IrdaData, IrdaRxBits ;2 Copy bits into IrdaData clrb IrdaRxMode ;1 Finished setb IrdaRxAvail ;1 clrb ledRX ;1 Turn off RX LED (indication LED not actual IR emitter) jmp IrdaRet ;3 Isr Time = +19 cycles from IrdaRxIsr IrdaRxStartIsr ; Time = 10 cycles setb ledRX ;1 Turn on RX LED (indication LED not actual IR emitter) clc ;1 mov w, >>IrdaSpeed ;1 W = IrdaSpeed / 2 mov IrdaDivide, w ;1 IrdaDivide = IrdaSpeed * 0.5 mov IrdaBitCount, #9 ;2 Bit count = 9 (1/2 start, 8 data, ignore stop) setb IrdaRxMode ;1 Enter rx mode jmp IrdaRet ;3 Isr Time = +10 cycles from IrdaRxStartIsr UartTxDataIsr ; Time = 4/11/17 cycles decsz UartTxDivide ;1/2 jmp UartTxRet ;3 Isr Time = +n cycles from UartTxIsr decsz UartTxBitCount ;1/2 Sent all bits? jmp :Bit ;3 No => output next bit :End snb UartTxStart ;1/2 Yes => complete, Another byte to transmit? jmp UartTxStartIsr ;3 Yes => UartTxStartIsr clrb UartTxMode ;1 No => Complete setb UartTxEmpty ;1 Flag to indicate that the transmission is complete jmp UartTxRet ;3 Complete :Bit movb UartTxPin, UartTxBits.0 ;4 Output next bit stc ;1 Stop bit (idle = 1) rr UartTxBits ;1 mov UartTxDivide, #UartSpeed ;2 Apply UartSpeed jmp UartTxRet ;3 Isr Time = +n cycles from UartTxIsr UartTxStartIsr clrb UartTxPin ;1 Output start bit mov UartTxBits, UartTxData ;2 Load data for transmission mov UartTxDivide, #UartSpeed ;2 Apply UartSpeed mov UartTxBitCount, #10 ;2 Bit count = 8 data + 1 stop + 1 for stop bit to complete clrb UartTxStart ;1 Clear start mode setb UartTxMode ;1 Enter Tx mode jmp UartTxRet ;3 Isr Time = +n cycles UartRxDataIsr decsz UartRxDivide ;1/2 jmp UartRxRet ;3 Isr Time = +n cycles decsz UartRxBitCount ;1/2 jmp :Read ;3 :Stop mov UartRxData, UartRxBits ;2 Copy bits into UartData clrb UartRxMode ;1 Finished setb UartRxAvail ;1 jmp UartRxRet ;3 Isr Time = +n cycles :Read clc ;1 Determine bit snb UartRxPin ;1/2 Determine bit stc ;1 Determine bit rr UartRxBits ;1 Record bit mov UartRxDivide, #UartSpeed ;2 Apply baud rate jmp UartRxRet ;3 Isr Time = +n cycles UartRxStartIsr mov UartRxDivide, #UartSpeed / 2 ;2 UartDivide = UartSpeed * 0.5 mov UartRxBitCount, #10 ;2 Bit count = 10 (1/2 start, 8 data, 1 stop) setb UartRxMode ;1 Enter rx mode jmp UartRxRet ;3 Isr Time = +n cycles IsrInit clr IsrStatus bank IsrBank clr IrdaUartStatus mov IrdaSpeed, #Irda9600 mov !option, #%10011111 ;enable rtcc interrupt retp ;******************************************************************************** ENDM FrameInfoSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; FRAMING LAYER ;******************************************************************************** ; ; Receive : Processes incomming characters and passes payload to payload layer ; Transmit : Frames and applies transparency to payload data ; ;******************************************************************************** ; ; Normal Frame Format: Allowable: Send: ; n * FF n >= 0 n = 10 ; n * BOF n >= 1 n = 1 ; n * Payload data ; 2 * FCS ; 1 * EOF ; ; FCS - Frame Check Sequence ; 16 bit CCITT CRC sent low byte first ; Transmit : send the complement of the calculated FCS ; Receive : include FCS bytes in calculation of the FCS, FCS will equal $f0b8 if valid ; Note : FCS covers the payload data only. ; It is calculated prior to adding any transparency bytes (ie FCS bytes must also be transparent). ; ; Transparency: ; CE(=$7D) indicates transparency issue ; CE EOF incicates sender has terminated packet ; CE BOF indicates sender has restarted payload ; CE * anything else: XOR with $20 to recover origional data ; ;******************************************************************************** ; ;Asynchronous Events ; ; a2flRxAvail() ;Signal to indicate that a byte has been received ; a2flTxEmpty() ;Signal to indicate that the last byte has finished transmitting ; ;Interface ; ; fl2plRxData(w=Data) ;Data byte from frame ; fl2plRxValid() ;Payload data is complete and valid ; fl2plRxError() ;Payload data contains errors ; pl2flRxIgnore() call ;Return to idle state thus terminating any frame being received ; ; pl2flTxStart() ;Request from payload layer to send a frame - Does not test for media busy ; fl2plTxData(ret w=Data ret z=Last) call ;Request data from payload layer - Z flag is set if its the last byte ; fl2plTxComplete() ;Inform payload layer that the transmission is complete ; ;Notes ; - The Rx code does not time out but is reset by calling RxIgnore, by receiving a new frame, or by transmitting a frame ; - If a frame is transmitted (TxStart) while a frame is being recieved the RxCode will reset to the idle state ; without indicating an error (RxError). ; ;******************************************************************************** ENDM FrameDataSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; FRAMING LAYER ;******************************************************************************** org $38 flBank = $38 ;8 bytes used - Note bank shared with Uart flState ds 1 ;flBank - current state flData ds 1 ;flBank - storage for a byte received flPosition ds 1 ;flBank - Counter used to count the FF codes at start of frame and to keep track of buffer flBuffer ds 2 ;flBank - 2 byte buffer to delay the passing of payload data to allow the removal of the FCS flFFCount ds 1 ;flBank - number of FFs to send at the start of each packet flFCSl ds 1 ;flBank - 16-bit FCS value (low byte) flFCSh ds 1 ;flBank - 16-bit FCS value (high byte) flRxState = %00000000 flTxState = %10000000 flRxBeginState = 1 + flRxState ;waiting for start of payload flRxPayloadState = 2 + flRxState ;receiving payload data flRxCtrlState = 3 + flRxState ;waiting for byte after CE code flTxBeginState = 1 + flTxState ;sending initial FF bytes flTxCtrlState = 2 + flTxState ;waiting to send an encoded payload data byte flTxPayloadState = 3 + flTxState ;waiting to send another payload byte flTxFCSlState = 4 + flTxState ;waiting to send FCSl flTxFCShState = 5 + flTxState ;waiting to send FCSh flTxSendEndState = 6 + flTxState ;waiting to send EOF to close frame flTxWaitEndState = 7 + flTxState ;waiting for EOF to finish begin sent BOF = $C0 ; = %11000000 ;Beginning of Frame code (refer IrLAP specification) EOF = $C1 ; = %11000001 ;End of Frame code (refer IrLAP specification) CE = $7D ; = %01111101 ;Control Escape code (refer IrLAP specification) ValidFCSh = $F0 ValidFCSl = $B8 ;******************************************************************************** ENDM FrameCodeSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; FRAMING LAYER ;******************************************************************************** ;********** a2flReset ********** a2flReset bank IsrBank mov IrdaSpeed, #Irda9600 ;IrDA UART speed = 9600 bank flBank clr flState ;Reset to idle state mov flFFCount, #10 ;Default to 10 FFs @ 9600 = 10.42ms retp ;********** a2flRxAvail ********** a2flRxAvail ;The IrdaRxAvail flag was set bank IsrBank mov w, IrdaData ;Get received byte clrb IrdaRxAvail ;Clear flag bank flBank snb flState.7 ;Current state = receiving or idle ? retp ;No => ignore (do not need to inform lap layer of media busy as in transmit mode) mov flData, w ;Store byte that was received debug PhysicalDataRx ;Debug: pass data received call @fl2lapMediaBusy ;Inform lap layer of media busy bank flBank mov w, flState ;Jump based on state jmp PC+w jmp flRxIdle ; 0 = Idle jmp flRxBegin ; 1 = flRxBeginState jmp flRxPayload ; 2 = flRxPayloadState jmp flRxCtrl ; 3 = flRxCtrlState ;********** a2flTxEmpty ********** a2flTxEmpty ;From physical layer: Last byte has finished transmitting bank IsrBank clrb IrdaTxEmpty ;Clear flag bank flBank sb flState.7 ;Check that it is a TxState retp ;Rx state or idle => return mov w, flState ;Jump based on state and w, #%01111111 ;Remove Tx state flag jmp PC+w retp ; 0 = Invalid state jmp flTxBegin ; 1 = flTxBeginState jmp flTxCtrl ; 2 = flTxCtrlState jmp flTxPayload ; 3 = flTxPayloadState jmp flTxFCSl ; 4 = flTxFCSlState jmp flTxFCSh ; 5 = flTxFCShState jmp flTxSendEnd ; 6 = flTxSendEndState jmp flTxWaitEnd ; 7 = flTxWaitEndState ;********** pl2flRxIgnore ********** pl2flRxIgnore bank flBank clr flState ;Reset to idle state retp ;******************************************************************************** ; FRAMING LAYER - FCS Subroutines ;******************************************************************************** ;********** FCS Subroutines ********** flFCSa = Temp ;Global - Tempory varable used in the FCS calculation flFCSInit mov w, #$ff ;Init FCS to $FFFF mov flFCSh, w ;Init FCS to $FFFF mov flFCSl, w ;Init FCS to $FFFF retp flFCSData ;Add data to FCS (w = Data) (must be in flBank) xor flFCSl, w ;FCSl[=X] = FCSl xor w mov w,<>flFCSl ;w = FCSl[32107654] and w,#%11110000 ;w = FCSl[3210oooo] xor flFCSl, w ;FCSl = FCSl xor (FCSl shl 4) ;Calculate A = FCSh mov w, <>flFCSl ;w = FCSl[32107654] mov flFCSa, w ;A = FCSl[32107654] mov w, >>flFCSa ;w = FCSl[x3210765] and w, #%00000111 ;w = FCSl[ooooo765] xor w, flFCSl ;w = FCSl xor (FCSl shr 5) mov flFCSa, w ;store w into A = new FCSh value ;Calculate new FCSl value rl flFCSl ; rl flFCSl ; mov w, <<flFCSl ;w = FCSl[43210xxx] and w, #%11111000 ;w = FCSl[43210ooo] xor w, flFCSh ;w = (FCSl shl 3) xor FCSh mov flFCSl, w ;Store w into FCSl mov w, <>flFCSa ;w = A[32107654] and w, #%00001111 ;w = A[oooo7654] xor flFCSl, w ;FCSl = (FCSl shl 3) xor FCSh xor (A shr 4) ;Store new FCSh value mov w, flFCSa ;A holds FCSh value mov flFCSh, w ;Store A in FCSh retp ;******************************************************************************** ; FRAMING LAYER - Receive ;******************************************************************************** flRxPassData ;Adds data (flRxData) to FCS and passes data to payload layer mov w, flData ;Last byte that was received call flFCSData ;Add Data to FCS value mov Temp, flBuffer+1 ;Shift data out of buffer mov flBuffer+1, flBuffer+0 ;Shift data in buffer mov flBuffer+0, flData ;Shift new data into buffer incsz flPosition ;Inc position, Zero ? retp ;No => buffer is not full, return dec flPosition ;Set position to FF to indicate buffer is still full mov w, Temp ;Data to pass jmp @fl2plRxData ;pass data to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction) ;********** a2flRxAvail - Idle State ********** flRxIdle ;Waiting for a BOF to indicate start of frame csne flData, #BOF ;Was byte a BOF ? inc flState ;Yes => BOF received indicating start of frame => change to flRxBeginState retp ;********** a2flRxAvail - Begin State ********** flRxBegin ;Waiting for non BOF to indicate start of data csne flData, #BOF ;Was byte a BOF ? retp ;Yes => ignore csne flData, #EOF ;Was byte a EOF indicating sender has terminated frame ? jmp :Idle ;Yes => return to idle state csne flData, #CE ;Was byte a CE indicating a transparency issue ? jmp :Ctrl ;Yes => change to Ctrl state mov flState, #flRxPayloadState ;Must be data => Payload state call flFCSInit ;Init FCS mov flPosition, #-3 ;Init buffer position jmp flRxPassData ;pass data to payload layer (payload layer issues ret instruction) :Idle clr flState ;EOF indicating sender has terminated frame => return to idle state retp :Ctrl mov flState, #flRxCtrlState ;CE indicating transparency issue => change to Ctrl state retp ;********** a2flRxAvail - Payload State ********** flRxPayload ;Currently receiving payload csne flData, #BOF ;Was byte a BOF indicating sender has terminated the payload and started again ? jmp :Begin ;Yes => terminate payload and goto Begin state csne flData, #EOF ;Was byte an EOF indicating the frame/payload is complete ? jmp :Idle ;Yes => signal complete payload and retpurn to idle state csne flData, #CE ;Was byte a CE indicating a transparency issue ? jmp :Ctrl ;Yes => change to Ctrl state jmp flRxPassData ;pass data to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction) :Begin mov flState, #flRxBeginState ;premature BOF => indicate payload reset to payload layer and retpurn to RxBegin State jmp @fl2plRxError ;indicate error to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction) :Idle clr flState ;EOF => end of frame reached => inform payload layer and retpurn to idle state cse flFCSh, #ValidFCSh ;valid FCS (high) ? jmp @fl2plRxError ;No => indicate reset to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction) cse flFCSl, #ValidFCSl ;valid FCS (low) ? jmp @fl2plRxError ;No => indicate reset to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction) jmp @fl2plRxValid ;FCS valid => indicate complete to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction) :Ctrl mov flState, #flRxCtrlState retp ;********** a2flRxAvail - Ctrl State ********** flRxCtrl ;CE has been encountered, need to check next character csne flData, #BOF ;Was byte BOF indicating sender has terminated payload and started again ? jmp :Begin ;Yes => restart at Begin state (Note payload layer has been passed data => must inform payload layer of reset) csne flData, #EOF ;Was byte EOF indicating sender has terminated frame ? jmp :Idle ;Yes => retpurn to idle (Note: payload layer has been passed any data => must inform payload layer of reset) mov flState, #flRxPayloadState ;Must be data => pass data to payload layer and retpurn to payload state xor flData, #$20 ;Recover data jmp flRxPassData ;pass data to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction) :Begin mov flState, #flRxBeginState ;BOF => sender has terminated payload and started again => retpurn to begin state jmp @fl2plRxError ;indicate error to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction) :Idle clr flState ;EOF => sender has terminated frame => retpurn to idle state jmp @fl2plRxError ;indicate error