Overview of Account Reconcilement | ............................. | 1 |
Using This Guide | ............................. | I |
Getting Help | ............................. | 2 |
Transmitting Data | ............................. | 3 |
The Account Reconcilement Transmission System | ............................. | 3 |
Security Procedures | ............................. | 3 |
Transmission Line Requirements | ............................. | 4 |
Input/Output Transmission Schedules | ............................. | 6 |
Transmission Sequence | ............................. | 6 |
File Format Options | ............................. | 7 |
Data Integrity | ............................. | 7 |
Sending and Receiving Data Using Magnetic Media | ............................. | 8 |
Magnetic Tape Specifications | ............................. | 8 |
Cartridge Tape Specifications | ............................. | 8 |
Diskette Specifications | ............................. | 9 |
File Format Options | ............................. | 10 |
Data Integrity | ............................. | 10 |
Using the Account Reconcilement Service | ............................. | 11 |
Getting Started | ............................. | 11 |
Testing the Service | ............................. | 11 |
Accessing Data through EREC | ............................. | 12 |
Appendix A: Logon Record | ............................. | A-1 |
'LOGDX' Record Format | ............................. | A-1 |
Appendix B: Input Formats | ............................. | B-1 |
Option 1 | ............................. | B-1 |
Option 2 | ............................. | B-1 |
Option 3 | ............................. | B-1 |
File Formats | ............................. | B-2 |
File Header Record | ............................. | B-2 |
Detail Record | ............................. | B-3 |
File Trailer Record | ............................. | B-3 |
Appendix c: Output Formats | ............................. | C-1 |
Partial and Deposit Reconcilement | ............................. | C-1 |
Header Record | ............................. | C-1 |
Detail Record | ............................. | C-2 |
Trailer Record | ............................. | C-2 |
Full Account Reconcilement | ............................. | C-3 |
Header Record | ............................. | C-3 |
Detail Record | ............................. | C-3 |
Trailer Record | ............................. | C-4 |
Paid Checks Format Option | ............................. | C-4 |
Outstanding Issue Format Option | ............................. | C-4 |
All Certification Data Format Option | ............................. | C-5 |
Electronic Reconcilement Services | ............................. | C-6 |
Header Record | ............................. | C-6 |
Detail Record | ............................. | C-7 |
Bank of America's reconcilement services provide a wide range of options to accommodate the specific requirements of your accounting system. You select the combination of options that best meets your information input and output needs. We offer three types of account reconcilement services:
Each of these account reconcilement services includes a choice of reporting options. Each can also be used with our EIectronic Reconcilement Service (EREC) that enables you to review daily posted debit and credit information on your computer terminal.
This publication defines the specifications for sending and receiving Account Reconcilement data to and from Bank of America.
We describe the bank's technical environment and the options available for data input (check issues) and output (checks paid).
Bank of America strongly recommends that data be exchanged via data transmission. It is the most secure, timely, and productive way to reconcile accounts. See "Transmitting Data, " beginning on page 3, which describes the options and requirements when transmitting data between your equipment (PC, mini-computer or mainframe computer) and the bank.
For those customers not transmitting data, we can receive input on magnetic tape, cartridge tape, or diskette. Output data can be provided on these media as well as hard copy. The physical specifications of the magnetic media are described in "Sending and Receiving Data Using Magnetic Media, " page 8.
If you have any questions or require further information please contact the Communication and Technical Support Group of Account Reconcilement Operations at (510) 675-7461.
The bank's Account Reconcilement transmission system provides flexibility in the transmission connectivity protocols, equipment, and line speeds in standard formats for the data Within certain limitations, it can also support customer formats.
The system offers:
You can choose from the three security procedures listed below. These security procedures verify the source and destination of files transferred between your company and the bank. They do not, however, detect errors in the transmission or in the file contents.
Account Reconcilement Data Communications User Guide 3
The bank's Account Reconcilement transmission system provides a standard set of connectivity options.
Additional line speeds, protocols, and line interface types may be considered upon request but could significantly delay the account opening process.
The volume, frequency, and duration of transmissions between your company and the bank must be considered when selecting the correct connectivity options. The lead time for the design, engineering, ordering, and installation activities vary greatly according to the final file delivery solution you select.
Please see the communication options listed in the table on the next page. All options may be used with either the Access Control or Security Extract security procedures.
