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Scenix Lib IO OSI2 IR DA Frame.src

FrameInfoSeg		MACRO
; Receive  : Processes incomming characters and passes payload to payload layer
; Transmit : Frames and applies transparency to payload data
; Normal Frame Format:  Allowable:  Send:
;   n * FF		n >= 0      n = 10
;   n * BOF		n >= 1      n = 1
;   n * Payload data
;   2 * FCS
;   1 * EOF
; FCS - Frame Check Sequence
;   16 bit CCITT CRC sent low byte first
;   Transmit : send the complement of the calculated FCS
;   Receive  : include FCS bytes in calculation of the FCS, FCS will equal $f0b8 if valid
;   Note : FCS covers the payload data only.
;          It is calculated prior to adding any transparency bytes (ie FCS bytes must also be transparent).
; Transparency:
;   CE(=$7D)	indicates transparency issue
;   CE EOF	incicates sender has terminated packet
;   CE BOF	indicates sender has restarted payload
;   CE *	anything else: XOR with $20 to recover origional data
;Asynchronous Events
;	a2flRxAvail()					;Signal to indicate that a byte has been received
;	a2flTxEmpty()					;Signal to indicate that the last byte has finished transmitting
;	fl2plRxData(w=Data)				;Data byte from frame
;	fl2plRxValid()					;Payload data is complete and valid
;	fl2plRxError()					;Payload data contains errors
;	pl2flRxIgnore() call				;Return to idle state thus terminating any frame being received
;	pl2flTxStart()					;Request from payload layer to send a frame - Does not test for media busy
;	fl2plTxData(ret w=Data ret z=Last) call		;Request data from payload layer - Z flag is set if its the last byte
;	fl2plTxComplete()				;Inform payload layer that the transmission is complete
; - The Rx code does not time out but is reset by calling RxIgnore, by receiving a new frame, or by transmitting a frame
; - If a frame is transmitted (TxStart) while a frame is being recieved the RxCode will reset to the idle state
;   without indicating an error (RxError).

FrameDataSeg		MACRO

		org	$38

flBank		= 	$38			;8 bytes used - Note bank shared with Uart

flState		ds	1			;flBank - current state
flData		ds	1			;flBank - storage for a byte received
flPosition	ds	1			;flBank - Counter used to count the FF codes at start of frame and to keep track of buffer
flBuffer	ds	2			;flBank - 2 byte buffer to delay the passing of payload data to allow the removal of the FCS
flFFCount	ds	1			;flBank - number of FFs to send at the start of each packet
flFCSl		ds	1			;flBank - 16-bit FCS value (low byte)
flFCSh		ds	1			;flBank - 16-bit FCS value (high byte)

flRxState		= %00000000
flTxState		= %10000000

flRxBeginState		= 1 + flRxState		;waiting for start of payload
flRxPayloadState	= 2 + flRxState		;receiving payload data
flRxCtrlState		= 3 + flRxState		;waiting for byte after CE code

flTxBeginState		= 1 + flTxState		;sending initial FF bytes
flTxCtrlState		= 2 + flTxState		;waiting to send an encoded payload data byte
flTxPayloadState	= 3 + flTxState		;waiting to send another payload byte
flTxFCSlState		= 4 + flTxState		;waiting to send FCSl
flTxFCShState		= 5 + flTxState		;waiting to send FCSh
flTxSendEndState	= 6 + flTxState		;waiting to send EOF to close frame
flTxWaitEndState	= 7 + flTxState		;waiting for EOF to finish begin sent

BOF			= $C0	; = %11000000	;Beginning of Frame code (refer IrLAP specification)
EOF			= $C1	; = %11000001	;End of Frame code (refer IrLAP specification)
CE			= $7D	; = %01111101	;Control Escape code (refer IrLAP specification)

ValidFCSh		= $F0
ValidFCSl		= $B8


FrameCodeSeg		MACRO

;********** a2flReset **********

	bank	IsrBank
	mov	IrdaSpeed, #Irda9600		;IrDA UART speed = 9600
	bank	flBank
	clr	flState				;Reset to idle state
	mov	flFFCount, #10			;Default to 10 FFs @ 9600 = 10.42ms