to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction) ;******************************************************************************** ; FRAMING LAYER - Transmit ;******************************************************************************** flTxSendData ;Send byte (w) now (doesn't check for busy) bank IsrBank mov IrdaData, w ;Byte to send setb IrdaTxStart ;Send byte debug PhysicalDataTx ;Debug: pass data being transmitted retp ;WARNING - not in flBank ;********** pl2flTxFrame ********** pl2flTxFrame ;Request to start a new frame bank flBank mov flState, #flTxBeginState ;Next state = begin mov flPosition, flFFCount ;Counter = FFCount mov w, #$FF jmp flTxSendData ;Send FF (flTxSendData issues ret instruction) ;********** a2flTxEmpty - Begin State ********** flTxBegin ;Sending prefex FF bytes dec flPosition ;Decrement counter snz ;Zero ? jmp :BOF ;Yes => send BOF and set next state to send payload data mov w, #$FF ;No => Send another FF jmp flTxSendData ;(TxSendData issues ret instruction) :BOF mov flState, #flTxPayloadState ;Will enter flTxPayload state after BOF has been sent call flFCSInit ;Init FCS mov w, #BOF ;Send BOF jmp flTxSendData ;********** a2flTxEmpty - Send States ********** flTxPayload call @fl2plTxData ;Get data from payload layer bank flBank snz ;Is this the last byte ? (Z set) inc flState ;Yes => Next State = FCSl mov flData, w ;Store data debug PayloadDataTx ;Debug: pass payload data being transmitted call flFCSData ;w = flData - Add data to FCS jmp flTxSend ;Check for control code and send flTxFCSl mov w, /flFCSl ;Next data to send = FCSl mov flData, w ;Store in TxData inc flState ;Next State = FCSh jmp flTxSend ;Check for control code and send flTxFCSh mov w, /flFCSh ;Next data to send = FCSh mov flData, w ;Store in TxData inc flState ;Next State = End jmp flTxSend ;Check for control code and send flTxSend ;Send payload byte csne flData, #BOF ;Is byte a control code ? jmp :Ctrl ;Yes => transparency issue csne flData, #EOF ;Is byte a control code ? jmp :Ctrl ;Yes => transparency issue csne flData, #CE ;Is byte a control code ? jmp :Ctrl ;Yes => transparency issue mov w, flData ;Yes => transmit data jmp flTxSendData ;Send byte :Ctrl mov flPosition, flState ;Store current state in position variable mov flState, #flTxCtrlState ;Next state = TxCtrlState mov w, #CE jmp flTxSendData ;Send CE code (TxSendData issues ret instruction) flTxCtrl mov flState, flPosition ;Recover old state from position variable mov w, flData xor w, #$20 ;Encode data jmp flTxSendData ;********** a2flTxEmpty - SendEnd State ********** flTxSendEnd ;FCS finished => send EOF to close frame inc flState ;Next state = flTxWaitEnd state mov w, #EOF jmp flTxSendData ;Send EOF (TxSendData issues ret instruction) ;********** a2flTxEmpty - WaitEnd State ********** flTxWaitEnd ;Frame finished and now last byte has finished sending clr flState ;Return to idle state jmp @fl2plTxComplete ;Inform payload layer that the transmission is complete (payload layer issues retp instruction) ;******************************************************************************** ENDM PayloadInfoSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER ;******************************************************************************** ; ;Framing Layer Events ; ; fl2plRxData(w=Data) ;Data byte from frame ; fl2plRxValid() ;Payload data is complete and valid ; fl2plRxError() ;Payload data contains errors ; pl2flRxIgnore() call ;Tell framing layer to ignore the current frame ; ; pl2flTxStart() ;Request framing layer to start a frame ; fl2plTxData(var w=Data var z=Last) call ;Request for data from framing layer - Z flag is set if its the last byte ; fl2plTxComplete() ;Transmission is complete ; ;LAP Layer Events ; ; pl2lapRxFrame(w=Type) ;Incomming frame of given type ; pl2lapRxValid() ;Frame was valid ; pl2lapRxError() ;Frame was invalid ; pl2lapRxXIDData(w=Data) ;Pass XID data to lap layer ; pl2lapRxIData(w=Data) ;Pass I data to lap layer ; pl2lapRxUIData(w=Data) ;Pass I data to lap layer ; lap2plRxIgnore() ;LAP layer has requested that the frame should be ignored ; ; lap2plSNRMAccept() ;Accept connection and send reply ; lap2plTxXIDCmd(w=Slot) ;Send a XID command frame ; lap2plTxXIDRsp() ;Send a XID response frame ; lap2plTxSimpleRsp(w=Command) ;Send simple response frame ; lap2plTxIRsp(w=Command) ;Send an I frame ; pl2lapTxIData(ret w=Data ret z=Last) call ;Request for data ; pl2lapTxComplete() ;Complete indication ; ; lap2plGenerateNewAddr ;Request that a new 32-bit address be generated ; ;******************************************************************************** ENDM PayloadDataSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER ;******************************************************************************** org $50 plBank = $50 ;16 bytes used - Bank not shared plState ds 1 ;Current state plData ds 1 ;Incomming byte of payload data plFrameType ds 1 ;The frame type for shared code / passed to lap layer plCommand ds 1 plPosition ds 1 ;Current position for multibyte states plConnAddr ds 1 ;Connection address (must be FF if not connected) plSelfAddr ds 4 ;Own 4 byte address plDestAddr ds 4 ;Dest 4 byte address plInfo ds 2 ;Frame specific information plTxAddressByte = plData ;Address to be transmitted plTxPostCommand = plPosition plIDataDLSAP = plInfo+0 ;DLSAP byte from/for a I Data frame plIDataSLSAP = plInfo+1 ;SLSAP byte from/for a I Data frame plXIDSlot = plInfo+0 ;Slot number from/for a XID frame plXIDFlags = plInfo+1 ;Discovery Flags from/for a XID frame plSNRMConnAddr = plInfo+0 ;Connection Address of SNRM frame plSNRMBaudRate = plInfo+1 ;Baudrate parameter from SNRM frame iFrame = 1 sRRFrame = 2 sRNRFrame = 3 sREJFrame = 4 sSREJFrame = 5 uUIFrame = 6 ;UICmd or UIRsp (same command) uDISCFrame = 7 ;DISCCmd or RDRsp (same command) uUARspFrame = 8 ;UARsp uNRMFrame = 9 ;SNRMCmd or RNRMRsp (same command) uTESTFrame = 10 ;TESTCmd or TESTRsp (same command) uFRMRRspFrame = 11 ;FRMRRsp uDMRspFrame = 12 ;DMRsp uXIDCmdFrame = 13 ;XIDCmd uXIDRspFrame = 14 ;XIDRsp sRR = %00010001 ;%xxx10001 sRNR = %00010101 ;%xxx10101 sREJ = %00011001 ;%xxx11001 sSREJ = %00011101 ;%xxx11101 uSNRMCmd = %10010011 uDISCCmd = %01010011 uUICmd = %00010011 uXIDCmd = %00111111 uTESTCmd = %11110011 uRNRMRsp = %10010011 uUARsp = %01110011 uFRMRRsp = %10010111 uDMRsp = %00011111 uRDRsp = %01010011 uUIRsp = %00010011 uXIDRsp = %10111111 uTESTRsp = %11110011 plRxState = %00000000 plTxState = %10000000 plRxCommandState = 1 + plRxState ; plRxDataIgnoreState = 2 + plRxState plRxIDataState = 3 + plRxState ;RxI plRxUIDataState = 4 + plRxState ;RxUI plRxXIDFormatState = 5 + plRxState ;RxXID plRxXIDSourceState = 6 + plRxState ;RxXID plRxXIDDestState = 7 + plRxState ;RxXID plRxXIDFlagsState = 8 + plRxState ;RxXID plRxXIDSlotState = 9 + plRxState ;RxXID plRxXIDVersionState = 10 + plRxState ;RxXID plRxXIDInfoState = 11 + plRxState ;RxXID plRxSNRMSourceState = 12 + plRxState ;RxSNRM plRxSNRMDestState = 13 + plRxState ;RxSNRM plRxSNRMAddrState = 14 + plRxState ;RxSNRM plRxSNRMParamTypeState = 15 + plRxState ;RxSNRM plRxSNRMParamSizeState = 16 + plRxState ;RxSNRM plRxSNRMParamDataState = 17 + plRxState ;RxSNRM plTxCompleteState = 1 + plTxState ;Waiting for Complete indication from framing Layer plTxAddressState = 2 + plTxState ; plTxCommandState = 3 + plTxState ; plTxIDataDLSAPState = 4 + plTxState ; plTxIDataSLSAPState = 5 + plTxState ; plTxIDataDataState = 6 + plTxState ; plTxUIDataState = 7 + plTxState ; plTxXIDFormatState = 8 + plTxState ; plTxXIDSourceState = 9 + plTxState ; plTxXIDDestState = 10 + plTxState ; plTxXIDFlagsState = 11 + plTxState ; plTxXIDSlotState = 12 + plTxState ; plTxXIDVersionState = 13 + plTxState ; plTxXIDFooterState = 14 + plTxState ; plTxUASourceState = 15 + plTxState ; plTxUADestState = 16 + plTxState ; plTxUABaudRateState = 17 + plTxState ; plTxUAParamState = 18 + plTxState ; ;******************************************************************************** ENDM PayloadCodeSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER ;******************************************************************************** ;********** a2plReset ********** a2plReset bank plBank clr plState ;Reset to idle state mov plConnAddr,#$FF ;Not connected => address must be $FF retp ;********** fl2plRxData ********** fl2plRxData bank plBank snb plState.7 ;Check that it is a RxState retp ;Tx state => return mov plData, w ;Store incomming byte debug PayloadDataRx ;Debug: Pass payload byte received mov w, plState ;Jump based on state jmp PC+w jmp plRxIdle ; 0 = plIdleState jmp plRxCommand ; 1 = plRxCommandState retp ; 2 = plRxDataIgnoreState jmp plRxIData ; 3 = plRxIDataState jmp plRxUIData ; 4 = plRxUIDataState jmp plRxXIDFormat ; 5 = plRxXIDFormatState jmp plRxXIDSource ; 6 = plRxXIDSourceState jmp plRxXIDDest ; 7 = plRxXIDDestState jmp plRxXIDFlags ; 8 = plRxXIDFlagsState jmp plRxXIDSlot ; 9 = plRxXIDSlotState jmp plRxXIDVersion ;10 = plRxXIDVersionState jmp plRxXIDInfo ;11 = plRxXIDInfoState jmp plRxSNRMSource ;12 = plRxSNRMSourceState jmp plRxSNRMDest ;13 = plRxSNRMDestState jmp plRxSNRMAddr ;14 = plRxSNRMAddrState jmp plRxSNRMParamType ;15 = plRxSNRMParamTypeState jmp plRxSNRMParamSize ;16 = plRxSNRMParamSizeState jmp plRxSNRMParamData ;17 = plRxSNRMParamDataState ;********** fl2plTxData ********** fl2plTxData bank plBank sb plState.7 ;Check that it is a TxState retp ;Rx state => return mov w, plState ;Jump based on state and w, #%01111111 ;Remove Tx state flag jmp PC+w retp ; 0 = Invalid state retp ; 1 = plTxCompleteState (Cannot receive TxData in this state) jmp plTxAddress ; 2 = plTxAddressState jmp plTxCommand ; 3 = plTxCommandState jmp plTxIDataDLSAP ; 4 = plTxIDataDLSAPState jmp plTxIDataSLSAP ; 5 = plTxIDataSLSAPState jmp plTxIDataData ; 6 = plTxIDataDataState jmp plTxUIData ; 7 = plTxUIDataState jmp plTxXIDFormat ; 8 = plTxXIDFormatState jmp plTxXIDSource ; 9 = plTxXIDSourceState jmp plTxXIDDest ;10 = plTxXIDDestState jmp plTxXIDFlags ;11 = plTxXIDFlagsState jmp plTxXIDSlot ;12 = plTxXIDSlotState jmp plTxXIDVersion ;13 = plTxXIDVersionState jmp plTxXIDFooter ;14 = plTxXIDFooterState jmp plTxUASource ;15 = plTxUASourceState jmp plTxUADest ;16 = plTxUADestState jmp plTxUABaudRate ;17 = plTxUABaudRateState jmp plTxUAParam ;18 = plTxUAParamState ;********** fl2plTxComplete ********** fl2plTxComplete bank plBank clr plState ;return to idle state debugl PayloadDataTx, '^' ;Debug: Payload data complete indication jmp @pl2lapTxComplete ;Indicate complete to lap layer (pl2lapTxComplete will issue ret instrustion) ;********** lap2plTxUICmd ********** lap2plTxUICmd jmp plTxUICmd ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - Internal Subroutines ;******************************************************************************** plRxDecodeSCmd ;WARNING - does not set pa bits when ret => must be callled form same half page mov Temp, w ;Command: check bits %....nn.. rr Temp ;Shift command right 1 mov w, >>Temp ;Shift command right 1 and into w and w, #%00000011 ;Mask out unwanted bits jmp PC+w ;jump based on w retw sRRFrame ;....00.. = RR retw sRNRFrame ;....01.. = RNR retw sREJFrame ;....10.. = REJ retw sSREJFrame ;....11.. = SREJ plRxDecodeUNextState ;WARNING - does not set pa bits when ret => must be callled form same half page mov Temp, w ;FrameType mov w, #uUIFrame ;lowest FrameType constant for a U frame sub Temp, w ;subtract lowest valid number so uUIFrame is now 0 mov w, Temp jmp PC+w retw plRxUIDataState ;uUIFrame = 6 ;UICmd or UIRsp (same command) retw plRxDataIgnoreState ;uDISCFrame = 7 ;DISCCmd or RDRsp (same command) retw plRxDataIgnoreState ;uUARspFrame = 8 ;UARsp retw plRxSNRMSourceState ;uNRMFrame = 9 ;SNRMCmd or RNRMRsp (same command) retw plRxDataIgnoreState ;uTESTFrame = 10 ;TESTCmd or TESTRsp (same command) retw plRxDataIgnoreState ;uFRMRRspFrame = 11 ;FRMRRsp retw plRxDataIgnoreState ;uDMRspFrame = 12 ;DMRsp retw plRxXIDFormatState ;uXIDCmdFrame = 13 ;XIDCmd retw plRxXIDFormatState ;uXIDRspFrame = 14 ;XIDRsp lap2plGenerateNewAddr ;Note: code is synchronous with the ISR therfore RTCC and Timer registers are not random numbers bank TimerBank mov w, Random ;Random number bank plBank mov plSelfAddr+0, w ;Byte 0 = Random number mov FSR, w mov w, INDF bank plBank mov plSelfAddr+1, w ;Byte 1 = contents of the register pointer to by the Random number mov m, w ;m = byte 1 number (semi random) mov w, plSelfAddr+0 ;w = byte 0 number (fully random) iread ;read ROM and address given by w and m mov plSelfAddr+2, w ;Byte 2 = low contents of ROM pointed to by byte1:byte0 mov w, m ;w = m = high 4 bits of ROM contents mov plSelfAddr+3, w ;Byte 3 = high contents of ROM pointed to by byte1:byte0 retp ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - Receive ;******************************************************************************** ;********** fl2plRxValid ********** fl2plRxValid clrb ledERR ;Turn ERR led off debugl PayloadDataRx, '^' ;Debug: Indicate complete bank plBank clr plState ;Return to idle state jmp @pl2lapRxValid ;Inform lap layer that frame was valid (lap layer will issue ret instruction) ;********** fl2plRxError ********** fl2plRxError setb ledERR ;Turn ERR led on debugl PayloadDataRx, '!' ;Debug: Indicate error bank plBank clr plState ;Return to idle state jmp @pl2lapRxError ;Inform lap layer that frame was invalid (lap layer will issue ret instruction) ;********** lap2plRxIgnore ********** lap2plRxIgnore ;Ignore the current incomming frame bank plBank plRxIgnore clr plState ;Return to idle state jmp @pl2flRxIgnore plRxInvalid clr plState ;Return to idle state call @pl2flRxIgnore jmp @pl2lapRxError ;Inform lap layer of error ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - RxData General ;******************************************************************************** plRxStoreSource mov w, #plDestAddr ;pointer to DestAddress variable add w, plPosition ;add offset mov FSR, w ;Now can indirectly access mov INDF, plData ;Store byte into SourceAddr inc plPosition ;Move offset ready for next byte of SourceAddr cse plPosition, #4 ;Have 4 bytes been received ? retp ;No => remain in this state waiting for next byte inc plState ;Yes => end of Source. Change to next state clr plPosition retp plRxTestDest ;WARNING : will pass FF bytes in specific address (ie bytewise checking, not FFFFFFFF checking) csne plData, #$FF ;Broadcast address ? jmp :Cont ;Yes => Contiue mov w, #plSelfAddr ;pointer to SelfAddress variable add w, plPosition ;add offset mov FSR, w ;Now can indirectly access cse plData, INDF ;Self Address ? jmp plRxInvalid ;No => Ignore frame, Inform lap layer of error, and return to idle :Cont inc plPosition ;Move offset ready for next byte of DestAddr cse plPosition, #4 ;Have 4 bytes been received ? retp ;No => remain in this state waiting for next byte inc plState ;Yes => end of DestAddr. Change to next state clr plPosition retp ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - RxData ;******************************************************************************** ;********** fl2plRxData - Idle State ********** plRxIdle ;First byte = address mov w, plData ;Received Address xor w, plConnAddr ;Compare with interested address sz ;Valid address ? jmp plRxIgnore ;No => ignore mov plState, #plRxCommandState ;Yes => next will receive command byte retp ;********** fl2plRxData - RxCommand State ********** plRxCommand mov plCommand, plData ;Store command sb plCommand.4 ;Is the P/F bit set ? jmp plRxIgnore ;No => Ignore frame (IrDA lite spec p10 and p16) and return to idle state sb plCommand.0 ;Is this an I frame ? (%.......0) jmp plRxICommand ;Yes => process sb plCommand.1 ;No => must be S or U frame. Is this a S frame ? jmp plRxSCommand ;Yes (%......01) => process S frame jmp plRxUCommand ;No (%......11) => process U frame plRxICommand debugl PayloadInfo, 'I' mov plState, #plRxIDataState ;Next should be data mov plFrameType, #iFrame ;store frame type and w will also be passed to lap layer jmp @pl2lapRxFrame ;pass message (lap layer will issue ret instruction) plRxSCommand debugl PayloadInfo, 'S' mov plState, #plRxDataIgnoreState ;Next should be complete indication (ie no data) but need waiting state mov w, plCommand call plRxDecodeSCmd ;pass w = plRxData, returns w for plFrameType mov plFrameType, w ;store frame type and w will also be passed to lap layer jmp @pl2lapRxFrame ;pass message (lap layer will issue ret instruction) plRxUCommand debugl PayloadInfo, 'U' mov plPosition, #_plUCommands ;plPosition = 1st byte of data :Loop mov m, #_plUCommands / 256 ;m = Pointer to string (high) mov w, plPosition ;w = Pointer to string (low) inc plPosition ;Increment offset for next byte iread ;Read data byte from ROM xor w, plCommand ;is the byte the same as the received command ? jz :Found ;Yes => must be valid mov w, m ;No => try again. Move high part of data to w test w ;Is this the last byte ? jz :Loop ;No => try again jmp plRxIgnore ;Yes => Invalid command => ignore and return to idle state :Found mov plFrameType, plPosition ;plFrameType = position mov w, #_plUCommands + 1 ;w = starting offset sub plFrameType, w ;remove offset => FrameType 0 for a uUIFrame mov w, #uUIFrame ;constant of first type of U command (uUIFrame = 6) add plFrameType, w ;FrameType is now correct mov w, plFrameType ;pass FrameType in w call plRxDecodeUNextState ;Returns w = next state mov plState, w ;Store state clr plPosition ;Clear position for following states mov w, plFrameType ;pass frame type to lap layer jmp @pl2lapRxFrame ;pass message (lap layer will issue ret instruction) ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - Receiving I Frame ;******************************************************************************** ;********** fl2plRxData - RxIData State ********** plRxIData mov w, plData ;Data to pass debug IFrameDataRx ;Show debug info jmp @pl2lapRxIData ;Pass data to lmp layer (via lap layer) ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - Receiving UI Frame ;******************************************************************************** ;********** fl2plRxData - RxUIData State ********** plRxUIData mov w, plData ;Data to pass jmp @pl2lapRxUIData ;Pass data to app layer (via lap layer) ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - Receiving XID Frame ;******************************************************************************** ;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDFormat State ********** plRxXIDFormat cse plData, #1 ;Format must be 1 jmp plRxInvalid ;No => Ignore frame, inform lap layer, and return to idle state inc plState ;Next 4 bytes will be the source address => Enter plRxXIDSourceState clr plPosition ;Byte 0 of the source address retp ;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDSource State ********** plRxXIDSource = plRxStoreSource ;Store byte in DestAddr ;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDDest State ********** plRxXIDDest = plRxTestDest ;Compare 4 bytes with SelfAddr (mismatch of not FFFFFFFF will change to ignore state) ;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDFlags State ********** plRxXIDFlags mov plXIDFlags, plData ;Store the flags for the response inc plState ;Next will receive the slot number (plRxXIDSlotState) retp ;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDSlot State ********** plRxXIDSlot mov plXIDSlot, plData ;Store the slot number inc plState ;plRxXIDVersionState retp ;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDVersion State ********** plRxXIDVersion test plData ;Is version = 0 ? jnz plRxInvalid ;No => Ignore frame, inform lap layer, and return to idle state inc plState ;Next bytes will be the Descovery Info if any (plRxXIDInfoState) clr plPosition ;Clear position for next state retp ;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDInfo State ********** plRxXIDInfo mov w, plData ;Get data byte jmp @pl2lapRxXIDData ;Pass data to lap layer ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - Receiving SNRM Frame ;******************************************************************************** ;********** fl2plRxData - RxSNRMSource State ********** plRxSNRMSource = plRxStoreSource ;********** fl2plRxData - RxSNRMDest State ********** plRxSNRMDest = plRxTestDest ;********** fl2plRxData - RxSNRMAddr State ********** plRxSNRMAddr mov plSNRMConnAddr, plData ;Store ConnAddr (only apply if frame is validated) mov plSNRMBaudRate, #%00000010 ;If no baud rate received then default to 9600 (bit 1 indicates 9600) inc plState ;#plRxSNRMParamTypeState - Next bytes are the negioation parameters retp ;********** fl2plRxData - RxSNRMParam State ********** plRxSNRMParamType inc plState ;#plRxSNRMParamSizeState - Next byte will state how many bytes of data csne plData, #$01 ;Receiving type $01 = baud rate ? setb plSNRMBaudRate.0 ;Yes => Set flag to indicate receiving baud rate (bit 0 is normally used to indicate 2400 which we do not support thus will be removed later) retp ;No => continue plRxSNRMParamSize mov plPosition, plData ;RxData states how many bytes of data inc plState ;#plRxSNRMParamDataState - Next bytes will be the param data retp plRxSNRMParamData decsz plPosition ;Decrement counter; Zero ? jmp :More ;No => wait for more mov plState, #plRxSNRMParamTypeState ;Yes => Next byte will be another parameter :More sb plSNRMBaudRate.0 ;Is this byte the first byte of the baud rate parameter retp ;No => ignore mov w, plData ;Get baud rate parameter and w, #%00111110 ;And with our supported baud rates = 9600(bit 1), 19200(bit 2), 38400(bit 3) 57600(bit 4) 115200(bit 5) mov plSNRMBaudRate, w ;Store in SNRMBaudRate (note bit 0 is now clear => will correctly ignore next byte of parameter if it is a 2 byte parameter) setb plSNRMBaudRate.1 ;Force 9600 to be valid retp ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - Tx ;******************************************************************************** plTxFooter ;w = Addr, m = Addr / 256 add w, plPosition ;Add offset inc plPosition ;Increment offset for next byte iread mov Temp, w ;Store data mov w, m ;Move high part of data to w test w ;Is this the last byte ? jnz :Last ;Yes => Jump mov w, Temp ;Data byte to be transmitted clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp ;Return data to framing layer :Last mov plState, #plTxCompleteState ;Last byte => change to complete state mov w, Temp ;Data byte to be transmitted stz ;Indicate complete retp ;Return data to framing layer plTxSelfAddr mov w, #plSelfAddr ;pointer to SelfAddress variable add w, plPosition ;add offset mov FSR, w ;Now can indirectly access inc plPosition ;Move offset ready for next byte of SourceAddr cse plPosition, #4 ;Sent all 4 bytes ? jmp :Send ;No => Send current byte (stay in this state) inc plState ;Yes => Send current byte (next state) clr plPosition :Send mov w, INDF ;Byte of Source Address clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp ;Return data to framing layer plTxDestAddr mov w, #plDestAddr ;pointer to recorded DestAddress variable add w, plPosition ;add offset mov FSR, w ;Now can indirectly access inc plPosition ;Move offset ready for next byte cse plPosition, #4 ;Sent all 4 bytes ? jmp :Send ;No => Send current byte (stay in this state) inc plState ;Yes => Send current byte (Next will send Discovery flags) clr plPosition :Send mov w, INDF ;Byte of Source Address clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp ;Return data to framing layer ;******************************************************************************** plTxCmdStart mov plState, #plTxAddressState ;First byte = address mov plTxAddressByte, plConnAddr ;Address = ConnAddr setb plTxAddressByte.0 ;Indicate Cmd frame jmp @pl2flTxFrame ;Ask to framing layer to start a new frame plTxRspStart mov plState, #plTxAddressState ;First byte = address mov plTxAddressByte, plConnAddr ;Address = ConnAddr clrb plTxAddressByte.0 ;Indicate Cmd frame jmp @pl2flTxFrame ;Ask to framing layer to start a new frame ;********** fl2plTxData - TxAddress State ********** plTxAddress inc plState ;After address will send command mov w, plTxAddressByte ;Send Address clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp ;Return Data to framing layer ;********** fl2plTxData - TxCommand State ********** plTxCommand mov plState, plTxPostCommand ;After command will change to state given in TxIState clr plPosition ;Clear position just in case needed for following states csne plState, #plTxCompleteState ;Is this the last byte to be sent ? jmp :Last ;Yes mov w, plCommand ;Send Command clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp ;Return Data to framing layer :Last mov w, plCommand ;Send Command stz ;Indicate complete retp ;Return Data to framing layer ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - Send Simple Frame ;******************************************************************************** lap2plTxSimpleCmd ;Transmit a frame of type specified in w bank plBank mov plCommand, w ;Store command in plCommand mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxCompleteState ;After address & command frame will be complete jmp plTxCmdStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame lap2plTxSimpleRsp ;Transmit a frame of type specified in w bank plBank mov plCommand, w ;Store command in plCommand mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxCompleteState ;After address & command frame will be complete jmp plTxRspStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - Send I Frame ;******************************************************************************** lap2plTxIRsp bank plBank mov plCommand, w ;Store command in plCommand mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxIDataDLSAPState ;After address & command will send data jmp plTxRspStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame plTxIDataDLSAP inc plState ;Next state = plTxIDataSLSAP mov w, plIDataDLSAP ;Send DLSAP byte debug IFrameDataTx ;Show debug info clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp plTxIDataSLSAP inc plState ;Next state = plTxIDataData mov w, plIDataSLSAP ;Send SLSAP byte debug IFrameDataTx ;Show debug info clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp plTxIDataData call @pl2lapTxIData ;Get next byte to be transmitted (returns z = false if data) debug IFrameDataTx ;Show debug info snz ;Is the z flag set (Last byte) ? jmp :Last ;Yes => jump retp ;Z is still clear indicating more data to follow :Last mov Temp, w ;Backup data bank plBank mov plState, #plTxCompleteState ;New state = Wait for complete indication mov w, Temp ;Recover data stz ;Indicate no more data to follow retp ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - Send UI Frame ;******************************************************************************** plTxUICmd bank plBank mov plCommand, #uUICmd ;Store command in plCommand mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxUIDataState ;After address & command will send data jmp plTxCmdStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame plTxUIData call @pl2lapTxUIData ;Get next byte to be transmitted (returns z = false if data) snz ;Is the z flag set (Last byte) ? jmp :Last ;Yes => jump retp ;Z is still clear indicating