Communication Options
Trasmission Protocol | File Transfer Protocol | Line Type | Modem/Line Speed | Communication Parameters | Time Line |
Asynchronous | XMODEM,
Switched | Hayes-compatible
14000, 9600, 4800 2400 |
1-3 weeks |
Asynchronous | Kerrnit | Switched | Hayes-compatible
9600, 4800, 2400 |
1-3 weeks |
Bisynchronous | 3780 RJE | Switched | BELL 208 A/B 4800,
CCITT V.32 9600, 4800 |
7-12, weeks May take up to 24 weeks depending on compatibility.
SNA | RJP(JES3)or RJE(JES2)-IBM NJE-JES2/3 Direct Connect | Leased via BofA SNI or third party networks | 19200/9600 BPS 56KB
19200/9600 BPS 56KB |
7-12 weeks May take up to 24 weeks depending on compatibility. |
NDM | 3770 Model 3 or 4 | Switched | V.32 9600 | Bank defined as a Node to your system.
VTAM definitions provided for cornpatibility.
7-12 weeks May take up to 24 weeks depending on compatibility. |
We will work with you to arrange a transmission schedule. The schedule defines the day and the time range that the transmissions are expected to occur. For example: Between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon daily; weekly; third business day of the month; etc.
We use this schedule to prepare for future transmissions and warn of overdue transmissions. The schedule should ensure that support personnel are available at both locations if there are problems. The transmission schedule must be in place three days before transmission begins.
If you ask the bank to initiate input transmissions, the transmissions will be attempted automatically according to the agreed schedule. If the transmission fails because the data is unavailable, you will be contacted to reschedule.
If you initiate the transmission, it will decline if the following conditions occur:
For a file to be processed on the same business day as it is transmitted, it must be received successfully before 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. A file is considered to be received successfully when it passes all security, integrity, and schedule checks. Files received beyond the deadline will be processed on the next business day.
Files received during a non-business day will be processed automatically on the next business day.
If input transmissions are initiated by your system, the File Data must be preceded by a logon record as shown in Appendix A.
If output transmissions are initiated by your system, you must transmit a logon record, as shown in Appendix A, before the bank will transmit the output file.
If the bank initiates an input or output transmission, a logon record and/or Job Control Language (JCL) identifier required by your system can be sent prior to any other data being exchanged.
The input and output file formats defined in Appendices B and C, respectively, can be modified without significantly delaying the implementation processing providing such modifications follow these rules:
Customization beyond the above specifications may be accommodated, but could lead to an extended implementation process.
The standard input format provides three options: Option I provides for the minimum data necessary to reconcile an item; Options 2 and 3 provide additional fields in which you may place data to aid in further processing of the output. Note that data provided in these additional fields in Options 2 and 3 is output only if the corresponding Certification Register format is selected.
The bank's transmission system performs extensive validation edits on the data you provide to ensure the integrity of your input.
These edits include:
You will be contacted by the Account Reconcilement department if there are any problems. Under some circumstances this may require that you correct and retransmit the file.
The bank can accept input or provide output on magnetic tape, cartridge tape or diskette.
Input or output data on magnetic tape must conform to the following specifications:
8 Account Reconcilement Data Communications User Guide
The input and output file formats defined in Appendices B and C, respectively, can be modified without significantly delaying the implementation processing providing such modifications follow these rules:
Customization beyond the above specifications may be accommodated, but could lead to an extended implementation process.
The standard input format provides three options: Option I provides for the minimum data necessary to reconcile an item; Options 2 and 3 provide additional fields in which you may place data to aid in further processing of the output. Note that data provided in these additional fields in Options 2 and 3 is output only if the corresponding Certification Register format is selected.
The bank's transmission system performs extensive validation edits on the data you provide to ensure the integrity of your input.
These edits include:
You will be contacted by the Account Reconcilement department if there are any problems. Under some circumstances this may require that you correct and retransmit the file.
Soon after ordering the Account Reconcilement Service you will be contacted by a representative of the Technical Support Group. The following steps will take place:
You will need to make decisions regarding transmission/media, connectivity, who will initiate transmissions, transmission schedules, proposed testing and implementation dates.
When the exchange of information is completed and both parties have installed the required equipment, software, or communication definitions, a number of test data exchanges will be performed to ensure the reliability of the exchange and the integrity of the data.
