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Hot Lists Keep Track of Interesting Web Pages

AOLpress also allows you to keep a Hot List  from session to session. This is a list of Web sites (URLs) that you think you might visit frequently, or that you want to remember and access easily. Unlike the history list, the Hot List is maintained after you finish your session and exit AOLpress.

This list is stored in your AOLpress preferences file (navipres.prf). Deleting this file erases your hot list.

To add a page to the Hot List:

  1. Go to that page in the Page Window (enter the URL in the Location field below the toolbar, or if you have visited it already choose it either from the Browse Global History menu or by scrolling the arrow to the right of the Location field).
  2. Choose the menu item Browse Add To Hot List to add the page to the list.

To open a page using the Hot List:

  1. To see your hot list, choose the menu item Browse Hot List.
  2. Double-clicking on any entry in the Hot List brings up that page in the Page Window. Or, you can single-click on any entry to select it, then click the Fetch button.
  3. You can open a Hot List item without opening a new page by using the Copy URL button to copy the URL of an item to the clipboard. Then, in a Page Window, paste the URL into the Location field below the toolbar.

Edit and Format the Hot List

When you add a page to your Hot List, it is added to the end of the list. You can edit and rearrange your Hot List. The buttons in the Hot List have these functions:

 Fetch Causes the selected page to be displayed in the Page Window. Click on Fetch after you have selected an entry from the list.
Close Closes the Hot List Window.
Copy URL Copies the URL of the selection. You may then Paste the URL.
Move Up Select an entry, a separator, or a label. Click Move Up to raise the selection one notch up the list.
Move Down Select an entry, a separator, or a label. Click Move Down to lower the selection one notch down the list.
Add Label Allows you to add a label above a selection in the list. When you click on Add Label, a window appears and asks you for the name of the label. Type the name in the box indicated.
Add Separator Adds a line across the list above the selected item.
Remove Removes the selection from the list.
Help Invokes the help window about the Hot List.

Help Table of Contents
file: /Techref/language/html/HELP/refer/hotlist.htm, 4KB, , updated: 1997/3/23 18:30, local time: 2024/9/17 20:57,

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<A HREF=""> The hotlist of frequently used pages</A>

After you find an appropriate page, you are invited to your to this massmind site! (posts will be visible only to you before review) Just type a nice message (short messages are blocked as spam) in the box and press the Post button. (HTML welcomed, but not the <A tag: Instead, use the link box to link to another page. A tutorial is available Members can login to post directly, become page editors, and be credited for their posts.

Link? Put it here: 
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Quick, Easy and CHEAP! RCL-1 RS232 Level Converter in a DB9 backshell
Ashley Roll has put together a really nice little unit here. Leave off the MAX232 and keep these handy for the few times you need true RS232!

























