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PIC 16F628 Frequency Counter with RS232 output in a DB9 backshell

by Jan Panteltje



Very nice "Dead Bug" Construction!

; FILE:      counter.asm                                                  *
; CONTENTS:  Simple low-cost digital frequency meter using a PIC 16F628   *
; AUTHOR:    Wolfgang Buescher, DL4YHF                                    *
;            (based on a work by James Hutchby, MadLab, 1996)             *
; REVISIONS: (latest entry first)                                         *
; 2009-08-27 - Added RS232 output option 1200 Bd by Jan Panteltje         *
; 2006-05-31 - Added the 'power-save' option which temporarily puts the   *
;              PIC to sleep (with only the watchdog-oscillator running)   *
; 2006-05-15 - New entry in the preconfigured frequency table for 4-MHz   *
;              IF filters (like "Miss Mosquita" [Moskita] by DK1HE)       *
; 2005-08-24 - Cured a bug in the COMMON ANODE decimal point setting .    *
;              (the "^0xFF" for the AND-mask was missing in macro 'conv') *
; 2005-03-21 - Added a few conditionals to use the same sourcecode        *
;              to drive a COMMON ANODE display ( DISPLAY_VARIANT_3 )      *
; 2004-03-14 - Fixed a range-switching bug around 8 MHz .                 *
;            - Support TWO different display variants now,                *
;              optimized for different board layouts, and different clock *
;              frequencies (4 MHz for variant 1,  20 MHz for variant 2).  *
; 2004-03-05 - Added the feature to add or subtract a frequency offset .  *
; 2004-02-18 - Migration to a PIC16F628 with 4 MHz crystal (el Cheapo)    *
;            - Changed the LED patterns '6' and '9' because they looked   *
;              like 'b' and 'q' in the old counter version .              *
;            - Added the auto-ranging feature                             *
;            - Stepped from 24-bit to 32-bit integer arithmetic, to be    *
;              able to count 50 MHz with 1-second gate time,              *
;              or (at least) adjust ANY result for the ANY prescaler      *
;              division ratio, which may give pretty large numbers .      *
;            - A PIC16F628 worked up to 63 MHz with this firmware .       *

 list P=16F648a
; #include <>        ; processor specific definitions
 #include <>        ; processor specific definitions

; Uncomment this if you want RS232 output
#define RS232_OUT

; Uncomment the next line if you want pin 8 of the PIC to directly drive a RS232 line (without MAX232 or such). 

; BAUD_DIVIDER set to 1 for 9600 Bd, 2 for 4800 Bd, 4 for 2400 Bd, 8 for 1200 Bd, 16 for 600 Bd, 32 for 300 Bd, 64 for 150 Bd, and 128 for 75 Bd.
; Note: for 9600 Bd set BIT_DELAY to 27, or basically a bit lower then for the other baudrates, due to more relative time spend in other instructions.
#define BAUD_DIVIDER	d'8'		; 1200 Baud     

; set baudrate, for small deviations of the internal oscillator this may need to be adapted.
#define BIT_DELAY		d'165'		; approx 165 for 1200 Bd	with 20 MHz clock

; for software RS232 out, NOT using UART
#define RS232_PORT		PORTB		
#define RS232_BIT		D'2'		; RB2, pin 8

; print options, all field active looks like:
; 00000050  50 Hz  0.050 kHz
; 19999968  19,999,968 Hz  19.999 MHz
; Uncomment this if you want the first field printed.
#define RS232_PRINT_FIELD_1
; Uncomment this if you want the secind field printed. 
#define RS232_PRINT_FIELD_2
; Uncomment this if you want the third field printed.
;#define RS232_PRINT_FIELD_3
; Note: The first field is for parsing by user space programs. it is recommanded to always leave the field active.

; for unit printing
#define	KILOHERTZ_FLAG				1
#define NO_INPUT_FLAG				2


 #define DEBUG 0         ; DEBUG=1 for simulation, DEBUG=0 for real hardware

; Selection of LED display control bits... since 2005, three different variants.
; Select ONE OF THESE in MPLAB under "Project".."Build Options".."Macro Definitions"!
;  DISP_VARIANT=1  :   first prototype, PIC on left side of display
;  DISP_VARIANT=2  :   second prototype, separated PIC and display board
;  DISP_VARIANT=3  :   similar as (2), but for COMMON CATHODE display
; Unfortunately it seems impossible to assign a NUMERIC VALUE to a macro 
;   in MPLAB (not in MPASM!) ....
  #define DISP_VARIANT 1    ; very first (old) prototype by DL4YHF
  #define COMMON_ANODE   0
  #define COMMON_CATHODE 1
  #define DISP_VARIANT 2    ; 5 digits, new layout, COMMON CATHODE
  #define COMMON_ANODE   0
  #define COMMON_CATHODE 1
#ifdef DISPLAY_VARIANT_3    ; added 2005-03-21 :
  #define DISP_VARIANT 3    ; similar as (2), but for COMMON ANODE display
  #define COMMON_ANODE   1
  #define COMMON_CATHODE 0
  #define DISP_VARIANT 4
  #define COMMON_ANODE   0
  #define COMMON_CATHODE 1
;  "Error, Must define DISPLAY_VARIANT_1, .._2, or .._3 under project options"
  ; With MPLAB: Project..Build Options..Project..MPASM..Macro Definitions..Add

;                                                                         *
; Summary                                                                 *
;                                                                         *

; The software functions as a frequency meter with an input signal
; range of 1 Hz to ~ 50 MHz and with an accuracy of +/- 1Hz
; if the oscillator crystal is properly trimmed .

; Signal pulses are counted over a fixed time interval of 1/4 second to
; 1 second (gate time). High frequency pulses are counted over 1/4 s 
; to make the meter more responsive with no loss of displayed accuracy.

; Pulses are counted using Timer 0 of the PIC,
; which is set to increment on rising edges on the TMR0 pin. The 8-bit
; hardware register is extended by software into a 32-bit pulse counter.
; If timer 0 rolls over (msb 1 -> 0) between successive polls then the
; high two bytes of the pulse counter are incremented.

; Timer 0 is unable to count more than one pulse per instruction cycle
; (per 4 clock cycles) so the prescaler is used at frequencies above
; 1MHz (4MHz clock / 4) and also to ensure that pulses are not lost
; between polls of timer 0 (which would happen if more than 128 pulses were
; received). Fortunately the prescaler is an asynchronous counter
; which works up to a few ten MHz (sometimes as far as 60 MHz) .

; Timing is based on a software loop of known execution period . The loop
; time is 50 or 20 us which gives integer counts to time 1 s  and 1/4 s .
; During this timing loop, the multiplexed LED display is updated .

; The frequency in binary is converted to decimal using a powers-of-ten
; lookup table. The binary powers of ten are repeatedly subtracted from
; the frequency to determine the individual decimal digits. The decimal
; digits are stored at the 8 bytes at 'digits'. Leading zeroes are then
; suppressed and the 4 (or 5) significant digits are converted to LED data
; for the 7-segment displays using a lookup table.

; The signal frequency is displayed on four (or five) 7-segment displays. 
; The displays are multiplexed which means that only one display is enabled 
; at any one time. The variable 'disp_index' contains the index of the currently
; enabled display. Each display is enabled in turn at a sufficient frequency
; that no flicker is discernable. A prescaler ('disp_timer') is used
; to set the multiplexing frequency to a few hundred Hz.

; The display shows the signal frequency in KHz or MHz, according to the
; following table:

; --------------------------
; | Frequency | Display    |
; --------------------------
; | < 1Hz     |       0    |
; | 1Hz       |   0.001[0] |  Note: kHz-dot is flashing (blinking)
; | 10Hz      |   0.010[0] |
; | 100Hz     |   0.100[0] |
; | 1.000KHz  |   1.000[0] |
; | 10.00KHz  |   10.00[0] |
; | 100.0KHz  |   100.0[0] |
; | 1.000MHz  |   1.000[0] |  Note: MHz-dot is steady (not blinking)
; | 10.00MHz  |   10.00[0] |
; --------------------------

; If there is no signal at all, a single zero is displayed in the 4th(!) digit.
; Overflows are not displayed because they cannot be detected !

;                                                                         *
; PIC config definitions                                                  *
;                                                                         *

; '__CONFIG' directive is used to embed configuration data within .asm file.
; The lables following the directive are located in the respective .inc file.
; See respective data sheet for additional information on configuration word.
; Since 2006-05-28, the watchdog must be ENABLE in the config word
;       because of its wakeup-from-sleep function (see 'Sleep100ms') .
; EX(16F84:)     __CONFIG   _CP_OFF &amp _WDT_ON & _PWRTE_ON &amp _RC_OSC
#if (DISP_VARIANT==1)  ; display variant 1 : clocked with 4 MHz (low power, "XT" )
#else                  ; display variants 2+3 : clocked with 20 MHz (needs "HS" oscillator)

; '__IDLOCS' directive may be used to set the 4 * 4(?!?) ID Location Bits .
; These shall be placed in the HEX file at addresses 0x2000...0x2003 .
   __IDLOCS H'1234'

; (definitions of "file" registers removed.  They are defined in a header file!)

;                                                                         *
; Port assignments                                                        *
;                                                                         *

PORT_A_IO      equ  b'0000'        ; port A I/O mode (all output)
PORT_B_IO      equ  b'00000000'    ; port B I/O mode (all output)

LEDS_PORT      equ  PORTB          ; 7-segment LEDs port

ENABLE_PORT    equ  PORTA          ; display enable port
  ; Bitmasks to control the digit outputs have been moved to enable_table .
  ; YHF: Note that 'display #0' is the MOST SIGNIFICANT digit !

#define IOP_PROG_MODE  PORTA,5   ; digital input signal, LOW enters programming mode

;                                                                         *
; Constants and timings                                                   *
;                                                                         *

; processor clock frequency in Hz (4MHz)
#if (DISP_VARIANT==1)  ; display variant 1 : clocked with 4 MHz (low power consumption)
CLOCK     equ  .4000000
#else                  ; display variants 2+3 : clocked with 20 MHz (higher resolution)
CLOCK     equ  .20000000

; microseconds per timing loop
#if (DISP_VARIANT==1)  ; display variant 1 : clocked with 4 MHz
  ; 20 microseconds is impossible with 4-MHz-Crystal, so use 50 us instead ! 
  ; Make sure all gate times can be divided by this interval without remainder :
  ; 1   second / 50 us = 20000  (ok)
  ; 1/4 second / 50 us =  5000  (ok)
  ; 1/8 second / 50 us =  2500  (ok)
TIME      equ  .50
#else                  ; display variants 2+3 : clocked with 20 MHz
  ; 20 microseconds is impossible with 4-MHz-Crystal, so use 50 us instead ! 
  ; Make sure all gate times can be divided by this interval without remainder :
  ; 1   second / 20 us = 50000  (ok)
  ; 1/4 second / 20 us = 12500  (ok)
  ; 1/8 second / 50 us =  6250  (ok)
TIME      equ  .20
#endif ; variant 1 or 2+3 ?

; Clock cycles per timing loop.  See subroutine count_pulses .
;  Usually CYCLES=200 (for 4 MHz crystal,  50 usec - loop)  
;              or 400 (for 20 MHz crystal, 20 usec - loop)
CYCLES    equ  TIME*CLOCK/.1000000

GATE_TIME_LOOPS equ  CLOCK/CYCLES       ; number of gate-time loops for ONE SECOND gate time

LAMPTEST_LOOPS  equ  CLOCK/(.2*CYCLES)  ; number of loops for a 0.5 SECOND lamp test after power-on

PROGMODE_LOOPS  equ  CLOCK/(.10*CYCLES) ; number of delay loops for display in PROGRAMMING MODE (0.1 sec)

; Configuration of power-saving mode :
#if( DEBUG )
PSAVE_DELAY_TIME equ .10  ; number of 0.25-sec-intervals before turning off (shorter for debugging)
PSAVE_DELAY_TIME equ .60  ; number of 0.25-sec-intervals before turning off (some dozen seconds)
PSAVE_FLASHUP_TIME equ .14 ; number of 0.7(!)-second-intervals between two flashes in power-saving mode
PSAVE_MAX_DIFF   equ .10  ; maximum frequency difference (range-dependent, see below)
     ; Unit: N times "frequency-resolution", see frequency-range table .
     ; Example: PSAVE_MAX_DIFF=10 means 10*4Hz in Range 1 (1..3.4 MHz) .

