I am writing a program for a PIC16F628, needed to do arithmetic. I adapted
run a stack for things like (A-B)/(C-D). I wondered if there would be interest
in this and where I'd post the routines. An example straight from my code
(with extraneous bits removed): {Ed: quite useful for
FORTH implementations)
MOVLW Vfast ; push Vfast CALL Push4 MOVLW Vslow ; push Vslow CALL Push4 CALL subtract ; Vfast - Vslow MOVLW Cfast ; push Cfast CALL Push3 MOVLW Cslow ; push Cslow CALL Push3 CALL subtract ; Cfast - Cslow CALL divide ; get final result (slope) CALL round MOVLW Slope ; pop result MOVWF FSR MOVLW 4 ; 4 byte value returned CALL Mpop
I'm not very familiar with the MPLAB X environment, so I'm not sure if there are conventions I didn't follow. I think there's enough comments in the code for people to cannibalise it for their own use.
There's a few of Peter Hemsley's routines not included as I was only interested in +-*/ - probably not too hard to add if someone needs them.
Because all pops and pushes work through the FSR/INDF method, the variables can be in either bank0 or bank1. I toyed with the idea of putting the stack in bank2, but it was extra complexity I didn't need, as there was enough space in 0,1 for my needs.
Also the usual caveat, tested for most things but not guaranteed to be bulletproof, and probably not very efficient.
#INCLUDE P16F628A.inc ; ; Maths testing ; __CONFIG _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _LVP_OFF ; ; WDT (Watch Dog Timer) disabled ; PWRT (Power on Timer) enabled ; Low Voltage Programming disabled :- ; RB4/PGM pin has digital I/O function, HV on MCLR must be used for programming ; ; Multibyte numbers are stored little endian ; ;Variable declarations dbank0 udata 0x20 Lit666 RES 2 Lit334 RES 2 Lit400 RES 2 WORKB RES 3 WORKC RES 3 dbank1 udata 0xA0 ; ; Maths work area all in Bank 1 ; ; Note that for the push and pop routines, the limit conditions expect the ; stack to be at address 0xA0 and be 32 bytes long. If a different address ; or size is desired, the limit conditions need changing ; StackAddr EQU 0xA0 ; the EQUs to define REGA/B/D would ; not accept STACK, so explicitly define the address again ; so it was defined again. Not neat but works. StackSiz EQU 8 ; Stack Size in 32bit numbers (see above) STACK RES 4*StackSiz ; ; The stack can be considered as an array of StackSiz columns of 4 rows. ; numbers are stored in columns - the bytes are StackSiz apart, not adjacent. ; The following EQUs are used to make the code more readable ; REGB is the 'top' of the stack, REGA is the 'first down'. Arithmetic ; is performed on REGA and REGB producing a result in REGA. Usually, each function ; pops the stack so the result overwrites REGB (top of stack). ; The exception is division, where REGA has the dividend and REGB ; the remainder. The caller can either pop both results or call the round ; function. The round function will round REGA then pop to get the rounded ; result at top af stack. ; REGA0 EQU StackAddr+1 ; lsb REGA1 EQU StackAddr+(StackSiz + 1) REGA2 EQU StackAddr+(StackSiz * 2 + 1) REGA3 EQU StackAddr+(StackSiz * 3 + 1) REGB0 EQU StackAddr ; lsb REGB1 EQU StackAddr+StackSiz REGB2 EQU StackAddr+StackSiz * 2 REGB3 EQU StackAddr+StackSiz * 3 ; REGD is the destination BEFORE push, ends up in REGB after push REGD0 EQU StackAddr+(StackSiz * 4 - 1) REGD1 EQU StackAddr+(StackSiz - 1) REGD2 EQU StackAddr+(StackSiz * 2 - 1) REGD3 EQU StackAddr+(StackSiz * 3 - 1) REGC0 RES 1 ; lsb REGC1 RES 1 ; REGC used in multiply and divide. It REGC2 RES 1 ; holds the divisor between divide and round REGC3 RES 1 MTEMP RES 1 ; work area MCOUNT RES 1 ; " " LitVal RES 2 ; a space for +ve constants used in arithmetic ORG 0x000 ; a reset redirects program to this point GOTO MAIN ; ORG 0x004 ; an interrupt redirects the program to here ;########################################################### MAIN: ; compute (666+334)/(400-199) ; set up some values MOVLW 0x02 ; = 666 MOVWF Lit666+1 MOVLW 0x9A MOVWF Lit666 MOVLW 0x01 ; = 334 MOVWF Lit334+1 MOVLW 0x4E MOVWF Lit334 MOVLW 0x01 ; = 400 MOVWF Lit400+1 MOVLW 0x90 ; a value for workA MOVWF Lit400 ; BSF STATUS,RP0 ; bank 1 for Arithmetic ; MOVLW Lit666 ; push 666 call Push2 ; MOVLW Lit334 ; push 334 call Push2 ; call add ; MOVLW Lit400 ; push 400 call Push2 ; MOVLW d'199' ; push 199 call PushLit ; call subtract ; call divide ; MOVLW WORKB ; pop remainder in WORKB call Pop3 MOVLW WORKB ; and push it back call Push3 ; call round ; MOVLW WORKC ; pop result into workC call Pop3 BCF STATUS,RP0 ; bank 0 after arithmetic ; ; spin here ; GOTO $ ;##################### start math routines ################## errorlevel -302 ; Turn off banking message ; known tested (good) code ; ; Push entry points for various size variables. ; Push 1 to 4 expect signed variables ; PushLit: MOVWF LitVal ; entry to push 1 byte unsigned constants CLRF LitVal+1; have to make them 2 byte otherwise MOVLW LitVal ; values over 127 would be interpreted MOVWF FSR ; as -ve MOVLW 2 GOTO Mpush Push4: MOVWF FSR ; entry to push a 4 byte variable MOVLW 4 GOTO Mpush Push3: MOVWF FSR ; entry to push a 3 byte variable MOVLW 3 GOTO Mpush Push2: MOVWF FSR ; entry to push a 2 byte variable MOVLW 2 GOTO Mpush Push1: MOVWF FSR ; entry to push a 1 byte variable MOVLW 1 Mpush: ; ; Transfers a new value to the stack with sign extension if required. ; The stack is barrel rolled 1 byte so the new value appears at REGB. ; The location of the value to push is held in FSR, the length specified ; by the least significant 4 bits of W. The remaining bits of W are ; unused but may have a future use so they are ANDed off. ; ; first, store passed info in the stack where the data is about ; to be 'pushed out'. It will be pushed to the location of REGB. ; ANDLW 0x0F ; bytes to move MOVWF MCOUNT DECF FSR,F ; move the pointer from the first byte ADDWF FSR,F ; to the msb (the byte with the sign) MOVF INDF,W ; get msb ANDLW 0x80 ; look at sign bit BTFSS STATUS,Z; skip if +ve (W=0) MOVLW 0xFF MOVWF REGD0 ; fill the destination with sign bits MOVWF REGD1 ; except the MSB which will be always be MOVWF REGD2 ; overwritten MUnext: MOVF REGD2,W ; shift destination register up one byte MOVWF REGD3 MOVF REGD1,W MOVWF REGD2 MOVF REGD0,W MOVWF REGD1 MOVF INDF,W ; get a byte of the incoming number MOVWF REGD0 ; into LSB DECF FSR,F ; repeat until all bytes moved DECFSZ MCOUNT,F GOTO MUnext ; ; roll the stack ; MOVLW STACK+1 MOVWF FSR MOVF STACK,W ; get the first byte of stack MPu2: XORWF INDF,W ; 3 XORs swaps W and F XORWF INDF,F ; Each byte in STACK is moved up 1 byte XORWF INDF,W ; in memory, effectively moving each 4 byte INCF FSR,F ; value to the next column BTFSC FSR,5 ; FSR ok from A1 to BF, leave when C0 GOTO MPu2 MOVWF STACK ; save what was the last byte of stack in first byte ; all done RETURN ; ; Pop entry points for 3 or 4 byte variables ; 3 byte values are truncated with no testing ; Pop4: MOVWF FSR MOVLW 4 ; 4 byte value returned GOTO Mpop Pop3: MOVWF FSR MOVLW 3 ; 3 byte value returned Mpop: ; ; transfers the value in REGB (top of stack) to a destination. ; The destination of the value to pop is held in FSR, ; the length specified by the least significant 4 bits of W. ; if length is less than 4, the