;********** a2flRxAvail **********

a2flRxAvail					;The IrdaRxAvail flag was set
	bank	IsrBank
	mov	w, IrdaData			;Get received byte
	clrb	IrdaRxAvail			;Clear flag
	bank	flBank
	snb	flState.7			;Current state = receiving or idle ?
	retp					;No => ignore (do not need to inform lap layer of media busy as in transmit mode)
	mov	flData, w			;Store byte that was received
	debug	PhysicalDataRx			;Debug: pass data received
	call	@fl2lapMediaBusy		;Inform lap layer of media busy
	bank	flBank
	mov	w, flState			;Jump based on state
	jmp	PC+w
	jmp	flRxIdle			; 0 = Idle
	jmp	flRxBegin			; 1 = flRxBeginState
	jmp	flRxPayload			; 2 = flRxPayloadState
	jmp	flRxCtrl			; 3 = flRxCtrlState

;********** a2flTxEmpty **********

a2flTxEmpty					;From physical layer: Last byte has finished transmitting
	bank	IsrBank
	clrb	IrdaTxEmpty			;Clear flag
	bank	flBank
	sb	flState.7			;Check that it is a TxState
	retp					;Rx state or idle => return
	mov	w, flState			;Jump based on state
	and	w, #%01111111			;Remove Tx state flag
	jmp	PC+w
	retp					; 0 = Invalid state
	jmp	flTxBegin			; 1 = flTxBeginState
	jmp	flTxCtrl			; 2 = flTxCtrlState
	jmp	flTxPayload			; 3 = flTxPayloadState
	jmp	flTxFCSl			; 4 = flTxFCSlState
	jmp	flTxFCSh			; 5 = flTxFCShState
	jmp	flTxSendEnd			; 6 = flTxSendEndState
	jmp	flTxWaitEnd			; 7 = flTxWaitEndState

;********** pl2flRxIgnore **********

	bank	flBank
	clr	flState				;Reset to idle state

;  FRAMING LAYER - FCS Subroutines

;********** FCS Subroutines **********

flFCSa		=	Temp			;Global - Tempory varable used in the FCS calculation

	mov	w, #$ff				;Init FCS to $FFFF
	mov	flFCSh, w			;Init FCS to $FFFF
	mov	flFCSl, w			;Init FCS to $FFFF

flFCSData					;Add data to FCS (w = Data) (must be in flBank)
	xor	flFCSl, w			;FCSl[=X] = FCSl xor w
	mov	w,<>flFCSl			;w = FCSl[32107654]
	and	w,#%11110000			;w = FCSl[3210oooo]
	xor	flFCSl, w			;FCSl = FCSl xor (FCSl shl 4)
						;Calculate A = FCSh
	mov	w, <>flFCSl			;w = FCSl[32107654]
	mov	flFCSa, w			;A = FCSl[32107654]
	mov	w, >>flFCSa			;w = FCSl[x3210765]
	and	w, #%00000111			;w = FCSl[ooooo765]
	xor	w, flFCSl			;w = FCSl xor (FCSl shr 5)
	mov	flFCSa, w			;store w into A = new FCSh value
						;Calculate new FCSl value
	rl	flFCSl				;
	rl	flFCSl				;
	mov	w, <<flFCSl			;w = FCSl[43210xxx]
	and	w, #%11111000			;w = FCSl[43210ooo]
	xor	w, flFCSh			;w = (FCSl shl 3) xor FCSh
	mov	flFCSl, w			;Store w into FCSl
	mov	w, <>flFCSa			;w = A[32107654]
	and	w, #%00001111			;w = A[oooo7654]
	xor	flFCSl, w			;FCSl = (FCSl shl 3) xor FCSh xor (A shr 4)
						;Store new FCSh value
	mov	w, flFCSa			;A holds FCSh value
	mov	flFCSh, w			;Store A in FCSh