; Menu Indices ... must match the jump table PMDisplay + PMExecute !
MI_QUIT   equ  0     ; exit from menu
MI_PSAVE  equ  1     ; turn "power save"-option on and off
MI_ADD    equ  2     ; save frequency offset to ADD it from now on
MI_SUB    equ  3     ; save frequency offset to SUBTRACT it from now on
MI_ZERO   equ  4     ; set the frequency offset to ZERO and leave menu
MI_STD_IF equ  5     ; jump into the STANDARD INTERMEDIATE FREQUENCY table..
MI_INDEX_MAX  equ 5  ; normal menu indices up to MI_INDEX_MAX .
MI_IF_1   equ  6     ; show the 1st standard IF
MI_IF_2   equ  7     ; show the 2nd standard IF
MI_IF_3   equ  8     ; show the 3rd standard IF
MI_IF_4   equ  9     ; show the 4th standard IF
MI_IF_5   equ  0x0A  ; show the 4th standard IF
MI_IF_QT  equ  0x0B  ; exit standard IF menu without changing anything

;                                                                         *
; File register usage                                                     *
;                                                                         *

; RAM memory (general purpose registers, unfortunately not the same for PIC16F84 & PIC16F628)
;   in PIC16F628: RAM from 0x20..0x7F   (96 bytes, 0x20.. only accessable in Bank0)
;                          0xA0..0xEF   (another 80 bytes in Bank1)
;                          0x120..0x14F (another 48 bytes in Bank2)
;   0x0F0..0x0FF, 0x170..0x17F , 0x1F0..0x1FF are mapped to 0x70..0x7F (same in all banks)
;   So use 0x70..0x7F for context saving in the PIC16F628 and forget 0x0F0.. 0xNNN !
;  Note on the 32-bit integer arithmetics as used in this code:
;   - They begin with MOST SIGNIFICANT BYTE in memory, but...
;   - Every byte location has its own label here, which makes debugging
;     with Microchip's simulator much easier (point the mouse on the name
;     of a variable to see what I mean !)

tens_index     equ  0x27      ; index into the powers-of-ten table
divi           equ  0x28      ; power of ten (32 bits)
divi_hi        equ  0x28      ; same as 'divi' : HIGH byte
divi_mh        equ  0x29      ; MEDIUM HIGH byte
divi_ml        equ  0x2A      ; MEDIUM LOW  byte
divi_lo        equ  0x2B      ; LOW byte

timer0_old     equ  0x2C      ; previous reading from timer0 register

gatecnt_hi     equ  0x2D      ; 16-bit counter (msb first)
gatecnt_lo     equ  0x2E      ; 16-bit counter (lsb last)

bTemp          equ  0x2F      ; temporary 8-bit register, 
                              ; may be overwritten in ALL subroutines

freq           equ  0x30      ; frequency in binary (32 bits)....
freq_hi        equ  0x30      ; same location, begins with HIGH byte 
freq_mh        equ  0x31      ; ... medium high byte
freq_ml        equ  0x32      ; ... medium low byte
freq_lo        equ  0x33      ; ... low byte

freq2          equ  0x34      ; frequency too, copied for programming mode
freq2_hi       equ  0x34      ; same location, begins with HIGH byte 
freq2_mh       equ  0x35      ; ... medium high byte
freq2_ml       equ  0x36      ; ... medium low byte
freq2_lo       equ  0x37      ; ... low byte

foffs          equ  0x38      ; frequency too, copied for programming mode
foffs_hi       equ  0x38      ; same location, begins with HIGH byte 
foffs_mh       equ  0x39      ; ... medium high byte
foffs_ml       equ  0x3A      ; ... medium low byte
foffs_lo       equ  0x3B      ; ... low byte

menu_index     equ  0x3C      ; menu item for programming mode
menu_timer     equ  0x3D      ; used to detect how long a key was pressed

digits         equ  0x40      ; frequency as decimal digits (8 bytes)...
digit_0        equ  0x40      ; same location as MOST SIGNIFICANT digit, 10-MHz
digit_1        equ  0x41      ; usually the 1-MHz-digit
digit_2        equ  0x42      ; usually the 100-kHz-digit
digit_3        equ  0x43      ; usually the 10-kHz-digit 
digit_4        equ  0x44      ; usually the 1-kHz-digit
digit_5        equ  0x45      ; usually the 100-Hz-digit
digit_6        equ  0x46      ; usually the 10-Hz-digit
digit_7        equ  0x47      ; usually the 1-Hz-digit
digit_8        equ  0x48      ; must contain a blank character (or trailing zero)

display0       equ  0x49      ; display #0 data
display1       equ  0x4A      ; display #1 data
display2       equ  0x4B      ; display #2 data
display3       equ  0x4C      ; display #3 data
display4       equ  0x4D      ; display #4 data

disp_index     equ  0x4E      ; index of the enabled display (0 to 4 for 5-digit display)
disp_timer     equ  0x4F      ; display multiplex timer (5 bits)

adjust_shifts  equ  0x50      ; count of 'left shifts' to compensate prescaler+gate time

blinker        equ  0x51      ; prescaler for the flashing 1-kHz-dot

psave_timer    equ  0x52      ; timer for power-save mode (incremented every 0.25 seconds)
psave_freq_lo  equ  0x53      ; low-byte of frequency to detect changes for power-save mode
psave_flags    equ  0x54      ; power-saving flags with the following bits:
#define PSFLAG_ACTIVE psave_flags,0 ; clear:normal mode,  set:power-saving in action (display blanked)

options        equ  0x55      ; display options with the following flag-bits:
#define OPT_PWRSAVE options,0 ; clear:normal mode,  set:power-saving mode enabled
tx_reg			equ	0x56

bit_count		equ	0x57
baud_divider	equ	0x58
delay_counter	equ	0x59
print_flags		equ	0x5A
temp			equ	0x5B

;                                                                         *
; Macros (1)                                                              *
;                                                                         *

eep_dw  macro value  ; a DOUBLEWORD split into 4 bytes in the PIC's DATA EEPROM
           de  (value>>.24), (value>>.16)&0xFF, (value>>8)&0xFF, value&0xFF

;                                                                         *
; EEPROM memory  definitions                                              *
;                                                                         *
  ;     for PIC16F84:   0x00..0x3F were valid EEPROM locations (64 byte)
  ;     for PIC16F628:  0x00..0x7F are valid EEPROM locations (128 byte)
#define EEPROM_ADR_FREQ_OFFSET  0x00  ; EEPROM location for frequency offset
#define EEPROM_ADR_STD_IF_TABLE 0x04  ; EEPROM location for standard IF table (4*4 byte)
#define EEPROM_ADR_OPTIONS      0x20  ; EEPROM location for "options" (flags)

; This gives warnings with gpasm 'Warning [220] Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.'
; Initial contents of DATA EEPROM:
 org (0x2100+EEPROM_ADR_FREQ_OFFSET)  
    eep_dw   .0        ; [00..03] initial frequency offset = ZERO

 org (0x2100+EEPROM_ADR_STD_IF_TABLE)  ;  standard IF table ...
    eep_dw   .455000   ; [04..07] frequently used in old AM radios 
    eep_dw  .3999000   ; [08..0B] used in "Miss Mosquita" (DK1HE / DL QRP AG)
    eep_dw  .4194304   ; [0C..0F] used in other homebrew amateur radio receivers
    eep_dw  .4433619   ; [10..13] sometimes  used in homebrew amateur radio receivers
    eep_dw .10700000   ; [14..17] frequently used in old FM radios
                       ; [18..1F] reserved for other "preprogrammed" values

 org (0x2100+EEPROM_ADR_OPTIONS)
    de      .0         ; [20]     "options" (flags), cleared by default

;                                                                         *
; More Macros                                                             *
;                                                                         *

; macros to implement lookup tables - these macros hide the PIC syntax
; used and make the source code more readable 

cquad  macro value
          retlw value>>.24              ; high byte
          retlw (value>>.16)&0xFF       ; middle-high byte
          retlw (value>>8)&0xFF         ; middle-low  byte
          retlw value&0xFF              ; low byte

table  macro label              ; define lookup table

label     addwf PCL,f  ; caution: this is 'PCL' only, cannot add to the full 'PC' in a PIC !

; add with carry - adds the w register and the carry flag to the file
; register reg, returns the result in <reg> with the carry flag set if overflow

addcwf    macro reg

          local add1,add2

          bnc add1                      ; branch if no carry set

          addwf reg , f                 ; add byte

          incf reg , f                  ; add carry

          goto add2

add1      addwf reg,f                   ; add byte


; subtract with "no-carry" - subtracts the w register and the no-carry flag
; from the file register reg, returns the result in reg with the no carry flag
; set if underflow

subncwf   macro reg

          local sub1,sub2

          bc sub1                       ; branch if carry set
          subwf reg, f                  ; subtract byte
          skpnz                         ; subtract no carry
          decf reg , f
          goto sub2
sub1      subwf reg , f                 ; subtract byte

; MACRO to perform 32-bit addition - adds the four bytes at op2 to the
; three bytes at op1 (most significant bytes first), returns the result in
; op1 with op2 unchanged and the carry flag set if overflow

add32     macro op1,op2                 ; op1 := op1 + op2

          movfw op2+3                   ; add low byte        (bits 7...0)
          addwf op1+3,f

          movfw op2+2                   ; add middle-low byte (bits 15..8)
          addcwf op1+2

          movfw op2+1                   ; add middle-high byte (bits 23...16)
          addcwf op1+1

          movfw op2+0                   ; add high byte       (bits 31...24) 
          addcwf op1+0


; MACRO to perform 32-bit subtraction - subtracts the four bytes at op2
; from the four bytes at op1 (most significant bytes first), returns the
; result in op1 with op2 unchanged and the no carry flag set if underflow

sub32     macro op1,op2                 ; op1 := op1 - op2

          movfw op2+3                   ; subtract low byte 
          subwf op1+3 , f

          movfw op2+2                   ; subtract middle low byte
          subncwf op1+2

          movfw op2+1                   ; subtract middle high byte
          subncwf op1+1

          movfw op2+0                   ; subtract high byte
          subncwf op1+0


; MACRO to negate a 32-bit value  (  op := 0 - op ) .

neg32  macro op                      ; op1 := 0 - op2
       local neg_done
           comf  op,   f             ; invert all 8 bits in high byte  
           comf  op+1, f             ; invert all 8 bits in middle high byte  
           comf  op+2, f             ; invert all 8 bits in middle low byte  
           comf  op+3, f             ; invert all 8 bits in low byte  
           ; Note at this point 0x000000 would have turned into 0xFFFFFFF .
           ; Must add ONE to complete the TWO's COMPLIMENT calculation ( -0  = 0 ).
           ; Note that "incf" affects only the Z flag but not the C flag .
           incfsz op+3, f            ; increment low byte        (bits 7...0)
           goto   neg_done           ; if incremented result NOT zero, we're through !
           incfsz op+2, f            ; increment middle low byte (bits 15...8)
           goto   neg_done           ; if incremented result NOT zero, ...
           incfsz op+1, f            ; increment middle high byte (bits 23...16)
           goto   neg_done           ; if ...
           incfsz op+0, f            ; increment high byte       (bits 31...24)
           goto   neg_done           ;

  ORG     0x000             ; processor reset vector
       goto MainInit        ; go to beginning of program
; (begin of ROM is too precious to waste for ordinary code, see below...)

;                                                                         *
; Lookup tables                                                           *
;    Must be at the start of the code memory to avoid crossing pages !!   *
;                                                                         *

; 7-segment LED data table

    ; Index 0..9 used for decimal numbers, all other indices defined below :
CHAR_A    equ  .10                 ; Letters A..F = HEX digits, index 10..15
CHAR_b    equ  .11                 ;
CHAR_c    equ  .12                 ;
CHAR_d    equ  .13                 ;
CHAR_E    equ  .14                 ; 
CHAR_F    equ  .15                 ; 
CHAR_G    equ  .16                 ; Other letters used in "programming" mode 
CHAR_H    equ  .17                 ; 
CHAR_i    equ  .18                 ; 

BLANK     equ  .19                 ; blank display
TEST      equ  .20                 ; power-on display test

CHAR_P    equ  .21                 ; A few other letters for programming mode...
CHAR_r    equ  .22                 ;
CHAR_o    equ  .23                 ;   "Prog"
CHAR_Q    equ  .24                 ;   "Quit"
CHAR_u    equ  .25                 ;
CHAR_t    equ  .26                 ;
CHAR_S    equ  .27                 ;   "Sub"   
CHAR_Z    equ  .28                 ;   "ZEro"
CHAR_I    equ  .29                 ;   large "I" (left aligned!) for "IF"
CHAR_J    equ  .30                 ;
CHAR_k    equ  .31                 ;
CHAR_L    equ  .32                 ;
CHAR_N    equ  .33                 ;
CHAR_V    equ  .34                 ;
CHAR_EQ   equ  .35                 ;   "="

#if (DISP_VARIANT==1) 
DPPOINT_BIT equ  4   ; decimal point bit (same for all digits)
#define _A  0x01     ; bitmask for segment A , etc ..
#define _B  0x02
#define _C  0x20
#define _D  0x08
#define _E  0x04
#define _F  0x40
#define _G  0x80
#define _DP 0x10
#endif   ; DISPLAY VARIANT #1
DPPOINT_BIT equ  1   ; decimal point bit (same for all digits)
#define _A  0x40     ; bitmask for segment A , etc ..
#define _B  0x80
#define _C  0x04
#define _D  0x01
#define _E  0x08
#define _F  0x10
#define _G  0x20
#define _DP 0x02
#endif   ; DISPLAY VARIANT #2 + #3

BLANK_PATTERN equ b'00000000'      ; blank display pattern (7-segment code)