most significant byte(s) is ; truncated. The stack is then popped (moved down 1 byte). ; ANDLW 0x0F ; bytes to move MOVWF MCOUNT MOnext: MOVF STACK,W ; the next byte to move MOVWF INDF ; into a destination byte MOVF REGB1,W ; Shift REGB down one byte MOVWF REGB0 MOVF REGB2,W MOVWF REGB1 MOVF REGB3,W MOVWF REGB2 INCF FSR,F ; pointer to next destination DECFSZ MCOUNT,F; all moved? GOTO MOnext ; value moved - pop the stack down PopStk: ; this entry point also used by the arithmetic functions ; to move the result to the top of stack MOVLW STACK+(StackSiz*4-2) MOVWF FSR MOVF STACK+(StackSiz*4-1),W ; last byte of stack MPd2: XORWF INDF,W ; The value of of each byte is moved XORWF INDF,F ; down 1 byte in memory, effectively XORWF INDF,W ; moving each value to the previous DECF FSR,F ; column BTFSC FSR,5 ; FSR ok from BE to A0, leave when 9F GOTO MPd2 ; all done RETURN ; ; The following functions are based on: ; ;*** SIGNED 32-BIT INTEGER MATHS ROUTINES FOR PIC16 SERIES BY PETER HEMSLEY *** ; ;Functions: ; add ; subtract ; multiply ; divide ; round ; ; These were NOT implemented: sqrt, bin2dec, dec2bin ; ; The original routines mostly used lower case for instructions. Additions or ; changes are mostly in upper case. Almost all the changes are to the division ; routine where the role of REGB and REGC are reversed so the reminder is ; left in REGB (if changing the register name was the only modification the ; instruction is still in lower case). The round routine was mostly rewritten ; to save duplicating existing code. Apart from divide, return is via ; PopStk. PopStk does not affect the state of the C flag. ; ; IMPORTANT: these routines assume RP0/1 are set to Bank 1 by the caller ; ;*** 32 BIT SIGNED SUBTRACT *** ;REGA - REGB -> REGA ;Return carry set if overflow subtract call negateb ;Negate REGB skpnc GOTO PopStk ;Overflow ;*** 32 BIT SIGNED ADD *** ;REGA + REGB -> REGA ;Return carry set if overflow add movf REGA3,w ;Compare signs xorwf REGB3,w movwf MTEMP call addba ;Add REGB to REGA clrc ;Check signs movf REGB3,w ;If signs are same xorwf REGA3,w ;so must result sign btfss MTEMP,7 ;else overflow addlw 0x80 GOTO PopStk ;*** 32 BIT SIGNED MULTIPLY *** ;REGA * REGB -> REGA ;Return carry set if overflow multiply clrf MTEMP ;Reset sign flag call absa ;Make REGA positive skpc call absb ;Make REGB positive skpnc GOTO PopStk ;Overflow ;Move REGA to REGC ;Used by multiply movf REGA0,w ; code variation: this was in a subroutine, movwf REGC0 ; but was moved inline movf REGA1,w movwf REGC1 movf REGA2,w movwf REGC2 movf REGA3,w movwf REGC3 ;Clear REGA ;Used by multiply clrf REGA0 ;Clear product clrf REGA1 ; code variation: this was in a subroutine, clrf REGA2 ; but was moved inline clrf REGA3 movlw D'31' ;Loop counter movwf MCOUNT muloop call sla ;Shift left product and multiplicand rlf REGC0,f ; code variation: this was in a subroutine, rlf REGC1,f ; but was moved inline rlf REGC2,f rlf REGC3,f rlf REGC3,w ;Test MSB of multiplicand skpnc ;If multiplicand bit is a 1 then call addba ;add multiplier to product skpc ;Check for overflow rlf REGA3,w skpnc GOTO PopStk decfsz MCOUNT,f ;Next goto muloop btfsc MTEMP,0 ;Check result sign call negatea ;Negative GOTO PopStk ;*** 32 BIT SIGNED DIVIDE *** ;REGA / REGB -> REGA ;Remainder in REGB ;Return carry set if overflow or division by zero divide clrf MTEMP ;Reset sign flag call absb ;Make divisor (REGB) positive skpnc return ;Overflow ; ; modification - so the remainder ends up on the stack, REGB is moved to ; REGC. The use of REGB and REGC is the opposite of the original code but ; the logic remains the same ; MOVF