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BOB is a nice little board that can do a lot:

And all of those can be connected in interesting ways. For example:

Special Offer: Contribute source code, written to work on any of the PIC's supported by this board, using the pin assignments specified below, and receive a pair of boards, any of the parts listed above, and color printed copies of the schematic to use in implementing / debugging your code. All code must be released via an open source license such as GPL. All code must be written for freely available IDE/assembler/compilers such as MPLAB and the non-optimized, free, C compilers.

Changes between version 4-5 and version 6 are indicated in green

This spreadsheet lists the pins and shows how they are shared. Be sure to select the correct version in the tabs below.

The FTDI friend standard pinout does not match the BOB's serial connector pinout. Power and Ground are reversed. An FTDI has power on pin 3 and ground on pin 1, the BOB has power on pin 1 and ground on pin 3. Other that that... Ms. Lincoln... they are the same.

Mechanically, the board is 3.66" x 2.30" with 0.13" or 1/8" diameter mounting holes positioned as follows:
(measured from the left and bottom of the PCB when upright; LCD and switch silkscreen visable)

# From
1 3.20", 0.10"
2 1.20", 0.10"
3 0.10", 0.50"
4 3.55", 1.13"
5 0.10", 2.15"

See also:


file: /Techref/microchip/bob.htm, 8KB, , updated: 2022/1/3 12:58, local time: 2024/9/17 09:58,

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