;  Table to convert a decimal digit or a special character into 7-segment-code
;   Note: In DL4YHF's PIC counter, all digits have the same segment connections,
;         so we do not need individual conversion tables for all segments.
; F    B
; F    B
; E    C
; E    C
;  DDDD   DP
          addwf PCL,f  ; caution: this is 'PCL' only, not 'PC'. Beware of page borders.
          ; A = 0, B = 1, C = 5, D = 3, E = 2, F = 6, G = 7, DP = 4
 #define SSEG_XORMASK 0xFF  ; since 2005-03-21 ... never tested by the author !
 #define SSEG_XORMASK 0x00  ; for COMMON CATHODE: No bitwise EXOR to the pattern
          retlw (_A+_B+_C+_D+_E+_F   )^SSEG_XORMASK ; ABCDEF. = '0'    ( # 0  )
          retlw (   _B+_C            )^SSEG_XORMASK ; .BC.... = '1'    ( # 1  )
          retlw (_A+_B   +_D+_E   +_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; AB.DE.G = '2'    ( # 2  )
          retlw (_A+_B+_C+_D      +_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; ABCD..G = '3'    ( # 3  )
          retlw (   _B+_C      +_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; .BC..FG = '4'    ( # 4  )
          retlw (_A   +_C+_D   +_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; A.CD.FG = '5'    ( # 5  )
          retlw (_A   +_C+_D+_E+_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; A.CDEFG = '6'    ( # 6  )
          retlw (_A+_B+_C            )^SSEG_XORMASK ; ABC.... = '7'    ( # 7  )
          retlw (_A+_B+_C+_D+_E+_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; ABCDEFG = '8'    ( # 8  )
          retlw (_A+_B+_C+_D   +_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; ABCD.FG = '9'    ( # 9  )
          retlw (_A+_B+_C   +_E+_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; ABC.EFG = 'A'    ( # 10 )
          retlw (      _C+_D+_E+_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; ..CDEFG = 'b'    ( # 11 )
          retlw (         _D+_E   +_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; ...DE.G = 'c'    ( # 12 )
          retlw (   _B+_C+_D+_E   +_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; .BCDE.G = 'd'    ( # 13 )
          retlw (_A      +_D+_E+_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; A..DEFG = 'E'    ( # 14 )
          retlw (_A         +_E+_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; A...EFG = 'F'    ( # 15 )
          retlw (_A   +_C+_D+_E+_F   )^SSEG_XORMASK ; A.CDEF. = 'G'    ( # 16 )
          retlw (   _B+_C   +_E+_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; .BC.EFG = 'H'    ( # 17 )
          retlw (            _E      )^SSEG_XORMASK ; ....E.. = 'i'    ( # 18 )

          retlw (BLANK_PATTERN       )^SSEG_XORMASK ; ....... = ' '    ( # 19 )
          retlw (b'11111111'         )^SSEG_XORMASK ; all segments on  ( # 20 )

          ; A few more letters for programming mode :
          retlw (_A+_B      +_E+_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; AB..EFG = 'P'    ( # 21 )
          retlw (            _E   +_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; ....E.G = 'r'    ( # 22 )
          retlw (      _C+_D+_E   +_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; ..CDE.G = 'o'    ( # 23 )
          retlw (_A+_B+_C      +_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; ABC..FG = 'Q'    ( # 24 )
          retlw (      _C+_D+_E      )^SSEG_XORMASK ; ..CDE.. = 'u'    ( # 25 )
          retlw (         _D+_E+_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; ...DEFG = 't'    ( # 26 )
          retlw (_A   +_C+_D   +_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; A.CD.FG = 'S'    ( # 27 )
          retlw (_A+_B   +_D+_E   +_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; AB.DE.G = 'Z'    ( # 28 )
          retlw (            _E+_F   )^SSEG_XORMASK ; ....EF. = 'I'    ( # 29 )
          retlw (   _B+_C+_D         )^SSEG_XORMASK ; .BCD..  = 'J'    ( # 30 )
          retlw (         _D+_E+_F+_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; ...DEFG = 'k'    ( # 31 )
          retlw (         _D+_E+_F   )^SSEG_XORMASK ; ...DEF. = 'L'    ( # 32 )
          retlw (_A+_B+_C   +_E+_F   )^SSEG_XORMASK ; ABC.EF. = 'N'    ( # 33 )
          retlw (      _C+_D+_E+_F   )^SSEG_XORMASK ; ..CDEF. = 'V'    ( # 34 )
          retlw (         _D      +_G)^SSEG_XORMASK ; ...D..G = '='    ( # 35 )

; Table to control which 7-segment display is enabled. Displays are usually
; COMMON CATHODE (variants 1+2) so pulled low to enable.
; For DISP_VARIANT=3 (COMMON ANODE), the digit-driving pattern is inverted.
; Input:   W = 0 means the MOST SIGNIFICANT DIGIT (the leftmost one), etc.
; Result:  VALUE to be written to ENABLE_PORT to activate the digit
Digit2MuxValue:     ; 
          addwf PCL,f  ; caution: this is 'PCL' only, not 'PC'
          ; Note: If the program counter is affected, a command requires to instruction cycles (=8 osc cycles)
#if (DISP_VARIANT==1)  ; muliplexer values for DISPLAY VARIANT #1 :
          retlw b'11110111'        ; most significant digit is on   PA3 (!)
          retlw b'11111110'        ; next less significant dig. on  PA0 (!)
          retlw b'11111011'        ; next less significant dig. on  PA2 (!)
          retlw b'11111101'        ; 4th (sometimes the last) digit PA1 (!)
          retlw b'11111111'        ; 5th (OPTIONAL) least significant digit = NOT (PA3+PA2+PA1+PA0)
#endif   ; DISPLAY VARIANT #1
#if (DISP_VARIANT==2)  ; muliplexer values for DISPLAY VARIANT #2 (5 digits, COMMON CATHODE) :
          retlw b'11110111'        ; most significant digit is on   PA3 (!)
          retlw b'11111011'        ; next less significant dig. on  PA2 (!!)
          retlw b'11111110'        ; next less significant dig. on  PA0 (!!)
          retlw b'11111101'        ; 4th (sometimes the last) digit PA1 (!)
          retlw b'11111111'        ; 5th (OPTIONAL) least significant digit = NOT (PA3+PA2+PA1+PA0)
#endif   ; DISPLAY VARIANT #2
#if (DISP_VARIANT==3)  ; muliplexer values for DISPLAY VARIANT #3 (5 digits, COMMON ANODE) :
                       ; Unused bits (b7..b4) are left HIGH as above .
          retlw b'11111000'        ; most significant digit is on   PA3 (!)
          retlw b'11110100'        ; next less significant dig. on  PA2 (!!)
          retlw b'11110001'        ; next less significant dig. on  PA0 (!!)
          retlw b'11110010'        ; 4th (sometimes the last) digit PA1 (!)
          retlw b'11110000'        ; 5th (OPTIONAL) least significant digit = NOT (PA3+PA2+PA1+PA0)
#endif   ; DISPLAY VARIANT #2

; Powers-of-ten table (32 bits, most significant byte first)
;   Based on an idea by James Hutchby (MadLab, 1996) .
;   Modified for 32-bit arithmetic by Wolfgang Buescher (2004).
TensTable  addwf PCL,f  
           cquad   .10000000  ; 10 million is sufficient for the counter itself
           cquad   .1000000
           cquad   .100000
           cquad   .10000
           cquad   .1000
           cquad   .100
           cquad   .10
           cquad   .1

; DISPLAY jump table for programming mode .
;   Loads the display-strings like "quit" etc into the display latches.
; Input parameter:  menu_index (0 .. MI_INDEX_MAX)
; Output placed in  display0..display3
          movfw  menu_index  ; load menu index into W register
          addwf  PCL, f      ; add W to lower part of program counter (computed jump)
          goto   PmDisp_Quit ; show "quit" (quit programming mode)
          goto   PmDisp_PSave; show "PSave"(power-saving mode on/off)
          goto   PmDisp_Add  ; show "add " (add frequency offset)
          goto   PmDisp_Sub  ; show "sub " (subtract frequency offset)
          goto   PmDisp_Zero ; show "Zero" (set frequency offset to zero)
          goto   PmDisp_StIF ; show "StdIF" (select standard IF from table)
          goto   PmDisp_IF_1 ; show 1st standard IF from table
          goto   PmDisp_IF_2 ; show 2nd standard IF from table
          goto   PmDisp_IF_3 ; show 3rd standard IF from table
          goto   PmDisp_IF_4 ; show 4th standard IF from table
          goto   PmDisp_IF_5 ; show 5th standard IF from table
          goto   PmDisp_Quit ; show "quit" (quit STANDARD IF menu)
          ; Add more display strings here if needed !

; EXECUTION jump table for programming mode .
;   Executes the commands "quit", "psave", "add", "sub", "zero", etc.
; Input parameter:  menu_index (0 .. MI_INDEX_MAX)
PMExecute:   ; Execute the function belonging to menu_index
          movfw  menu_index  ; load menu index into W register
          addwf  PCL, f      ; add W to lower part of program counter (computed jump)
          goto   PmExec_Quit ; quit programming mode
          goto   PmExec_PSave; turn power-saving mode on/off
          goto   PmExec_Add  ; add frequency offset from now on
          goto   PmExec_Sub  ; subtract frequency offset from now on
          goto   PmExec_Zero ; set frequency offset to zero
          goto   PmExec_StIF ; switch to  "Standard IF selection mode"
          goto   PmExec_SelIF ; select 1st standard IF from table
          goto   PmExec_SelIF ; select 2nd standard IF from table
          goto   PmExec_SelIF ; select 3rd standard IF from table
          goto   PmExec_SelIF ; select 4th standard IF from table
          goto   PmExec_Quit ; quit STANDARD IF menu
          ; Add more jumps here if needed !

;                                                                         *
; Procedures                                                              *
;                                                                         *

;  Configure the prescaler for TIMER 0 in the PIC's OPTION register .

; Description of the OPTION register, from the PIC16F628 data sheet:
; bit 7: RBPU: PORTB Pull-up Enable bit
;        1 = PORTB pull-ups are disabled
;        0 = PORTB pull-ups are enabled by individual port latch values
; bit 6: INTEDG: Interrupt Edge Select bit
;        1 = Interrupt on rising edge of RB0/INT pin
;        0 = Interrupt on falling edge of RB0/INT pin
; bit 5: T0CS: TMR0 Clock Source Select bit
;        1 = Transition on RA4/T0CKI pin
;        0 = Internal instruction cycle clock (CLKOUT)
; bit 4: T0SE: TMR0 Source Edge Select bit
;        1 = Increment on high-to-low transition on RA4/T0CKI pin
;        0 = Increment on low-to-high transition on RA4/T0CKI pin
; bit 3: PSA: Prescaler Assignment bit
;        1 = Prescaler is assigned to the WDT
;        0 = Prescaler is assigned to the Timer0 module
; bit 2-0: PS2:PS0: Prescaler Rate Select bits, here shown for TMR0 :
;     000  = 1 : 2
; ... 111  = 1 : 256
;        Note: to count EVERY pulse (1 : 1) with TMR0, the prescaler
;              must be assigned to the WATCHDOG TIMER (WDT) !
; Some examples (for the OPTION register, parameter in W for SetPrescaler):
PSC_DIV_BY_2   equ  b'00100000'   ; let prescaler divide TMR0 by two
PSC_DIV_BY_4   equ  b'00100001'   ; let prescaler divide TMR0 by   4
PSC_DIV_BY_8   equ  b'00100010'   ; let prescaler divide TMR0 by   8
PSC_DIV_BY_16  equ  b'00100011'   ; let prescaler divide TMR0 by  16
PSC_DIV_BY_32  equ  b'00100100'   ; let prescaler divide TMR0 by  32
PSC_DIV_BY_64  equ  b'00100101'   ; let prescaler divide TMR0 by  64
PSC_DIV_BY_128 equ  b'00100110'   ; let prescaler divide TMR0 by 128
PSC_DIV_BY_256 equ  b'00100111'   ; let prescaler divide TMR0 by 256

SetPrescaler:  ; copy W into OPTION register, avoid watchdog trouble
          clrwdt     ; recommended by Microchip ("switching prescaler assignment") 
          errorlevel -302 ; Turn off banking message for the next few instructions..
          bsf   STATUS, RP0            ;! setting RP0 enables access to OPTION reg
               ; option register is in bank1. i know. thanks for the warning.
          movwf OPTION_REG             ;! ex: "option" command (yucc)
          bcf   STATUS, RP0            ;! clearing RP0 for normal register access
          errorlevel +302 ; Enable banking message again
          retlw 0

PrescalerOff:  ; turn the prescaler for TMR0 "off" 
               ; (actually done by assigning the prescaler to the watchdog timer)
          clrwdt                        ; clear watchdog timer
          clrf  TMR0                    ; clear timer 0 AND PRESCALER(!)
          errorlevel -302 ; Turn off banking message for the next few instructions..
          bsf   STATUS, RP0            ;! setting RP0 enables access to OPTION reg
               ; option register is in bank1. i know. thanks for the warning.
          movlw b'00100111'            ;! recommended by Microchip when
                                       ;! changing prescaler assignment from TMR0 to WDT
          movwf OPTION_REG             ;! ex: "option" command (yucc)
          clrwdt                       ;! clear watchdog again
          movlw b'00101111'            ;! bit 3 set means PS assigned to WDT now
          movwf OPTION_REG             ;! ex: "option" command (yucc)
          bcf   STATUS, RP0            ;! clearing RP0 for normal register access
          errorlevel +302 ; Enable banking message again
          retlw 0

; Power-saving subroutine: Puts the PIC to sleep for ROUGHLY 100 milliseconds .
;  - crystal oscillator turned OFF during this phase
;  - only the internal RC-oscillator for the watchdog keeps running
;  - expiration of watchdog during sleep does NOT reset the PIC, 
;    only wakes it up again so normal operation may resume 
;  - LED display will be off during this time 
Sleep150ms:  ; go to sleep for approx. 150 milliseconds, and then RETURN (no reset)
   ; Details on the PIC's watchdog timer (from PIC16F628 datasheet) :
   ; > The WDT has a nominal timeout period of 18 ms (with
   ; > no prescaler). The timeout periods vary with temperature,
   ; > VDD and process variations from part to part (see
   ; > DC specs).
   ; > The Watchdog Timer is a free running on-chip RC oscillator which does 
   ; > not require any external components. This RC oscillator is separate 
   ; > from the ER oscillator of the CLKIN pin. That means that the WDT will run, 
   ; > even if the clock on the OSC1 and OSC2 pins of the device has been stopped, 
   ; > for example, by execution of a SLEEP instruction. 
   ; > During normal operation, a WDT timeout generates a device RESET.
   ; > If the device is in SLEEP mode, a WDT timeout causes the device to wake-up 
   ; > and continue with normal operation.
   ; > The WDT can be permanently disabled by programming the configuration bit 
   ; > WDTE as clear .
   ; In other words, to use the watchdog-timer for "temporary sleep" here ,
   ; it must be ENABLED in the configuration word when programming the PIC.
   ;  (because its not possible to turn it on via software if it's not on).
   ; But once the watchdog timer is ON, it must be FED periodically otherwise
   ; it will reset the PIC during normal operation !
   ; Here (in the frequency counter), the prescaler remains assigned to timer0
   ; so the watchdog interval is ~ 18 milliseconds (+/-, RC-oscillator) .
   ; > The CLRWDT and SLEEP instructions clear the WDT and the postscaler, 
   ; > if assigned to the WDT, and prevent it from timing out and generating
   ; >  a device RESET. The TO bit in the STATUS register will be cleared upon
   ; > a Watchdog Timer timeout.
#if(COMMON_CATHODE)  ; display with COMMON CATHODE : 
          movlw 0x00                    ; segment drivers LOW to turn off
          movlw 0xFF                    ; segment drivers HIGH to turn off