REGB0,w ; Move REGB (divisor) to REGC at the MOVWF REGC0 ; same time test for zero divisor MOVF REGB1,w MOVWF REGC1 IORWF REGB0,f MOVF REGB2,w MOVWF REGC2 IORWF REGB0,f MOVF REGB3,w MOVWF REGC3 IORWF REGB0,w ; sublw 0 ; if all zero, will set C skpc call absa ;Make dividend (REGA) positive skpnc return ;Overflow ; clear REGB to take the remainder clrf REGB0 ;Clear remainder clrf REGB1 clrf REGB2 clrf REGB3 call sla ;Purge sign bit movlw D'31' ;Loop counter movwf MCOUNT dvloop call sla ;Shift dividend (REGA) msb into remainder (REGB) CALL SlbTst ; shifts and tests remainder > divisor skpc ;Carry set if remainder >= divisor goto dremlt movf REGC0,w ;Subtract divisor (REGC) from remainder (REGB) subwf REGB0,f movf REGC1,w skpc incfsz REGC1,w subwf REGB1,f movf REGC2,w skpc incfsz REGC2,w subwf REGB2,f movf REGC3,w skpc incfsz REGC3,w subwf REGB3,f clrc bsf REGA0,0 ;Set quotient bit dremlt decfsz MCOUNT,f ;Next goto dvloop btfsc MTEMP,0 ;Check result sign call negatea ;Negative return ;*** ROUND RESULT OF DIVISION TO NEAREST INTEGER *** round ; modified from original. Some code duplication was noticed so some was ; put in subroutine SlbTst and the IncA entry to negatea was added. ; No error testing, should not be capable of creating an error clrf MTEMP ;Reset sign flag call absa ;Make positive clrc CALL SlbTst ; shifts and tests remainder > divisor CLRW ; prevent IncA from returning an error BTFSC STATUS,C ; Carry set if remainder >= divisor CALL IncA ; Increment REGA btfsc MTEMP,0 ;Restore sign call negatea GOTO PopStk ;UTILITY ROUTINES ;Add REGB to REGA (Unsigned) ;Used by add, multiply, addba movf REGB0,w ;Add lo byte addwf REGA0,f movf REGB1,w ;Add mid-lo byte skpnc ;No carry_in, so just add incfsz REGB1,w ;Add carry_in to REGB addwf REGA1,f ;Add and propagate carry_out movf REGB2,w ;Add mid-hi byte skpnc incfsz REGB2,w addwf REGA2,f movf REGB3,w ;Add hi byte skpnc incfsz REGB3,w addwf REGA3,f return ;Check sign of REGA and convert negative to positive ;Used by multiply, divide, round absa rlf REGA3,w skpc return ;Positive ;Negate REGA ;Used by absa, multiply, divide, round negatea movf REGA3,w ;Save sign in w andlw 0x80 comf REGA0,f ;2's complement comf REGA1,f comf REGA2,f comf REGA3,f incf MTEMP,f ;flip sign flag IncA ; new entry point from round routine incfsz REGA0,f goto nega1 incfsz REGA1,f goto nega1 incfsz REGA2,f goto nega1 incf REGA3,f nega1 addwf REGA3,w ;Return carry set if -2147483648 return ;Check sign of REGB and convert negative to positive ;Used by multiply, divide absb rlf REGB3,w skpc return ;Positive ;Negate REGB ;Used by absb, subtract, multiply, divide negateb movf REGB3,w ;Save sign in w andlw 0x80 comf REGB0,f ;2's complement comf REGB1,f comf REGB2,f comf REGB3,f incfsz REGB0,f goto negb1 incfsz REGB1,f goto negb1 incfsz REGB2,f goto negb1 incf REGB3,f negb1 incf MTEMP,f ;flip sign flag addwf REGB3,w ;Return carry set if -2147483648 return SlbTst: ; ; code modification: moved from divide, used by divide, round ; shifts remainder - when dividing, shifts in a bit from REGA; ; if rounding, a zero bit . Then tests remainder => divisor ; rlf REGB0,f ; shift rlf REGB1,f rlf REGB2,f rlf REGB3,f movf REGC3,w ; Test subwf REGB3,w skpz RETURN movf REGC2,w subwf REGB2,w skpz RETURN movf REGC1,w subwf REGB1,w skpz RETURN movf REGC0,w subwf REGB0,w RETURN ;Shift left REGA ;Used by multiply, divide, round sla rlf REGA0,f rlf REGA1,f rlf REGA2,f rlf REGA3,f return errorlevel +302 ; Enable banking message ; untested code ;##################### end math routines ################## END
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