The time required between initial contact and implementation of production exchanges varies depending upon the type of exchange required and the possible need to order, install, and certify equipment and/or software.
Exchanging data via magnetic media requires the least time to test and establish since standard media and formats are used.
Asynchronous or bisynchronous transmission customers who have the required hardware and software installed and available can be routinely tested and implemented within 30 days.
SNA facilities require a minimum of seven weeks and a maximum of 12 weeks depending on the options chosen and the need to install lines, update system generations (SYSGENs), etc.
Once you agree to the exchange method, we will work with your technical staffto establish and test the exchange.
Full production implementation will not be established until both parties agree that all tests, transmission and file formats, and file content have been satisfactorily completed.
Data file may be accessed at any time during an active scssion on the Electronic Reconcilement service. Aer logging on, you enter the reporting function and select the items to report and the sorting sequence. You then specify the desired report number plus a "d" suffix (for example, Sd. The data file is transmitted to your PC after you respond to the prompt: Press [CRl when ready.
Your PC must be set to store and write data to disk before pressing the carriage return. When the transmission is complete, the reporting dialogue resumes at the prompt: Enter account number.
If input transmissions are initiated by your system, the File Data must be preceded by a logon record as shown below.
If output transmissions are initiated by your system, you must transmit a logon record, as shown below, before the bank will transmit the output file.
If the bank initiates an input or output transmission, a logon record and/or Job Control Language (JCL) identifier required by your system can be sent prior to any other data being exchanged.
Columns | Contents | Description |
01-05 | "LOGDX" | Constant |
06-08 | "ARC" | Constant |
09-15 | Spaces | Customer ID supplied by Bank of America |
16-25 | X (10) | File ID assigned by the bank |
26-30 | X (5) | |
31 -39 | Zeros | Password as agreed between the customer and the bank |
40-47 | X (8) | Collect/Distribute Indicator |
48-48 | C" for customer input; "D" for customer output | |
49-62 | Zeros | Distribution Sequence Number assigned by the bank |
63-64 | X (2) | |
65-80 | Spaces |
You may submit differing amounts of information depending on your needs. The input format you use will be dictated by your information needs in your Certification Register report. This report is generally printed in a three-column layout. However, if you select input Options 2 or 3, this report is printed in a two-column layout, since the entire contents of the additional descriptive fields in those options will not appear in the three-column layout. Each option is discussed below and the file specifications are described on the following pages.
Option 1 contains the most basic information. Each issue record includes:
Option 2 lets you provide the same information as Option I, as well as two additional descriptive fields for each detail record: a six-digit numeric description and an I l-digit numeric description.
You can use the numeric description to identify payables by division number, subsidiary number, or disbursement type such as payroll, specific general ledger expense line, or vendor number.
Option 3 has the same flexibility as Option 2, plus it lets you add up to 14 characters of information in an alphanumeric descriptive field. This field can be used, for example, to identify payroll employee name, dividend recipient, or a repetitive accounts payable payee.
The following formats will be used for submitting input by data transmission, magnetic tape, cartridge tape, and diskette. The input file contains fixed length 80 byte records in the sequence:
The following tables detail the record formats.
Columns | Option | Contents | Description |
01-04 | ALL | "1HDR" or
"2HDR" or "3HDR" |
Constant (Header Record)
As appropriate for Option 1, 2, or 3 |
05-15 | ALL | Blanks | |
16-19 | ALL | "-001" | Constant |
20 | ALL | Blank | |
21-30 | ALL | X(10) | Any 10 characters |
31-35 | ALL | MMDDY | Issue Dab: MM = Month; DD = Day; Y = Low Order Digit of the Year |
36-39 | ALL | "-051" | Constant |
40 | ALL | Blank | |
41-50 | ALL | BBBBTAAAAA | Commercial Account Number BBBB = Gustomer Branch Number; T = Check Digit; AAMA = Account Number- must be 10 digits with leading zeros on branch and/or account numbers |
51-58* | ALL | MMDDCCYY | MM = Month; DD = Day; CC = Century; W = Year Cutoff date. |
59* | ALL | X | Y = Yes final input; N = No, not the final input |
60-70 | ALL | Blanks | |
71-74 | ALL | "CARD" | Constant |
75-80 | ALL | Blanks |
*For transmission input only
Columns | Option | Contents | Description |
01-10 | 1, 2, 3 | N (10) | Check issue number. Right adjusted; leading zeros |
11-20 | 1, 2, 3 | $$$$$$$$cc | Right adjusted; leading zeros. For voids enter all zeros. |
21-30 | 1, 2, 3 | BBBBTAAAAA | Same as commercial account number in header record |
31-36 | 1, 2, 3 | MMDDYY | Actual date of this issue (or cancellation):
MM = Month; DD - Day; W = Two low order digits of year |
37 | 1, 2, 3 | Blank or "-" | Blank = Issue Record
"-" (Minus) = Cancellation |
38-43 | 2, 3 | N (6) | Accounting Control Number. Right adjusted; leading zeroes |
44-54 | 2, 3 | N (11) | Numeric Description Field. Right adjusted; leading zeroes.