#ifndef RS232_OUT
          movwf LEDS_PORT               ; turn LED segments off
		bcf	LEDS_PORT,	2				; RS232 on RB2 to zero
		bsf	LEDS_PORT,	2				; RS232 on RB2 to one
; RS232_OUT
          ; Note: The global interrupt-enable flag (GIE) is off in this application !
          ; To avoid unintended wake-up on 'interrupt' (port level change),
          ; disable all interrupt-SOURCES: Clear T0IE,INTE,RBIE,PEIE too :
          clrf  INTCON                  ; disable all interrupts during SLEEP mode
          clrwdt                        ; clear watchdog timer
          clrf  TMR0                    ; clear timer 0 AND PRESCALER(!)
          errorlevel -302 ; Turn off banking message for the next few instructions..
          bsf   STATUS, RP0            ;! setting RP0 enables access to OPTION reg
               ; option register is in bank1. i know. thanks for the warning.
          movlw b'00101011'            ;! assign PS to WDT; divide by 8 FOR WDT(!)
          movwf OPTION_REG             ;! ex: "option" command (yucc)
          bcf   STATUS, RP0            ;! clearing RP0 for normal register access
          errorlevel +302 ; Enable banking message again
          sleep                         ; sleep for approx 18 ms (one watchdog interval)
          ; The SLEEP command clears the Watchdog Timer and stops the main oscillator.
          ; Only the internal watchdog timer keeps running.
          ; The WDT is is also cleared when the device wakes-up from SLEEP, 
          ; regardless of the source of wake-up, so no need for 'clrwdt' here !
          nop    ; arrived here, slept for ~ 8 times 18 milliseconds
          return ; end  Sleep150ms

; Convert a character into LEDs data for the 7-segment displays, fed with
; the character in w.  Bit 7 set means 'decimal point AFTER this digit' .
; WAS print 5 digits with MHz and kHz indication/.

conv      macro display                 ; macro for duplicate code
          movwf display                 ; save decimal point bit (msb)
          andlw 7fh                     ; mask bit

#ifndef RS232_OUT
          call  Digit2SevenSeg          ; convert digit into 7-segment-code via table
          btfsc display,7               ; check bit 7 = decimal point ?

          iorlw 1<<DPPOINT_BIT          ; include decimal point if bit 7 set (bitwise OR)
#else  ; not COMMON CATHODE but COMMON ANODE: decimal point must be 'AND'ed to pattern:
          andlw (1<<DPPOINT_BIT)^0xFF   ; include decimal point if bit 7 set (bitwise AND)
		movwf	display                 ; set display data register

#else	; RS232_OUT

#ifdef RS232_PRINT_FIELD_3
		movwf	temp					; save w

; BLANK, displayed as 'C', indicates no input, going to skip printing those.
		bcf		print_flags,	NO_INPUT_FLAG
; no jumps in macro
		movlw	BLANK
		subwf	temp, w
		btfsc	STATUS, Z
		bsf		print_flags,	NO_INPUT_FLAG

; get back value to print
		movfw	temp
; test if anything other then zero, if so display it
		btfss	print_flags,	NO_INPUT_FLAG
		call	tx_digit_in_w

; test for decimal point
		btfsc	display, 7
		call	tx_dot
#endif	; RS232_PRINT_FIELD_3


; 7 segment out
conv_char0:   ; display digit #0  (leftmost, or MOST SIGNIFICANT digit)
          conv  display0
          retlw 0

conv_char1:   ; display #1
          conv  display1
          retlw 0

conv_char2:   ; display #2
          conv  display2
          retlw 0

conv_char3:   ; display #3
          conv  display3
          retlw 0

conv_char4:   ; display #4  (rightmost, or LEAST SIGNIFICANT digit, "ones")
          conv  display4

#ifdef RS232_OUT

#ifdef RS232_PRINT_FIELD_3
; print a space
		movlw ' '
		call tx_w

; test if to print kHz or MHz
		btfsc	print_flags, KILOHERTZ_FLAG
		goto	print_kilo
; print 'M'
		movlw	'M'
		call	tx_w
		goto	print_hertz

		movlw	'k'
		call	tx_w

; say Hz
		movlw	'H'
		call	tx_w

		movlw	'z'
		call	tx_w
#endif	RS232_PRINT_FIELD_3

; send a CR LF
		movlw	D'10'
		call	tx_w
		movlw	D'13'
		call	tx_w

#endif	; RS232_OUT

          retlw 0
; 7 segment out

; Fill the 5-digit display latch with blank characters
          movlw BLANK_PATTERN
          movwf display0
          movwf display1
          movwf display2
          movwf display3
          movwf display4
          retlw 0

; Save a single Byte in the PIC's Data-EEPROM.
;  Input parameters:
;    INDF = *FSR    contains byte to be written (was once EEDATA)
;    w              contains EEPROM address offset (i.e. "destination index")
        ; write to EEPROM data memory as explained in the 16F628 data sheet.
        ; EEDATA and EEADR must have been set before calling this subroutine
        ; (optimized for the keyer-state-machine).
        ; CAUTION : What the lousy datasheet DS40300B wont tell you:
        ;           The example given there for the 16F628 is WRONG ! 
        ;           All EEPROM regs are in BANK1 for the 16F628. 
        ;           In the PIC16F84, some were in BANK0 others in BANK1..
        ; In the PIC16F628, things are much different... all EEPROM regs are in BANK1 !
SaveInEEPROM:    ; save "INDF" = *FSR   in EEPROM[<w>]
         bcf     INTCON, GIE           ; disable INTs
         errorlevel -302 ; Turn off banking message for the next few instructions..
         bsf     STATUS, RP0         ;!; Bank1 for "EEADR" access, PIC16F628 ONLY (not F84)
         movwf   EEADR               ;!; write into EEPROM address register (BANK1 !!)
         bcf     STATUS, RP0         ;!; Bank0 to read "bStorageData"
         movfw   INDF                ; ; w := *FSR (read source data from BANK 0)
         bsf     STATUS, RP0         ;!; Bank1 for "EEDATA" access, PIC16F628 ONLY (not F84)
         movwf   EEDATA              ;!; EEDATA(in BANK1) := w  (BANK1; F628 only, NOT F84 !!!)
         bsf     EECON1, WREN        ;!; set WRite ENable
         bcf     INTCON, GIE         ;!; Is this REALLY required as in DS40300B Example 13-2 ?
         movlw   055h                ;!;
         movwf   EECON2              ;!; write 55h
         movlw   0AAh                ;!;
         movwf   EECON2              ;!; write AAh
         bsf     EECON1, WR          ;!; set WR bit, begin write
         ; wait until write access to the EEPROM is complete.
SaveEW:  btfsc   EECON1, WR          ;!; WR is cleared after completion of write
         goto    SaveEW              ;!; WR=1, write access not finished yet
         ; Arrived here: the EEPROM write is ready
         bcf     EECON1, WREN        ;!; disable further WRites
         bcf     STATUS, RP0         ;!; Bank0 for normal access
         errorlevel +302 ; Enable banking message again
   ;     bsf     INTCON, GIE           ; enable INTs ? NOT IN THIS APPLICATION !
         retlw   0  ; end SaveInEEPROM

; Read a single Byte from the PIC's Data-EEPROM.
;  Input parameters:
;    w    contains EEPROM address offset (i.e. "source index")
;         will *NOT* be modified to simplify block-read .
;    FSR  points to the memory location where the byte shall be placed.
;  Result:
;     INDF = *FSR  returns the read byte
        ; Caution: EEDATA and EEADR have been moved from Bank0(16F84) to Bank1(16F628)
        ;          and the example from the datasheet telling you to switch to 
        ;          bank0 to access EEDATA is rubbish (DS40300B page 93 example 13-1).
EEPROM_ReadByte:    ; read ONE byte from the PIC's data EEPROM
        movwf   bTemp       ; save W
        bcf     INTCON, GIE  ; disable INTs
        errorlevel -302 ; Turn off banking message for the next few instructions..
        bsf     STATUS, RP0  ; Bank1 for ***ALL*** EEPROM registers in 16F628 (!)
        movwf   EEADR        ;! write into EEPROM address register
        bsf     EECON1, RD   ;! set "Read"-Flag for EEPROM
                             ;   why is EECON1.RD not cleared in MPLAB-sim ?!?
        movf    EEDATA, w    ;! read byte from EEPROM latch
        bcf     STATUS, RP0  ;! normal access to Bank0
        errorlevel +302 ; Enable banking message again
    ;   bsf     INTCON, GIE  ; re-enable interrupts ? NOT IN THIS APPLICATION !
        movwf   INDF         ; place result in *FSR
        movfw   bTemp       ; restore W
        return               ; back to caller
 ; end EEPROM_ReadByte

EEPROM_Read4Byte: ; read FOUR bytes from the PIC's data EEPROM.
        ;  Input parameters:
        ;    w    contains EEPROM address offset (i.e. "source index")
        ;         will *NOT* be modified to simplify block-read .
        ;    FSR  points to the memory location where the byte shall be placed.
        call    EEPROM_ReadByte ; *FSR = EEPROM[w]   (usually bits 31..24)
        addlw   1               ; next source address
        incf    FSR , f         ; next destination address
        call    EEPROM_ReadByte ; *FSR = EEPROM[w]   (usually bits 23..16)
        addlw   1               ; next source address
        incf    FSR , f         ; next destination address
        call    EEPROM_ReadByte ; *FSR = EEPROM[w]   (usually bits 15..8) 
        addlw   1               ; next source address
        incf    FSR , f         ; next destination address
        goto    EEPROM_ReadByte ; *FSR = EEPROM[w]   (usually bits  7..0) 
 ; end EEPROM_Read4Byte

; Count pulses, fed with the number of loop iterations for the gate time .
;               WHILE counting, the multiplexed LED display is updated .
;               Watchdog is fed in this loop !
; Input:    Count of gate-time-loops in 'gatecnt_hi'+'gatecnt_lo' (16 bit).
; Returns:  The number of pulses in 'freq' (clock cycles in [])
          clrf freq_hi                  ; clear pulse counter (bits 31..24)
          clrf freq_mh                  ; bits 23..16
          clrf freq_ml                  ; bits 16..8
          clrf freq_lo                  ; bits  7..0 

          clrf timer0_old               ; 'old' value of timer0 to detect toggling MSB
          clrf TMR0                     ; timer register (PIC's hardware timer, 8 bit)

          nop                           ; 2 instruction cycle delay
          nop                           ; after writing to TMR0  (MPLAB-SIM: set breakpoint + clear stopwatch here)

; --------------- start of critial timing loop >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

; The following timing loop must take a well-defined time in total per
; iteration, usually 50 (or 20) microseconds, which can be precisely achieved 
; with a 4-MHz-crystal (or 20 MHz for variant 2+3) .
; This gives a basic delay for the frequency counter's gate time .
;    The frequency at the input of TIMER 0 (not the prescaler)
;    can not exceed f_crystal / 4,  
;    and every HIGH->LOW transition of bit7 in TIMER0 must be polled here.
;  This is safe because ..
;    Variant 1:  With a 4-MHz-crystal, Timer0 can count up to 1 MHz input, 
;                MSB toggles every (128/1MHz) = 128 us, polled every 50us  -> ok.
;    Variant 2:  With a 20-MHz-crystal, Timer0 can count up to 4 (not 5?!) MHz input,
;                MSB toggles every (128/4MHz) = 32 us, polled every 20us -> ok.