more data to follow :Last mov Temp, w bank plBank mov plState, #plTxCompleteState ;New state = Wait for complete indication mov w, Temp ;Recover data stz ;Indicate no more data to follow retp ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - Send XID Frame ;******************************************************************************** ;********** lap2plTxXIDCmd ********** lap2plTxXIDCmd bank plBank mov plXIDSlot, w ;Store slot number mov plCommand, #uXIDCmd ;Command = XID command mov w, #$FF mov plDestAddr+0, w ;Dest address = FFFFFFFF mov plDestAddr+1, w ;Dest address = FFFFFFFF mov plDestAddr+2, w ;Dest address = FFFFFFFF mov plDestAddr+3, w ;Dest address = FFFFFFFF mov plXIDFlags, #2 ;Set flags = 2 (=> 8 slots) mov plFrameType, #uXIDCmdFrame ;Rember that this is a XID Command Frame mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxXIDFormatState ;After address & command will send format jmp plTxCmdStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame ;********** lap2plTxXIDRsp ********** lap2plTxXIDRsp bank plBank mov plCommand, #uXIDRsp ;Command = XID response mov plFrameType, #uXIDRspFrame ;Rember that this is a XID Response Frame mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxXIDFormatState ;After address & command will send format jmp plTxRspStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame ;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDFormat State ********** plTxXIDFormat ;Send XID Format byte inc plState ;Next will send source mov w, #1 ;Format = 1 clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp ;Return data to framing layer ;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDSource State ********** plTxXIDSource = plTxSelfAddr ;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDDest State ********** plTxXIDDest = plTxDestAddr ;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDFlags State ********** plTxXIDFlags inc plState ;After Flags will send slot number (plTxSlotState) mov w, plXIDFlags ;Reply with same flags as received command frame clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp ;Return data to framing layer ;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDSlot State ********** plTxXIDSlot csne plFrameType, #uXIDRspFrame ;Is the frame a XID response frame ? jmp :Footer ;Yes => must send footer csne plXIDSlot, #$FF ;Is the slot number FF ? jmp :Footer ;Yes => must send footer mov plState, #plTxXIDVersionState ;No => Send slot followed by version only jmp :Send :Footer mov plState, #plTxXIDFooterState clr plPosition ;Set to 0 ready for footer :Send mov w, plXIDSlot ;Transmit slot number clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp ;Return data to framing layer ;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDVersion State ********** plTxXIDVersion mov plState, #plTxCompleteState ;After version will indicate complete mov w, #0 ;Version = 0 stz ;Indicate complete retp ;Return data to framing layer ;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDFooter State ********** plTxXIDFooter mov m, #_plXIDFooter / 256 ;Pointer to string (high) mov w, #_plXIDFooter ;Pointer to string jmp plTxFooter ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - Send UA Connection Frame ;******************************************************************************** lap2plSNRMAccept bank plBank mov plCommand, #uUARsp ;Send UA packet to accept connection mov plConnAddr, plSNRMConnAddr ;Apply connection address setb plConnAddr.0 ;Only accept command frames mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxUASourceState ;After address & command will send source jmp plTxRspStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame plTxUASource = plTxSelfAddr plTxUADest = plTxDestAddr plTxUABaudRate ;Send $01, $01, BaudRate inc plPosition csne plPosition, #3 ;Is position 3 indicating to send BaudRate ? jmp :Baud ;Yes => send BaudRate mov w, #$01 ;Data to send = $01 clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp ;Return data to framing layer :Baud inc plState ;Next state = plTxUAParamState clr plPosition ;Clear position ready for next state mov w, plSNRMBaudRate ;Data to send = BaudRate clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp ;Return data to framing layer plTxUAParam mov m, #_plSNRMParam / 256 ;Pointer to string (high) mov w, #_plSNRMParam ;Pointer to string jmp plTxFooter ;******************************************************************************** ENDM PayloadString1 MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - String ;WARNING - Strings must not go over a 256 boundry !!! ;******************************************************************************** _plUCommands ;Must be in the same order as the FrameType constants !!! _plUCommand6 dw uUICmd ;UICmd or UIRsp (same command) _plUCommand7 dw uDISCCmd ;DISCCmd or RDRsp (same command) _plUCommand8 dw uUARsp ;UARsp _plUCommand9 dw uSNRMCmd ;SNRMCmd or RNRMRsp (same command) _plUCommand10 dw uTESTCmd ;TESTCmd or TESTRsp (same command) _plUCommand11 dw uFRMRRsp ;FRMRRsp _plUCommand12 dw uDMRsp ;DMRsp _plUCommand13 dw uXIDCmd ;XIDCmd _plUCommand14 dw uXIDRsp + $F00 ;XIDRsp (F00 indicates end of string) ;******************************************************************************** ENDM PayloadString2 MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - String ;WARNING - Strings must not go over a 256 boundry !!! ;******************************************************************************** ;_plSNRMParam1 dw $01, 1, %00000010 ;Baud Rate = 9600 bps Flexible _plSNRMParam _plSNRMParam2 dw $82, 1, %00000001 ;Turnaround = 500 ms Solid _plSNRMParam3 dw $83, 1, %00000001 ;Data Size = 64 bytes Flexible ? _plSNRMParam4 dw $84, 1, %00000001 ;Window Size = 1 Solid _plSNRMParam5 dw $85, 1, %10000000 ;Additional BOFs = 0 Solid _plSNRMParam6 dw $86, 1, %00000011 ;Min turnaround = 5/10 ms Solid to IrDA Transeiver spec _plSNRMParam7 dw $08, 1, %00000001+$F00 ;Disconnect = 3 s Solid ;******************************************************************************** ENDM PayloadString3 MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; PAYLOAD LAYER - String ;WARNING - Strings must not go over a 256 boundry !!! ;******************************************************************************** _plXIDFooter _plXIDVersion dw 0 ;Version = 0 (only possible) _plXIDHints dw $80, $04 ;Hints = IrComm _plXIDCharset dw 0 ;Charset = ASCII _plXIDNickname dw 'SX IrComm Device'+$F00 ;Nickname ($F00 indicates end) ;******************************************************************************** ENDM LapInfoSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; LAP LAYER ;******************************************************************************** ; ;Framing Layer Events ; ; fl2lapMediaBusy() ;A byte has been received => the media is busy ; ;Payload Layer Events ; ; pl2lapRxFrame(w=Type) ;Incomming frame of given type ; pl2lapRxValid() ;Frame was valid ; pl2lapRxError() ;Frame was invalid ; pl2lapRxXIDData() ;XID data ; pl2lapRxIData() ;I data ; pl2lapRxUIData() ;UI data ; lap2plRxIgnore() ;Tell the framing layer to ignore the frame ; ; lap2plSNRMAccept() ;Accept connection and send reply ; lap2plTxXIDCmd(w=Slot) ;Send a XID command frame ; lap2plTxXIDRsp() ;Send a XID response frame ; lap2plTxSimpleRsp() ;Send simple response frame ; lap2plTxIRsp() ;Send an I frame ; pl2lapTxIData(ret w=Data ret z=Last) call ;Request for data ; pl2lapTxComplete() ;Complete indication ; ; lap2plGenerateNewAddr ;Request that a new 32-bit address be generated ; ;LMP Layer Events ; ; lap2lmpConnectIndication() call ; lap2lmpDisconnectIndication() ; lmp2lapDisconnectRequest() ; ; lap2lmpRxData(w=Data) ;Incomming data bytes ; lap2lmpRxValid() call ;Data bytes passed since RxFrame message are valid ; lap2lmpRxError() call ;Data bytes passed since RxFrame message are invalid ; ; lap2lmpTxFrame(ret z=None) call ;Lap layer can transmit a i-frame and will do so if z is returned false ; lap2lmpTxData(ret w=Data ret z=Last) call ;Payload layer can accept a data byte (for an I frame) if there is one available. if there is data available then lmp returns data byte and sets z to false ; lap2lmpTxValid() call ;Lap layer is indicating that all data passed since last TxStart message was acknowledged ; lap2lmpTxError() call ;Lap layer is indicating that all data passed since last TxStart message will need to be sent again ; ;Application Events ; ; app2lapDiscoveryRequest(ret z=Busy) ;Application wishes to initiate the XID discovery process ; app2lapTxUIStart(ret z=Busy) ;Application wishes to send a UI command frame ; ;******************************************************************************** ENDM LapDataSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; LAP LAYER ;******************************************************************************** org $70 lapBank = $70 ;8 bytes used lapState ds 1 ;Current lap state lapRxFrame ds 1 lapRxData ds 1 lapTxXIDSlot ds 1 lapStatus ds 1 ;Status bits lapRemoteBusy = lapStatus.0 ;Remote busy flag lapXIDDataFlag = lapStatus.1 ;Indication that host has been informed that XID data will follow lapRxUIDataFlag = lapStatus.2 ;Indication that app layer has been informed that UI data will follow lapTxUIDataFlag = lapStatus.3 ;Indication that app layer has been informed that UI data will follow lapLmpRxFlag = lapStatus.4 ;Indication that lmp layer has sent data that has not been acknowledged lapLmpTxFlag = lapStatus.5 ;Indication that lmp layer has sent data that has not been acknowledged lapMediaIdle = lapStatus.6 ;Indication that the media has not been used in the past 500ms (NDM state only) lapRxNs ds 1 ;%.....nnn = expected next I-frame sequence number (Ns) lapRxNrAck ds 1 ;%.....nnn = expected next I-response sequence number if last frame that was transmitted has been acknowledged lapRxNrNotAck ds 1 ;%.....nnn = expected next I-response sequence number if last frame that was transmitted has been not-acknowledged lapNDMState = 0 ;NDM state lapQUERYState = 1 ;QUERY state lapNDM2NRMState = 2 ;internal state to wait for TxComplete so new connection parameters can be applied lapNRMState = 3 ;NRM state lapSCLOSEState = 4 ;SCLOSE state lapSCLOSE2NDMState = 5 ;internal state to wait for TxComplete so default connection parameters can be applied lapMaxFrameSize = 64 ;Max frame size = 64 bytes lapMinTurnaround = 116 ;Number of additional BOFs to send @ 115200bps (116 = 10ms, 58 = 5ms) Timer140ms = -1 ;1 = 1*256*256*108*(1/50MHz) = 141.56ms Timer570ms = -4 ;4 = 4*256*256*108*(1/50MHz) = 566.23ms Timer1000ms = -7 ;7 = 7*256*256*108*(1/50MHz) = 990.90ms Timer3000ms = -21 ;21 = 21*256*256*108*(1/50MHz) = 2972.72ms ;Note - For a different clock frequency the 108 ISR constant changes => these timeout numbers remain the same ;******************************************************************************** ENDM LapCodeSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; LAP LAYER ;******************************************************************************** ;********** a2lapReset ********** a2lapReset call @lap2plGenerateNewAddr ;Generate new device address bank lapBank mov lapState, #lapNDMState ;Enter NDM state clr lapStatus ;Init status jmp lapMediaBusy ;Reset media idle detection (lapMediaBusy will issue retp instruction) ;********** a2lapTimer ********** a2lapTimer clrb TimerOverflow ;Clear Timer flag bank lapBank mov w, lapState ;jump based on state jmp PC+w jmp lapNDMTimer ; 0 = lapNDMState jmp lapQUERYTimer ; 1 = lapQUERYState retp ; 2 = lapNDM2NRMState jmp lapNRMTimer ; 3 = lapNRMState jmp lapSCLOSETimer ; 4 = lapSCLOSEState retp ; 5 = lapSCLOSE2NDMState ;********** pl2lapRxFrame ********** pl2lapRxFrame bank lapBank mov lapRxFrame, w ;Store frame type mov w, lapState ;Jump based on state jmp PC+w jmp lapNDMRxFrame ; 0 = lapNDMState jmp lapQUERYRxFrame ; 1 = lapQUERYState retp ; 2 = lapNDM2NRMState (RxFrame = impossable in this state) jmp lapNRMRxFrame ; 3 = lapNRMState jmp lapSCLOSERxFrame ; 4 = lapSCLOSEState retp ; 5 = lapSCLOSE2NDMState (RxFrame = impossable in this state) ;********** pl2lapRxValid ********** pl2lapRxValid bank lapBank mov w, lapState ;Jump based on state jmp PC+w jmp lapNDMRxValid ; 0 = lapNDMState jmp lapQUERYRxValid ; 1 = lapQUERYState retp ; 2 = lapNDM2NRMState (RxValid is impossable in this state) jmp lapNRMRxValid ; 3 = lapNRMState jmp lapSCLOSERxValid ; 4 = lapSCLOSEState retp ; 5 = lapSCLOSE2NDMState (RxValid is impossable in this state) ;********** pl2lapRxValid - NRM State ********** lapNRMRxValid mov w, lapRxFrame ;Jump based on frame type jmp PC+w jmp lapNRMXCmdValid ;xFrame = 0 jmp lapNRMIValid ;iFrame = 1 jmp lapNRMRRValid ;sRRFrame = 2 jmp lapNRMRNRValid ;sRNRFrame = 3 jmp lapNRMREJValid ;sREJFrame = 4 jmp lapNRMSREJValid ;sSREJFrame = 5 jmp lapNRMXCmdValid ;uUIFrame = 6 ;UICmd or UIRsp (same command) jmp lapNRMDISCValid ;uDISCFrame = 7 ;DISCCmd or RDRsp (same command) jmp lapNRMXCmdValid ;uUARspFrame = 8 ;UARsp jmp lapNRMNRMValid ;uNRMFrame = 9 ;SNRMCmd or RNRMRsp (same command) jmp lapNRMXCmdValid ;uTESTFrame = 10 ;TESTCmd or TESTRsp (same command) jmp lapNRMXCmdValid ;uFRMRRspFrame = 11 ;FRMRRsp jmp lapNRMXCmdValid ;uDMRspFrame = 12 ;DMRsp jmp lapNRMXCmdValid ;uXIDCmdFrame = 13 ;XIDCmd jmp lapNRMXCmdValid ;uXIDRspFrame = 14 ;XIDRsp ;********** pl2lapTxValid ********** pl2lapTxComplete bank lapBank mov w, lapState ;Jump based on state jmp PC+w jmp lapNDMTxComplete ; 0 = lapNDMState (not interesting in TxComplete) retp ; 1 = lapQUERYState (not interesting in TxComplete) jmp lapNDM2NRMTxComplete ; 2 = lapNDM2NRMState (now can