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Scenix Lib IO Dev Stepper Stepper.src

;  Filename: 	STEPPER.SRC

; Author:	Stephen Holland
; Revision:	1.0
; Date:		July 24, 1998
; Part:		SX28AC rev. 2.5
; Freq:		50Mhz
; Compiled using Parallax SX-Key software v0.84
; Device
		device	pins18,pages4,banks8,oschs
		device	turbo,stackx,optionx,carryx
		id	'STEPPER'
		reset	reset_entry

		freq	50_000_000

; Equates
step_out	=	rb
led_pin         =       ra.3

; Variables
			org	8

temp		ds	1
counter		ds	1

; Bank 0 variables
		org	10h	

timers		=	$		;Timer variables

timer_low	ds	1	
timer_mid	ds	1
timer_high	ds	1
timer_accl	ds	1
timer_accm	ds	1
timer_acch	ds	1
timer_flag	ds	1

; Bank 1 variables
		org	30h	

motors		=	$

step_con	ds	1
step_dividel	ds	1
step_divideh	ds	1

step_lo		ds	1
step_hi		ds	1

; Interrupt routine - virtual peripherals

		org	0
interrupt					;3 it takes 3 cycles to get an interrupt

; Timers
		bank	timers			;1 24-bit timer

		clc				;1	
		add	timer_accl,timer_low	;2
		sc				;1
		jmp	:timer_out
		setb	timer_flag.0		;1 ;834us delay timer
		add	timer_accm,timer_mid	;2
		sc				;1
		jmp	:timer_out
		setb	timer_flag.1		;1 ;213ms delay timer
		add	timer_acch,timer_high	;2	
		snc				;1
		setb	timer_flag.2		;1 ;54.6s delay timer

		movb	led_pin,timer_acch.1	;4 =10
:timer_out					;=7

; Stepper Motor
; This routine excites the stepper motor using half-step sequence. 
; The excitiation method can be changed by modifying the startstep
; lookuptable with the appropriate sequence of excite output.
; The stepper motor can be connected to portb via the following circuit:
;               ULN2003
;              __________                   To stepper
;     rb.0----|1       16|-------------------coil 1
;     rb.1----|2       15|-------------------coil 2
;     rb.2----|3       14|-------------------coil 3
;     rb.3----|4       13|-------------------coil 4
;            -|5       12|-
;            -|6       11|-
;            -|7       10|-
;        -----|8________9|---|<|-------------common
;        |               12V Zener |
;      -----                       |
;       ---                        ---- +12V
;        -
; The stepper is controlled via the step_con register. The motor can
; be single stepped by setting the step_con.0 bit and run continuously
; by setting the step_con.1 bit. The rotation rate is set by modifying 
; the step_lo and step_hi registers. To set the rotation rate, the
; following equation can be used:
; delay = desired rev per second/(RTCC*CLK^-1*steps)
; 	where:
;		CLK = SX clock frequency
;		steps = number of steps/rotation for stepper used
;			(ie. 360degrees/7.5degrees per step = 48)
; step_lo * step_hi = delay
		bank	motors
		snb	step_con.1
		jmp	:run
		sb	step_con.0
		jmp	:stepper_out
:run		djnz	step_dividel,:stepper_out ;3,2	;64th time through?
		djnz	step_divideh,:stepper_out ;3,2	;127th time through?

		csae	counter,#endstep	;1 take new table value
		jmp	:continue1		;1 
		mov	counter,#startstep	;1 reload table-counter
:continue1	mov	w,counter		;1
		mov	m,#6			;1 set page
		iread				;1 get table_data
		mov	m,#$0f			;1
		mov	step_out,w		;1
		inc	counter			;1

		mov	step_dividel,step_lo
		mov	step_divideh,step_hi
		clrb	step_con.0

; End of interrupt routine
interrupt_out	mov	w,#-163			;1	;interrupt every 163 clocks

		retiw				;3

; Reset entry

reset_entry	mov	m,#$0f
		mov	!ra,#%0100		;set ra data direction register
		mov	!rb,#%11110000		;set rb data direction register

		clr	fsr			;reset all ram banks
:loop		setb	fsr.4
		clr	ind
		ijnz	fsr,:loop

		bank	timers			;set defaults
		setb	timer_low.0

		bank	motors
		clr	step_con

		mov	!option,#%10011111	;enable rtcc interrupt

; Main 
		mov	temp,#6		;Single step the motor 6 times

		bank	motors			
		setb	step_con.0

		bank	timers		;Delay for approx. 1 second between steps
		clrb	timer_flag.1
		jnb	timer_flag.1,$
		clrb	timer_flag.1
		jnb	timer_flag.1,$
		clrb	timer_flag.1
		jnb	timer_flag.1,$
		clrb	timer_flag.1
		jnb	timer_flag.1,$
		clrb	timer_flag.1
		jnb	timer_flag.1,$

		djnz	temp,main_loop

		bank	motors		;Set revolutions for approx. 1 rev/s
		mov	step_lo,#$ff
		mov	step_hi,#$19
		setb	step_con.1

		jmp	$

; Subroutines 
		org	$200

; Data

		org	$620

startstep	=	$
		dw	1	; 1
		dw	3	; 2
		dw	2	; 3
		dw	6	; 4
		dw	4	; 5
		dw	12	; 6
		dw	8	; 7
endstep		=	$
		dw	9	; 8

file: /Techref/scenix/lib/io/dev/stepper/STEPPER.SRC, 6KB, , updated: 2001/4/3 09:40, local time: 2024/10/18 10:07,

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