;  The numbers in square brackets below are the INSTRUCTION NUMBER within the loop.
;  (not the count of oscillator cycles for a single command, which is always 4).
;  These values can be checked with the "Stopwatch" function in MPLAB-SIM.
;  The goal is to let this loop take EXACTLY <TIME> microseconds (50us or 20us).

count1    movfw disp_index              ; [1] get the current digit number (disp_index = 0..4)
          call  Digit2MuxValue          ; [2,3,4,5,6,7] display (6 commands including call+retlw)
          movwf bTemp                   ; [8] save the bit pattern for the multiplexer port
          movlw display0                ; [9]  get the LED display data for the current digit...
          addwf disp_index,w            ; [10] add current digit number to address of LED data
          movwf FSR                     ; [11] move address into the PIC's poor 'data pointer'
#ifndef RS232_OUT
          movfw INDF                    ; [12] w := *(FSR) use indirection register to read from table
          movwf LEDS_PORT               ; [13] set the LED segments
; leave port B alone, so as not to disturb RS232 software out.

          movfw bTemp                   ; [14] get the mupliplexer pattern (hurry, hurry !)
          movwf ENABLE_PORT             ; [15] set the LED multiplexer

          incf  disp_timer,f            ; [16] increment display-multiplex timer 
          btfsc disp_timer,6            ; [17] (6-bit prescaler)
          incf  disp_index,f            ; [18] next display if rolled over
          bcf   disp_timer,6            ; [19] limit disp_timer to 6 bits (!)
          movfw disp_index              ; [20] limit display index to  0...4
          sublw .4                      ; [21] subtract #4 - W register -> C=0(!) if result negative (W>4)
          btfss STATUS,C                ; [22] skip next instruction if C=1 (#4-W >= 0)
          clrf  disp_index              ; [23] if C=0 (disp_index>4) then disp_index=0

; the following fragments of code always take the same number of clock
; cycles to execute, irrespective of whether the skips take place or not .
; Here still in 'count_pulses'.

          movfw TMR0                    ; [24] read least significant byte of 
          movwf freq_lo                 ; [25]  pulse counter (bits 7..0)

          movlw 1                       ; [26] determine if timer 0 has rolled
          btfss timer0_old,7            ; [27] over (rolled over if msb was 
          clrw                          ; [28] previously set and now isn't) 
          btfsc freq_lo,7               ; [29]
          clrw                          ; [30]

          addwf freq_ml,f               ; [31] increment high bytes of pulse counter
          skpnc                         ; [32] if low byte rolled over 
          incf freq_mh,f                ; [33] (mh = "medium high byte" of counter)
                                        ; NOTE: we are not modifying freq_hi here !
                                        ;       Bits 31..24 may be used later when multiplying with some factor
                                        ;       (2^n) to compensate for the ASYNCHRON PRESCALER !

          btfsc freq_mh,7               ; [34] overflow (freq > 7fffffh) ? 
          goto  count3                  ; [35] branch if yes

          movfw freq_lo                 ; [36] save previous value from timer 0 
          movwf timer0_old              ; [37]

          tstf gatecnt_lo               ; [38] check inner gate-time counter, LOW byte
          skpnz                         ; [39] only decrement h-byte if l-byte zero
          decf gatecnt_hi,f             ; [40]  decrement gate-time counter, HIGH byte
          decf gatecnt_lo,f             ; [41] always decrement gate-time counter, LOW byte

#if (DISP_VARIANT==1)  ; only 50 instruction cycles per loop in DISPLAY VARIANT 1 (f_xtal=4 MHz, t_loop=50us)
          ; Got some instruction cycles left ? Insert a few NOPs to bring to total loop time to 50us.
          clrwdt                        ; [42] (ex: nop, but since 2006-05-28 the dog must be fed !)
          nop                           ; [43]
          nop                           ; [44] 
          nop                           ; [45]  ugh, what a waste of precious CPU power ;-)

          movfw gatecnt_hi              ; [46] counter = 0 ? 
          iorwf gatecnt_lo,w            ; [47]
          skpz                          ; [48]
          goto count1                   ; [49,50]  goto always takes TWO instruction cycles
#else   ; For VARIANTS 2+3 : 100 instruction cycles per loop  
        ; (f_xtal=20 MHz, t_loop=20us, t_instr=4/20MHz=0.2us)
        ; Some time may be used for a nice software-based PULSE WIDTH MODULATION
        ; of the display intensity ... or other goodies/gimmicks one fine day !
          clrwdt                        ; [42] (ex: nop, but since 2006-05-28 the dog must be fed !)
          movlw .12                     ; [43] load additional delay loops (X=12, see below) into W
WasteT1:  addlw 0xFF                    ; [44,   48, .. ]
          btfss STATUS, Z               ; [45,   49, .. ]      eats 4(!) INSTRUCTION CYCLES per loop
          goto  WasteT1                 ; [46+47,50+51, .. ]
                          ; Check this with MPLAB-SIM: here, after loop: [43 + 4*X], with X=12: [91]
          nop                           ; [91]
          nop                           ; [92]
          nop                           ; [93]
          nop                           ; [94] 
          nop                           ; [95]
          movfw gatecnt_hi              ; [96] counter = 0 ? 
          iorwf gatecnt_lo,w            ; [97]
          skpz                          ; [98]
          goto count1                   ; [99,50]  goto always takes TWO instruction cycles
#endif ; variant 1 or variant 2/3 ?

; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end of timing loop -----------------------------

          movfw TMR0                    ; get final value from timer 0
          movwf freq_lo

          movlw 1                       ; determine if timer 0 has rolled
          btfss timer0_old,7            ; over (rolled over if msb was
          clrw                          ; previously set and now isn't)
          btfsc freq_lo,7

          addwf freq_ml,f               ; increment high bytes of pulse
          skpnc                         ; counter if low byte rolled
          incf freq_mh,f                ; over

count3    retlw 0

; end of routine 'count_pulses'.   Result now in   freq_lo..freq_hi.

#ifdef RS232_OUT
	movlw	'.'
	call	tx_w

; send_one_char
; the actual RS232 transmission routine, half-duplex, no-flow-control.
; See AN510 for an explanation
    addlw   '0'                     ; zero
	banksel	0

;	return

;	movlw	'A'
	movwf	tx_reg					; move W (char to send) to TXReg

	movlw	0x08
	movwf	bit_count				; send 8 bits

; send start bit
	bsf		RS232_PORT,	RS232_BIT
	bcf		RS232_PORT,	RS232_BIT

	call	bit_delay

; send data bits
	bcf     STATUS,	C
	rrf     tx_reg,	1				; rotate TXReg

	btfsc   STATUS,	C
	goto	set_tx

	nop								; to get equal set/clear times
	bsf		RS232_PORT,	RS232_BIT
	bcf		RS232_PORT,	RS232_BIT
	goto	ready_tx

	bcf		RS232_PORT,	RS232_BIT
	bsf		RS232_PORT,	RS232_BIT
	goto	ready_tx
	call    bit_delay		
	decfsz  bit_count,1				; decrement bit counter (8..0)
	goto    send_next_bit			; loop for next data bit


; send first stop bit
	bcf		RS232_PORT,	RS232_BIT
	bsf		RS232_PORT,	RS232_BIT
	call    bit_delay

; send second stop bit
;	call 	bit_delay


; This routine is calibrated with BIT_DELAY to 104 us, that makes  BAUD_DIVIDER 1 for 9600 Bd, 2 for 4800 Bd, 4 for 2400 Bd, 8 for 1200 Bd, 16 for 600 Bd, 32 for 300 Bd, 64 for 150 Bd, and 128 for 75 Bd.
; prevent watchdog from interrupting serial com
	clrwdt							; should be called on a regular basis

; Multiply bit delay for lower baudrates.
	movwf	baud_divider

; this is the delay of about 104 uS for 9600 Bd
	movlw	BIT_DELAY				; move baud delay constant to W
	movwf	delay_counter 			; initialize delay counter
	decfsz	delay_counter			; decrement delay counter
	goto	us100_delay_loop

	decfsz	baud_divider
	goto	baud_divider_loop

; RS232_OUT

; Convert *FSR (32 bit) into BCD and show it on the display .
;  Input :  INDF = *FSR, 32-bit integer.  
;  Bad side effect : CONTENTS OF <freq> will be lost !!
ShowInt32_FSR   ; Convert <*FSR> (32 bit integer) to 8 BCD-digits ...
          movfw  INDF        ; W   := *FSR   , load LOW byte
          incf   FSR , f     ; FSR := FSR + 1
          movwf  freq        ; freq.hi := W
          movfw  INDF        ; W   := *FSR   , load MIDDLE LOW byte
          incf   FSR , f     ; FSR := FSR + 1
          movwf  freq+1      ; := W
          movfw  INDF        ; W   := *FSR   , load MIDDLE HIGH byte
          incf   FSR , f     ; FSR := FSR + 1
          movwf  freq+2      ; := W
          movfw  INDF        ; W   := *FSR   , load HIGH byte 
          incf   FSR , f     ; FSR := FSR + 1
          movwf  freq+3      ; freq.lo := W
          ; continue with CvtAndDisplayFreq !

; Convert <freq> into BCD and show it on the display .
;  Input :  freq, 32-bit integer.  CONTENTS OF <freq> will be lost !!
CvtAndDisplayFreq  ; Convert <freq>(32 bit integer) to 8 BCD-digits ...

          clrf  tens_index              ; initialise the table index

          movlw digits                  ; initialise the indirection register
          movwf FSR                     ; ( FSR="pointer"; *FSR=INDF)

conv1     ; Loop for ALL POWERS OF TEN in the lookup table..
          clrwdt                        ; feed the watchdog (may stay a bit longer)
          movfw tens_index              ; fetch the next power of ten
          call  TensTable               ; (32 bits) from the lookup table
          movwf divi+0                  ; and store in divi
          incf  tens_index , f          ; this was the HIGH byte

          movfw tens_index
          call  TensTable
          movwf divi+1
          incf  tens_index , f          ; this was the MIDDLE-HIGH byte

          movfw tens_index
          call  TensTable
          movwf divi+2
          incf  tens_index , f          ; this was the MIDDLE-LOW byte

          movfw tens_index
          call  TensTable
          movwf divi+3
          incf  tens_index , f          ; and this was the LOW-byte of a power of ten

          ; ex: clrf 0  ; clear the decimal digit .. but address ZERO is called 'INDF' these days !
          clrf  INDF                    ; *FSR = 0

conv2     ; Loop to repeatedly subtract divi from freq (32-bit subtract)
          ;         until underflow while incrementing the decimal digit.
          sub32 freq,divi               ; freq := freq - divi  (with divi = 10 power N)
          bnc conv3                     ; 
          incf INDF , f                 ;    The RESULT will be written back to freq, 
          goto conv2                    ;    in other words 'freq' will be lost !

conv3     add32 freq,divi               ; freq := freq+divi;  ready for next digit
          incf FSR , f                  ; step to next decimal digit
          movlw 8*4                     ; 8 x 4-byte entries in TensTable
          subwf tens_index,w
          bnz conv1                     ; loop until end of table

; displays the frequency in decimal

; Display the decimal digits according to the following rules
; 000000A => "0.00A"
; 00000AB => "0.0AB"
; 0000ABC => "0.ABC"
; 000ABCD => "A.BCD"
; 00ABCDE => "AB.CD"
; 0ABCDEF => "ABC.D"
;    Modified a lot by WoBu to display kHz as well as MHz :
;      If the decimal point means kHz, it flashes.
;      If it means MHz, it is on permanently.
;      24 bit unsigned integer could count up to 16777216 (16 mio, slightly over 7 digits)
;      which was not enough for a 50 MHz counter, so switched to 32-bit arithmetic .

#ifdef RS232_OUT

#ifdef RS232_PRINT_FIELD_1
; WAS print 8 digits as one field for parsin gby user programs, no leading zero suppression
; print_value simple
	movlw	digits
	movwf	FSR

	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	incf	FSR
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	incf	FSR
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	incf	FSR
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	incf	FSR
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	incf	FSR
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	incf	FSR
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	incf	FSR
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

; print 2 spaces
	movlw	' '
	call	tx_w	

	movlw	' '
	call	tx_w	

#endif ; RS232_PRINT_FIELD_1

#ifdef RS232_PRINT_FIELD_2
; print value in Hz, with leading zero surpression
; print_value: thoudands separated by commas
	bsf		print_flags,	ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG

	movlw	digits
	movwf	FSR
	tstf	INDF
	bz		pri_1000000
	bcf		print_flags,	ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG
	movfw	INDF
	tstf	INDF
	bz		pri_100000
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	incf	FSR
; test if zero supression active
	btfss	print_flags, ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG
	goto	pri_a
	tstf	INDF
	bz		pri_100000
	bcf		print_flags,	ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	movlw	','
	call	tx_w

	incf	FSR
	btfss	print_flags, ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG
	goto	pri_b
	tstf	INDF
	bz		pri_10000
	bcf		print_flags,	ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	incf	FSR
	btfss	print_flags, ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG
	goto	pri_c
	tstf	INDF
	bz		pri_1000
	bcf		print_flags,	ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	incf	FSR
	btfss	print_flags, ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG
	goto	pri_d
	tstf	INDF
	bz		pri_100
	bcf		print_flags,	ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	movlw	','
	call	tx_w

	incf	FSR
	btfss	print_flags, ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG
	goto	pri_e
	tstf	INDF
	bz		pri_10
	bcf		print_flags,	ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	incf	FSR
	btfss	print_flags, ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG
	goto	pri_f
	tstf	INDF
	bz		pri_1
	bcf		print_flags,	ZERO_SUPPRESSION_FLAG
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

	incf	FSR
	movfw	INDF
	call	tx_digit_in_w

; space
	movlw	' '
	call	tx_w	

; Hz
	movlw	'H'
	call	tx_w

	movlw	'z'
	call	tx_w

; print 2 spaces
	movlw	' '
	call	tx_w	

	movlw	' '
	call	tx_w	

#endif ; RS232_PRINT_FIELD_2

#endif	; RS232_OUT

    ; Display routine for frequencies up to "99.99 MHz" (theoretical):
          ; (do NOT insert the decimal point yet, 
          ;   it would disturb the blanking of LEADING zeroes )
          movlw digits                  ; find the first significant digit..
          movwf FSR                     ; .. by stepping over leading zeroes
          tstf  INDF                    ; INDF = *(FSR) in "C" syntax, FSR points to 'digits'
          bnz   displ_MHz               ; 10-MHz-digit non-zero, show frequency in MHz
          incf  FSR  ,  f               ; otherwise skip 1st digit (the 10-MHz place)
          tstf  INDF
          bnz   displ_MHz               ; 1-MHz-digit non-zero, show frequency in MHz
          incf  FSR  ,  f               ; otherwise skip 2nd digit (the 1-MHz place)
          tstf  INDF
          bnz   displ_kHz               ; 100-kHz-digit non-zero, show frequency in kHz (XXX.X)
          incf  FSR  ,  f               ; otherwise skip 3rd digit (the 100-kHz place)
          tstf  INDF
          bnz   displ_kHz               ; 10-kHz-digit non-zero, show frequency in kHz  (XX.XX)
          incf  FSR  ,  f               ; Otherwise show digits 5,6,7,8 (there are EIGHT digits) 
                                        ; show all these frequencies with flashing kHz-point (X.XXX)

displ_kHz:   ; insert a BLINKING POINT to indicate the kilohertz-digit

#ifndef RS232_OUT
          btfsc blinker, 0  ; check the blink flag (bit 0) for the kHz-point
; RS232_OUT
; in RS232_OUT we always have a dot if kHz (non blinking).
          bsf digit_4, 7    ; set the decimal point indicating the frequency in kHz .
		bsf	print_flags, KILOHERTZ_FLAG

          goto  display

displ_MHz:   ; insert a BLINKING POINT to indicate the kilohertz-digit
          bsf   digit_1, 7  ; set the decimal point indicating the frequency in MHz .
		bcf	print_flags,	KILOHERTZ_FLAG

display:  ; Show the FIVE digits beginning at INDF = *(FSR) on the LED display...
          movfw  INDF                   ; convert the four digits to
          call   conv_char0             ; LED display data
          incf   FSR  ,  f              ; increment pointer to next digit
          movfw  INDF                   ; w = *(FSR)
          call   conv_char1             ; second visible digit
          incf   FSR  ,  f
          movfw  INDF
          call   conv_char2             ; third visible digit
          incf   FSR  ,  f
          movfw  INDF
          call   conv_char3             ; fourth visible digit
          incf   FSR  ,  f
          movfw  INDF
          goto   conv_char4             ; convert fifth  visible digit AND RETURN
; end of routine "CvtAndDisplayFreq"