apply connection parameters) retp ; 3 = lapNRMState (not interesting in TxComplete) retp ; 4 = lapSCLOSEState (not interesting in TxComplete) jmp lapSCLOSE2NDMTxComplete ; 5 = lapSCLOSE2NDMState (now can apply defaultconnection parameters) ;********** fl2lapMediaBusy ********** fl2lapMediaBusy bank lapBank cse lapState, #lapNDMState ;NDM state ? retp ;No => ignore clrb lapMediaIdle ;Clear MediaIdle flag test lapRxFrame ;Is a frame being received ? sz retp ;Yes => do not reset timer mov w, #Timer570ms ;No => Reset timer to 500ms jmp lapSetTimer ;Apply timer to wait for media idle ;********** DiscoveryRequest ********** app2lapDiscoveryRequest bank lapBank cse lapState, #lapNDMState ;NDM state ? clrb lapMediaIdle ;No => same as MediaIdle being false stz ;Indicate busy sb lapMediaIdle ;Is the media idle ? retp ;No => return busy indication bank plBank mov plConnAddr, #$FE ;Accept broadcast replys only bank lapBank clr lapTxXIDSlot ;Start at slot # 0 mov lapState, #lapQUERYState ;Enter QUERY state call :Send ;Send first frame clz ;Indicate request was accepted retp :Send jmp lapQUERYTimer ;********** DiscoveryRequest ********** app2lapTxUIStart bank lapBank cse lapState, #lapNDMState ;NDM state ? clrb lapMediaIdle ;No => same as MediaIdle being false stz ;Indicate busy sb lapMediaIdle ;Is the media idle ? retp ;No => return busy indication clrb lapMediaIdle ;Remember that another frame cannot be sent setb lapRxUIDataFlag ;Flag to pass messages to app layer call @lap2plTxUICmd ;Request that the payload layer send a UI command frame clz ;Indicate request was accepted retp ;******************************************************************************** ; LAP LAYER - Internal Subroutines ;******************************************************************************** lapRandomFlags = Temp+0 lapRandomMask = Temp+1 ;Slot bits: %00 => 1 slot => Mask = %0000 = 0 -> 0 ; %01 => 6 slots => Mask = %0011 = 0 -> 3 (ie can't result in 4 or 5) ; %10 => 8 slots => Mask = %0111 = 0 -> 7 ; %11 => 16 slots => Mask = %1111 = 0 -> 15 lapRandomSlot ;returns Slot number to transmit in bank plBank ;Peek at frame info mov w, plXIDFlags ;get discovery flags bank lapBank and w, #%00000011 ;Mask out non Slot bits snz ;Slot bits = 0 ? retp ;Yes => return 0 mov lapRandomFlags, w ;Store into Flags register mov w, #%00000001 ;If bit 1 = 0 then w = 0001 snb lapRandomFlags.1 mov w, #%00000111 ;If bit 1 = 1 then w = 0111 mov lapRandomMask, w ;Mask = 0001 or 0111 stc snb lapRandomFlags.0 ;If bit 0 = 1 then rotate left with carry set rl lapRandomMask ;Rotate mask with carry set bank TimerBank mov w, Random ;random number (non resetable, increments every timer interrupt) bank lapBank ;Note: The code is synchronous with RTCC and so RTCC is not a random number and w, lapRandomMask ;Mask out unwanted bits mov lapTxXIDSlot, w ;Store slot number retp ;********** SetTimer ********** lapSetTimer ;w = negative number to count up from bank TimerBank ;-1 = 141.56ms clr Timer1 clr Timer2 mov Timer3, w clrb TimerOverflow bank lapBank retp ;********** fl2lapMediaBusy ********** lapMediaBusy clr lapRxFrame ;Reset frame type to none mov w, #Timer570ms ;No => Reset timer to 500ms jmp lapSetTimer ;Apply timer to wait for media idle ;******************************************************************************** ; LAP LAYER ;******************************************************************************** ;********** pl2lapRxError ********** pl2lapRxError bank lapBank call lapMediaBusy ;Reset media idle detection snb laplmpRxFlag ;Has the lmp layer been receiving data ? jmp :LMP ;Yes => must inform lmp layer snb lapXIDDataFlag ;Has the host been informed to expect XID data ? jmp :XID ;Yes => inform of error sb lapRxUIDataFlag ;Is the app layer expecting data retp ;No => return :UI clrb lapRxUIDataFlag ;Yes => Inform app layer that UI frame is invalid jmp @lap2appRxUIError :LMP clrb laplmpRxFlag ;Clear flag jmp @lap2lmpRxError ;Inform lmp layer of error (lmp layer will issue ret instruction) :XID clrb lapXIDDataFlag ;Clear flag debugl ShowXIDInfo, '}' ;Inform host of error retp ;********** pl2lapRxXIDData ********** pl2lapRxXIDData bank lapBank sb lapXIDDataFlag ;Is the host expecting XID Data ? retp ;No => ignore data debug ShowXIDInfo ;Yes => pass data retp ;********** pl2lapRxIData ********** pl2lapRxIData bank lapBank sb laplmpRxFlag ;Should we pass data ? retp ;No => ignore data jmp @lap2lmpRxData ;Yes => pass data ;********** pl2lapTxIData ********** pl2lapTxIData jmp @lap2lmpTxData ;Get data from lmp layer ;********** pl2lapRxUIData ********** pl2lapRxUIData bank lapBank sb lapRxUIDataFlag ;Should we pass data ? retp ;No => ignore data jmp @lap2appRxUIData ;Yes => pass data ;********** pl2lapTxUIData ********** pl2lapTxUIData jmp @lap2appTxUIData ;Get data from app layer ;******************************************************************************** ; LAP LAYER - NDM Events ;******************************************************************************** lapEnterNDMState ;Reset connection parameters mov lapState, #lapNDMState ;Enter NDM state call lapMediaBusy ;Reset media idle detection :Tx sb laplmpTxFlag ;Is the lmp data waiting for comformation of data ? jmp :Rx ;No => contiue without message to lmp layer clrb laplmpTxFlag ;Yes => inform lap layer that data was not-acknowledged and contiue call @lap2lmpTxError bank lapBank :Rx sb lapLmpRxFlag ;Is the lmp layer expecting data ? jmp :Cont ;No => contiue without message to lmp layer clrb lapLmpRxFlag ;Yes => must inform lmp layer that data is invalid call @lap2lmpRxError :Cont bank plBank mov plConnAddr, #$FF ;Not connected => set ConnAddr to only accept be $FF bank flBank mov flFFCount, #10 ;Default to 10 FFs @ 9600 = 10.42ms bank IsrBank mov IrdaSpeed, #Irda9600 ;IrDA UART speed = 9600 clrb ledCON ;Turn off Connect LED debugl ShowConnect, ']' jmp @lap2lmpDisconnectIndication ;Inform lmp layer of disconnection ;********** NDM - RxFrame ********** lapNDMRxFrame csne lapRxFrame, #uXIDCmdFrame ;XID Command frame ? jmp :Accept ;Yes => Accept frame (may want to code to inform host of incommming XIDCmd frame ?) csne lapRxFrame, #uNRMFrame ;SNRM Command frame ? jmp :Accept ;Yes => Accept frame csne lapRxFrame, #uUIFrame ;UI frame ? jmp :UI ;Yes => Accept frame clr lapRxFrame ;No => Ignore frame jmp @lap2plRxIgnore ;Request that the payload layer ignores the frame :UI setb lapRxUIDataFlag ;Flag to pass data to app layer :Accept mov w, #Timer570ms ;500ms Timeout jmp lapSetTimer ;(lapSetTimer will issue retp instruction) ;********** NDM - Timer ********** lapNDMTimer test lapRxFrame ;Was a frame being received ? jnz pl2lapRxError ;Yes => treat as error, pl2lapRxError will reset the MediaBusy detection setb lapMediaIdle ;No => media must be idle retp ;********** NDM - RxValid ********** lapNDMRxValid csne lapRxFrame, #uXIDCmdFrame ;XID Command frame ? jmp :XID ;Yes => process csne lapRxFrame, #uNRMFrame ;SNRM Command frame ? jmp :SNRM ;Yes => process ;No => must be UI frame :UI call lapMediaBusy ;Reset media idle detection sb lapRxUIDataFlag ;Is the app layer expecting data retp ;No => ignore clrb lapRxUIDataFlag ;Yes => Inform app layer that UI frame is complete jmp @lap2appRxUIValid :XID call lapMediaBusy ;Reset media idle detection bank plBank ;Peek at frame info snb plXIDFlags.2 ;Is the "Generate new device address" flag set ? call @lap2plGenerateNewAddr ;Yes => ask payload layer to generate a new 32-bit address bank plBank ;Peek at frame info test plXIDSlot ;is the slot number = 0 ? bank lapBank snz call lapRandomSlot ;Yes => generate random slot (slot returned in lapTxXIDSlot) mov w, lapTxXIDSlot ;Get the slot number to transmit in bank plBank mov w, plXIDSlot-w ;Subtract (ie compare) with current slot number sz ;Are they the same ? (ie this slot to transmit in ?) retp ;No => return bank lapBank mov w, lapTxXIDSlot clr lapTxXIDSlot ;Reset slot number to indicate that a reply has been sent jmp @lap2plTxXIDRsp ;Transmit response :SNRM mov lapState, #lapNDM2NRMState ;Next state wil be NDM2NRM state to apply connection parameters after this reply has been sent clrb lapRemoteBusy ;Initilise RemoteBusy flag to false clr lapRxNs ;Initilise RxNs to 0 clr lapRxNrAck ;Initilise RxNrAck to zero clr lapRxNrNotAck ;Initilise RxNrNotAck to zero mov w, #Timer1000ms ;1s timeout IrDA Lite p15) call lapSetTimer setb ledCON ;Turn on Connect LED debugl ShowConnect, '[' call @lap2lmpConnectIndication ;Inform lmp layer of connection jmp @lap2plSNRMAccept ;Send reply ;********** NDM - TxComplete ********** lapNDMTxComplete call lapMediaBusy ;Reset media idle test sb lapRxUIDataFlag ;Is the app layer expecting data retp ;No => ignore clrb lapRxUIDataFlag ;Yes => Inform app layer that UI frame is complete jmp @lap2appTxUIComplete ;******************************************************************************** ; LAP LAYER - QUERY Events ;******************************************************************************** ;********** QUERY - RxFrame ********** lapQUERYRxFrame cse lapRxFrame, #uXIDRspFrame ;XID Response frame ? jmp @lap2plRxIgnore ;No => Ignore frame setb lapXIDDataFlag ;Yes => Accept frame. Remember that currently passing data to host debugl ShowXIDInfo, '{' ;Show XID info start retp ;********** QUERY - RxValid ********** lapQUERYRxValid sb lapXIDDataFlag ;Is the host expecting data retp ;No => ignore clrb lapXIDDataFlag ;Yes => Inform host that XID frame is complete debugl ShowXIDInfo, '}' retp ;********** QUERY - Timer ********** lapQUERYTimer bank TimerBank ;Set global timer clr Timer1 ;80ms timeout after transmission is complete (75-85ms IrDA Lite p21) mov Timer2, #-198 ;80ms timeout + 29.2 ms (28 bytes) to transmit = 109.2ms. 198 : 198*256*108*(1/50MHz) = 109.49ms mov Timer3, #-1 ;negitive number clrb TimerOverflow bank lapBank sb lapXIDDataFlag ;Has the host been informed to expect XID data ? jmp :Good ;Yes => inform of error clrb lapXIDDataFlag ;Clear flag debugl ShowXIDInfo, '}' ;Inform host of error :Good cse lapTxXIDSlot, #08 ;Last slot ? jmp :Send ;No => send mov lapState, #lapNDMState ;Yes => After send will return to NDM state mov w, #$FF ;w = FF mov lapTxXIDSlot, w ;set slot to $FF to indicate complete bank plBank mov plConnAddr, w ;ConnAddr = FF => Accept broadcast commands only bank lapBank :Send mov w, lapTxXIDSlot ;Get current slot # inc lapTxXIDSlot ;Increment for nexty slot # jmp @lap2plTxXIDCmd ;Send XID command frame (payload layer will return) ;******************************************************************************** ; LAP LAYER - NRM Events ;******************************************************************************** ;********** NDM2NRM - TxComplete ********** lapNDM2NRMTxComplete mov lapState, #lapNRMState ;NRM state bank plBank ;Agreed BaudRate is the most significant bit that is set in plSNRMBaudRate mov w, #Irda9600 ;Min = 9600 snb plSNRMBaudRate.2 ;19200 ? mov w, #Irda19200 ;Yes => w = 19200 snb plSNRMBaudRate.3 ;38400 ? mov w, #Irda38400 ;Yes => w = 38400 snb plSNRMBaudRate.4 ;57600 ? mov w, #Irda57600 ;Yes => w = 57600 snb plSNRMBaudRate.5 ;115200 ? mov w, #Irda115200 ;Yes => w = 115200 bank IsrBank mov IrdaSpeed, w ;Apply baud rate bank plBank ;Set FF Count to ensure 10ms. FFCount = BaudRate / 10 * 0.01s mov w, #lapMinTurnaround / 11.6 ;Min = 9600 => 10ms = 10 bytes snb plSNRMBaudRate.2 ;19200 ? mov w, #lapMinTurnaround / 5.8 ;Yes => 10ms = 20 bytes snb plSNRMBaudRate.3 ;38400 ? mov w, #lapMinTurnaround / 2.9 ;Yes => 10ms = 39 bytes snb plSNRMBaudRate.4 ;57600 ? mov w, #lapMinTurnaround / 2 ;Yes => 10ms = 58 bytes snb plSNRMBaudRate.5 ;115200 ? mov w, #lapMinTurnaround ;Yes => 10ms = 116 bytes bank flBank mov flFFCount, w ;Apply FFCount retp ;********** NRM - SendResponse ********** lapSendNRMResponse snb lapRemoteBusy ;Is the remote busy flag set ? jmp lapSendSResponse ;Yes => send S-Response call @lap2lmpTxFrame ;Returns z = false if data to be sent bank lapBank snz ;Is there data to be sent ? jmp lapSendSResponse ;No => send S-Response :Data setb laplmpTxFlag ;Yes => Rember that lmp layer is passing data mov w, <<lapRxNs ;Send Nr = RxNs. w = RxNs %....nnn. and w, #%00001110 ;mask out non Ns bits mov Temp, w ;Store in Temp swap Temp ;Temp = RxNs %nnn..... setb Temp.4 ;Set bit 4 = final flag mov w, <<lapRxNrAck ;Send Ns = RxNrAck. w = RxNrAck %....nnn. and w, #%00001110 ;mask out non Ns bits add w, Temp ;Add Nr bits inc lapRxNrAck ;add 1 to NrAck - the expect acknowledge jmp @lap2plTxIRsp ;Transmit I frame lapSendSResponse mov w, <<lapRxNs ;Send Nr = RxNs. w = RxNs %....nnn. and w, #%00001110 ;mask out non Ns bits mov Temp, w ;Store in Temp swap Temp ;Temp = RxNs %nnn..... mov w, #sRR ;frame will be of type RR add w, Temp ;Set Nr of frame to RxNs = expected next I frame jmp @lap2plTxSimpleRsp ;Send simple response frame ;********** NRM - SendRD ********** lapNRMSendRD mov w, #Timer3000ms call lapSetTimer ;Reset timer for SCLOSE state sb lapLmpRxFlag ;Is the lmp layer expecting data ? (ie error caused by timeout) jmp :Cont ;No => contiue clrb lapLmpRxFlag ;Yes => must inform lmp layer that data is invalid call @lap2lmpRxError ; bank lapBank :Cont mov lapState, #lapSCLOSEState ;change to SCLOSE state mov w, #uRDRsp ;frame will be of type RD jmp @lap2plTxSimpleRsp ;Send simple response frame ;********** NRM - RxFrame ********** lapNRMRxFrame csne lapRxFrame, #iFrame ;I Data frame ? setb lapLmpRxFlag ;Yes => Flag to pass data to lmp layer retp ;Accept all frames ;********** NRM - SValid or IValid ********** lapNRMSIValid mov w, #Timer3000ms call lapSetTimer ;Reset timer on any S-Command bank plBank