Only low order 6 digits will appear on the three-column Certification Register |
55-78 | 3 only | Available for customer use - Entries should be left justified with trailing
spaces. If no entry, leave blank.
| Printed only on the two-column Certification Register. |
79-80 |
Columns | Option | Contents | Description |
05 | ALL | Blank | |
06-10 | ALL | N (5) | Total number of Detail Records (Issues and Cancellations) nurneric with leading zeroes |
11-30 | ALL | Blank | Should be blanks for consistency |
31-40 | ALL | N (10) | Hash Total (summation) of all Check Issue Numbers, numeric with leading zeroes |
41-50 | ALL | $$$$$$$$cc | Summation of dollar amounts (Issues and Cancellations) |
51-80 | ALL | Blanks |
Note: Dollar amounts of cancellations are to be added to the trailer summation as positive dollars.
You can receive your debit/credit reconcilement information from Bank of America by data transmission or on magnetic tape, cartridge, or diskette. This is the same data that appears on the Daily Paid Check Register, Daily Deposit Register, Cumulative Follow Sheet Paid Checks, and Cumulative Follow Sheet Deposit Register reports.
The cumulative record format used on the file is the same for monthly, weekly, or daily information. The data will be formatted to the following specifications.
The output file contains fixed length 50-byte records in the sequence:
The following tables detail the record formats.
Columns | Contents | Description |
01-10 | BBBBTAAAAA | Bank Account Number BBBB = Branch Number, T = Check Digit; AAAAA= Account Number |
11-30 | X (20) | Account Name, Left justified with trailing spaces |
31-36 | MMDDYY | Processing Date |
37-48 | Zeros | |
49-50 | 10 | Record Code |
Detail Record (Partial File)
Columns | Contents | Description |
01-10 | BBBBTAAAAA | Bank Account Number BBBB = Branch Number; T = Check Digit; AAAAA = Account Number |
11-20 | Item Serial Number, right justified and zero filled | |
21-30 | Dollar Amount | |
31-36 | Paid Date | |
37-48 | Item Sequence Number, right justified and zero filled or Trace ID | |
49-50 For early CDA transmission |
49-50 For partial output transmissions |
Columns | Contents | Description |
01-10 | BBBBTAAAAA | Bank Account Number BBBB = Branch Number; T = Check Digit; AAAAA = Account Number |
11-20 | N (10) | Summation of Item Serial Numbers, right justified, leading zeroes |
21-30 | $$$$$$$$cc | Dollar sum of Detail Records |
31-40 | Zeros | |
41-48 | N (8) | Total number of Detail Records plus company header |
49-50 | 50 | Record Code |
C2 Account Reconcilement Data Communications User Guide
The following defines the manner and options for Full Account Reconcilement output.
The output file contains 80-byte records.
Columns | Contents | Description |
01 | 1=Record ID | Constant (Header Record) |
02-11 | BBBBTAAAAA | Bank Account Number BBBB = Branch Number; T = Check Digit; AAAAA = Account Number |
12-13 | Blank | |
14-19 | MMDDYY | Certification date |
20-54 | Any 35 characters | Customer name |
55-80 | Blank |
Columns | Contents | Description |
01 | 5=Record ID | Constant (Detail Record) |
02 | Blank | |
03-12 | N (10) | Check number (maybe 0). Right adjusted; leading zeros |
13 | Blank | |
14-23 | $$$$$$$$cc | Dollar amount. Right adjusted; leading zeros |
24 | Balnk | |
25-30 | YYMMDD | Date 1 |
31-36 | YYMMDD | Date 2 |
37-38 | N (2) | Transaction identifier |
39-45 | N (7) | Pay period (accounting number) |
46-56 | N (11) | Numeric description |
57-80 | X 24) | Alphanumeric description |
Columns | Contents | Description |
01 | 9=Record ID | Constant (Trailer Record) |
02-11 | BBBBTAAAAA | Bank Account Number BBBB = Branch Number; T = Check Digit; AAAA = Account Number |
12-13 | Blank | |
14-19 | MMDDYY | Date of certification |
20-26 | N (7) | Record count |
27-29 | Blank | |
30-44 | Dollar and cents hash | |
45-80 | Blank |
The following are optional reports available to Full Account Reconcilement customers who wish to view elective file formats. Contact your Account Reconcilement customer service officer for more information.
