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Electronic Forms Plus Folio Data Macro ID numbers


ID# Description Description when printing
a "Direct Bill Invoice"
1001 Guest Name. Bill-to Company Name
1002 Guest Address 1. Bill-to Company Address1
1003 Guest Address 2. Bill-to Company Address2
1004 Guest City, State,ZIP. Bill-to Company City, State, Zip.
1017 "INVOICE"
1018 (Always empty) Guest Name (who incurred the charge) FOR: MR. JAMES NEWTON
1021 Folio#. Folio#.
1030 Room. Room.
1031 Guest Company. ATTN to: name
1035 Date. Date.
1036 Page#. Page#.
1038 Booking Number Booking Number
1039 Clerk. Clerk.
1041 Package Package
1042 VIP Code VIP Code
1043 Balance Balance
1044 Status. Status.
1070 Property Name
1071 Property Address 1
1072 Property Address 2
1073 Property City
1074 Property State
1075 Property ZIP
1076 Property Phone
1100 DataArea
(when seperate
column data  is
not available)

file: /Techref/language/pcl/efpclsfoliodata.htm, 4KB, , updated: 2003/7/7 17:13, local time: 2024/9/18 02:32,

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