mov w, >>plCommand ;w = %.nnn.... get the received command byte (shifted) mov Temp, w ;Temp = received Nr bits (%.nnn....) swap Temp ;Temp = received Nr bits (%.....nnn) bank lapBank mov w, lapRxNrAck ;w = expected Nr if Ack xor w, Temp ;compare received Nr with NrAck and w, #%00000111 ;only examine lowest bits snz ;Does Nr = NrAck (ie is this a valid ack) ? jmp :Ack ;Yes => valid Ack mov w, lapRxNrNotAck ;w = expected Nr if Not-Ack xor w, Temp ;compare received Nr with NrNotAck and w, #%00000111 ;only examine lostest bits sz ;Does Nr = NrNotAck (ie is this a valid not-ack) ? jmp lapNRMSendRD ;No => Fatal Error - invalid Nr => must disconnect (Valid/Error message for LMP layer willbe sent prior to the DisconnectIndication) :NotAck dec lapRxNrAck ;return NrAck back to what it was before transmission of the last I-Frame sb laplmpTxFlag ;Is the lmp data waiting for comformation of data ? jmp :Cont ;No => contiue without message to lmp layer clrb laplmpTxFlag ;Yes => inform lap layer that data was not-acknowledged and contiue call @lap2lmpTxError jmp :Cont :Ack mov lapRxNrNotAck, lapRxNrAck ;Set NrNotAck to match NrAck sb laplmpTxFlag ;Is the lmp data waiting for comformation of data ? jmp :Cont ;No => contiue without message to lmp layer clrb laplmpTxFlag ;Yes => inform lap layer that data was acknowledged and contiue call @lap2lmpTxValid :Cont bank lapBank cse lapRxFrame, #iFrame ;Is this an i frame ? jmp lapSendNRMResponse ;No => S frame => Send-NRM-Response bank plBank ;Yes => must test Ns mov w, >>plCommand ;get the received command byte (shifted right 1 bit) bank lapBank xor w, lapRxNs ;Compare with expected Ns and w, #%00000111 ;Only test lowest 3 bits jnz :Ignore ;If Ns <> expected then ignore :Valid inc lapRxNs ;increment RxNs sb lapLmpRxFlag ;Is the lmp layer expecting data ? jmp lapSendNRMResponse ;No => send NRM-response clrb lapLmpRxFlag ;Yes => must inform lmp layer that data is complete call @lap2lmpRxValid ;Indicate data complete and valid bank lapBank jmp lapSendNRMResponse ;send NRM-response :Ignore sb lapLmpRxFlag ;Is the lmp layer expecting data ? jmp lapSendSResponse ;No => send S-response clrb lapLmpRxFlag ;Yes => must inform lmp layer that data is invalid call @lap2lmpRxError ; bank lapBank jmp lapSendSResponse ;send S-response lapNRMIValid = lapNRMSIValid ;A I frame has been received lapNRMRRValid ;A RR frame has been received clrb lapRemoteBusy ;Remember that remote is not busy and send reply jmp lapNRMSIValid lapNRMRNRValid ;A RNR frame has been received setb lapRemoteBusy ;Remember that remote is busy and send reply jmp lapNRMSIValid lapNRMREJValid = lapNRMSIValid ;A REJ frame has been received lapNRMSREJValid = lapNRMSIValid ;A SREJ frame has been received ;********** NRM - SNRMCmdValid ********** lapNRMNRMValid = lapNRMSendRD ;********** NRM - XCmdValid ********** lapNRMXCmdValid = lapSendSResponse ;********** NRM - DISCCmdValid ********** lapNRMDISCValid ;Disconnect command: ack and apply default parameters. mov lapState, #lapSCLOSE2NDMState ;Next state = transition to apply origional connection parameters once this frame has been sent mov w, #uUARsp ;Send UA frame to acknowledge disconnect jmp @lap2plTxSimpleRsp ;Send simple response frame ;********** NRM - Timer ********** lapNRMTimer = lapEnterNDMState ;Timeout => return to NDM state. ;********** lmp2lapDisconnectRequestr ********** lmp2lapDisconnectRequest bank lapBank cse lapState, #lapNRMState ;Currenly in NRM state ? retp ;No => ignore request mov lapState, #lapSCLOSEState ;Yes => change to SCLOSE state retp ;******************************************************************************** ; LAP LAYER - NRM Events ;******************************************************************************** ;********** SCLOSE - RxFrame ********** lapSCLOSERxFrame retp ;Accept all frames ;********** SCLOSE - RxValid ********** lapSCLOSERxValid csne lapRxFrame, #uDISCFrame ;DISC Command frame ? jmp lapNRMDISCValid ;Yes => Send ack, apply default parameters and enter NDM state mov w, #Timer3000ms call lapSetTimer ;No, however still must be a command frame (due to ConnAddr) => send RD frame mov w, #uRDRsp ;Send RD Response frame to request disconnect jmp @lap2plTxSimpleRsp ;Send simple response frame ;********** SCLOSE - Timer ********** lapSCLOSETimer = lapEnterNDMState ;********** SCLOSE2NDM - TxComplete ********** lapSCLOSE2NDMTxComplete = lapEnterNDMState ;******************************************************************************** ENDM LmpInfoSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER ;******************************************************************************** ; ; lap2lmpConnectIndication() call ; lap2lmpDisconnectIndication() ; ; lap2lmpRxData(w=Data) ;Incomming data bytes ; lap2lmpRxValid() call ;Data bytes passed since RxFrame message are valid ; lap2lmpRxError() call ;Data bytes passed since RxFrame message are invalid ; ; lap2lmpTxFrame(ret z=None) call ; lap2lmpTxData(ret w=Data ret z=Last) call ;Payload layer can accept a data byte (for an I frame) if there is one available. if there is data available then lmp returns data byte and sets z to false ; lap2lmpTxValid() call ;Lap layer is indicating that all data passed since last TxStart message was acknowledged ; lap2lmpTxError() call ;Lap layer is indicating that all data passed since last TxStart message will need to be sent again ; ;******************************************************************************** ENDM LmpDataSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER ;******************************************************************************** org $90 lmpBank = $90 ;16 bytes lmpPosition ds 1 ;Position of multi byte stages lmpData ds 1 ;Temporary Data storage lmpAppLSAP ds 1 ;LSAP number of remote CommApp (or 0 if not connected) lmpAppStatus ds 1 lmpRxState ds 1 ;Current Rx state lmpRxDLSAP ds 1 ;Received DLSAP lmpRxSLSAP ds 1 ;Received SLSAP lmpRxInfo ds 4 lmpRxLMPCmdOpcode = lmpRxInfo + 0 ;LMP Command frames : holds opcode lmpRxIASErrOpcode = lmpRxInfo + 0 ;IAS frame : holds service request lmpRxIASErrRetCode = lmpRxInfo + 1 ;IAS frame : holds return code for service request lmpRxSendStringL = lmpRxInfo + 2 ;SendStringH = _lmpTxStringSegment lmpRxPostTest = lmpRxInfo + 3 lmpTxState ds 1 ;Current Tx state lmpTxDLSAP ds 1 ;Transmit DLSAP = Received SLSAP lmpTxSLSAP ds 1 ;Transmit SLSAP = Received DLSAP lmpTxInfo ds 2 lmpTxIASErrOpcode = lmpTxInfo + 0 ;IAS frame : holds service request lmpTxIASErrRetCode = lmpTxInfo + 1 ;IAS frame : holds return code for service request lmpTxStringH = lmpTxInfo + 0 lmpTxStringL = lmpTxInfo + 1 lmpConnectCmdOpcode = $01 lmpConnectRspOpcode = $81 lmpDisconnectOpcode = $02 lmpAccessCmdOpcode = $03 lmpAccessRspOpcode = $83 lmpLSAPServer = 0 lmpLSAPComm = 5 ;Random number between 1 and 6F lmpAppRxFlag = lmpAppStatus.0 ;Indicates that app layer has been passed unacknoldged data lmpAppTxFlag = lmpAppStatus.1 ;Indicates that app layer is passing data or has passed data that has not yet been acknoldged lmpRxDataMode = %00000000 ;More data is required lmpRxVerifyMode = %10000000 ;Waiting for frame to complete lmpRxSLSAPState = 1 + lmpRxDataMode ;Second byte = Source LSAP lmpRxLMPCmdOpcodeState = 2 + lmpRxDataMode ;LMP Command : Opcode lmpRxIASCmdState = 3 + lmpRxDataMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxIASClassLengthState = 4 + lmpRxDataMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxIASClassTestState = 5 + lmpRxDataMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxIASDeviceAttribState = 6 + lmpRxDataMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxIASCommAttribState = 7 + lmpRxDataMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxIASAttribTestState = 8 + lmpRxDataMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxCommDataState = 9 + lmpRxDataMode ;Comm Data lmpRxBadLSAPState = 1 + lmpRxVerifyMode ;Error state : Invalid Dest LSAP lmpRxLMPCmdVerifyState = 2 + lmpRxVerifyMode ;LMP Command : Verify lmpRxIASAttribVerifyState = 3 + lmpRxVerifyMode ;IAS Data : lmpRxIASErrorState = 4 + lmpRxVerifyMode ;IAS Data : lmpTxStringState = 1 ;Send a string lmpTxIASErrorState = 2 ;Reply stating that the IAS service is an un-supported option or error lmpTxCommDataState = 3 ;Sending Comm Data ;******************************************************************************** ENDM LmpCodeSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER ;******************************************************************************** ;********** a2lmpReset ********** a2lmpReset bank lmpBank clr lmpRxState clr lmpTxState clr lmpAppLSAP retp ;********** lap2lmpConnectIndication ********** lap2lmpConnectIndication = a2lmpReset ;********** lap2lmpDisconnectIndication ********** lap2lmpDisconnectIndication = a2lmpReset ;********** lap2lmpRxData ********** lap2lmpRxData bank lmpBank mov lmpData, w ;Store data snb lmpRxState.7 ;Interested in data ? (lmpRxDataMode) retp mov w, lmpRxState ;Jump based on state jmp PC+w jmp lmpRxDLSAPByte ; 0 = lmpIdleState jmp lmpRxSLSAPByte ; 1 = lmpRxSLSAPState jmp lmpRxCmdOpcodeByte ; 2 = lmpRxLMPCmdOpcodeState jmp lmpRxIASCmd ; 3 = lmpRxIASCmdState jmp lmpRxIASClassLength ; 4 = lmpRxIASClassLengthState jmp lmpRxIASStringTest ; 5 = lmpRxIASClassTestState jmp lmpRxIASDeviceAttrib ; 6 = lmpRxIASDeviceAttribState jmp lmpRxIASCommAttrib ; 7 = lmpRxIASCommAttribState jmp lmpRxIASStringTest ; 8 = lmpRxIASAttribTestState jmp lmpRxCommData ; 9 = lmpRxCommDataState ;********** lap2lmpRxValid ********** lap2lmpRxValid debugl IFrameDataRx, '^' bank lmpBank snb lmpAppRxFlag ;CommData ? jmp lmpRxValidCommData ;Yes => process sb lmpRxState.7 ;Interested in valid ? (lmpRxVerifyMode) retp mov w, lmpRxState ;Jump based on state and w, #%01111111 ;Remove Mode bit clr lmpRxState ;Clear RxState back to idle jmp PC+w retp ; 0 = lmpIdleState (invalid) jmp lmpRxBadLSAP ; 1 = lmpRxBadLSAPState jmp lmpRxValidLMPCommand ; 2 = lmpRxLMPCmdVerifyState jmp lmpRxValidIASAttribVerify ; 3 = lmpRxIASAttribVerifyState jmp lmpRxValidIASError ; 4 = lmpRxIASErrorState ;********** lap2lmpRxInvalid ********** lap2lmpRxError debugl IFrameDataRx, '!' setb ledERR ;Turn ERR led on bank lmpBank clr lmpRxState ;Return to idle state sb lmpAppRxFlag ;CommDataMode ? retp ;No => return clrb lmpAppRxFlag ;Clear flag jmp @lmp2appRxCommError ;Yes => Inform app layer of valid (app layer will issue ret instruction) ;********** lap2lmpTxData ********** lap2lmpTxFrame bank lmpBank clr lmpPosition test lmpTxState ;Idle state ? jnz :Send :Idle test lmpAppLSAP ;LMP Connection open to comm layer ? snz ;Zero indicates no connection retp ;No => indicate no data and return call @lmp2appTxCommStart ;Yes => find out if data to send snz ;Data to send retp ;No => indicate no data and return bank lmpBank mov lmpTxState, #lmpTxCommDataState ;Prepare to transmit frame mov lmpTxDLSAP, lmpAppLSAP ;Ensure correct DLSAP mov lmpTxSLSAP, #lmpLSAPComm ;Ensure correct SLSAP mov lmpPosition, #lapMaxFrameSize-2 ;Protect frame size (LAP frame size less DLSAP and SLSAP bytes) :Send mov w, lmpTxDLSAP ;Desired DLSAP bank plBank mov plIDataDLSAP, w ;Store for transmission bank lmpBank mov w, lmpTxSLSAP ;Desired SLSAP bank plBank mov plIDataSLSAP, w ;Store for transmission clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp ;********** lap2lmpTxData ********** lap2lmpTxData ;Lap layer can accept a data byte (for an I frame) if there is one available. if there is data available then lmp returns data byte and sets z to false bank lmpBank mov w, lmpTxState ;Jump based on state jmp PC+w ;Jump based on state retp ; 0 = Idle state (cannot receive TxData in idle state) jmp lmpTxString ; 1 = lmpTxStringState jmp lmpTxIASError ; 2 = lmpTxIASErrorState jmp lmpTxCommData ; 3 = lmpTxCommDataState ;********** lap2lmpTxValid ********** lap2lmpTxValid ;Lap layer is indicating that all data passed since last TxStart message was acknowledged debugl IFrameDataTx, '^' bank lmpBank clr lmpTxState ;Return to idle state sb lmpAppTxFlag ;Transmitting app data ? retp ;No => return clrb lmpAppTxFlag jmp @lmp2appTxCommValid ;Yes => Inform app layer of valid (app layer will issue ret instruction) ;********** lap2lmpTxError ********** lap2lmpTxError ;Lap layer is indicating that all data passed since last TxStart message will need to be sent again debugl IFrameDataTx, '!' setb ledERR ;Turn ERR led on bank lmpBank sb lmpAppTxFlag ;Transmitting app data ? retp ;No => return (stay in this state for retransmission) clrb lmpAppTxFlag jmp @lmp2appTxCommError ;Yes => Inform app layer of error (app layer will issue ret instruction) ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER - Rx ;******************************************************************************** lmpRx2TxSetup mov lmpTxDLSAP, lmpRxSLSAP ;DLSAP = received SLSAP mov lmpTxSLSAP, lmpRxDLSAP ;SLSAP = received DLSAP retp ;******************************************************************************** ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxDLSAPState ********** lmpRxDLSAPByte mov lmpRxDLSAP, lmpData ;Store data inc lmpRxState ;Next state = lmpRxSLSAPState retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxSLSAPState ********** lmpRxSLSAPByte mov lmpRxSLSAP, lmpData ;Store data clrb lmpRxSLSAP.7 ;Ensure MSB is clear snb lmpRxDLSAP.7 ;Is this a LMP-Command frame (DLSAP bit 7 set) ? jmp :Cmd ;Yes => process command csne lmpRxDLSAP, #lmpLSAPComm ;DLSAP addressing Comm ? jmp :Comm ;Yes => accept mov w, lmpRxBadLSAPState ;If not server then Bad LSAP test lmpRxDLSAP ;0 = IAS Server snz ;Addressing IAS Server ? mov w, #lmpRxIASCmdState ;Yes => IAS Server state mov lmpRxState, w ;Apply state retp :Cmd mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxLMPCmdOpcodeState ;No => change to RxCmdOpcodeState clrb lmpRxDLSAP.7 ;Ensure MSB is clear retp :Comm mov w, #lmpRxCommDataState ;Comm data test lmpAppLSAP ;Connected ? snz mov w, lmpRxBadLSAPState ;No => error mov lmpRxState, w ;Apply state retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxCmdOpcodeState ********** lmpRxCmdOpcodeByte mov lmpRxLMPCmdOpcode, lmpData ;Store data in opcode variable mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxLMPCmdVerifyState ;Wait for Valid message retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxIASCmdState ********** lmpRxIASCmd mov w, lmpData ;IAS Service request and w, #%10111111 ;Mask out ack bit mov lmpRxIASErrOpcode, w ;Store Service Request in case of error xor w, #$84 ;Is the service request GetValueByClass ? jnz :Err ;No => must reply with service unsupported inc lmpRxState ;Yes => wait for class name length retp :Err mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASErrorState ;Will reply with Unsupported mov lmpRxIASErrRetCode, #$FF ;Reply = $FF = unsupported service retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxIASClassLengthState ********** lmpRxIASClassLength ;Data = lnegth of class name inc lmpRxState ;Next state = lmpRxIASClassTestState mov lmpRxIASErrRetCode, #$01 ;If error then Reply = $01 = no such class csne lmpData, #$06 ;Is the class name length 6 indicating that we should test for "Device" ? jmp :Dev ;Yes => test for "Device" csne lmpData, #$0B ;Is the class name length 11 indicating that we should test for "IrDA:IrCOMM" ? jmp :Comm ;Yes => test for "IrDA:IrCOMM" mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASErrorState ;No => Will reply with IAS error retp :Dev mov lmpRxPostTest, #lmpRxIASDeviceAttribState ;If class is correct then will cahnge to DeviceAttrib state mov lmpPosition, #_lmpIASDeviceClass ;Pointer to string retp :Comm mov lmpRxPostTest, #lmpRxIASCommAttribState ;If class is correct then will cahnge to CommAttrib state mov lmpPosition, #_lmpIASCommClass ;Pointer to string retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxIASDeviceAttribState ********** lmpRxIASDeviceAttrib mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASAttribTestState ;Next will verify attrib string mov lmpRxPostTest, #lmpRxIASAttribVerifyState ;If attrib is correct then will cahnge to AttribVerify state mov lmpRxIASErrRetCode, #$02 ;If error then Reply = $02 = no such attribute csne lmpData, #$0A ;Is the class name length 10 indicating that we should test for "DeviceName" ? jmp :Name ;Yes => test for "Device" csne lmpData, #12 ;Is the class name length 12 indicating that we should test for "IrLMPSupport" ? jmp :Supp ;Yes => test for "IrLMPSupport" mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASErrorState ;No => Will reply with IAS error retp :Name mov lmpRxSendStringL, #_lmpIASDeviceName ;Pointer to string to send in reply if attrib verifies mov lmpPosition, #_lmpIASDeviceAttribName ;Pointer to string to test retp :Supp mov lmpRxSendStringL, #_lmpIASDeviceSupport ;Pointer to string to send in reply if attrib verifies mov lmpPosition, #_lmpIASDeviceAttribSupport ;Pointer to string to test retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxIASCommAttribState ********** lmpRxIASCommAttrib mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASAttribTestState ;Next will verify attrib string mov lmpRxPostTest, #lmpRxIASAttribVerifyState ;If attrib is correct then will cahnge to AttribVerify state mov lmpRxIASErrRetCode, #$02 ;If error then Reply = $02 = no such attribute csne lmpData, #$0A ;Is the class name length 10 indicating that we should test for "Parameters" ? jmp :Param ;Yes => test for "Parameters" csne lmpData, #$12 ;Is the class name length 18 indicating that we should test for "IrDA:IrLMP:LsapSel" ? jmp :Lsap ;Yes => test for "IrDA:IrLMP:LsapSel" mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASErrorState ;No => Will reply with IAS error retp :Param mov lmpRxSendStringL, #_lmpIASCommParam ;Pointer to string to send in reply if attrib verifies mov lmpPosition, #_lmpIASCommAttribParam ;Pointer to string to test retp :Lsap mov lmpRxSendStringL, #_lmpIASCommLsapSel ;Pointer to string to send in reply if attrib verifies mov lmpPosition, #_lmpIASCommAttribLsapSel ;Pointer to string to test retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxIASStringTestState ********** lmpRxIASStringTest mov m, #_lmpRxStringSegment / 256 ;String Segment (high) mov w, lmpPosition ;Pointer to string (low) inc lmpPosition ;Increment offset for next byte iread ;Get data byte (in w) xor w, lmpData ;Is the received data byte correct ? jnz :Err ;No => error mov w, m ;Yes => continue. Move high part of data to w test w ;Is this the last byte ? (m is not 0) snz retp ;No => stay in this state mov lmpRxState, lmpRxPostTest ;Yes => Change to next state retp :Err mov lmpRxState, #lmpRxIASErrorState ;Will reply with Error code retp ;********** lap2lmpRxData - RxCommDataState ********** lmpRxCommData setb lmpAppRxFlag ;remember passing data mov w, lmpData ;Data to pass jmp @lmp2appRxCommData ;Pass data to app layer ;******************************************************************************** ;********** lap2lmpRxValid - RxBadLSAPState ********** lmpRxBadLSAP ;Should disconnect connection !!! jmp @lmp2lapDisconnectRequest ;********** lap2lmpRxValid - RxLMPCmdVerifyState ********** lmpRxValidLMPCommand csne lmpRxLMPCmdOpcode, #lmpConnectCmdOpcode ;Is this a request to open a connection ? jmp :Conn ;Yes => accept csne lmpRxLMPCmdOpcode, #lmpDisconnectOpcode ;Is this a request to clsoe a connection ? jmp :Disc ;Yes => close retp ;No => Unknown or unsupported command => ignore :Conn mov lmpTxStringH, #_lmpLMPConnRsp / 256 ;Pointer to string mov lmpTxStringL, #_lmpLMPConnRsp ;Pointer to string mov lmpTxState, #lmpTxStringState ;Prepare to transmit parameters setb lmpRxSLSAP.7 ;Indicate command (this will be the DLSAP byte when transmitted) cse lmpRxDLSAP, #lmpLSAPComm ;DLSAP addressing Comm ? jmp lmpRx2TxSetup ;No => nothing more to do other than to prepare to send reply mov lmpAppLSAP, lmpRxSLSAP ;Yes => Store Source LSAP in AppLSAP (ie remember the remote Comm App LSAP) clrb lmpAppLSAP.7 ;Set to information frame jmp lmpRx2TxSetup ;prepare to send reply :Disc csne lmpRxDLSAP, #lmpLSAPComm ;DLSAP addressing Comm ? clr lmpAppLSAP ;Yes => clear connection retp ;********** lap2lmpRxValid - RxIASAttribVerifyState ********** lmpRxValidIASAttribVerify mov lmpTxStringH, #_lmpTxStringSegment / 256 ;Pointer to string mov lmpTxStringL, lmpRxSendStringL ;Pointer to string mov lmpTxState, #lmpTxStringState ;Prepare to transmit parameters jmp lmpRx2TxSetup ;Prepare to transmit frame ;********** lap2lmpRxValid - RxIASErrorState ********** lmpRxValidIASError mov lmpTxState, #lmpTxIASErrorState ;Prepare to transmit error return code mov lmpTxIASErrOpcode, lmpRxIASErrOpcode mov lmpTxIASErrRetCode, lmpRxIASErrRetCode jmp lmpRx2TxSetup ;Prepare to transmit frame ;********** lap2lmpRxValid - RxCommDataState ********** lmpRxValidCommData clr lmpRxState ;Clear RxState back to idle clrb lmpAppRxFlag jmp @lmp2appRxCommValid ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER - Tx ;******************************************************************************** ;********** lap2lmpTxData - TxStringState ********** lmpTxString mov m, lmpTxStringH ;Pointer to string (high) mov w, lmpTxStringL ;Pointer to string (low) add w, lmpPosition ;Add offset inc lmpPosition ;Increment offset for next byte iread mov Temp, w ;Store data mov w, m ;Move high part of data to w test w ;Is this the last byte ? jnz :Last ;Yes mov w, Temp ;Data to pass clz ;Indicate more data to follow Data retp ;Return data to framing layer :Last mov w, Temp ;Data to pass stz ;Indicate last byte retp ;Return data to framing layer ;********** lap2lmpTxData - TxIASErrorState ********** lmpTxIASError test lmpPosition jnz :ErrCod :Opcode mov w, lmpTxIASErrOpcode ;Opcode that was received inc lmpPosition ;Next will send RetCode clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp :ErrCod mov w, lmpTxIASErrRetCode ;RetCode stz ;Indicate last byte retp ;********** lap2lmpTxData - TxCommDataState ********** lmpTxCommData setb lmpAppTxFlag ;remember receiving data call @lmp2appTxCommData ;Get next data byte bank lmpBank snz ;Skip if not last byte retp ;Z = 0 indicating last byte dec lmpPosition ;Byte counter retp ;Returns Z = true if counter = 0 ie when counter reaches 0 last flag will be set ;******************************************************************************** ENDM LmpRxStringSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER - Strings ;WARNING - Strings must not go over a 256 boundry !!! ;******************************************************************************** _lmpRxStringSegment ;Rx strings must all be in the same segement !!! _lmpIASDeviceClass dw 'Device'+$F00 ;Classname = "Device" ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASDeviceAttribName dw 'DeviceName'+$F00 ;Device Attribute: "DeviceName" ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASDeviceAttribSupport dw 'IrLMPSupport'+$F00 ;Device Attribute: "IrLMPSupporte" ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASCommClass dw 'IrDA:IrCOMM'+$F00 ;Classname = "IrDA:IrCOMM" ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASCommAttribParam dw 'Parameters'+$F00 ;IrCOMM Attribute: "Parameters" ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASCommAttribLsapSel dw 'IrDA:IrLMP:LsapSel'+$F00 ;IrCOMM Attribute: "LsapSel" ($F00 indicates end) ;******************************************************************************** ENDM LmpTxStringSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; LMP LAYER - String ;WARNING - Strings must not go over a 256 boundry !!! ;******************************************************************************** _lmpTxStringSegment ;Tx strings must all be in the same segement !!! _lmpLMPConnRsp dw lmpConnectRspOpcode, $00+$F00 _lmpIASDeviceName dw $84, $00 ;$84 = Reply to GetValueByClass, $00 = success _lmpIASDeviceName1 dw $00, $01 ;List length = 1 item _lmpIASDeviceName2 dw $00, $00 ;Object identifier = 0 _lmpIASDeviceName3 dw $03, $00 ;Data is of type "User string", ASCII _lmpIASDeviceName4 dw 28 ;length of text = 28 octets _lmpIASDeviceNameText dw 'SX IrDA IrComm Demonstration'+$F00 ;String to be displayed _lmpIASDeviceSupport dw $84, $00 ;$84 = Reply to GetValueByClass, $00 = success _lmpIASDeviceSupport1 dw $00, $01 ;List length = 1 item _lmpIASDeviceSupport2 dw $00, $00 ;Object identifier = 0 _lmpIASDeviceSupport3 dw $02 ;Data is of type "Octet Sequence" _lmpIASDeviceSupport4 dw $00, $03 ;Data is 3 bytes in length _lmpIASDeviceSupport5 dw $01 ;Data : IrLMP Version = 1 (refer LMP p 84) _lmpIASDeviceSupport6 dw $00 ;Data : IAS Support = no additional features (refer LMP p 84) _lmpIASDeviceSupport7 dw $00+$F00 ;Data : MUX Support = no additional features (refer LMP p 85) ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASCommParam dw $84, $00 ;$84 = Reply to GetValueByClass, $00 = success _lmpIASCommParam1 dw $00, $01 ;List length = 1 item _lmpIASCommParam2 dw $00, $00 ;Object identifier = 0 _lmpIASCommParam3 dw $02 ;Data is of type "Octet Sequence" _lmpIASCommParam4 dw $00, $06 ;Data is 6 bytes in length _lmpIASCommParam5 dw $00, 1, %00000001 ;Data : Service types = 3 wire raw _lmpIASCommParam6 dw $01, 1, %00000011+$F00 ;Data : Port type = serial or parallel ($F00 indicates end) _lmpIASCommLsapSel dw $84, $00 ;$84 = Reply to GetValueByClass, $00 = success _lmpIASCommLsapSel1 dw $00, $01 ;List length = 1 item _lmpIASCommLsapSel2 dw $00, $00 ;Object identifier = 0 _lmpIASCommLsapSel3 dw $01 ;Data is of type "Integer" _lmpIASCommLsapSel4 dw $00, $00, $00, lmpLSAPComm+$F00 ;LsapSel = 5 ($F00 indicates end) ;******************************************************************************** ENDM AppInfoSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; APP LAYER ;******************************************************************************** ; Updated 6 Decembet 1999 - Nick Kelsey ; * TransApp: Increased UART buffer size from 7 to 16 bytes. ; * TransApp: Added flow control for UART receive. ;******************************************************************************** ; ; lmp2appRxCommData(w = Data) ;Incomming data bytes ; lmp2appRxCommValid() ;Data bytes passed since last Valid/Error message are valid ; lmp2appRxCommError() ;Data bytes passed since last Valid/Error message are invalid and should be discarded ; ; lmp2appTxCommStart(ret z=None) ;Data bytes can now be sent, Return Z=false if data to be sent ; lmp2appTxCommData(ret w=TxData, z=Last) ;Data bytes can now be sent. Set Z if this is the last byte to be sent ; lmp2appTxCommValid() ;All data passed since last Valid/Error message were acknowledged as received by the remote station ; lmp2appTxCommError() ;All data passed since last Valid/Error message were discarded and will need to be sent again ; ; lap2appRxUIData(w = Data) ;Incomming UI data bytes (outside of a connection only) ; lap2appRxUIValid() ;Data bytes passed since last Valid/Error message are valid ; lap2appRxUIError() ;Data bytes passed since last Valid/Error message are invalid and should be discarded ; ; app2lapTxUIFrame(ret z=Busy) ; lap2appTxUIData(ret w=TxData, z=Last) ; lap2appTxUIComplete() ; ; app2lapDiscoveryRequest(ret z=Busy) ; ;******************************************************************************** ENDM