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TCP/IP: Transmition Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

Enter an IP address and subnet mask to see details of its network IP: Mask:
See: to enter an IP range and get the addrs and masks to cover that exact range.

Enter a Domain to see the actual DNS query and response in binary and decoded:

Did you know that a standard IP address with four sets of numbers (each representing one byte of the 4 byte IP address) can be converted into one huge number that will work just as well for a url in some browsers? 3436327664 is A*256*256*256 + B*256*256 + C*256 + D
IP Quartet TO/FROM Decimal

Most often carried over CAT5 cables with RJ-45 connectors via Ethernet signals. Other options, such as Pigeons, are available.

View TCP/IP settings and current IP address in

Troubleshooting, Methods@, Applications@ Ideas@ Servers@ Services@ ISPs@ embedded@ spam@

WinSock HTTP@ FTP@ DNS@ SMPT/POP3@ LPR@ Traceroute



See also:


"In the beginning ARPA created the ARPANET.
And the ARPANET was without form and void.
And darkness was upon the deep.
And the spirit of ARPA moved upon the face of the network and ARPA said,
"Let there be a protocol," and thre was a protocol.
And ARPA saw that it was good. And ARPA said, "Let there be more
protocols," and it was so. And ARPA saw that is was good.
And ARPA said, "Let there be more networks," and it was so."

--, in


George Patterson Says:

Another very good resource for understanding TCP/IP at the byte level is to read some of the Linux network drivers and other source. A large amount of the code is commented and easy to understand even if you are not a seasoned programmer.

file: /Techref/tcpip.htm, 12KB, , updated: 2020/4/23 18:03, local time: 2024/9/17 03:49,

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