; main entry point


#IF 0   ; Test some math macros ?
          clrf  freq2_hi
          clrf  freq2_mh
          clrf  freq2_ml
          movlw .100
          movwf freq2_lo
          neg32 freq2                  ; -100 = 0xFFFFFF9C
#ENDIF  ; Test !

          movlw PORT_A_IO               ; initialise port A
          errorlevel -302 ; Turn off banking message for the next few instructions..
          bsf   STATUS, RP0            ;! setting RP0 enables access to TRIS regs
          movwf PORTA                  ;! looks like PORTA but is in fact TRISA 
          bcf   STATUS, RP0            ;! clearing RP0 enables access to PORTs
          clrf PORTA

          movlw PORT_B_IO               ; initialise port B
          bsf   STATUS, RP0            ;! setting RP0 enables access to TRIS regs
          movwf PORTB                  ;! looks like PORTB but is in fact TRISB
          bcf   STATUS, RP0            ;! clearing RP0 enables access to PORTs
          errorlevel +302 ; Enable banking message again
          clrf  PORTB

          clrf disp_index               ; initialise display index and
          clrf disp_timer               ; display multiplex timer

          movlw BLANK                   ; blank character as dummy ...
          movwf digit_8                 ; for the lowest frequency display range

          movlw TEST                    ; test all LED segments
          call  conv_char0
          movlw TEST
          call  conv_char1
          movlw TEST
          call  conv_char2
          movlw TEST
          call  conv_char3
          movlw TEST
          call  conv_char4

          movlw PSC_DIV_BY_256          ; let the prescaler divide by 256 while testing..
          call  SetPrescaler            ; safely write <W> into option register

          ; Do a LAMP TEST for half a second, including all decimal points :
          movlw (LAMPTEST_LOOPS)>>8     ; high byte for 0.5 second lamp test
          movwf gatecnt_hi
          movlw (LAMPTEST_LOOPS)&0ffh   ; low byte for 0.5 second lamp test
          movwf gatecnt_lo
          call count_pulses             ; some delay to show the test pattern
#endif ; not DEBUG

MainRestart:  ; Here we "restart" the counter after exiting from programming mode :
          clrf   psave_timer              ; clear timer for power-save mode (no immediate power-down)
          clrf   psave_flags              ; clear all power-saving flags (PSFLAG_ACTIVE, etc)
          movlw  foffs                    ; load destination address for reading from EEPROM...
          movwf  FSR                      ; ..into the PIC's pointer register
          movlw  EEPROM_ADR_FREQ_OFFSET+0 ; load the EEPROM-internal address offset (=source index)
          call   EEPROM_Read4Byte         ; read from EEPROM:    foffs..foffs+4 := EEPROM[W]
          movlw  options                  ; another destination address for reading from EEPROM..
          movwf  FSR                      ;
          movlw  EEPROM_ADR_OPTIONS       ; load EEPROM-internal offset of "options"-byte
          call   EEPROM_ReadByte          ; read single byte from EEPROM: options := EEEPROM[W]
          bsf    OPT_PWRSAVE ; enable power-save mode for debugger/simulator   
#endif ; DEBUG

          ; Blank the display until 1st measurement is available :
          call  ClearDisplay

; main loop :  Preparation, auto ranging, measurement, conversion, display


          ; re-initialise ports
          ; ex: tris  PORTA;   tris  PORTB
          errorlevel -302 ; Turn off banking message for the next few instructions..
          bsf   STATUS, RP0            ;! setting RP0 enables access to TRIS regs
          movlw PORT_A_IO              ;! 
          movwf PORTA                  ;! looks like PORTA but is in fact TRISA 
          movlw PORT_B_IO              ;!
          movwf PORTB                  ;! looks like PORTB but is in fact TRISB
          bcf   STATUS, RP0            ;! clearing RP0 enables access to PORTs
          clrwdt                        ; configure TMR0... but clear watchdog timer first
          movlw b'100000'               ; value for OPTION reg: edge - low-to-high transition, 
                                        ;  + prescaler assigned to Timer 0, 1:2
          bsf   STATUS, RP0            ;! setting RP0 enables access to OPTION reg
               ; option register is in bank1. i know. thanks for the warning.
          movwf OPTION_REG             ;! ex: "option" command (yucc)
          bcf   STATUS, RP0            ;! clearing RP0 for normal register access
          errorlevel +302 ; Enable banking message again

	movlw	'A'
	call	tx_w

	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	call	bit_delay
	goto	test1

          ; First do a 'range-detection measurement' to find
          ; a suitable prescaler ratio. Worst-case-estimation:
          ; 50 MHz at the input of the async TIMER 0 prescaler 
          ; requires a prescaler ratio of 64 because 
          ; the synchron counter in TIMER 0 accepts a maximum
          ; frequency of f_osc / 4, here: max. 1 MHz.
          ; The theoretic maximum frequency is 64 MHz then, which
          ; was almost reached when tested with a PIC 16F628 .
          ; The range-detection interval is somewhere near 1/30 seconds (see RANGE_DET_LOOPS),
          ; so frequencies below 30*64 = 1920 Hz are not detectable at this step.
RANGE_DET_LOOPS equ  CLOCK/(.30*CYCLES) ; number of gate-time loops to detect the MEASURING RANGE
                                        ; (which is required to find a good prescaler value) 
          movlw (RANGE_DET_LOOPS)>>8    ; high byte for RANGE DETECTION loop counter
          movwf gatecnt_hi
          movlw (RANGE_DET_LOOPS)&0ffh  ; low byte for RANGE DETECTION loop counter
          movwf gatecnt_lo
          movlw PSC_DIV_BY_64           ; let the prescaler divide by 64 while testing..
          call  SetPrescaler            ; safely write <W> into option register

          call count_pulses             ; count pulses for the range detection interval (1/16 sec)
           ; The result will be placed in freq_lo,freq_ml,freq_mh,freq_hi (32 bit)
           ; but the max count at 64 MHz input, 1/30 sec gate time, and prescaler=64 will be :
           ;   64MHz / (30 * 64) = 33333 pulses, so only 16 bits in the counter
           ;  are required here (call them "testcount", f_in = testcount * 30*64) .
           ; The frequency resolution of this coarse measurement is 64*16 Hz = roughly 1 kHz.
           ; (for that reason it's not suited for "wake-up from power-save on frequency-change")

#if 0  ; TEST auto ranging
          movlw (.8500)>>8   ; high byte of counted pulses
          movwf freq_ml
          movlw (.8500)&0ffh ; low byte of counted pulses
          movwf freq_lo
#endif ; end TEST

          ; Load the default (soft-)counters for the GATE TIME.
          ; Most measuring ranges use a 1/4 second gate time !
          movlw (GATE_TIME_LOOPS/4)>>8   ; high byte of gate time
          movwf gatecnt_hi
          movlw (GATE_TIME_LOOPS/4)&0ffh ; low byte of gate time
          movwf gatecnt_lo

          ; Increment the "blinker" once every 0.25 seconds.
          ;  (if the gate time is longer, flashing will be slower, that's acceptable)
          incf  blinker, f
          incf  psave_timer, f     ; increment the power-save timer every 0.25 seconds too (checked somewhere else)

          ; Look at the range-detection count ("testcount") 
          ; and decide which measuring range to use, beginning with the highest frequency range
           ; Ranges FOR VARIANT 1,  4 MHz CRYSTAL (low-power variant, less resolution at HF !)
           ; Rng  testcount    f_in            prescaler gate_time   display,   resolution
           ; (1)     0..6         0.. 11.5 kHz   1       1   second  X.XXXkHz,  0.001kHz (4 digits only)
           ; (2)     7..54         ..103.6 kHz   1       1/2 second  XX.XXXkHz, 0.002kHz (last digit steps by 2) 
           ; (3)    55..511        ..981.1 kHz   1       1/4 second  XXX.XXkHz, 0.004kHz (last digit steps by 1)
           ; (4)   512..1023       ..  1.9 MHz   2       1/4 second  XXX.XXkHz, 0.008kHz (last digit steps by 1)
           ; (5)  1024..2047       ..  3.9 MHz   4       1/4 second  X.XXXXMHz, 0.016kHz (last digit steps by 1)
           ; (6)  2048..4095       ..  7.9 MHz   8       1/4 second  X.XXXXMHz, 0.032kHz (last digit steps by 1)
           ; (7)  4096..8191      ... 15.7 MHz  16       1/4 second  X.XXXXMHz, 0.064kHz (last digit steps by 1)
           ; (8)  8192..16383     ... 31.4 MHz  32       1/4 second  X.XXXXMHz, 0.128kHz (last digit steps by 1 or 2)
           ; (9) 16384..33300     ... 63.9 MHz  64       1/4 second  XX.XXXMHz, 0.256kHz (last digit steps by 1)

          movfw freq_ml        ; first look at bits 15..8 of the 'test count' result
          andlw b'11000000'    ; any of bits 15..14 set (>=16384) -> no Z flag -> range 9
          btfss STATUS,Z       ; skip next instruction if ZERO-flag set (!)
          goto  Range9         ; far jump to range 9
          btfsc freq_ml,5      ; bit 13 set (>=8192) ->  range 8
          goto  Range8
          btfsc freq_ml,4      ; bit 12 set (>=4096) ->  range 7
          goto  Range7
          btfsc freq_ml,3      ; bit 11 set (>=2048) ->  range 6
          goto  Range6         
          btfsc freq_ml,2      ; bit 10 set (>=1024) ->  range 5 
          goto  Range5         
          btfsc freq_ml,1      ; bit 9 set (>=512)   ->  range 4 
          goto  Range4
          btfsc freq_ml,0      ; bit 8 set (>=256) -> no Z flag  -> range 3
          goto  Range3
          movfw freq_lo        ; now look at bits 7..0 only ..
          sublw .54            ; subtract #54 - W register -> C=0 if result negative
          btfss STATUS,C       ; skip next instruction if C=1 (#54-W >= 0)
          goto  Range3         ; freq > 100kHz -> also range 3
          movfw freq_lo        ; look at bits 7..0 again ..
          sublw .5             ; subtract #5 - W register -> C=0 if result negative
          btfss STATUS,C       ; skip next instruction if C=1 
          goto  Range2         ; freq > 10kHz -> range 2
          goto  Range1         ; otherwise range 1
#endif ; end of specific range-switching for  DISPLAY VARIANT #1

           ; Ranges FOR VARIANT 2+3,  20 MHz CRYSTAL (draws more power, but gives better resolution at HF )
           ; Even if PIC clocked with 20MHz, keep the input of TIMER0 below 4(!) MHz .
           ; Rng  testcount    f_in            prescaler gate_time   display,   resolution
           ; (1)     0..6         0.. 11.5 kHz   1       1   second  X.XXXkHz,  0.001kHz (4 digits only)
           ; (2)     7..54         ..103.6 kHz   1       1/2 second  XX.XXXkHz, 0.002kHz (last digit steps by 2) 
           ; (3)    44..2047       ..  3.9 MHz   1       1/4 second  X.XXXXMHz,    4 Hz  (last digit steps by 1)
           ; (4)  2048..4095       ..  7.9 MHz   2       1/4 second  X.XXXXMHz,    8 Hz  (last digit steps by 1)
           ; (5)  4096..8191      ... 15.7 MHz   4       1/4 second  X.XXXXMHz,   16 Hz  (last digit steps by 1)
           ; (6)  8192..16383     ... 31.4 MHz   8       1/4 second  X.XXXXMHz,   32 Hz  (last digit steps by 1 or 2)
           ; (7) 16384..33330     ... 63.9 MHz  16       1/4 second  XX.XXXMHz,   64 Hz  (last digit steps by 1)
          movfw freq_ml        ; first look at bits 15..8 of the 'test count' result
          andlw b'11000000'    ; any of bits 15..14 set (>=16384) -> no Z flag -> range 7
          btfss STATUS,Z       ; skip next instruction if ZERO-flag set (!)
          goto  Range7         ; far jump to range 7
          btfsc freq_ml,5      ; bit 13 set (>=8192) ->  range 6
          goto  Range6
          btfsc freq_ml,4      ; bit 12 set (>=4096) ->  range 5
          goto  Range5
          btfsc freq_ml,3      ; bit 11 set (>=2048) ->  range 4
          goto  Range4
          btfsc freq_ml,2      ; bit 10 set (>=1024) ->  range 3
          goto  Range3
          btfsc freq_ml,1      ; bit 9 set (>=512)   ->  range 3
          goto  Range3
          btfsc freq_ml,0      ; bit 8 set (>=256) -> no Z flag  -> range 3
          goto  Range3
          movfw freq_lo        ; now look at bits 7..0 only ..
          sublw .54            ; subtract #54 - W register -> C=0 if result negative
          btfss STATUS,C       ; skip next instruction if C=1 (#54-W >= 0)
          goto  Range3         ; freq > 100kHz -> also range 3
          movfw freq_lo        ; look at bits 7..0 again ..
          sublw .5             ; subtract #5 - W register -> C=0 if result negative
          btfss STATUS,C       ; skip next instruction if C=1 
          goto  Range2         ; freq > 10kHz -> range 2
          goto  Range1         ; otherwise range 1 (lowest frequencies)
#endif ; end of specific range-switching for  DISPLAY VARIANT #2