AppCommSX2PCCodeSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; APP LAYER - CommSX2PC ;******************************************************************************** appBank = $F0 appTxState = appBank + 0 ;Current transmission type appTxPosition = appBank + 1 ;Current transmission position appTxBank = appBank + 2 ;Current transmission position appRxData = appBank + 3 ;Current received byte appTxStrState = 1 appTxRegState = 2 appTxPortState = 3 ;********** Return ********** appReturn retp ;********** a2appReset ********** a2appReset bank appBank clr appTxState retp ;********** lmp2appRxCommData ********** lmp2appRxCommData ;Incomming data bytes bank appBank mov appRxData, w ;Store data (if more bytes are received in frame then only last byte is reconised) retp ;********** lmp2appRxCommValid ********** lmp2appRxCommValid ;Data bytes passed since last Valid/Error message are valid bank appBank test appTxState ;Currently not sending anything ? sz retp ;Already sending a frame => ignore command debugf 1, appRxData ;Show command out debug port csne appRxData, #'?' ;Is the command '?' ? jmp :Str ;Yes => prepare to transmit a string csne appRxData, #'r' ;Is the command 'r' ? jmp :Reg ;Yes => prepare to transmit registers csne appRxData, #'c' ;Is the command 'c' ? jmp :Port ;Yes => prepare to transmit port c contents retp :Str mov appTxState, #appTxStrState ;Will send string retp :Reg mov appTxState, #appTxRegState ;Will send registers clr appTxBank ;Clear TxBank ready for transmission retp :Port mov appTxState, #appTxPortState ;Will send port c retp ;********** lmp2appRxCommError ********** lmp2appRxCommError ;Data bytes passed since last Valid/Error message are invalid and should be discarded retp ;********** lmp2appTxCommStart ********** lmp2appTxCommStart ;Data bytes can now be sent. Return Z = flase if data to be sent bank appBank clr appTxPosition ;Clear TxPosition ready for transmission test appTxState ;Return z=false if TxState not 0 to indicate data to be sent retp ;********** lmp2appTxCommData ********** lmp2appTxCommData ;Data bytes can now be sent. If there is data available then return data byte and set Last (z) to false bank appBank mov w, appTxState ;Jump based on state jmp PC+w retp ;0 = Invalid jmp appTxStrData ;1 = appTxStrState jmp appTxRegData ;2 = appTxRegState jmp appTxPortData ;3 = appTxPortState appTxStrData mov m, #_lmpIASDeviceNameText / 256 ;Pointer to string (high) mov w, #_lmpIASDeviceNameText ;Pointer to string (low) add w, appTxPosition ;index into string inc appTxPosition ;Increment offset for next byte iread ;Read data from ROM mov Temp, w ;Store data mov w, m ;Move high part of data to w test w ;Is this the last byte ? jnz :Last ;Yes => indicate last :More mov w, Temp ;No => indicate more. Recover data to pass clz ;Indicate more data to follow Data retp ;Return data :Last mov w, Temp ;Data to pass stz ;Indicate last byte retp ;Return data appTxRegData mov w, #$10 ;w = $10 add w, appTxBank ;w = current bank (starting from $10) add w, appTxPosition ;w = pointer to current register mov FSR, w ;Apply pointer mov Temp, INDF ;Obtain data from register bank appBank csne appTxPosition, #$0F ;Last byte to be transmitted in frame ? jmp :Last ;Yes => indicate last :More inc appTxPosition ;No => indicate more. Increment position fo next data byte mov w, Temp ;Recover data to send clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp :Last mov w, Temp ;Recover data to send stz ;Indicate last byte retp appTxPortData mov w, rc ;Return contents of port c stz ;Indicate no more data to send retp ;Return data ;********** lmp2appTxCommValid ********** lmp2appTxCommValid ;All data passed since last Valid/Error message were acknowledged as received by the remote station bank appBank csne appTxState, #appTxRegState ;Currently transmitting registers ? jmp :Reg ;Yes => send more registers (multi frame) clr appTxState ;No => finished transmitting, return to idle state retp :Reg add appTxBank, #$20 ;Add $20 for next bank sz ;Back to starting bank ? retp ;No => more data to send, stay in this state clr appTxState ;Yes => finished transmitting, return to idle state retp ;********** lmp2appTxCommError ********** lmp2appTxCommError ;All data passed since last Valid/Error message were discarded and will need to be sent again retp ;Stay in current state for retransmission ;********** UI Frames ********** lap2appRxUIData = appReturn lap2appRxUIValid = appReturn lap2appRxUIError = appReturn lap2appTxUIData = appReturn lap2appTxUIComplete = appReturn ;********** Uart ********** a2appRxAvail bank IsrBank clrb UartRxAvail ;Clear flag retp ;******************************************************************************** ENDM AppCommTransCodeSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; APP LAYER - CommTrans ;******************************************************************************** appBank = $D0 ;Local variables appData = $F0 ;16-byte buffer appHeadPtr = appBank + 0 ;1 byte appTailPtr = appBank + 1 ;1 byte ;********** Return ********** appReturn retp ;********** a2appReset ********** a2appReset bank appBank clr appHeadPtr ;Init buffer head pointer clr appTailPtr ;Init buffer tail pointer clrb UartCtsPin ;Indicate CTS to PC - ready to accept more data retp ;********** lmp2appRxCommData ********** lmp2appRxCommData ;Incomming data bytes debug 1 ;Show data out debug port retp ;********** lmp2appRxCommValid ********** lmp2appRxCommValid ;Data bytes passed since last Valid/Error message are valid retp ;********** lmp2appRxCommError ********** lmp2appRxCommError ;Data bytes passed since last Valid/Error message are invalid and should be discarded retp ;********** lmp2appTxCommStart ********** lmp2appTxCommStart ;Data bytes can now be sent. Return Z = flase if data to be sent bank appBank mov w, appHeadPtr ;Compare head pointer with tail pointer xor w, appTailPtr ;Z is true if they match => indicating no data to send retp ;Z is false if they do not match indicating data to send ;********** lmp2appTxCommData ********** lmp2appTxCommData ;Data bytes can now be sent. If there is data available then return data byte and set Last (z) to false bank appBank mov w, appTailPtr ;Index into buffer and w, #%00001111 ;16 byte buffer xor w, #appData ;Add pointer to first byte of data mov FSR, w ;Apply pointer mov Temp, INDF ;Read byte out of buffer bank appBank inc appTailPtr ;move on tail ptr mov w, appHeadPtr ;Compare head pointer with tail pointer xor w, appTailPtr ;Do they match (indicating no more data) jz :Last ;Yes => no more data :More mov w, Temp ;No => more data. Recover data clz ;Indicate more data to follow retp ;Return data :Last mov w, Temp ;Recover data clrb UartCtsPin ;Indicate CTS to PC - ready to accept more data stz ;Indicate last byte retp ;Return data ;********** lmp2appTxCommValid ********** lmp2appTxCommValid ;All data passed since last Valid/Error message were acknowledged as received by the remote station retp ;********** lmp2appTxCommError ********** lmp2appTxCommError ;All data passed since last Valid/Error message were discarded and will need to be sent again retp ;********** UI Frames ********** lap2appRxUIData = appReturn lap2appRxUIValid = appReturn lap2appRxUIError = appReturn lap2appTxUIData = appReturn lap2appTxUIComplete = appReturn ;********** Uart ********** a2appRxAvail setb UartCtsPin ;Indicate NOT CTS after 1st byte (PC will send 16 bytes after loosing CTS!) bank IsrBank mov Temp, UartRxData ;Store received byte in buffer clrb UartRxAvail ;Clear flag bank appBank mov w, appHeadPtr ;Index into buffer and w, #%00001111 ;16 byte buffer xor w, #appData ;Add pointer to first byte of data mov FSR, w ;Apply pointer mov INDF, Temp ;Store data bank appBank inc appHeadPtr ;Record count retp ;******************************************************************************** ENDM AppSX2SXCodeSeg MACRO ;******************************************************************************** ; APP LAYER - SX 2 SX ;******************************************************************************** appBank = $F0 appTxState = appBank + 0 ;Current transmission type appTxPosition = appBank + 1 ;Current transmission position appTxStrState = 1 appTxPortState = 2 ;********** Return ********** appReturn retp ;********** a2appReset ********** a2appReset bank appBank clr appTxState retp ;********** lmp2appCommData ********** lmp2appRxCommData = appReturn lmp2appRxCommValid = appReturn lmp2appRxCommError = appReturn lmp2appTxCommData = appReturn lmp2appTxCommValid = appReturn lmp2appTxCommError = appReturn lmp2appTxCommStart stz retp ;********** UI Frames - Rx ********** lap2appRxUIData debug 1 ;Show data retp lap2appRxUIValid retp lap2appRxUIError retp ;********** UI Frames - Tx ********** lap2appTxUIData bank appBank mov w, appTxState ;Jump based on state jmp PC+w retp ;0 = Invalid jmp appTxStrData ;1 = appTxStrState jmp appTxPortData ;2 = appTxPortState appTxStrData mov m, #_lmpIASDeviceNameText / 256 ;Pointer to string (high) mov w, #_lmpIASDeviceNameText ;Pointer to string (low) add w, appTxPosition ;index into string inc appTxPosition ;Increment offset for next byte iread ;Read data from ROM mov Temp, w ;Store data mov w, m ;Move high part of data to w test w ;Is this the last byte ? jnz :Last ;Yes => indicate last :More mov w, Temp ;No => indicate more. Recover data to pass clz ;Indicate more data to follow Data retp ;Return data :Last mov w, Temp ;Data to pass stz ;Indicate last byte retp ;Return data appTxPortData mov w, rc ;Return contents of port c stz ;Indicate no more data to send retp ;Return data lap2appTxUIComplete bank appBank retp ;********** Uart ********** a2appRxAvail bank IsrBank mov Temp, UartRxData ;Store received byte in Temp clrb UartRxAvail ;Clear data available flag bank appBank debugf 1, Temp ;Show command csne Temp, #'d' ;Was the byte a 'd' jmp :XID ;Yes => request discovery csne Temp, #'s' ;Was the byte a 's' jmp :STR ;Yes => send the broadcast string csne Temp, #'c' ;Was the byte a 'c' jmp :PORT ;Yes => send contents of port c retp :XID call @app2lapDiscoveryRequest ;Request discovery mov w, #'^' ;Assume accepted (zero false) snz ;Was the request accepted ? mov w, #'!' ;No => refused debug 1 ;Send character out the debug port for the user retp :STR mov appTxState, #appTxStrState ;Will send string clr appTxPosition ;Reset position jmp :Send :PORT mov appTxState, #appTxPortState ;Will send port :Send call @app2lapTxUIStart mov w, #'^' ;Assume accepted (zero false) snz ;Was the request accepted ? mov w, #'!' ;No => refused debug 1 ;Send character out the debug port for the user retp ;******************************************************************************** ENDM ;******************************************************************************** ; debugl MACRO ; Send a Literal out the debug port ; Affects : w ; Cycles : 3 ;******************************************************************************** debugl MACRO 2 IF \1 = 1 mov w, #\2 mov DebugData, w setb DebugSend ENDIF ENDM ;******************************************************************************** ; debugf MACRO ; Send a Register out the debug port ; Affects : w, Z ; Cycles : 3 ;******************************************************************************** debugf MACRO 2 IF \1 = 1 mov w,\2 mov DebugData, w setb DebugSend ENDIF ENDM ;******************************************************************************** ; debug MACRO ; Send w out the debug port ; Affects : None ; Cycles : 2 ;******************************************************************************** debug MACRO 1 IF \1 = 1 mov DebugData, w setb DebugSend ENDIF ENDM ;******************************************************************************** ; IrDA Project ;******************************************************************************** device SX28L, OSCXT4, TURBO, STACKX_OPTIONX ; device PINS28, PAGES4, BANKS8, OSCHS, TURBO, STACKX, OPTIONX id 'IrDA' reset Startup freq 50000000 ;********** Mode Constants ********** TRIS = $0F PLP = $0E LVL = $0D ST = $0C WKEN = $0B WKED = $0A WKPND = $09 COMP = $08 IsrStatus = $0C ;Global ISR status register DebugData = $0D ;Debug data to be sent out the debug port Temp = $0E ;2 bytes of tempory storage PhysicalDataTx = 0 ;Shows all transmitted bytes to IR medium PhysicalDataRx = 0 ;Shows all received bytes from IR medium PayloadDataTx = 0 ;Shows all payload data bytes transmitted followed by ^ when frame is complete PayloadDataRx = 0 ;Shows all payload data bytes received followed by ^ or ! for pass/fail when frame is complete PayloadInfo = 0 ;Filters address and shows I, S, or U based on command type IFrameDataTx = 0 ;Shows all I frame data bytes transmitted followed by ^ or ! for ack/!ack IFrameDataRx = 0 ;Shows all I frame data bytes received followed by ^ or ! for ack/!ack ShowXIDInfo = 1 ShowConnect = 1 IsrDataSeg FrameDataSeg PayloadDataSeg LapDataSeg LmpDataSeg org $0000 IsrCodeSeg MainCodeSeg FrameCodeSeg LmpRxStringSeg org $0200 LapCodeSeg PayloadString3 org $0400 PayloadCodeSeg PayloadString1 PayloadString2 org $0600 ; ==================================================================== ; Application Code ; ; Uncomment the following lines for the three different applications. ; ; SX to PC communications (IrComm): ; AppCommSX2PCCodeSeg ; ; Transparent data transfer. PC to PC. (IrComm): AppCommTransCodeSeg ; ; SX to SX communications: ; AppSX2SXCodeSeg ; ; ==================================================================== LmpCodeSeg LmpTxStringSeg
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