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Language Pcl LJ1828.ASC


     The RT command draws an arc segment, using relative
     coordinates, from a starting point through an
     intermediate point to an end point.  For more
     information see the PCL 5 Printer Language Technical
     Reference Manual.
     LEGEND: Ec = [Ctrl] [P] Esc} in DOS EDIT
     EcE                           Resets the Printer.
     Ec%0B                         Enters HP-GL/2 mode.
     IN;                           Initializes HP-GL/2 mode.
     SP1;                          Selects pen number 1
                                   (black). Even though
                                   there is no physical pen,
                                   the SP command must be
                                   used to enable printing.
     PA1000,100;                   Specifies the absolute
                                   point (1000,100) as the
                                   starting location of the
     PR;PD1500,0;                  Specifies relative
                                   plotting, pen down, and
                                   draws a line (1500,0)
                                   relative plotter units
                                   from the current pen
                                   location of (1000,100).
     PU-1850,1050;PD350,0;         Lifts the pen, moves to (-
                                   1850,1050) in relative
                                   coordinates, places the
                                   pen down, and draws a
                                   line 350 plu in the X
     PU-350,-700;PD350,0;          Lifts the pen, moves (-
                                   350,-700) plu from the
                                   current location, places
                                   the pen down, and draws a
                                   line 350 plu in the X
     PU0,-350;PD0,1500,1500,0;     Lifts the pen, moves 350
                                   plu to the left, places
                                   the pen down, draws a
                                   line 1500 plu up and then
                                   another line 1500 units
                                   to the right.
     RT700,-750,0,-1500;           Draws an arc from the
                                   current pen position
                                   through a point (700,-
                                   750) plu away, with an
                                   ending point (0,-1500)
                                   plu from the beginning of
                                   the arc.
     PU700,850;PD;                 Lifts the pen and moves
                                   it (700,850) plu from the
                                   current pen position;
                                   then puts the pen down.
     RT100,-100,0,-200;            Draws an arc from the
                                   current pen position,
                                   through a point (100,-
                                   100) plu away, to an
                                   ending point (0,-200)
                                   from the starting point
                                   of the arc.
     PU100,100;PD200,0;            Lifts the pen and moves
                                   it (100,100) plu from the
                                   current pen position,
                                   places the pen down and
                                   draws a line 200 plu in
                                   the X direction.
     Ec%0A                         Enters the PCL mode.
     EcE                           Sends a reset to end the
                                   job and eject the page.
            Copyright  Hewlett-Packard Co. 1993
   The information contained herein is subject to change
                      without notice.
   Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for incidental or
  consequential damages in connection with the use of this

file: /Techref/language/pcl/lj1828.asc, 4KB, , updated: 1993/11/15 17:09, local time: 2024/9/17 12:50,

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