Range1:   ; Range 1:  async prescaler off, 1 second gate time for very low frequencies  :
          call  PrescalerOff             ; turn hardware prescaler off
          incf  psave_timer, f           ; increment power-save timer three more times 
          incf  psave_timer, f           ;  (1 sec-gate instead of 0.25)  
          incf  psave_timer, f
          ; Load the GATE TIMER (as count of loops) for this measuring range.
          movlw (GATE_TIME_LOOPS)>>8     ; high byte for 1 second gate time
          movwf gatecnt_hi
          movlw (GATE_TIME_LOOPS)&0ffh   ; low byte for 1 second gate time
          movwf gatecnt_lo
          ; Load the count of "left shifts" to compensate gate time + prescaler :
          movlw 0   ; no need to multiply with prescaler 1:1 and 1-sec gate time
          goto  GoMeasure              

Range2:   ; Range 2:  async prescaler off, 1/2 second gate time for quite low frequencies  :
          call  PrescalerOff             ; turn hardware prescaler off
          incf  psave_timer, f           ; increment power-save timer one more time (0.5 sec-gate instead of 0.25)
          ; Load the GATE TIMER (as count of loops) for this measuring range.
          movlw (GATE_TIME_LOOPS/2)>>8   ; high byte for 1/2 second gate time
          movwf gatecnt_hi
          movlw (GATE_TIME_LOOPS/2)&0ffh ; low byte for 1/2 second gate time
          movwf gatecnt_lo
          ; Load the count of "left shifts" to compensate gate time + prescaler :
          movlw 1   ; multiply by 2 (=2^1) later to compensate gate time (1/2 s)
          goto  GoMeasure              
Range3:   ; Range 3: async prescaler off, gate time = default (1/4 sec) :
          call  PrescalerOff             ; turn hardware prescaler off
          movlw 2   ; multiply by 4 (=2^2) later to compensate gate time (1/4 s)
          goto  GoMeasure              

Range4:   ; Range 4: prescaler divide by 2 , gate time = default (1/4 sec) :
          movlw PSC_DIV_BY_2            ; let the prescaler divide by 2 while MEASURING...
          call  SetPrescaler            ; safely write <W> into option register
          movlw 3   ; multiply by 8 (=2^3) later to compensate prescaling (1:2) * gate time (1/4 s)
          goto  GoMeasure              

Range5:   ; Range 5: prescaler divide by 4 , gate time = default (1/4 sec) :
          movlw PSC_DIV_BY_4            ; let the prescaler divide by 2 while MEASURING...
          call  SetPrescaler            ; safely write <W> into option register
          movlw 4   ; multiply by 16 (=2^4) later to compensate prescaling (1:4) * gate time (1/4 s)
          goto  GoMeasure              

Range6:   ; Range 6: prescaler divide by 8 , gate time = default (1/4 sec) :
          movlw PSC_DIV_BY_8            ; let the prescaler divide by 2 while MEASURING...
          call  SetPrescaler            ; safely write <W> into option register
          movlw 5   ; multiply by 32 (=2^5) later to compensate prescaling (1:8) * gate time (1/4 s)
          goto  GoMeasure              

Range7:   ; Range 7: prescaler divide by 16 , gate time = default (1/4 sec) :
          movlw PSC_DIV_BY_16           ; let the prescaler divide by 2 while MEASURING...
          call  SetPrescaler            ; safely write <W> into option register
          movlw 6   ; multiply by 64 (=2^6) later to compensate prescaling (1:16) * gate time (1/4 s)
          goto  GoMeasure              

#if (DISP_VARIANT==1)   ; Ranges 8 + 9  are only needed for VARIANT 1  with 4-MHz crystal :
Range8:   ; Range 8: prescaler divide by 32 , gate time = default (1/4 sec) :
          movlw PSC_DIV_BY_32           ; let the prescaler divide by 2 while MEASURING...
          call  SetPrescaler            ; safely write <W> into option register
          movlw 7   ; multiply by 128 (=2^7) later to compensate prescaling (1:32) * gate time (1/4 s)
          goto  GoMeasure              

Range9:   ; Range 9: prescaler divide by 64 , gate time = default (1/4 sec) :
          movlw PSC_DIV_BY_64           ; let the prescaler divide by 2 while MEASURING...
          call  SetPrescaler            ; safely write <W> into option register
          movlw 8   ; multiply by 256 (=2^8) later to compensate prescaling (1:64) * gate time (1/4 s)
          goto  GoMeasure
#endif  ; (DISP_VARIANT==1)

GoMeasure: movwf adjust_shifts         ; save the number of "arithmetic left shifts" for later
          call count_pulses            ; count pulses for 1, 1/2, or 1/8 s .
          ; Result in freq_lo,freq_ml,freq_mh,freq_hi (32 bit) now, 
          ; NOT adjusted for the gate-time or prescaler division ratio yet.

          ;----------------- Power-saving mode ------------------------------------
          ; Power-saving mode enabled or about to be activated ?
          btfss  OPT_PWRSAVE           ; Power-save mode enabled (from config) ?
          goto   PsNotBlanked
          ; Arrived here: power-saving is ENABLED through the config,
          ;               but not necessarily ACTIVE at the moment .
          ; If power-save is already active, clear the display (may have 'flashed up')
          btfsc  PSFLAG_ACTIVE         ; if power-save already 'ACTIVE'..
          call   ClearDisplay          ; then clear the display (latch)
          ; Next: Check if the frequency has changed significantly
          ; since the last 'reload' of the power-save timer.
          ; To keep things simple, only look at the LOW BYTES of the 
          ; 'current' and the 'old' frequency reading at this stage
          ; (BEFORE multiplying the result with two power adjust_shifts) .
          ; 'psave_freq_lo' is an "old" reading; 'freq_lo' the current frequency.
          ; Both are UNSIGNED 8-bit values !
          movfw freq_lo                ; get low-byte of current frequency
          subwf psave_freq_lo, w       ; W := freq_lo - psave_freq_lo
          ; Make the difference (new minus old frequency in W) positive :
          movwf bTemp                  ; bTemp := (freq_lo - psave_freq_lo)  
          btfss bTemp,7                ; check the sign-bit (=MSB)
          goto  PsDiffPos              ; difference already posivite, else :
          comf  bTemp,f                ; bTemp := ~bTemp (for example, 0xFF -> 0x00)
          incf  bTemp,f                ; add one for two's complement
PsDiffPos:; Arrived here: difference made positive, i.e.  bTemp = abs(freq_lo - psave_freq_lo) .
          ; If the frequency-difference is 'quite high',
          ;   turn off the flag PSFLAG_ACTIVE  and clear the power-save-timer:
          movfw bTemp                  ; W := abs(freq_lo - psave_freq_lo)
          sublw PSAVE_MAX_DIFF         ; W := PSAVE_MAX_DIFF - W  ; C=0 if result negative (=large f-diff)
          btfsc STATUS,C               ; skip next instruction if large frequency difference
          goto  PsSmallDiff            ; 
PsLargeDiff: ; Arrived here: there's a LARGE difference between 'current' and 'old' frequency
          bcf    PSFLAG_ACTIVE         ; Back to normal display mode
          clrf   psave_timer           ; restart 'power-save' activation timer (with display ON)
          movfw  freq_lo               ; set 'current' frequency as new 'old' frequency...
          movwf  psave_freq_lo         ; for the next XX-second interval !
          goto   PsNotBlanked
PsSmallDiff: ; Arrived here: there's only a SMALL difference between 'current' and 'old' frequency .
          btfsc  PSFLAG_ACTIVE         ; power-save already 'ACTIVE' ?
          goto   PsActive              ; yes, already active -> check for flash-up
          ; Check the power-save timer; it may be time to turn the display OFF now :
          movfw  psave_timer           ; if(psave_timer > PSAVE_DELAY_TIME ) ...
          sublw  PSAVE_DELAY_TIME      ; subtract #PSAVE_DELAY_TIME - W -> C=0 if result negative
          btfsc  STATUS,C              ; skip next instruction if carry=0 (PSAVE_DELAY_TIME-W < 0)
          goto   PsNoTimeout           ; psave_timer still low, no 'timeout' yet !
          ; Arrived here: Display was on, but almost no change in frequency -> enter power-saving mode
          movlw  PSAVE_FLASHUP_TIME-1  ; let display flash up once before turning off
          movwf  psave_timer           ; ... to avoid overflow when incrementing it later
          bsf    PSFLAG_ACTIVE         ; set the flag 'power-save ACTIVE' to blank the display
          movfw  freq_lo               ; save low-byte of frequency when ENTERING power-save mode
          movwf  psave_freq_lo
          goto   PsSleep               ; sleep for the first 600-millisecond-interval now

PsActive: ; Here if power-saving mode already active .
          ; Check it it's time to let the display flash up for a short time 
          ; to show the operator we're still alive !
          movfw  psave_timer           ; if(psave_timer > PSAVE_DELAY_TIME ) ...
          sublw  PSAVE_FLASHUP_TIME    ; subtract #PSAVE_FLASHUP_TIME - W -> C=0 if result negative
          btfsc  STATUS,C              ; skip next instruction if (PSAVE_FLASHUP_TIME-psave_timer) < 0
          goto   PsSleep               ; psave_timer still low, don't 'flash up' yet !
PsFlashUp: clrf  psave_timer           ; prepare timer for next period of darkness
          movfw  freq_lo               ; avoid turning the display on ..
          movwf  psave_freq_lo         ;   .. if the VFO is only "slowly creeping"
          clrf   psave_timer           ; restart 'power-save' activation timer (with display OFF)
          goto   PsNotBlanked          ; and let the display flash up for one gate interval

PsNoTimeout: ; small frequency difference, AND psave_timer still low..
          ; Already in "power-save"-mode or normal display ?
          btfss  PSFLAG_ACTIVE         ; check the flag 'power-save ACTIVE'
          goto   PsNotBlanked          ; not set -> normal display (not blanked)
          ; Arrived here: 'Saving power', which means the display 
          ;   is blanked MOST of the time (but it may flash up every XX seconds
          ;   to show the operator we're still alive) .
PsSleep:  call   Sleep150ms            ; put CPU to sleep for ~500 milliseconds..
          call   Sleep150ms
          call   Sleep150ms
          goto   CheckProgMode         ; skip integer->BCD conversion (save power)

PsNotBlanked: ; Display is not blanked for power-saving mode at the moment.
          ; If this 'absolute difference' is quite large,
          ; clear the power-save timer to prevent turning off the display
          ; within the next XX seconds :
          ; Reload the power-save-timer if there was a significant change
          ; since the last comparison. 

PrepDisp: ; Prepare the frequency (32-bit 'unadjusted' integer) for display:
          ; Multiply freq by 2^adjust_shifts to adjust for the prescaling 

; WQS 2 frequency in Hz here

          ; and the timing period .  The result will be a frequency in HERTZ, 32-bit integer.

          ; Note: the adjustment factor may be ONE which means no shift at all.
          tstf  adjust_shifts
          bz    NoAdjust   
Adjust:   clrc                          
          rlf freq_lo , f 
          rlf freq_ml , f
          rlf freq_mh , f
          rlf freq_hi , f
          decfsz adjust_shifts, f
          goto Adjust

; WAS 3

          ; Check the result against under- and overflow.
          ; (There should be none if the frequency didn't change too rapidly
          ;  between the range-detection and the actual measurement )
          movfw freq_hi                 ; underflow (freq = 0) ?
          iorwf freq_mh,w
          iorwf freq_ml,w
          iorwf freq_lo,w

#ifndef RS232_OUT
; WAS this causes print to skip
          bz freq_underflow             ; branch if yes
; ! RS232_OUT
          btfsc freq_hi,7               ; overflow (freq > 7FFfffffh) ?
          goto freq_overflow            ; branch if yes

; WAS 4
; freq in freq_hi, freq_mh, freq_ml, freq_lo ????
; 32 bit binary to BCD, display?

         ; Save the frequency value without offset for programming mode in 'freq2',
         ;   because 'freq' will be lost when splitting it into digits.
          movfw freq_hi
          movwf freq2_hi
          movfw freq_mh
          movwf freq2_mh
          movfw freq_ml
          movwf freq2_ml
          movfw freq_lo
          movwf freq2_lo

         ; Add the programmable frequency offset 
         ; (often used to add or subtract the intermediate frequency in superhet receivers)
          add32 freq, foffs             ; freq := freq+foffs;  32-bit

         ; If the result is negative, make it posisive
          btfss freq_hi, 7              ; bit 7 of the most significant byte is the SIGN
          goto  f_positive              ; skip the following MACRO if positive..
          neg32 freq                    ; freq := -freq  (32-bit)
          call  CvtAndDisplayFreq       ; Convert <freq> into BCD and show it on the display

          ; Arrived here, the frequency is still valid in 'freq2'
          ;   but not in 'freq'.  Poll the programming key,
          ;   maybe the user wants to save this value as the new
          ;   FREQUENCY OFFSET .