Transaction Type | Date 1 Positions 25-30 | Date 2 Positions 31-36 | Transaction ID Positions 37-38 |
Paid Check/No Issue (INI) | 0 | Posting date | 09 |
Paid and Reconciled Check | Issue date | Posting date | 00 |
Stop Payment | Issue date (Full Stop Account) 0(Memo Stop Account) | Stop Payment Due | 20 |
Expired Stop Payment | Issue date (Full Stop Account) 0(Memo Stop Account) | Stop Payment Date | 24 |
Removed Stop Payment | Issue date (Full Stop Account) 0 (Memo Stop Account) | Stop Payment Date | 23 |
Transaction Type | Date 1 Positions 25-30 | Date 2 Positions 31-36 | Transaction ID Positions 37-38 |
Outstanding Issue | Issue date | 0 | 00 |
All Certificaton Data Format Option
Transaction Type | Date 1
Positions 25-30 |
Date 2
Positions 31-36 |
Transaction ID
Positions 37-38 |
Outstanding Issue | Issue date | 0 | 00 |
Paid Check/No Issue (INI) | 0 | Posting date | 09 |
Paid and Reconciled Check | Issue date | Posting date | 00 |
Reversed Issue | Original issue date | 0 | 01 |
Reversed Check | 0 | Original posting date | 02 |
Cancellation | Issue date | Cancellation date | 10 |
Void | 0 | Void date | 10 |
Removed Cancellation | Original issue date | Original cancellation date | 15 |
Memo Stop (Unmatched Stop for Full Stop accounts) | 0 | Stop Payment date | 20 |
Stopped Issue (Matched Stop for Memo Stop accounts) | Issue date | 0 | 30 |
Full Stop (Matched Stop for Full Stop accounts) | Issue date | Stop Payment date | 20 |
Expired Stop Payment | Issue date (Full Stop account) 0 (Memo Stop account) | Original Stop Payment date | 24 |
Removed Stop Payment | Issue date (Full Stop account) 0 (Memo Stop account) | Original Stop Payment date | 23 |
The following tables show how debit/credit reconcilement information is reported to users online through Bank of America's Electronic Reconcilement service (EREC).
Data files can be loaded into Lotus 1-2-3 and MicrosoR Excel spreadsheets as "PRN" files. Records can be as short as 45 characters or as long as 65 characters with no packed fields. Alphanumeric fields are enclosed in quotation marks; numeric fields are not.
Records are not blocked and characters are transmitted in ASCII format. No error checking (except for parity checking) is done by protocol.
Columns | Contents | Description |
01-30 | Constant | Information network - account |
31 | Blank | |
32-42 | BBBBTAAAAA | BBBB=customer branch number
T=check digit AAAAA=account number |
43 | Blank | |
44 | Constant | -(Hyphen is literal.) |
45 | Blank | |
46-53 | X (8) | Account name |
C-6 Account Reconcilement Data Communications User Guide
Columns | Contents | Description |
01-03 | N (3) | Numeric transaction code |
4 | Blank | |
05-07 | "X" | Alphanumeric error code (quotations are literals) |
8 | Blank | |
09-11 | "X" | Alphanumeric out of sequence code (quotations are literals) |
12 | Blank | |
13-22 | N (10) | Item number (check number or deposit location number, right justified) |
23-24 | Blank | |
25-35 | $$$$$$$$.cc | Dollar amount. Right justified; leading zeros are blank |
36 | Blank | |
37-42 | YYMMDD | Date the item posted to bank's books |
43 | Blank | |
44-58 | N (15) | Trace identification number. Left justified |
59 | Blank | |
60-65 | YYMMDD | Correction date (if any) |
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