;  FRAMING LAYER - Receive

flRxPassData					;Adds data (flRxData) to FCS and passes data to payload layer
	mov	w, flData			;Last byte that was received
	call	flFCSData			;Add Data to FCS value
	mov	Temp, flBuffer+1		;Shift data out of buffer
	mov	flBuffer+1, flBuffer+0		;Shift data in buffer
	mov	flBuffer+0, flData		;Shift new data into buffer
	incsz	flPosition			;Inc position, Zero ?
	retp					;No  => buffer is not full, return
	dec	flPosition			;Set position to FF to indicate buffer is still full
	mov	w, Temp				;Data to pass
	jmp	@fl2plRxData			;pass data to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction)

;********** a2flRxAvail - Idle State **********

flRxIdle					;Waiting for a BOF to indicate start of frame
	csne	flData, #BOF			;Was byte a BOF ?
	inc	flState				;Yes => BOF received indicating start of frame => change to flRxBeginState

;********** a2flRxAvail - Begin State **********

flRxBegin					;Waiting for non BOF to indicate start of data
	csne	flData, #BOF			;Was byte a BOF ?
	retp					;Yes => ignore
	csne	flData, #EOF			;Was byte a EOF indicating sender has terminated frame ?
	jmp	:Idle				;Yes => return to idle state
	csne	flData, #CE			;Was byte a CE indicating a transparency issue ?
	jmp	:Ctrl				;Yes => change to Ctrl state
	mov	flState, #flRxPayloadState	;Must be data => Payload state
	call	flFCSInit			;Init FCS
	mov	flPosition, #-3			;Init buffer position
	jmp	flRxPassData			;pass data to payload layer (payload layer issues ret instruction)
:Idle	clr	flState				;EOF indicating sender has terminated frame => return to idle state
:Ctrl	mov	flState, #flRxCtrlState		;CE indicating transparency issue => change to Ctrl state

;********** a2flRxAvail - Payload State **********

flRxPayload					;Currently receiving payload
	csne	flData, #BOF			;Was byte a BOF indicating sender has terminated the payload and started again ?
	jmp	:Begin				;Yes => terminate payload and goto Begin state
	csne	flData, #EOF			;Was byte an EOF indicating the frame/payload is complete ?
	jmp	:Idle				;Yes => signal complete payload and retpurn to idle state
	csne	flData, #CE			;Was byte a CE indicating a transparency issue ?
	jmp	:Ctrl				;Yes => change to Ctrl state
	jmp	flRxPassData			;pass data to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction)
:Begin	mov	flState, #flRxBeginState	;premature BOF => indicate payload reset to payload layer and retpurn to RxBegin State
	jmp	@fl2plRxError			;indicate error to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction)
:Idle	clr	flState				;EOF => end of frame reached => inform payload layer and retpurn to idle state
	cse	flFCSh, #ValidFCSh		;valid FCS (high) ?
	jmp	@fl2plRxError			;No => indicate reset to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction)
	cse	flFCSl, #ValidFCSl		;valid FCS (low) ?
	jmp	@fl2plRxError			;No => indicate reset to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction)
	jmp	@fl2plRxValid			;FCS valid => indicate complete to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction)
:Ctrl	mov	flState, #flRxCtrlState

;********** a2flRxAvail - Ctrl State **********

flRxCtrl					;CE has been encountered, need to check next character
	csne	flData, #BOF			;Was byte BOF indicating sender has terminated payload and started again ?
	jmp	:Begin				;Yes => restart at Begin state (Note payload layer has been passed data => must inform payload layer of reset)
	csne	flData, #EOF			;Was byte EOF indicating sender has terminated frame ?
	jmp	:Idle				;Yes => retpurn to idle (Note: payload layer has been passed any data => must inform payload layer of reset)
	mov	flState, #flRxPayloadState	;Must be data => pass data to payload layer and retpurn to payload state
	xor	flData, #$20			;Recover data
	jmp	flRxPassData			;pass data to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction)
:Begin	mov	flState, #flRxBeginState	;BOF => sender has terminated payload and started again => retpurn to begin state
	jmp	@fl2plRxError			;indicate error to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction)
:Idle	clr	flState				;EOF => sender has terminated frame => retpurn to idle state
	jmp	@fl2plRxError			;indicate error to payload layer (payload layer issues retp instruction)