#ifdef RS232_OUT
; no prog loop in RS232_OUT, no offset, just a frequency counter.
		goto	MainLoop
; RS232_out	

          btfss   IOP_PROG_MODE        ; Button "program mode" pressed ?
          goto    EnterProgLoop        ;  Yes, enter programming mode !
#endif ; not DEBUG

          goto MainLoop                ; end of main loop

; frequency underflow (frequency < 1Hz)

          movlw BLANK                   ; display underflow as "   0[0]"
          call conv_char0               
          movlw BLANK
          call conv_char1
          movlw BLANK
          call conv_char2
          movlw 0                       ; why not 'zero' in the last digit ?                   
          call conv_char3
          movlw BLANK
          call conv_char4               ; because the 5th digit is OPTIONAL !

          goto CheckProgMode

; frequency overflow (frequency > 50MHz)

          movlw  BLANK                   ; display overflow as "   E"
          call   conv_char0
          movlw  BLANK
          call   conv_char1
          movlw  BLANK
          call   conv_char2
          movlw  CHAR_E
          call   conv_char3
          movlw  BLANK
          call   conv_char4               ; Note that the 5th digit is OPTIONAL !

          goto MainLoop   ; end of main loop

; program loop :  
;  - show a simple menu to select ADD or SUBTRACT offset,
;  - save the frequency offset value permanently in DATA EEPROM,
;  - return to the main loop when done .

ProgModeDisplay   ; Subroutine to update the LED display in programming mode + delay
          movlw (PROGMODE_LOOPS)>>8     ; high byte for delay loops (usually 0.1 second)
          movwf  gatecnt_hi
          movlw (PROGMODE_LOOPS)&0ffh   ; low byte for delay loops
          movwf  gatecnt_lo
          goto   count_pulses   ; update mux display + some delay + return

PmDisp_Quit: ; show "quit" on first 4 digits (quit programming mode)
          movlw  CHAR_Q
          call   conv_char0
          movlw  CHAR_u
          call   conv_char1
          movlw  CHAR_i
          call   conv_char2
          movlw  CHAR_t
PmDisp4:  call   conv_char3      ; for menu items with 4 characters
          movlw  BLANK
PmDisp5:  call   conv_char4
          goto   ProgModeDisplay

PmDisp_PSave: ; show "PSave" or "Pnorm", depending on power-save flag
          btfss  OPT_PWRSAVE    ; Power-save mode active ?
          goto   PMD_NoPwSave   
          movlw  CHAR_P         ; if so, print "PSAVE"..
          call   conv_char0
          movlw  CHAR_S
          call   conv_char1
          movlw  CHAR_A
          call   conv_char2
          movlw  CHAR_V
          call   conv_char3
          movlw  CHAR_E
          goto   PmDisp5
PMD_NoPwSave:                   ; else print "NoPSV"
          movlw  CHAR_N
          call   conv_char0
          movlw  CHAR_o
          call   conv_char1
          movlw  CHAR_P
          call   conv_char2
          movlw  CHAR_S
          call   conv_char3
          movlw  CHAR_V
          goto   PmDisp5

PmDisp_Add:  ; show "Add " on first 4 digits (add frequency offset)
          movlw  CHAR_A
          call   conv_char0
          movlw  CHAR_d
          call   conv_char1
          movlw  CHAR_d
          call   conv_char2
          movlw  BLANK
          goto   PmDisp4
PmDisp_Sub:  ; show "Sub " on first 4 digits (subtract frequency offset)
          movlw  CHAR_S
          call   conv_char0
          movlw  CHAR_u
          call   conv_char1
          movlw  CHAR_b
          call   conv_char2
          movlw  BLANK
          goto   PmDisp4
PmDisp_Zero: ; show "Zero" on first 4 digits (set frequency offset to zero)
          movlw  CHAR_Z
          call   conv_char0
          movlw  CHAR_E
          call   conv_char1
          movlw  CHAR_r
          call   conv_char2
          movlw  CHAR_o
          goto   PmDisp4
PmDisp_StIF: ; show "taBLE" on first 4 digits (select standard IF)
          movlw  CHAR_t
          call   conv_char0
          movlw  CHAR_A
          call   conv_char1
          movlw  CHAR_b
          call   conv_char2
          movlw  CHAR_L
          call   conv_char3
          movlw  CHAR_E
          call   conv_char4
          goto   ProgModeDisplay
PmDisp_IF_1: ; show 1st standard IF from table
          movlw  EEPROM_ADR_STD_IF_TABLE + 4*0
          goto   PmLoadFreq2
PmDisp_IF_2: ; show 2nd standard IF from table
          movlw  EEPROM_ADR_STD_IF_TABLE + 4*1
          goto   PmLoadFreq2
PmDisp_IF_3: ; show 3rd standard IF from table
          movlw  EEPROM_ADR_STD_IF_TABLE + 4*2
          goto   PmLoadFreq2
PmDisp_IF_4: ; show 4th standard IF from table
          movlw  EEPROM_ADR_STD_IF_TABLE + 4*3
          goto   PmLoadFreq2
PmDisp_IF_5: ; show 5th standard IF from table
          movlw  EEPROM_ADR_STD_IF_TABLE + 4*4
          goto   PmLoadFreq2
PmLoadFreq2: ; Load <freq2> from EEPROM[w] and show it on the display
          movwf  bTemp
          movlw  freq2          ; load the ADDRESS of 'freq2' ...
          movwf  FSR            ; ... into the PIC's "pointer" register
          movfw  bTemp          ; and the EEPROM-internal offset into W
          call  EEPROM_Read4Byte  ; read <freq2> from EEPROM : *FSR = EEPROM[W]
          movlw  freq2          ; load the ADDRESS of 'freq2' again ...
          movwf  FSR            ; ... into the PIC's "pointer" register
          call   ShowInt32_FSR    ; Splitt <*FSR> (32 bit integer) to 8 BCD-digits...
          goto   ProgModeDisplay  ; and show it for 0.1 seconds, maybe more

; "Execution" of the selectable menu items. Invoked after long key press.
PmExec_Quit:  ; quit programming mode (without changing anything)
          goto   MainRestart

PmExec_PSave: ; turn power-saving mode on/off
          movlw  0x01           ; bit0 = power-save
          xorwf  options,f      ; toggle Power-save flag in sofware-"options" register
          movlw  options        ; load the ADDRESS of 'options' ...
          movwf  FSR            ; ... into the PIC's "pointer" register
          movlw  EEPROM_ADR_OPTIONS ; load the EEPROM-internal address offset (=destination)
          call   SaveInEEPROM   ; write *FSR into EEPROM[w]     (bits 31..24)
          goto   ProgModeDisplay

PmExec_Add:  ; add frequency offset from now on .
             ; This is achieved by saving the currently measured frequency
             ; in EEPROM memory and restarting the counter.
SaveFreq2:   ; save <freq2> (4 bytes) in the PIC's EEPROM memory :
          movlw  freq2          ; load the ADDRESS of 'freq2' ...
          movwf  FSR            ; ... into the PIC's "pointer" register
          movlw  EEPROM_ADR_FREQ_OFFSET ; load the EEPROM-internal address offset (=destination)
          call   SaveInEEPROM   ; write *FSR into EEPROM[w]     (bits 31..24)
          incf   FSR, f         ; next source address please
          movlw  EEPROM_ADR_FREQ_OFFSET+1 ; next destination address
          call   SaveInEEPROM   ; write *FSR into EEPROM[w]     (bits 23..16)
          incf   FSR, f         ; next source address please
          movlw  EEPROM_ADR_FREQ_OFFSET+2 ; next destination address
          call   SaveInEEPROM   ; write *FSR into EEPROM[w]     (bits 15..8)
          incf   FSR, f         ; next source address please
          movlw  EEPROM_ADR_FREQ_OFFSET+3 ; next destination address
          call   SaveInEEPROM   ; write *FSR into EEPROM[w]     (bits 7..0)
          goto   MainRestart    ; restart with new frequency offset

PmExec_Sub: ; subtract frequency offset from now on
            ; This is achieved by making 'freq2' negative (two's complement)
            ; and then saving it in EEPROM.
          neg32  freq2          ; freq2 := -freq2  (32 bit)
          goto   SaveFreq2      ; save freq2 in EEPROM and restart

PmExec_Zero: ; set frequency offset to zero
          clrf   freq2_hi       ; freq2 := 0       (32 bit)
          clrf   freq2_mh       ; ... medium high byte
          clrf   freq2_ml       ; ... medium low byte
          clrf   freq2_lo       ; ... low byte
          goto   SaveFreq2      ; save freq2 in EEPROM and restart
PmExec_StIF   ; switch to  "Standard IF selection mode"
          movlw  MI_IF_1
PmExec_SetMI: movwf  menu_index
          goto   ProgLoop       ;

PmExec_SelIF  ; Finished selecting a "standard IF" from table.
              ; Switch back to the main menu, and let 
              ; the user decide if the offset is positive (add) 
              ; or negative (sub).
          movlw  MI_ADD         ; Suggestion: ADD the offset
          goto   PmExec_SetMI

       ; Prepare 'program mode' : 
          clrf   menu_index

       ; Show "Prog" on the display
          movlw  CHAR_P
          call   conv_char0
          movlw  CHAR_r
          call   conv_char1      ; show "Prog" on the display..
          movlw  CHAR_o
          call   conv_char2
          movlw  CHAR_G
          call   conv_char3
          movlw  BLANK           ; Note that the 5th digit is OPTIONAL so we don't use it here
          call   conv_char4
          ; wait until the operator releases the "Prog" key, while display runs
Enter2:   call   ProgModeDisplay ; update mux display + provide some delay
          btfss  IOP_PROG_MODE   ; Button "program mode" still pressed ?
          goto   Enter2          ; yes, continue loop while displaying "Prog"

          incf  blinker, f       ; Toggle the blink flag (for flashing for kHz-point)
       ; Show "quit", "add", "sub", "zero", ... on the display depending on menu_index (0..3)
          call   PMDisplay       ; show  string[menu_index] on LED display (from table)
          btfsc  IOP_PROG_MODE   ; "program key" pressed now ? (low means pressed)
          goto   ProgLoop        ; no, wait until user presses it
       ; Arrived here, the key is PRESSED. The question is how long...
       ;  A short press means "advance to the next menu index" ,
       ;  a longer press means "execute the selected function" .
       ; Everything under 1 second is considered a "short press".
          movlw  .10             ; 10 * 0.1 sec
          movwf  menu_timer
ChkKey:   btfsc  IOP_PROG_MODE   ; "program key" still pressed ? (low means pressed)
          goto   ShortPress      ; no, key released, it was a SHORT press (less than 0.5 seconds)
          call   ProgModeDisplay ; wait another 100 milliseconds
          decfsz menu_timer, f   ; decrement timer and skip next instruction if NOT zero 
          goto   ChkKey          ; 
        ; Arrived here, it's a LONG key press, but the key is still down..
        ; Wait until the operator releases the "Prog" key 
        ;  Show a BLINKING display while the button is pressed,
        ;  as an indicator for the user to release the button now.
Release2: call   ClearDisplay    ; fill display latch with blanking pattern
          call   ProgModeDisplay ; show blank display for 0.1 seconds
          call   PMDisplay       ; show string[menu_index] for 0.1 seconds
          btfss  IOP_PROG_MODE   ; Button "program mode" still pressed ?
          goto   Release2        ; yes, wait for button release, otherwise..  
          goto   PMExecute       ; Execute the function belonging to menu_index

ShortPress:  ; advance to the next menu index, but don't execute the associated function
          movfw  menu_index
          sublw  MI_INDEX_MAX    ; subtract #MI_INDEX_MAX - W register -> C=0 if result negative ("W too large")
          btfsc  STATUS,Z        ; skip next instruction if Z=0
          goto   LastMainMenu    ; Z=1 means "this is the last item in the main menu"
          btfss  STATUS,C        ; skip next instruction if C=1
          goto   NotMainMenu     ; C=0 means "this is not the main menu"
          incf   menu_index, f   ; menu_index := menu_index+1
          goto   ProgLoop  ; end of programming loop
          clrf   menu_index      ; wrap to 1st menu index
          goto   ProgLoop  
NotMainMenu:   ; not main menu, but sub-menu ..
          movfw  menu_index
          sublw  MI_IF_SUBMENU_MAX ; subtract #MI_.. - W register -> C=0 if result negative ("W too large")
          btfsc  STATUS,Z        ; skip next instruction if Z=0
          goto   LastIfSubMenu   ; Z=1 means "this is the last item in the main menu"
          btfss  STATUS,C        ; skip next instruction if C=1
          goto   NotIfSubMenu    ; C=0 means "this is not the main menu"
          incf   menu_index, f   ; menu_index := menu_index+1  (in submenu)
          goto   ProgLoop        ;
LastIfSubMenu:  ; was in the last "standard IF submenu"..
          movlw  MI_IF_1         ; back to the 1st standard IF submenu
          movwf  menu_index
          goto   ProgLoop  
NotIfSubMenu:   ; was not in the "standard IF submenu"..
          clrf   menu_index      ; must be an error; back to main menu
          goto   ProgLoop  

  END   ; directive 'end of program'

file: /Techref/microchip/freq2rs232-jp.htm, 114KB, , updated: 2010/4/12 13:30, local time: 2024/10/6 03:18,

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Quick, Easy and CHEAP! RCL-1 RS232 Level Converter in a DB9 backshell
Ashley Roll has put together a really nice little unit here. Leave off the MAX232 and keep these handy for the few times you need true RS232!

