;  FRAMING LAYER - Transmit

flTxSendData					;Send byte (w) now (doesn't check for busy)
	bank	IsrBank
	mov	IrdaData, w			;Byte to send
	setb	IrdaTxStart			;Send byte
	debug	PhysicalDataTx			;Debug: pass data being transmitted
	retp					;WARNING - not in flBank

;********** pl2flTxFrame **********

pl2flTxFrame					;Request to start a new frame
	bank	flBank
	mov	flState, #flTxBeginState	;Next state = begin
	mov	flPosition, flFFCount		;Counter = FFCount
	mov	w, #$FF
	jmp	flTxSendData			;Send FF (flTxSendData issues ret instruction)

;********** a2flTxEmpty - Begin State **********

flTxBegin					;Sending prefex FF bytes
	dec	flPosition			;Decrement counter
	snz					;Zero ?
	jmp	:BOF				;Yes => send BOF and set next state to send payload data
	mov	w, #$FF				;No  => Send another FF
	jmp	flTxSendData			;(TxSendData issues ret instruction)
:BOF	mov	flState, #flTxPayloadState	;Will enter flTxPayload state after BOF has been sent
	call	flFCSInit			;Init FCS
	mov	w, #BOF				;Send BOF
	jmp	flTxSendData

;********** a2flTxEmpty - Send States **********

	call	@fl2plTxData			;Get data from payload layer
	bank	flBank
	snz					;Is this the last byte ? (Z set)
	inc	flState				;Yes => Next State = FCSl
	mov	flData, w			;Store data
	debug	PayloadDataTx			;Debug: pass payload data being transmitted
	call	flFCSData			;w = flData - Add data to FCS
	jmp	flTxSend			;Check for control code and send

	mov	w, /flFCSl			;Next data to send = FCSl
	mov	flData, w			;Store in TxData
	inc	flState				;Next State = FCSh
	jmp	flTxSend			;Check for control code and send

	mov	w, /flFCSh			;Next data to send = FCSh
	mov	flData, w			;Store in TxData
	inc	flState				;Next State = End
	jmp	flTxSend			;Check for control code and send

flTxSend					;Send payload byte
	csne	flData, #BOF			;Is byte a control code ?
	jmp	:Ctrl				;Yes => transparency issue
	csne	flData, #EOF			;Is byte a control code ?
	jmp	:Ctrl				;Yes => transparency issue
	csne	flData, #CE			;Is byte a control code ?
	jmp	:Ctrl				;Yes => transparency issue
	mov	w, flData			;Yes => transmit data
	jmp	flTxSendData			;Send byte
:Ctrl	mov	flPosition, flState		;Store current state in position variable
	mov	flState, #flTxCtrlState		;Next state = TxCtrlState
	mov	w, #CE
	jmp	flTxSendData			;Send CE code (TxSendData issues ret instruction)

	mov	flState, flPosition		;Recover old state from position variable
	mov	w, flData
	xor	w, #$20				;Encode data
	jmp	flTxSendData

;********** a2flTxEmpty - SendEnd State **********

flTxSendEnd					;FCS finished => send EOF to close frame
	inc	flState				;Next state = flTxWaitEnd state
	mov	w, #EOF
	jmp	flTxSendData			;Send EOF (TxSendData issues ret instruction)

;********** a2flTxEmpty - WaitEnd State **********

flTxWaitEnd					;Frame finished and now last byte has finished sending
	clr	flState				;Return to idle state
	jmp	@fl2plTxComplete		;Inform payload layer that the transmission is complete (payload layer issues retp instruction)


file: /Techref/SCENIX/lib/io/osi2/ir/da/FRAME.SRC, 15KB, , updated: 1999/8/20 19:43, local time: 2024/10/18 04:55,

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